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Sandia Optical Fringe Analysis Slope Tool (SOFAST) Improvement Effort (Final Report)

Smith, Braden J.; Brost, Randolph B.

The Sandia Optical Fringe Analysis Slope Tool (SOFAST) is a tool that has been developed at Sandia to measure the surface slope of concentrating solar power optics. This tool has largely remained of research quality over the past few years. Since SOFAST is important to ongoing tests happening at Sandia as well as an interest to others outside Sandia, there is a desire to bring SOFAST up to professional software standards. The goal of this effort was to make progress in several broad areas including: code quality, sample data collection, and validation and testing. During the course of this effort, much progress was made in these areas. SOFAST is now a much more professional grade tool. There are, however, some areas of improvement that could not be addressed in the timeframe of this work and will be addressed in the continuation of this effort.

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Estimating the Value of Automation for Concentrating Solar Power Industry Operations (Final Report)

McNamara, Laura A.; Brost, Randolph B.; Small, Daniel E.

This report summarizes findings from a small, mixed-method research study examining industry perspectives on the potential for new forms of automation to invigorate the concentrating solar power (CSP) industry. In Fall 2021, the Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) of the United States Department of Energy (DOE) funded Sandia National Laboratories to elicit industry stakeholder perspectives on the potential role of automated systems in CSP operations. We interviewed eleven CSP professionals from five countries, using a combination of structured and open comment response modes. Respondents indicated a preference for automated systems that support heliostat manufacturing and installation, calibration, and responsiveness to shifting weather conditions. This pilot study demonstrates the importance of engaging industry stakeholders in discussions of technology research and development, to promote adoptable, useful innovation.

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Statistical models of dengue fever

Communications in Computer and Information Science

Link, Hamilton E.; Richter, Samuel N.; Leung, Vitus J.; Brost, Randolph B.; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Staid, Andrea S.

We use Bayesian data analysis to predict dengue fever outbreaks and quantify the link between outbreaks and meteorological precursors tied to the breeding conditions of vector mosquitos. We use Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampling to estimate a seasonal Gaussian process modeling infection rate, and aperiodic basis coefficients for the rate of an “outbreak level” of infection beyond seasonal trends across two separate regions. We use this outbreak level to estimate an autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model from which we extrapolate a forecast. We show that the resulting model has useful forecasting power in the 6–8 week range. The forecasts are not significantly more accurate with the inclusion of meteorological covariates than with infection trends alone.

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Eyes On the Ground (Final Report)

Brost, Randolph B.; Little, Charles; McDaniel, Michael M.; Peter-Stein, Natacha P.; Wade, James R.

This report summarizes the work performed under the Sandia LDRD project "Eyes on the Ground: Visual Verification for On-Site Inspection." The goal of the project was to develop methods and tools to assist an IAEA inspector in assessing visual and other information encountered during an inspection. Effective IAEA inspections are key to verifying states' compliance with nuclear non-proliferation treaties. In the course of this work we developed a taxonomy of candidate inspector assistance tasks, selected key tasks to focus on, identified hardware and software solution approaches, and made progress in implementing them. In particular, we demonstrated the use of multiple types of 3-d scanning technology applied to simulated inspection environments, and implemented a preliminary prototype of a novel inspector assistance tool. This report summarizes the project's major accomplishments, and gathers the abstracts and references for the publication and reports that were prepared as part of this work. We then describe work in progress that is not yet ready for publication. Approved for public release; further dissemination unlimited.

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Adverse Event Prediction Using Graph-Augmented Temporal Analysis: Final Report

Brost, Randolph B.; Carrier, Erin E.; Carroll, Michelle C.; Groth, Katrina M.; Kegelmeyer, William P.; Leung, Vitus J.; Link, Hamilton E.; Patterson, Andrew J.; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Richter, Samuel N.; Robinson, David G.; Staid, Andrea S.; Woodbridge, Diane M.-K.

