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Crystallographic effects on transgranular chloride-induced stress corrosion crack propagation of arc welded austenitic stainless steel

npj Materials Degradation

Qu, Haozheng J.; Tao, Fei; Gu, Nianju; Montoya, Timothy M.; Taylor, Jason M.; Schaller, Rebecca S.; Schindelholz, Eric; Wharry, Janelle P.

The effect of crystallography on transgranular chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking (TGCISCC) of arc welded 304L austenitic stainless steel is studied on >300 grains along crack paths. Schmid and Taylor factor mismatches across grain boundaries (GBs) reveal that cracks propagate either from a hard to soft grain, which can be explained merely by mechanical arguments, or soft to hard grain. In the latter case, finite element analysis reveals that TGCISCC will arrest at GBs without sufficient mechanical stress, favorable crystallographic orientations, or crack tip corrosion. GB type does not play a significant role in determining TGCISCC cracking behavior nor susceptibility. TGCISCC crack behaviors at GBs are discussed in the context of the competition between mechanical, crystallographic, and corrosion factors.

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FY2022 Status Report: Cold Spray for Canister SCC Mitigation and Repair

Schaller, Rebecca S.; Karasz, Erin K.; Montoya-X, Timothy M.; Taylor, Jason M.; Ross, Kenneth R.

This progress report describes work performed during FY22 at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) to assess the corrosion performance of cold spray coatings to enable optimization of cold spray for the purposes of mitigation and/or repair of potentially susceptible regions, corrosion, or stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in austenitic stainless steel for spent nuclear fuel (SNF) storage. Of particular concern is SCC, by which a through-wall crack could potentially form in a canister outer wall over time intervals that may be shorter than possible dry storage times. In FY21, initial corrosion explorations of cold spray coating were evaluated and in FY22, an expanded set of cold spray coatings with in-depth analysis of post-exposure accelerated testing was explored. Additionally, relevant atmospheric exposure testing was carried out and initial results are presented herein. The corrosion attack from the accelerated testing and more realistic atmospheric exposures environments were compared to identify potentially deleterious factors for corrosion as well as help to understand the applicability of accelerated testing for cold spray optimization. This initial analysis will help to enable optimization of the corrosion resistance cold spray, one of the more promising coating and repair techniques, for potential application in an SNF environment. Learnings from both are summarized, and implications and future work are presented in this report.

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Corrosion-Resistant Coatings on Spent Nuclear Fuel Canisters to Mitigate and Repair Potential Stress Corrosion Cracking (FY22 Status)

Knight, Andrew W.; Nation, Brendan L.; Maguire, Makeila M.; Schaller, Rebecca S.; Bryan, Charles R.

This report summarizes the activities performed by Sandia National Laboratories in FY22 to identify and test coating materials for the prevention, mitigation, and/or repair of potential chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking in spent nuclear fuel dry storage canisters. This work continues efforts by Sandia National Laboratories that are summarized in previous reports in FY20 and FY21 on the same topic. The previous work detailed the specific coating properties desired for application and implementation to spent nuclear fuel canisters (FY20) and identified several potential coatings for evaluation (FY21). In FY22, Sandia National Laboratories, in collaboration with four industry partners through a Memorandum of Understanding, started evaluating the physical, mechanical, and corrosion-resistance properties of 6 different coating systems (11 total coating variants) to develop a baseline understanding of the viability of each coating type for use to prevent, mitigate, and/or repair potential stress corrosion on cracking on spent nuclear fuel canisters. This collaborative R&D program leverages the analytical and laboratory capabilities at Sandia National Laboratories and the material design and synthesis capabilities of the industry collaborators. The coating systems include organic (polyetherketoneketone, modified polyimide/polyurea, modified phenolic resin), organic/inorganic ceramic hybrids (silane-based polyurethane hybrid and a quasi-ceramic sol-gel polyurethane hybrid), and hybrid systems in conjuncture with a Zn-rich primer. These coatings were applied to stainless steel coupons (the same coupons were supplied to all vendors by SNL for direct comparison) and have undergone several physical, mechanical, and electrochemical tests. The results and implications of these tests are summarized in this report. These analyses will be used to identify the most effective coatings for potential use on spent nuclear fuel dry storage canisters, and also to identify specific needs for further optimization of coating technologies for their application on spent nuclear fuel canisters. In FY22, Sandia National Laboratories performed baseline testing and atmospheric exposure tests of the coating samples supplied by the vendors in accordance with the scope of work defined in the Memorandum of Understanding. In FY23, Sandia National Laboratories will continue evaluating coating performance with a focus on thermal and radiolytic stability.

