Shi, Guannan S.; Shurtz, Randy S.; Pickrell, Gary P.; Wang, Anbo W.; Zhu, Yizheng Z.
In this work, we study the point-by-point inscription of sapphire parallel fiber Bragg gratings (sapphire pFBGs) in a fully multimode system. A parallel FBG is shown to be critical in enabling detectable and reliable high-order grating signals. The impacts of modal volume, spatial coherence, and grating location on reflectivity are examined. Three cascaded seventh-order pFBGs are fabricated in one sapphire fiber for wavelength multiplexed temperature sensing. Using a low-cost, fully multimode 850-nm interrogator, reliable measurement up to 1500°C is demonstrated.
This is the Sandia report from a joint NSRD project between Sandia National Labs and Savannah River National Labs. The project involved development of simulation tools and data intended to be useful for tritium operations safety assessment. Tritium is a synthetic isotope of hydrogen that has a limited lifetime, and it is found at many tritium facilities in the form of elemental gas (T2). The most serious risk of reasonable probability in an accident scenario is when the tritium is released and reacts with oxygen to form a water molecule, which is subsequently absorbed into the human body. This tritium oxide is more readily absorbed by the body and therefore represents a limiting factor for safety analysis. The abnormal condition of a fire may result in conversion of the safer T2 inventory to the more hazardous oxidized form. It is this risk that tends to govern the safety protocols. Tritium fire datasets do not exist, so prescriptive safety guidance is largely conservative and reliant on means other than testing to formulate guidelines. This can have a consequence in terms of expensive and/or unnecessary mitigation design, handling protocols, and operational activities. This issue can be addressed through added studies on the behavior of tritium under representative conditions. Due to the hazards associated with the tests, this is being approached mainly from a modeling and simulation standpoint and surrogate testing. This study largely establishes the capability to generate simulation predictions with sufficiently credible characteristics to be accepted for safety guidelines as a surrogate for actual data through a variety of testing and modeling activities.
LIM1TR (Lithium-Ion Modeling with 1-D Thermal Runaway) is an open-source code that uses the finite volume method to simulate heat transfer and chemical kinetics on a quasi 1-D domain. The target application of this software is to simulate thermal runaway in systems of lithium-ion batteries. The source code for LIM1TR can be found at This user guide details the steps required to create and run simulations with LIM1TR starting with setting up the Python environment, generating an input file, and running a simulation. Additional details are provided on the output of LIM1TR as well as extending the code with custom reaction models. This user guide concludes with simple example analyses of common battery thermal runaway scenarios. The corresponding input files and processing scripts can be found in the “Examples” folder in the on-line repository, with select input files included in the appendix of this document.
This work uses accelerating rate calorimetry to evaluate the impact of cell chemistry, state of charge, cell capacity, and ultimately cell energy density on the total energy release and peak heating rates observed during thermal runaway of Li-ion batteries. While the traditional focus has been using calorimetry to compare different chemistries in cells of similar sizes, this work seeks to better understand how applicable small cell data is to understand the thermal runaway behavior of large cells as well as determine if thermal runaway behaviors can be more generally tied to aspects of lithium-ion cells such as total stored energy and specific energy. We have found a strong linear correlation between the total enthalpy of the thermal runaway process and the stored energy of the cell, apparently independent of cell size and state of charge. We have also shown that peak heating rates and peak temperatures reached during thermal runaway events are more closely tied to specific energy, increasing exponentially in the case of peak heating rates.
Energy storage using lithium-ion cells dominates consumer electronics and is rapidly becoming predominant in electric vehicles and grid-scale energy storage, but the high energy densities attained lead to the potential for release of this stored chemical energy. This article introduces some of the paths by which this energy might be unintentionally released, relating cell material properties to the physical processes associated with this potential release. The selected paths focus on the anode–electrolyte and cathode–electrolyte interactions that are of typical concern for current and near-future systems. Relevant material processes include bulk phase transformations, bulk diffusion, surface reactions, transport limitations across insulating passivation layers, and the potential for more complex material structures to enhance safety. We also discuss the development, parameterization, and application of predictive models for this energy release and give examples of the application of these models to gain further insight into the development of safer energy storage systems.
Thermal runaway of Li-ion batteries is a risk that is magnified when stacks of lithium-ion cells are used for large scale energy storage. When limits of propagation can be identified so that systems can be designed to prevent large scale cascading failure even if a failure does occur, these systems will be safer. The prediction of cell-to-cell failure propagation and the propagation limits in lithium-ion cell stacks were studied to better understand and identify safe designs. A thermal-runaway model was considered based on recent developments in thermochemical source terms. Propagating failure was characterized by temperatures above which calorimetry data is available. Results showed high temperature propagating failure predictions are too rapid unless an intra-particle diffusion limit is included, introducing a Damköhler number limiter into the rate expression. This new model form was evaluated against cell-to-cell failure propagation where the end cell of a stack is forced into thermal runaway through a nail-induced short circuit. Limits of propagation for this configuration are identified. Results showed cell-to-cell propagation predictions are consistent with measurements over a range of cell states of charge and with the introduction of metal plates between cells to add system heat capacity representative of structural members. This consistency extends from scenarios where propagation occurs through scenarios where propagation is prevented.
This work demonstrates how staged heat release from layered metal oxide cathodes in the presence of organic electrolytes can be predicted from basic thermodynamic properties. These prediction methods for heat release are an advancement compared to typical modeling approaches for thermal runaway in lithium-ion batteries, which tend to rely exclusively on calorimetry measurements of battery components. These calculations generate useful new insights when compared to calorimetry measurements for lithium cobalt oxide (LCO) as well as the most common varieties of nickel manganese cobalt oxide (NMC) and nickel cobalt aluminum oxide (NCA). Accurate trends in heat release with varying state of charge are predicted for all of these cathode materials. These results suggest that thermodynamic calculations utilizing a recently published database of properties are broadly applicable for predicting decomposition behavior of layered metal oxide cathodes. Aspects of literature calorimetry measurements relevant to thermal runaway modeling are identified and classified as thermodynamic or kinetic effects. The calorimetry measurements reviewed in this work will be useful for development of a new generation of thermal runaway models targeting applications where accurate maximum cell temperatures are required to predict cascading cell-to-cell propagation rates.