This report summarizes the work performed under the Sandia LDRD project "Adverse Event Prediction Using Graph-Augmented Temporal Analysis." The goal of the project was to de- velop a method for analyzing multiple time-series data streams to identify precursors provid- ing advance warning of the potential occurrence of events of interest. The proposed approach combined temporal analysis of each data stream with reasoning about relationships between data streams using a geospatial-temporal semantic graph. This class of problems is relevant to several important topics of national interest. In the course of this work we developed new temporal analysis techniques, including temporal analysis using Markov Chain Monte Carlo techniques, temporal shift algorithms to refine forecasts, and a version of Ripley's K-function extended to support temporal precursor identification. This report summarizes the project's major accomplishments, and gathers the abstracts and references for the publication sub- missions and reports that were prepared as part of this work. We then describe work in progress that is not yet ready for publication.

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Eyes On the Ground: Path Forward Analysis

Brost, Randolph B.; Little, Charles; Peter-Stein, Natacha P.; Wade, James R.

A previous report assesses our progress to date on the Eyes On the Ground project, and reviews lessons learned. In this report, we address the implications of those lessons in defining the most productive path forward for the remainder of the project. We propose two main concepts: Interactive Diagnosis and Model-Driven Assistance. Among these, the Model-Driven Assistance concept appears the most promising. The Model-Driven Assistance concept is based on an approximate but useful model of a facility, which provides a unified representation for storing, viewing, and analyzing data that is known about the facility. This representation provides value to both inspectors and IAEA headquarters, and facilitates communication between the two. The concept further includes a lightweight, portable field tool to aid the inspector in executing a variety of inspection tasks, including capture of images and 3-d scan data. We develop a detailed description of this concept, including its system components, functionality, and example use cases. The envisioned tool would provide value by reducing inspector cognitive load, streamlining inspection tasks, and facilitating communication between the inspector and teams at IAEA headquarters. We conclude by enumerating the top implementation priorities to pursue in the remaining limited time of the project. Approved for public release; further dissemination unlimited.

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Eyes On the Ground: Year 2 Assessment

Brost, Randolph B.; Little, Charles; McDaniel, Michael M.; McLendon, William C.; Wade, James R.

The goal of the Eyes On the Ground project is to develop tools to aid IAEA inspectors. Our original vision was to produce a tool that would take three-dimensional measurements of an unknown piece of equipment, construct a semantic representation of the measured object, and then use the resulting data to infer possible explanations of equipment function. We report our tests of a 3-d laser scanner to obtain 3-d point cloud data, and subsequent tests of software to convert the resulting point clouds into primitive geometric objects such as planes and cylinders. These tests successfully identified pipes of moderate diameter and planar surfaces, but also incurred significant noise. We also investigated the IAEA inspector task context, and learned that task constraints may present significant obstacles to using 3-d laser scanners. We further learned that equipment scale and enclosing cases may confound our original goal of equipment diagnosis. Meanwhile, we also surveyed the rapidly evolving field of 3-d measurement technology, and identified alternative sensor modalities that may prove more suitable for inspector use in a safeguards context. We conclude with a detailed discussion of lessons learned and the resulting implications for project goals. Approved for public release; further dissemination unlimited.

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Geospatial-Temporal Semantic Graph Evaluation for Induced Seismicity Analysis

Woodbridge, Diane W.; Brost, Randolph B.

We assess how geospatial-temporal semantic graphs [1] and our GeoGraphy code implementation might contribute to induced seismicity analysis. We focus on evaluating strengths and weaknesses of both 1) the fundamental concept of semantic graphs and 2) our current code implementation. With extensions and research effort, code implementation limitations can be overcome. The paper also describes relevance including possible data input types, expected analytical outcomes and how it can pair with other approaches and fit into a workflow.

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Path Network Recovery Using Remote Sensing Data and Geospatial-Temporal Semantic Graphs

McLendon, William C.; Brost, Randolph B.

