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Dual microscopy to explore enhanced atmospheric ice nucleation on multi-component aerosols

Thurmer, Konrad T.; Friddle, Raymond W.

Using an optical microscopy setup adapted to in-situ studies of ice formation at ambient pressure, we examined a specific multicomponent mineral, microcline, with the ultimate aim of gaining a more realistic understanding of ice nucleation in Earth’s atmosphere. We focused on a perthitic feldspar, microcline, to test the hypothesis that co-existence in some feldspars of K-rich and Na-rich phases are contributing to enhanced ice nucleation. On a sample deliberately chosen to contain lamella, a typical perthitic microstructure, and flat surface regions next to each other, we performed a series of ice formation experiments. We found microcline to promote ice formation, causing a large number of ice nucleation events at around - 27°C. The number of ice nuclei decreased from experimental run to experimental run, indicating surface aging upon repeated exposure to humidity. An analysis of 10 experimental runs of identical conditions did not reveal an obvious enhancement of ice formation at the lamellar microstructure. Instead, we find efficient nucleation at various surface sites that produce orientationally aligned ice crystallites with asymmetric shape. Based on this observation we propose that surface steps running along select directions produce microfacets of an orientation that is favorable to enhanced ice nucleation, similar to previously reported for K-rich feldspars.

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Mapping ice formation to mineral-surface topography using a micro mixing chamber with video and atomic-force microscopy

Atmospheric Measurement Techniques

Friddle, Raymond W.; Thurmer, Konrad T.

We developed a method for examining ice formation on solid substrates exposed to cloud-like atmospheres. Our experimental approach couples video-rate optical microscopy of ice formation with high-resolution atomic-force microscopy (AFM) of the initial mineral surface. We demonstrate how colocating stitched AFM images with video microscopy can be used to relate the likelihood of ice formation to nanoscale properties of a mineral substrate, e.g., the abundance of surface steps of a certain height. We also discuss the potential of this setup for future iterative investigations of the properties of ice nucleation sites on materials.

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How nanoscale surface steps promote ice growth on feldspar: microscopy observation of morphology-enhanced condensation and freezing


Friddle, Raymond W.; Thurmer, Konrad T.

Ice in the atmosphere affects Earth's radiative properties and initiates most precipitation. Growing ice often requires a solid surface, either to catalyze freezing of supercooled cloud droplets or to serve as a substrate for ice deposited from water vapor. There is evidence that this surface is typically provided by airborne mineral dust; but how chemistry, structure and morphology interrelate to determine the ice-nucleating ability of mineral surfaces remains elusive. Here, we combine optical microscopy with atomic force microscopy to explore the mechanisms of initial ice growth on alkali feldspar, a mineral proposed to dominate ice nucleation in Earth's atmosphere. When cold air becomes supersaturated with respect to water, we discovered that ice rapidly spreads along steps of a feldspar surface. By measuring how ice propagation depends on surface-step height we establish a scenario where supercooled liquid water condenses at steps without having to overcome a nucleation barrier, and subsequently freezes quickly. Finally, our results imply that steps, which are common even on macroscopically flat feldspar surfaces, can accelerate water condensation followed by freezing, thus promoting glaciation and dehydration of mixed-phase clouds.

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Deciphering Atmospheric Ice Nucleation using Molecular-Scale Microscopy

Thurmer, Konrad T.; Friddle, Raymond W.; Wheeler, Lauren B.; Bartelt, Norman C.; Roesler, Erika L.; Kolasinski, Robert K.

Atmospheric ice affects Earth's radiative properties and initiates most precipitation. Growing ice typically requires a particle, often airborne mineral dust, e.g., to catalyze freezing of supercooled cloud droplets. How chemistry, structure and morphology determine the ice - nucleating ability of minerals remains elusive. Not surprisingly, poor understanding of a erosol - cloud interactions is a major source of uncertainty in climate models. In this project, we combine d optical microscopy with atomic force microscopy t o explore the mechanisms of initial ice formation on alkali feldspar, a mineral proposed to dominate ice nucleation in Earth's atmosphere. When cold air becomes supersaturated with respect to water, we discovered that supercooled liquid water condenses at steps without having to overcome a nucleation barrier, and subsequently freezes quickly. Our results imply that steps, common even on macroscopically flat feldspar surfaces, can accelerate water condensation followed by freezing, thus promoting glaciation and dehydration of mixed - phase clouds. Motivated by the fact that current climate simulations do not properly account for feldspar's extreme efficiency to nucleate ice, we modified DOE's climate model, the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM), to i ncrease the activation of ice nucleation on feldspar dust. This included add ing a new aerosol tracer into the model and updat ing the ice nucleation parameterization, based on Classical Nucleation Theory, for multiple mineral dust tracers. Although t he se m odifications have little impact on global averages , predictions of regional averages can be strongly affected .

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On the origin of 'fuzz' formation in plasma-facing materials

Nuclear Fusion

Dasgupta, Dwaipayan; Kolasinski, Robert K.; Friddle, Raymond W.; Du, Lin; Maroudas, Dimitrios; Wirth, Brian D.

Tungsten, the material used in the plasma-facing components (PFCs) of nuclear fusion reactors, develops a fuzz-like surface morphology under typical reactor operating conditions. This fragile 'fuzz' surface nanostructure adversely affects reactor performance and operation. Developing predictive models, capable of simulating the spatiotemporal scales relevant to the fuzz formation process is essential for understanding the growth of such extremely complex surface features and improving PFC and reactor performance. Here, we report the development of an atomistically-informed, continuous-domain model for the onset of fuzz formation in helium plasma-irradiated tungsten and validate the model by comparing its predictions with measurements from carefully designed experiments. Our study demonstrates that fuzz forms in response to stress induced in the near-surface region of PFCs as a result of plasma exposure and helium gas implantation. Our model sets the stage for detailed descriptions of this complex fuzz formation phenomenon and similar phenomena observed in other materials.