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Stress corrosion cracking mechanism of cold spray coating on a galvanically similar substrate

Materials Science and Engineering: A

Qu, Haozheng J.; Srinivasan, Jayendran; Zhao, Yangyang; Mao, Keyou S.; Taylor, Jason M.; Marino, Gabriella; Montoya, Timothy M.; Johnson, Kyle; Locke, Jenifer S.; Schaller, Rebecca S.; Schindelholz, Eric; Wharry, Janelle P.

The chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking (CISCC) mechanism of cold spray (CS) coating on a galvanically similar substrate is investigated. Arc welded 304L stainless steel (SS) specimens are loaded into four-point bend fixtures, cold sprayed with 304L SS, then immersed in boiling MgCl2. Interconnected porosity forms through crevice corrosion along CS splat boundaries, allowing corrosive species to penetrate through the CS layer. Nevertheless, the substrate is resistant to CISCC likely because of compressive stress introduced by peening during CS particle impacts. These findings underscore the importance of residual stress in the environmental degradation of CS coatings or repairs of engineering structures.

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FY2022 Status Update: A Probabilistic Model for Stress Corrosion Cracking of SNF Dry Storage Canisters

Gilkey, Lindsay N.; Brooks, Dusty M.; Katona, Ryan M.; Bryan, Charles R.; Schaller, Rebecca S.

Understanding the potential risk of stress corrosion cracking of spent nuclear fuel dry storage canisters has been identified as a knowledge gap for determining the safety of long-term interim storage of spent nuclear fuel. To address this, the DOE is funding a multi-lab DOE effort to understand the timing, occurrence, and consequences of potential canister SCC. Sandia National Laboratories has developed a probabilistic model for canister penetration by SCC. This model has been continuously updated at SNL since 2014. Model uncertainties are treated using a nested loop structure, where the outer loop accounts for uncertainties due to lack of data and the inner aleatoric loop accounts for uncertainties due to variation in nature. By separating uncertainties into these categories, it is possible to focus future work on reducing the most influential epistemic uncertainties. Several experimental studies have already been performed to improve the modeling approach through expanded process understanding and improved model parameterization. The resulting code is physics-based and intended to inform future work by identifying (1) important modeling assumptions, (2) experimental data needs, and (3) necessary model developments. In this document, several of the sub-models in the probabilistic SCC model have been exercised, and the intermediate results, as the model progresses from one sub-model to the next, are presented. Evaluating the sub-models in this manner provides a better understanding of sub-model outputs and has identified several unintended consequences of model assumptions or parameterizations, requiring updates to the modeling approach. The following updates have been made, and future updates have been identified.

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Electron beam surface remelting enhanced corrosion resistance of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V as a potential in-situ re-finishing technique

Scientific Reports

Shahsavari, Mohammadali S.; Imani, Amin I.; Setavoraphan, Andaman S.; Schaller, Rebecca S.; Asselin, Edouard A.

This study explores the effect of surface re-finishing on the corrosion behavior of electron beam manufactured (EBM) Ti-G5 (Ti-6Al-4V), including the novel application of an electron beam surface remelting (EBSR) technique. Specifically, the relationship between material surface roughness and corrosion resistance was examined. Surface roughness was tested in the as-printed (AP), mechanically polished (MP), and EBSR states and compared to wrought (WR) counterparts. Electrochemical measurements were performed in chloride-containing media. It was observed that surface roughness, rather than differences in the underlying microstructure, played a more significant role in the general corrosion resistance in the environment explored here. While both MP and EBSR methods reduced surface roughness and enhanced corrosion resistance, mechanical polishing has many known limitations. The EBSR process explored herein demonstrated positive preliminary results. The surface roughness (Ra) of the EBM-AP material was considerably reduced by 82%. Additionally, the measured corrosion current density in 0.6 M NaCl for the EBSR sample is 0.05 µA cm–2, five times less than the value obtained for the EBM-AP specimen (0.26 µA cm–2).