Remote sensing systems produce large volumes of high-resolution images that are difficult to search. The GeoGraphy (pronounced Geo-Graph-y) framework [2, 20] encodes remote sensing imagery into a geospatial-temporal semantic graph representation to enable high level semantic searches to be performed. Typically scene objects such as buildings and trees tend to be shaped like blocks with few holes, but other shapes generated from path networks tend to have a large number of holes and can span a large geographic region due to their connectedness. For example, we have a dataset covering the city of Philadelphia in which there is a single road network node spanning a 6 mile x 8 mile region. Even a simple question such as "find two houses near the same street" might give unexpected results. More generally, nodes arising from networks of paths (roads, sidewalks, trails, etc.) require additional processing to make them useful for searches in GeoGraphy. We have assigned the term Path Network Recovery to this process. Path Network Recovery is a three-step process involving (1) partitioning the network node into segments, (2) repairing broken path segments interrupted by occlusions or sensor noise, and (3) adding path-aware search semantics into GeoQuestions. This report covers the path network recovery process, how it is used, and some example use cases of the current capabilities.

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Computing quality scores and uncertainty for approximate pattern matching in geospatial semantic graphs

Statistical Analysis and Data Mining

Stracuzzi, David J.; Brost, Randolph B.; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Robinson, David G.; Wilson, Alyson G.; Woodbridge, Diane W.

Geospatial semantic graphs provide a robust foundation for representing and analyzing remote sensor data. In particular, they support a variety of pattern search operations that capture the spatial and temporal relationships among the objects and events in the data. However, in the presence of large data corpora, even a carefully constructed search query may return a large number of unintended matches. This work considers the problem of calculating a quality score for each match to the query, given that the underlying data are uncertain. We present a preliminary evaluation of three methods for determining both match quality scores and associated uncertainty bounds, illustrated in the context of an example based on overhead imagery data.

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Preliminary Results on Uncertainty Quantification for Pattern Analytics

Stracuzzi, David J.; Brost, Randolph B.; Chen, Maximillian G.; Malinas, Rebecca; Peterson, Matthew G.; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Robinson, David G.; Woodbridge, Diane W.

This report summarizes preliminary research into uncertainty quantification for pattern ana- lytics within the context of the Pattern Analytics to Support High-Performance Exploitation and Reasoning (PANTHER) project. The primary focus of PANTHER was to make large quantities of remote sensing data searchable by analysts. The work described in this re- port adds nuance to both the initial data preparation steps and the search process. Search queries are transformed from does the specified pattern exist in the data? to how certain is the system that the returned results match the query? We show example results for both data processing and search, and discuss a number of possible improvements for each.

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A computational framework for ontologically storing and analyzing very large overhead image sets

Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Analytics for Big Geospatial Data, BigSpatial 2014

Brost, Randolph B.; Rintoul, Mark D.; McLendon, William C.; Strip, David R.; Parekh, Ojas D.; Woodbridge, Diane W.

We describe a computational approach to remote sensing image analysis that addresses many of the classic problems associated with storage, search, and query. This process starts by automatically annotating the fundamental objects in the image data set that will be used as a basis for an ontology, including both the objects (such as building, road, water, etc.) and their spatial and temporal relationships (is within 100 m of, is surrounded by, has changed in the past year, etc.). Data sets that can include multiple time slices of the same area are then processed using automated tools that reduce the images to the objects and relationships defined in an ontology based on the primitive objects, and this representation is stored in a geospatial-temporal semantic graph. Image searches are then defined in terms of the ontology (e.g. find a building greater than 103 m2 that borders a body of water), and the graph is searched for such relationships. This approach also enables the incorporation of non-image data that is related to the ontology. We demonstrate through an initial implementation of the entire system on large data sets (109 - 1011 pixels) that this system is robust against variations in di?erent image collection parameters, provides a way for analysts to query data sets in a more natural way, and can greatly reduce the memory footprint of the search.

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LDRD final report :

McLendon, William C.; Brost, Randolph B.

Modeling geospatial information with semantic graphs enables search for sites of interest based on relationships between features, without requiring strong a priori models of feature shape or other intrinsic properties. Geospatial semantic graphs can be constructed from raw sensor data with suitable preprocessing to obtain a discretized representation. This report describes initial work toward extending geospatial semantic graphs to include temporal information, and initial results applying semantic graph techniques to SAR image data. We describe an efficient graph structure that includes geospatial and temporal information, which is designed to support simultaneous spatial and temporal search queries. We also report a preliminary implementation of feature recognition, semantic graph modeling, and graph search based on input SAR data. The report concludes with lessons learned and suggestions for future improvements.

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43 Results
43 Results