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Reference Model 6 (RM6): Oscillating Wave Energy Converter

Bull, Diana L.; Smith, Chris S.; Jenne, Dale S.; Jacob, Paul J.; Copping, Andrea E.; Willits, Steve W.; Fontaine, Arnold A.; Brefort, Dorian B.; Gordon, Margaret E.; Copeland, Robert G.; Jepsen, Richard A.

This report is an addendum to SAND2013-9040: Methodology for Design and Economic Analysis of Marine Energy Conversion (MEC) Technologies. This report describes an Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter reference model design in a complementary manner to Reference Models 1-4 contained in the above report. In this report, a conceptual design for an Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter (WEC) device appropriate for the modeled reference resource site was identified, and a detailed backward bent duct buoy (BBDB) device design was developed using a combination of numerical modeling tools and scaled physical models. Our team used the methodology in SAND2013-9040 for the economic analysis that included costs for designing, manufacturing, deploying, and operating commercial-scale MEC arrays, up to 100 devices. The methodology was applied to identify key cost drivers and to estimate levelized cost of energy (LCOE) for this RM6 Oscillating Water Column device in dollars per kilowatt-hour ($/kWh). Although many costs were difficult to estimate at this time due to the lack of operational experience, the main contribution of this work was to disseminate a detailed set of methodologies and models that allow for an initial cost analysis of this emerging technology. This project is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Wind and Water Power Technologies Program Office (WWPTO), within the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE). Sandia National Laboratories, the lead in this effort, collaborated with partners from National Laboratories, industry, and universities to design and test this reference model.

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Oscillating water column structural model

Copeland, Robert G.; Bull, Diana L.; Jepsen, Richard A.; Gordon, Margaret E.

An oscillating water column (OWC) wave energy converter is a structure with an opening to the ocean below the free surface, i.e. a structure with a moonpool. Two structural models for a non-axisymmetric terminator design OWC, the Backward Bent Duct Buoy (BBDB) are discussed in this report. The results of this structural model design study are intended to inform experiments and modeling underway in support of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated Reference Model Project (RMP). A detailed design developed by Re Vision Consulting used stiffeners and girders to stabilize the structure against the hydrostatic loads experienced by a BBDB device. Additional support plates were added to this structure to account for loads arising from the mooring line attachment points. A simplified structure was designed in a modular fashion. This simplified design allows easy alterations to the buoyancy chambers and uncomplicated analysis of resulting changes in buoyancy.

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Marine & hydrokinetic technology development

Jepsen, Richard A.

The Wind and Water Power Program supports the development of marine and hydrokinetic devices, which capture energy from waves, tides, ocean currents, the natural flow of water in rivers, and marine thermal gradients, without building new dams or diversions. The program works closely with industry and the Department of Energy's national laboratories to advance the development and testing of marine and hydrokinetic devices. In 2008, the program funded projects to develop and test point absorber, oscillating wave column, and tidal turbine technologies. The program also funds component design, such as techniques for manufacturing and installing coldwater pipes critical for ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) systems. Rigorous device testing is necessary to validate and optimize prototypes before beginning full-scale demonstration and deployment. The program supports device testing by providing technology developers with information on testing facilities. Technology developers require access to facilities capable of simulating open-water conditions in order to refine and validate device operability. The program has identified more than 20 tank testing operators in the United States with capabilities suited to the marine and hydrokinetic technology industry. This information is available to the public in the program's Hydrodynamic Testing Facilities Database. The program also supports the development of open-water, grid-connected testing facilities, as well as resource assessments that will improve simulations done in dry-dock and closed-water testing facilities. The program has established two university-led National Marine Renewable Energy Centers to be used for device testing. These centers are located on coasts and will have open-water testing berths, allowing researchers to investigate marine and estuary conditions. Optimal array design, development, modeling and testing are needed to maximize efficiency and electricity generation at marine and hydrokinetic power plants while mitigating nearby and distant impacts. Activities may include laboratory and computational modeling of mooring design or research on device spacing. The geographies, resources, technologies, and even nomenclature of the U.S. marine and hydrokinetic technology industry have yet to be fully understood or defined. The program characterizes and assesses marine and hydrokinetic devices, and then organizes the collected information into a comprehensive and searchable Web-based database, the Marine and Hydrokinetic Technology Database. The database, which reflects intergovernmental and international collaboration, provides industry with one of the most comprehensive and up-to-date public resources on marine and hydrokinetic devices.