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Physical and chemical properties of sea salt deliquescent brines as a function of temperature and relative humidity

Science of the Total Environment

Bryan, Charles R.; Knight, A.W.; Katona, Ryan M.; Sanchez, A.C.; Schindelholz, E.J.; Schaller, Rebecca S.

Thermodynamic modeling has been used to predict chemical compositions of brines formed by the deliquescence of sea salt aerosols. Representative brines have been mixed, and physical and chemical properties have been measured over a range of temperatures. Brine properties are discussed in terms of atmospheric corrosion of austenitic stainless steel, using spent nuclear fuel dry storage canisters as an example. After initial loading with spent fuel, during dry storage, the canisters cool over time, leading to increased surface relative humidities and evolving brine chemistries and properties. These parameters affect corrosion kinetics and damage distributions, and may offer important constraints on the expected timing, rate, and long-term impacts of canister corrosion.

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Corrosion evaluation of Ti–6Al–4V manufactured by electron beam melting in Ringer’s physiological solution: an in vitro study of the passive film

Journal of Applied Electrochemistry

Shahsavari, Mohammadali; Imani, Amin; Schaller, Rebecca S.; Asselin, Edouard

Electrochemical characteristics and semiconducting behavior of additively manufactured electron beam melted (EBM) and wrought (WR) Ti–6Al–4V (Ti-G5) are compared in Ringer’s physiological solution. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) confirmed the α + β structure of the tested materials, with two different microstructure types of “bimodal” and “basket-weave” for WR and EBM, respectively. Potentiodynamic polarization (PDP) revealed that the corrosion current density for EBM (icorr = 0.27 ± 0.06 μA cm−2) is less than the WR (icorr = 0.70 ± 0.05 μA cm−2). Moreover, potentiostatic polarization (PS) that was employed to form the passive layers at three different potentials of 300, 500, and 700 mVAg/AgCl, showed that the passive films on the EBM sample are thinner. This finding was confirmed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Furthermore, through Mott–Schottky (M–S) analysis, donor densities on WR passive films were found to be ~ 1.5 times larger than EBM. Although PS and EIS confirmed that the passive layer on EBM is thinner, it provides higher corrosion resistance than WR. The passive layer on both samples were found to have n-type characteristics with a duplex structure. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]

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Development of Surface Sampling Techniques for the Canister Deposition Field Demonstration (FY22 Update)

Knight, Andrew W.; Schaller, Rebecca S.; Nation, Brendan L.; Durbin, S.G.; Bryan, Charles R.

This report describes the proposed surface sampling techniques and plan for the multi-year Canister Deposition Field Demonstration (CDFD). The CDFD is primarily a dust deposition test that will use three commercial 32PTH2 NUHOMS welded stainless steel storage canisters in Advanced Horizontal Storage Modules, with planned exposure testing for up to 10 years at an operating ISFSI site. One canister will be left at ambient condition, unheated; the other two will have heaters to achieve canister surface temperatures that match, to the degree possible, spent nuclear fuel (SNF) loaded canisters with heat loads of 10 kW and 40 kW. Surface sampling campaigns for dust analysis will take place on a yearly or bi-yearly basis. The goal of the planned dust sampling and analysis is to determine important environmental parameters that impact the potential occurrence of stress corrosion cracking on SNF dry storage canisters. Specifically, measured dust deposition rates and deposited particle sizes will improve parameterization of dust deposition models employed to predict the potential occurrence and timing of stress corrosion cracks on the stainless steel SNF canisters. The size, morphology, and composition of the deposited dust and salt particles will be quantified, as well as the soluble salt load per unit area and the rate of deposition, as a function of canister surface temperature, location, time, and orientation. Previously, a preliminary sampling plan was developed, identifying possible sampling locations on the canister surfaces and sampling intervals; possible sampling methods were also described. Further development of the sampling plan has commenced through three different tasks. First, canister surface roughness, a potentially important parameter for air flow and dust deposition, was characterized at several locations on one of the test canisters. Second, corrosion testing to evaluate the potential lifetime and aging of thermocouple wires, spot welds, and attachments was initiated. Third, hand sampling protocols were developed, and initial testing was carried out. The results of those efforts are presented in this report. The information obtained from the CDFD will be critical for ongoing efforts to develop a detailed understanding of the potential for stress corrosion cracking of SNF dry storage canisters.