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Surface Morphology and Electrical Properties of Cu3BTC2 Thin Films before and after Reaction with TCNQ

ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces

Thurmer, Konrad T.; Schneider, Christian; Stavila, Vitalie S.; Friddle, Raymond W.; Leonard, Francois L.; Fischer, Roland A.; Allendorf, Mark D.; Talin, A.A.

HKUST-1 or Cu3BTC2 (BTC = 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylate) is a prototypical metal-organic framework (MOF) that holds a privileged position among MOFs for device applications, as it can be deposited as thin films on various substrates and surfaces. Recently, new potential applications in electronics have emerged for this material when HKUST-1 was demonstrated to become electrically conductive upon infiltration with 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ). However, the factors that control the morphology and reactivity of the thin films are unknown. Here, we present a study of the thin-film growth process on indium tin oxide and amorphous Si prior to infiltration. From the unusual bimodal, non-log-normal distribution of crystal domain sizes, we conclude that the nucleation of new layers of Cu3BTC2 is greatly enhanced by surface defects and thus difficult to control. We then show that these films can react with methanolic TCNQ solutions to form dense films of the coordination polymer Cu(TCNQ). This chemical conversion is accompanied by dramatic changes in surface morphology, from a surface dominated by truncated octahedra to randomly oriented thin platelets. The change in morphology suggests that the chemical reaction occurs in the liquid phase and is independent of the starting surface morphology. The chemical transformation is accompanied by 10 orders of magnitude change in electrical conductivity, from <10-11 S/cm for the parent Cu3BTC2 material to 10-1 S/cm for the resulting Cu(TCNQ) film. The conversion of Cu3BTC2 films, which can be grown and patterned on a variety of (nonplanar) substrates, to Cu(TCNQ) opens the door for the facile fabrication of more complex electronic devices.

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Elucidating the Variable-Temperature Mechanical Properties of a Negative Thermal Expansion Metal-Organic Framework

ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces

Heinen, Jurn; Ready, Austin D.; Bennett, Thomas D.; Dubbeldam, David; Friddle, Raymond W.; Burtch, Nicholas C.

We report the first experimental study into the thermomechanical and viscoelastic properties of a metal-organic framework (MOF) material. Nanoindentations show a decrease in the Young's modulus, consistent with classical molecular dynamics simulations, and hardness of HKUST-1 with increasing temperature over the 25-100 °C range. Variable-temperature dynamic mechanical analysis reveals significant creep behavior, with a reduction of 56% and 88% of the hardness over 10 min at 25 and 100 °C, respectively. This result suggests that, despite the increased density that results from increasing temperature in the negative thermal expansion MOF, the thermally induced softening due to vibrational and entropic contributions plays a more dominant role in dictating the material's temperature-dependent mechanical behavior.

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Imaging latex-carbon nanotube composites by subsurface electrostatic force microscopy


Patel, Sajan; Petty, Clayton W.; Krafcik, Karen L.; Loyola, Bryan L.; O'Bryan, Gregory O.; Friddle, Raymond W.

Electrostatic modes of atomic force microscopy have shown to be non-destructive and relatively simple methods for imaging conductors embedded in insulating polymers. Here we use electrostatic force microscopy to image the dispersion of carbon nanotubes in a latex-based conductive composite, which brings forth features not observed in previously studied systems employing linear polymer films. A fixed-potential model of the probe-nanotube electrostatics is presented which in principle gives access to the conductive nanoparticle's depth and radius, and the polymer film dielectric constant. Comparing this model to the data results in nanotube depths that appear to be slightly above the film-air interface. This result suggests that water-mediated charge build-up at the film-air interface may be the source of electrostatic phase contrast in ambient conditions.

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Analytic descriptions of stochastic bistable systems under force ramp

Physical Review E

Friddle, Raymond W.

Solving the two-state master equation with time-dependent rates, the ubiquitous driven bistable system, is a long-standing problem that does not permit a complete solution for all driving rates. Here we show an accurate approximation to this problem by considering the system in the control parameter regime. The results are immediately applicable to a diverse range of bistable systems including single-molecule mechanics.

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Permeation of "Hydromer" Film: An Elastomeric Hydrogen-Capturing Biopolymer

Karnesky, Richard A.; Friddle, Raymond W.; Whaley, Josh A.; Smith, Geoffrey S.

This report analyzes the permeation resistance of a novel and proprietary polymer coating for hydrogen isotope resistance that was developed by New Mexico State University. Thermal gravimetric analysis and thermal desoprtion spectroscopy show the polymer is stable thermally to approximately 250 deg C. Deuterium gas-driven permeation experiments were conducted at Sandia to explore early evidence (obtained using Brunauer - Emmett - Teller) of the polymer's strong resistance to hydrogen. With a relatively small amount of the polymer in solution (0.15%), a decrease in diffusion by a factor of 2 is observed at 100 and 150 deg C. While there was very little reduction in permeability, the preliminary findings reported here are meant to demonstrate the sensitivity of Sandia's permeation measurements and are intended to motivate the future exploration of thicker barriers with greater polymer coverage.

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32 Results
32 Results