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Characteristics of a spring-mass system undergoing centrifuge acceleration

Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series

Romero, Edward; Jepsen, Richard A.

Systems in flight often encounter environments with combined vibration and constant acceleration. Sandia National Laboratories has developed a new system capable of combining these environments for hardware qualification testing on a centrifuge. To demonstrate that combined vibration plus centrifuge acceleration is equivalent to the vibration and acceleration encountered in a flight environment the equations of motion of a spring mass damper system in each environment were derived and compared. These equations of motion suggest a decrease in natural frequency for spring mass damper systems undergoing constant rotational velocity on a centrifuge. It was shown mathematically and through experimental testing that the natural frequency of a spring-mass system will decrease with increased rotational velocity. An increase of rotational velocity will eventually result in system instability. The development and testing of a mechanical system to demonstrate this characteristic is discussed. Results obtained from frequency domain analysis of time domain data is presented as is the implications these results conclude about centrifuge testing of systems with low natural frequency on small radius centrifuges.

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Vibrafuge: Re-entry and launch test simulation in a combined linear acceleration and vibration environment

Collection of Technical Papers - 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting

VanGoethem, Doug; Jepsen, Richard A.; Romero, Edward

Sandia National Laboratories has developed a new technique for testing in a combined linear acceleration and vibration environment. Amplified piezo-electric actuator assemblies are used in combination with Sandia's 29-ft centrifuge facility to surpass the load capabilities of previous attempts using traditional mechanical shaker systems. The piezoelectric actuators are lightweight, modular and overcome several limitations presented by a mechanical shaker. They are 'scalable', that is, adding more piezo-electric units in parallel or in series can support larger-weight test articles or wider range of displacement/frequency regimes. In addition, the units could be mounted on the centrifuge arm in various configurations to provide a variety of input directions. The design along with test results will be presented to demonstrate the capabilities of the new piezo-electric Vibrafuge.

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Testing a combined vibration and acceleration environment

Jepsen, Richard A.; Romero, Eduardo F.

Sandia National Laboratories has previously tested a capability to impose a 7.5 g-rms (30 g peak) radial vibration load up to 2 kHz on a 25 lb object with superimposed 50 g acceleration at its centrifuge facility. This was accomplished by attaching a 3,000 lb Unholtz-Dickie mechanical shaker at the end of the centrifuge arm to create a 'Vibrafuge'. However, the combination of non-radial vibration directions, and linear accelerations higher than 50g's are currently not possible because of the load capabilities of the shaker and the stresses on the internal shaker components due to the combined centrifuge acceleration. Therefore, a new technique using amplified piezo-electric actuators has been developed to surpass the limitations of the mechanical shaker system. They are lightweight, modular and would overcome several limitations presented by the current shaker. They are 'scalable', that is, adding more piezo-electric units in parallel or in series can support larger-weight test articles or displacement/frequency regimes. In addition, the units could be mounted on the centrifuge arm in various configurations to provide a variety of input directions. The design along with test results will be presented to demonstrate the capabilities and limitations of the new piezo-electric Vibrafuge.

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Testing in a combined vibration and acceleration environment

Jepsen, Richard A.; Romero, Eduardo F.