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Evaluation of Applied Stress on Atmospheric Corrosion and Pitting Characteristics in 304L Stainless Steel


Plumley, John B.; Alexander, Christopher L.; Wu, Xin; Gordon, Scott; Yu, Zhenzhen; Kemp, Nicholas A.; Garzon, Fernando; Schindelholz, Eric J.; Schaller, Rebecca S.

The effects of applied stress, ranging from tensile to compressive, on the atmospheric pitting corrosion behavior of 304L stainless steel (SS304L) were analyzed through accelerated atmospheric laboratory exposures and microelectrochemical cell analysis. After exposing the lateral surface of a SS304L four-point bend specimen to artificial seawater at 50°C and 35% relative humidity for 50 d, pitting characteristics were determined using optical profilometry and scanning electron microscopy. The SS304L microstructure was analyzed using electron backscatter diffraction. Additionally, localized electrochemical measurements were performed on a similar, unexposed, SS304L four-point bend bar to determine the effects of applied stress on corrosion susceptibility. Under the applied loads and the environment tested, the observed pitting characteristics showed no correlation with the applied stress (from 250 MPa to -250 MPa). Pitting depth, surface area, roundness, and distribution were found to be independent of location on the sample or applied stress. The lack of correlation between pitting statistics and applied stress was more likely due to the aggressive exposure environment, with a sea salt loading of 4 g/m2 chloride. The pitting characteristics observed were instead governed by the available cathode current and salt distribution, which are a function of sea salt loading, as well as pre-existing underlying microstructure. In microelectrochemical cell experiments performed in Cl- environments comparable to the atmospheric exposure and in environments containing orders of magnitude lower Cl- concentrations, effects of the applied stress on corrosion susceptibility were only apparent in open-circuit potential in low Cl- concentration solutions. Cl- concentration governed the current density and transpassive dissolution potential.

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SNF Interim Storage Canister Corrosion and Surface Environment Investigations (FY21 Status Report)

Bryan, Charles R.; Knight, Andrew W.; Nation, Brendan L.; Montoya, Timothy M.; Karasz, Erin K.; Katona, Ryan M.; Schaller, Rebecca S.

This progress report describes work performed during FY21 at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) to assess the localized corrosion performance of canister materials used in the interim storage of spent nuclear fuel (SNF). Of particular concern is stress corrosion cracking (SCC), by which a through-wall crack could potentially form in a canister outer wall over time intervals that are shorter than possible dry storage times. In FY21, modeling and experimental work was performed that further defined our understanding of the potential chemical and physical environment present on canister surfaces at both marine and inland sites. Research also evaluated the relationship between the environment and the rate, extent, and morphology of corrosion, as well as the corrosion processes that occur. Finally, crack growth rate testing under relevant environmental conditions was initiated.

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SNF Canister Coatings for Corrosion Prevention and Mitigation (FY21 Status Report)

Knight, Andrew W.; Nation, Brendan L.; Bryan, Charles R.; Schaller, Rebecca S.

This report summarizes the current actives in FY21 related to the effort by Sandia National Laboratories to identify and test coating materials for the prevention, mitigation, and repair of spent nuclear fuel dry storage canisters against potential chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking. This work follows up on the details provided in Sandia National Laboratories FY20 report on the same topic, which provided a detailed description of the specific coating properties desired for application and implementation on spent nuclear fuel canisters, as well as provided detail into several different coatings and their applicability to coat spent nuclear fuel canisters. In FY21, Sandia National Laboratories has engaged with private industry to create a Memorandum of Understanding and established a collaborative R&D program building off the analytical and laboratory capabilities at Sandia National Laboratories and the material design and synthesis capabilities of private industry. The resulting Memorandum of Understanding included four companies to date (Oxford Performance Materials, White Horse R&D, Luna Innovations, and Flora Coating) proposing six different coating technologies (polyetherketoneketone, modified polyimide/polyurea, modified phenolic resin, silane-based polyurethane hybrid with and without a Znrich primer, and a quasi-ceramic sol-gel polyurethane hybrid) to be tested, evaluated, and optimized for their potential use for this application. This report provides a detailed description of each of the coating systems proposed by the participating industry partners. It also provides a description of the planned experimental actives to be performed by Sandia National Laboratories including physical tests, electrochemical tests, and characterization methods. These analyses will be used to identify specific ways to further improve coating technologies toward their application and implementation on spent nuclear fuel canisters. In FY21, Sandia National Laboratories began baseline testing of the base metal material in according with activities of the Memorandum of Understanding. In FY22, Sandia National Laboratories will receive coated coupons from each of the participating industry partners and begin characterization, physical, and electrochemical testing following the test plan described herein.

