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Efficacy of the radial pair potential approximation for molecular dynamics simulations of dense plasmas

Physics of Plasmas

Stanek, Lucas J.; Clay III, Raymond C.; Dharma-Wardana, M.W.C.; Wood, Mitchell A.; Beckwith, Kristian B.; Murillo, Michael S.

Macroscopic simulations of dense plasmas rely on detailed microscopic information that can be computationally expensive and is difficult to verify experimentally. In this work, we delineate the accuracy boundary between microscale simulation methods by comparing Kohn-Sham density functional theory molecular dynamics (KS-MD) and radial pair potential molecular dynamics (RPP-MD) for a range of elements, temperature, and density. By extracting the optimal RPP from KS-MD data using force matching, we constrain its functional form and dismiss classes of potentials that assume a constant power law for small interparticle distances. Our results show excellent agreement between RPP-MD and KS-MD for multiple metrics of accuracy at temperatures of only a few electron volts. The use of RPPs offers orders of magnitude decrease in computational cost and indicates that three-body potentials are not required beyond temperatures of a few eV. Due to its efficiency, the validated RPP-MD provides an avenue for reducing errors due to finite-size effects that can be on the order of ∼ 20 %.

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Starting-point-independent quantum Monte Carlo calculations of iron oxide

Physical Review B

Townsend, Joshua P.; Pineda Flores, Sergio D.; Clay III, Raymond C.; Mattsson, Thomas M.; Neuscamman, Eric; Zhao, Luning; Cohen, R.E.; Shulenburger, Luke N.

Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods are useful for studies of strongly correlated materials because they are many body in nature and use the physical Hamiltonian. Typical calculations assume as a starting point a wave function constructed from single-particle orbitals obtained from one-body methods, e.g., density functional theory. However, mean-field-derived wave functions can sometimes lead to systematic QMC biases if the mean-field result poorly describes the true ground state. Here, we study the accuracy and flexibility of QMC trial wave functions using variational and fixed-node diffusion QMC estimates of the total spin density and lattice distortion of antiferromagnetic iron oxide (FeO) in the ground state B1 crystal structure. We found that for relatively simple wave functions the predicted lattice distortion was controlled by the choice of single-particle orbitals used to construct the wave function, rather than by subsequent wave function optimization techniques within QMC. By optimizing the orbitals with QMC, we then demonstrate starting-point independence of the trial wave function with respect to the method by which the orbitals were constructed by demonstrating convergence of the energy, spin density, and predicted lattice distortion for two qualitatively different sets of orbitals. The results suggest that orbital optimization is a promising method for accurate many-body calculations of strongly correlated condensed phases.

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Experimental Validation of Dense Plasma Transport Models using the Z-Machine

Knapp, Patrick K.; Beckwith, Kristian B.; Cochrane, Kyle C.; Clay III, Raymond C.; Mattsson, Thomas M.

Mixing of cold, higher-Z elements into the fuel region of an inertial confinement fusion target spoils the fusion burn efficiency. This mixing process is driven by both "turbulent" and "atomic" mixing processes, the latter being modeled through transport corrections to the basic hydrodynamic models. Recently, there has been a surge in the development of dense plasma transport modeling and the associated transport coefficients; however, experimental validation remains in its infancy. To address this gap in our knowledge of interfacial mixing, Sandia National Laboratories is developing a new experimental platform at the Z-facility to investigate plasma transport in dense plasmas that span the entire warm dense matter regime. Specifically, this platform is being developed to measure species transport across a V/CH interface, using an x-ray driven hohlraum to drive the sample to [?] 190eV over 5ns. The heated sample is diagnosed using radiography optimized to measure the distribution of Vanadium perpendicular the interface. In order to interpret measurements made using this experimental platform, modeling tools that incorporate transport effects in strongly coupled plasmas are required. To this end, we utilize new advances in multi-species kinetic theory, collision models applicable to strongly coupled plasmas and modeling of degenerate electron plasmas to develop such a capability. The resulting kinetic transport code has been applied, along with state-of-the-art radiation hydrodynamic codes, to model the experiments. Results from this modeling effort highlight the importance of strong electric fields, which are present in the kinetic transport code, but absent in the radiation hydrodynamics code, in driving interfacial mixing. Synthetic radiography generated from all of these models reveals the ability of experimental diagnostics to distinguish interfacial mixing driven by a range of transport effects. We demonstrate that the spatial and temporal resolution of radiography diagnostics currently available at the Z-facility can distinguish between these different transport effects when multiple (3 [?] 4) radiographs, separated in time ( [?] 2 ns ) with accurate timing are captured per experiment.