Sandia National Laboratories has previously tested a capability to impose a 7.5 g-rms (30 g peak) radial vibration load up to 2 kHz on a 25 lb object with superimposed 50 g acceleration at its centrifuge facility. This was accomplished by attaching a 3,000 lb Unholtz-Dickie mechanical shaker at the end of the centrifuge arm to create a 'Vibrafuge'. However, the combination of non-radial vibration directions, and linear accelerations higher than 50g's are currently not possible because of the load capabilities of the shaker and the stresses on the internal shaker components due to the combined centrifuge acceleration. Therefore, a new technique using amplified piezo-electric actuators has been developed to surpass the limitations of the mechanical shaker system. They are lightweight, modular and would overcome several limitations presented by the current shaker. They are 'scalable', that is, adding more piezo-electric units in parallel or in series can support larger-weight test articles or displacement/frequency regimes. In addition, the units could be mounted on the centrifuge arm in various configurations to provide a variety of input directions. The design along with test results will be presented to demonstrate the capabilities and limitations of the new piezo-electric Vibrafuge.

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Habitat availability vs. flow rate for the Pecos River, Part 1 : Depth and velocity availability

Roberts, Jesse D.; Roberts, Jesse D.; Jepsen, Richard A.; Schaub, Edward F.

The waters of the Pecos River in New Mexico must be delivered to three primary users: (1) The Pecos River Compact: each year a percentage of water from natural river flow must be delivered to Texas; (2) Agriculture: Carlsbad Irrigation District has a storage and diversion right and Fort Sumner Irrigation District has a direct flow diversion right; and, (3) Endangered Species Act: an as yet unspecified amount of water is to support Pecos Bluntnose Shiner Minnow habitat within and along the Pecos River. Currently, the United States Department of Interior Bureau of Reclamation, the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission, and the United States Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service are studying the Pecos Bluntnose Shiner Minnow habitat preference. Preliminary work by Fish and Wildlife personnel in the critical habitat suggest that water depth and water velocity are key parameters defining minnow habitat preference. However, river flows that provide adequate preferred habitat to support this species have yet to be determined. Because there is a limited amount of water in the Pecos River and its reservoirs, it is critical to allocate water efficiently such that habitat is maintained, while honoring commitments to agriculture and to the Pecos River Compact. This study identifies the relationship between Pecos River flow rates in cubic feet per second (cfs) and water depth and water velocity.

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Laboratory and numerical evaluation of borehole methods for subsurface horizontal flow characterization

Roberts, Jesse D.; Jepsen, Richard A.

The requirement to accurately measure subsurface groundwater flow at contaminated sites, as part of a time and cost effective remediation program, has spawned a variety of flow evaluation technologies. Validation of the accuracy and knowledge regarding the limitations of these technologies are critical for data quality and application confidence. Leading the way in the effort to validate and better understand these methodologies, the US Army Environmental Center has funded a multi-year program to compare and evaluate all viable horizontal flow measurement technologies. This multi-year program has included a field comparison phase, an application of selected methods as part of an integrated site characterization program phase, and most recently, a laboratory and numerical simulator phase. As part of this most recent phase, numerical modeling predictions and laboratory measurements were made in a simulated fracture borehole set-up within a controlled flow simulator. The scanning colloidal borescope flowmeter (SCBFM) and advanced hydrophysical logging (NxHpL{trademark}) tool were used to measure velocities and flow rate in a simulated fractured borehole in the flow simulator. Particle tracking and mass flux measurements were observed and recorded under a range of flow conditions in the simulator. Numerical models were developed to aid in the design of the flow simulator and predict the flow conditions inside the borehole. Results demonstrated that the flow simulator allowed for predictable, easily controlled, and stable flow rates both inside and outside the well. The measurement tools agreed well with each other over a wide range of flow conditions. The model results demonstrate that the Scanning Colloidal Borescope did not interfere with the flow in the borehole in any of the tests. The model is capable of predicting flow conditions and agreed well with the measurements and observations in the flow simulator and borehole. Both laboratory and model results showed a lower limit of fracture velocity in which inflow occurs, but horizontal flow does not establish itself in the center of the borehole. In addition, both laboratory and model results showed circulation cells in the borehole above and below the fracture horizon. The length of the interval over which the circulating cells occurred was much larger than the interval of actual horizontal flow. These results suggest that for the simple fracture geometry simulated in this study, horizontal flow can be predictable and measurable, and that this flow is representative of the larger, near- field flow system. Additional numerical refinements and laboratory simulations of more robust, life- like fracture geometries should be considered. The preliminary conclusions of this work suggest the following: (1) horizontal flow in the fractured medium which is representative of the near- field flow conditions can be established in a wellbore; (2) this horizontal flow can be accurately measured and numerically predicted; (3) the establishment of directionally quantifiable horizontal flow is dependent on four parameters: borehole diameter, structure, permeability and the hydraulic gradient of the flowing feature; and, (4) by measuring three of these four parameters, the fourth parameter can be numerically derived through computer simulations.

