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IDC Re-Engineering Phase 2 Iteration E2 Use Case Realizations

Harris, James M.; Burns, John F.; Hamlet, Benjamin R.; Lober, Randy R.; Vickers, James W.

This architecturally significant use case describes how the System acquires meteorological data to build atmospheric models used in automatic and interactive processing of infrasound data. The System requests the latest available high-resolution global meteorological data from external data centers and puts it into the correct formats for generation of infrasound propagation models. The system moves the meteorological data from Data Acquisition Partition to the Data Processing Partition and stores the meteorological data. The System builds a new atmospheric model based on the meteorological data. This use case is architecturally significant because it describes acquiring meteorological data from various sources and creating dynamic atmospheric transmission model to support the prediction of infrasonic signal detection

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IDC System Specification Document Version 1.1

Harris, James M.; Lober, Randy R.

This document contains the system specifications derived to satisfy the system requirements found in the IDC System Requirements Document for the IDC Reengineering Phase 2 project. Revisions Version Date Author/Team Revision Description Authorized by V1.0 12/2014 IDC Reengineering Project Team Initial delivery M. Harris V1.1 2/2015 IDC Reengineering Project Team Iteration I2 Review Comments M. Harris

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US NDC Modernization Iteration E1 Prototyping Report: User Interface Framework

Lober, Randy R.

During the first iteration of the US NDC Modernization Elaboration phase (E1), the SNL US NDC modernization project team completed an initial survey of applicable COTS solutions, and established exploratory prototyping related to the User Interface Framework (UIF) in support of system architecture definition. This report summarizes these activities and discusses planned follow-on work.

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Coupled electro-thermal mechanical analyses for SMM actuators development

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems Division, (Publications) MEMS

Wong, Chungnin C.; Lober, Randy R.; Hales, Jason H.

A coupled-physics analysis code has been developed to simulate the electrical, thermal, and mechanical responses of surface micromachined (SMM) actuators. Our objective is to optimize the design and performance of these micro actuators. Since many new designs of these electro-thermal actuators have shuttles or platforms between beams, calculating the local Joule heating requires a multi-dimensional electrostatics analysis. Moreover, the electrical solution is strongly coupled to the temperature distribution since the electrical resistivity is temperature dependent. Thus, it is essential to perform a more comprehensive simulation that solves the coupled electrostatics, thermal, and mechanical equations. Results of the coupled-physics analyses will be presented. Copyright © 2004 by ASME.

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10 Results