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Deuterium Hugoniot: Pitfalls of thermodynamic sampling beyond density functional theory

Physical Review B

Clay III, Raymond C.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Shulenburger, Luke N.

Outstanding problems in the high-pressure phase diagram of hydrogen have demonstrated the need for more accurate ab initio methods for thermodynamic sampling. One promising method that has been deployed extensively above 100 GPa is coupled electron-ion Monte Carlo (CEIMC), which treats the electronic structure with quantum Monte Carlo (QMC). However, CEIMC predictions of the deuterium principal Hugoniot disagree significantly with experiment, overshooting the experimentally determined peak compression density by 7% and lower temperature gas-gun data by well over 20%. By deriving an equation relating the predicted Hugoniot density to underlying equation of state errors, we show that QMC and many-body methods can easily spoil the error cancellation properties inherent in the Rankine-Hugoniot relation, and very likely suffer from error addition. By cross validating QMC based on systematically improvable trial functions against post-Hartree-Fock many-body methods, we find that these methods introduce errors of the right sign and magnitude to account for much of the observed discrepancy between CEIMC and experiment. We stress that this is not just a CEIMC problem, but that thermodynamic sampling based on other many-body methods is likely to experience similar difficulties.

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Phase stability and interlayer interaction of blue phosphorene

Physical Review B

Ahn, Jeonghwan; Hong, Iuegyun; Kwon, Yongkyung; Clay III, Raymond C.; Shulenburger, Luke N.; Shin, Hyeondeok; Benali, Anouar

In this work, we study the interlayer interactions between sheets of blue phosphorus with quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods. We find that as previously observed in black phosphorus, interlayer binding of blue phosphorus cannot be described by van der Waals (vdW) interactions alone within the density functional theory framework. Specifically, while some vdW density functionals produced reasonable binding curves, none of them could provide a correct, even qualitatively, description of charge redistribution due to interlayer binding. We also show that small systematic errors in common practice QMC calculations, such as the choice of optimized geometry and finite-size corrections, are non-negligible given the energy and length scales of this problem. We mitigate some of the major sources of error and report QMC-optimized lattice constant, stacking, and interlayer binding energy for blue phosphorus. It is strongly suggested that these considerations are important and quite general in the modeling of two-dimensional phosphorus allotropes.

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Embracing a new era of highly efficient and productive quantum monte carlo simulations

Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC 2017

Mathuriya, Amrita; Luo, Ye; Clay III, Raymond C.; Benali, Anouar; Shulenburger, Luke N.; Kim, Jeongnim

QMCPACK has enabled cutting-edge materials research on supercomputers for over a decade. It scales nearly ideally but has low single-node efficiency due to the physics-based abstractions using array-of-structures objects, causing in-efficient vectorization. We present a systematic approach to transform QMCPACK to better exploit the new hardware features of modern CPUs in portable and maintainable ways. We develop miniapps for fast prototyping and optimizations. We implement new containers in structure-of-arrays data layout to facilitate vectorizations by the compilers. Further speedup and smaller memory-footprints are obtained by computing data on the fly with the vectorized routines and expanding single-precision use. All these are seamlessly incorporated in production QMCPACK. We demonstrate upto 4.5x speedups on recent Intel® processors and IBM Blue Gene/Q for representative workloads. Energy consumption is reduced significantly commensurate to the speedup factor. Memory-footprints are reduced by up-to 3.8x, opening the possibility to solve much larger problems of future.

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30 Results
30 Results