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Marine Atmospheric Corrosion of Additively Manufactured Stainless Steels


Melia, Michael A.; Duran, Jesse D.; Taylor, Jason M.; Presuel-Moreno, Francisco; Schaller, Rebecca S.; Schindelholz, Eric J.

Additively manufactured (AM) stainless steels (SSs) exhibit numerous microstructural differences compared to their wrought counterparts, such as Cr-enriched dislocation cell structures. The influence these unique features have on a SSs corrosion resistance are still under investigation with most current works limited to laboratory experiments. The work herein shows the first documented study of AM 304L and 316L exposed to a severe marine environment on the eastern coast of Florida with comparisons made to wrought counterparts. Coupons were exposed for 21 months and resulted in significant pitting corrosion to initiate after 1 month of exposure for all conditions. At all times, the AM coupons exhibited lower average and maximum pit depths than their wrought counterparts. After 21 months, pits on average were 4 μm deep for AM 316L specimen and 8 μm deep for wrought specimen. Pits on the wrought samples tended to be nearly hemispherical and polished with some pits showing crystallographic attack while pits on AM coupons exhibited preferential attack at melt pool boundaries and the cellular microstructure.

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FY21 Status Report: Probabilistic SCC Model for SNF Dry Storage Canisters

Porter, N.W.; Brooks, Dusty M.; Bryan, Charles R.; Katona, Ryan M.; Schaller, Rebecca S.

Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is an important failure degradation mechanism for storage of spent nuclear fuel. Since 2014, Sandia National Laboratories has been developing a probabilistic methodology for predicting SCC. The model is intended to provide qualitative assessment of data needs, model sensitivities, and future model development. In fiscal year 2021, improvement of the SCC model focused on the salt deposition, maximum pit size, and crack growth rate models.

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Cathodic Kinetics on Platinum and Stainless Steel in NaOH Environments

Journal of the Electrochemical Society

Katona, Ryan M.; Carpenter, J.; Schindelholz, E.J.; Schaller, Rebecca S.; Kelly, R.G.

During typical atmospheric conditions, cathodic reduction reactions produce hydroxyl ions increasing the pH in the cathodic region. Therefore, cathodic reduction reactions are investigated on platinum and stainless steel 304 L (SS304L) in NaOH solutions ranging in pH from 13.6 to 16.5. It was found that in solution pHs less than 16.5 the cathodic reduction reaction on Pt and SS304L was ORR with an electron transfer number less than two due to superoxide formation as an intermediate. Increasing pH decreased the number of electrons transferred. At a pH of 16.5, the cathodic reduction reaction on SS304L is no longer ORR and the cathodic current on the surface of the alloy is due to oxide reduction occurring on the surface as indicated by the creation of multi-component Pourbaix diagrams. The results of this study have important implications for predicting corrosion in atmospheric environments.

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Critical pitting temperature of selective laser melted 316L stainless steel: A mechanistic approach

Corrosion Science

Nakhaie, D.; Imani, A.; Autret, M.; Schaller, Rebecca S.; Asselin, E.

The critical pitting temperature (CPT) of selective laser melted (SLM) 316 L stainless steel in 1.0 M NaCl was measured and compared with a commercial wrought alloy. Potentiostatic measurements determined a mean CPT value of 16 ± 0.7 °C, 27.5 ± 0.8 °C and 31 ± 1 °C for the wrought alloy, the SLM alloy normal to the build direction and parallel to the build direction, respectively. The lead-in pencil electrode technique was used to study the pit chemistry of the two alloys and to explain the higher CPT values observed for the SLM alloy. A lower critical current density required for passivation in a simulated pit solution was measured for the SLM alloy. Moreover, the ratio of the critical concentration to saturated concentration of dissolving metal cations was found to be higher for the SLM alloy, which was related to its different salt film properties, possibly as a result of the SLM's distinct microstructure.

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Results 1–25 of 77
Results 1–25 of 77