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The SEAWOLF Flume: Sediment Erosion Actuated by Wave Oscillations and Linear Flow

Jepsen, Richard A.; Roberts, Jesse D.

Sandia National Laboratories has previously developed a unidirectional High Shear Stress Sediment Erosion flume for the US Army Corps of Engineers, Coastal Hydraulics Laboratory. The flow regime for this flume has limited applicability to wave-dominated environments. A significant design modification to the existing flume allows oscillatory flow to be superimposed upon a unidirectional current. The new flume simulates highshear stress erosion processes experienced in coastal waters where wave forcing dominates the system. Flow velocity measurements, and erosion experiments with known sediment samples were performed with the new flume. Also, preliminary computational flow models closely simulate experimental results and allow for a detailed assessment of the induced shear stresses at the sediment surface.

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Rio Grande Erosion Potential Demonstration - Report for the National Border Technology Program

Jepsen, Richard A.; Roberts, Jesse D.

This demonstration project is a collaboration among DOE, Sandia National Laboratories, the University of Texas, El Paso (UTEP), the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC), and the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Sandia deployed and demonstrated a field measurement technology that enables the determination of erosion and transport potential of sediments in the Rio Grande. The technology deployed was the Mobile High Shear Stress Flume. This unique device was developed by Sandia's Carlsbad Programs for the USACE and has been used extensively in collaborative efforts on near shore and river systems throughout the United States. Since surface water quantity and quality along with human health is an important part of the National Border Technology Program, technologies that aid in characterizing, managing, and protecting this valuable resource from possible contamination sources is imperative.

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Canaveral ODMDS Dredged Material Erosion Rate Analysis

Jepsen, Richard A.; Roberts, Jesse D.; Chapin, D.M.

In this study, the erosion properties of four sediments related to the Canaveral Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site have been determined as a function of density, consolidation, and shear stress by means of a high shear stress sediment erosion flume at Sandia National Laboratories. Additional analysis was completed for each sediment to determine mineralogy, particle size, and organic content. This was done to support numerical modeling efforts, aid in effective management, and minimize environmental impact. The motivation for this work is based on concerns of dredged material transporting beyond the designated site and estimates of site capacity.

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Development for the Optional Use of Circular Core Tubes with the High Shear Stress Flume

Roberts, Jesse D.; Jepsen, Richard A.

In this study, the erosion rates of four reconstituted sediments in both rectangular and circular sample tubes have been determined as a function of density and shear stress by means of a high shear stress sediment erosion flume at Sandia National Laboratories. This was done to determine if circular cores used in field sampling would provide the same results found using the existing technology of rectangular cores. Two samples were natural, cohesive sediments retrieved from different sites in the Boston Harbor identified as Open Cell and Mid Channel. The other two sediments were medium and coarse grain, non-cohesive quartz sediments. For each sediment type, erosion tests were performed with both rectangular and circular core tubes. For all cores, bulk density was determined as a function of depth and consolidation time. Sediments were eroded to determine erosion rates as a function of density and shear stress for both types of core tubes used. No measurable difference was found between the two core types.

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45 Results
45 Results