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The role of cool-flame dynamics in high-pressure spray ignition

10th U.S. National Combustion Meeting

Dahms, Rainer N.; Paczko, Günter A.; Skeen, Scott A.; Pickett, Lyle M.

The mechanism of high-pressure spray flame ignition is still poorly understood. However, recent high-speed laser imaging has provided important insights into the spatial and temporal progression of the formation and consumption of formaldehyde which indicates the presence of cool-flame chemistry and its interplay with high-temperature ignition. A corroborating theoretical-numerical analysis, based on the Lagrangian flamelet equations, is presented. The validity of Peters' two-scale asymptotic for cool-flame dynamics is established by a coupled chemical explosive mode and molecular diffusion time scale analysis. Contrary to conventional wisdom, this analysis reveals that the flamelet derivation from the reactive Navier-Stokes equations applies during the entire turbulent two-stage ignition process. In combination with high-fidelity LLNL reference kinetics, the simulation then establishes the presence of a turbulent cool flame wave. It significantly decreases the low-temperature ignition delay in lower temperature regions in comparison to their homogeneous reactor reference. These waves facilitate high-temperature turbulent ignition in preferably rich mixture regions. It is shown that the ignition process follows a distinct pattern which can be characterized by a set of measurable time scales.

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Understanding the ignition mechanism of high-pressure spray flames

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute

Dahms, Rainer N.; Paczko, Günter A.; Skeen, Scott A.; Pickett, Lyle M.

A conceptual model for turbulent ignition in high-pressure spray flames is presented. The model is motivated by first-principles simulations and optical diagnostics applied to the Sandia n-dodecane experiment. The combined analysis established a conceptual model for turbulent ignition in high-pressure spray flames which is based on a set of identified characteristic time scales. The suddenly forming steep gradients from successful high-temperature ignition initiate the propagation of a turbulent flame. It rapidly ignites the entire spray head on time scales which are generally significantly smaller than the corresponding cool flame wave time scales.

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Liquid jet breakup regimes at supercritical pressures

Combustion and Flame

Dahms, Rainer N.; Oefelein, Joseph C.

Previously, a theory has been presented that explains how discrete vapor–liquid interfaces become diminished at certain high-pressure conditions in a manner that leads to well known qualitative trends observed from imaging in a variety of experiments. Rather than surface tension forces, transport processes can dominate over relevant ranges of conditions. In this paper, this framework is now generalized to treat a wide range of fuel-oxidizer combinations in a manner consistent with theories of capillary flows and extended corresponding states theory. Different flow conditions and species-specific molecular properties are shown to produce distinct variations of interfacial structures and local free molecular paths. These variations are shown to occur over the operating ranges in a variety of propulsion and power systems. Despite these variations, the generalized analysis reveals that the envelope of flow conditions at which the transition from classical sprays to diffusion-dominated mixing occurs exhibits a characteristic shape for all liquid–gas combinations. For alkane-oxidizer mixtures, it explains that these conditions shift to higher pressure flow conditions with increasing carbon number and demonstrates that, instead of widely assumed classical spray atomization, diffusion-dominated mixing may occur under relevant high-pressure conditions in many modern devices.

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Gradient Theory simulations of pure fluid interfaces using a generalized expression for influence parameters and a Helmholtz energy equation of state for fundamentally consistent two-phase calculations

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science

Dahms, Rainer N.

The fidelity of Gradient Theory simulations depends on the accuracy of saturation properties and influence parameters, and require equations of state (EoS) which exhibit a fundamentally consistent behavior in the two-phase regime. Widely applied multi-parameter EoS, however, are generally invalid inside this region. Hence, they may not be fully suitable for application in concert with Gradient Theory despite their ability to accurately predict saturation properties. The commonly assumed temperature-dependence of pure component influence parameters usually restricts their validity to subcritical temperature regimes. This may distort predictions for general multi-component interfaces where temperatures often exceed the critical temperature of vapor phase components. Then, the calculation of influence parameters is not well defined. In this paper, one of the first studies is presented in which Gradient Theory is combined with a next-generation Helmholtz energy EoS which facilitates fundamentally consistent calculations over the entire two-phase regime. Illustrated on pentafluoroethane as an example, reference simulations using this method are performed. They demonstrate the significance of such high-accuracy and fundamentally consistent calculations for the computation of interfacial properties. These reference simulations are compared to corresponding results from cubic PR EoS, widely-applied in combination with Gradient Theory, and mBWR EoS. The analysis reveals that neither of those two methods succeeds to consistently capture the qualitative distribution of obtained key thermodynamic properties in Gradient Theory. Furthermore, a generalized expression of the pure component influence parameter is presented. This development is informed by its fundamental definition based on the direct correlation function of the homogeneous fluid and by presented high-fidelity simulations of interfacial density profiles. The new model preserves the accuracy of previous temperature-dependent expressions, remains well-defined at supercritical temperatures, and is fully suitable for calculations of general multi-component two-phase interfaces.

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Combustion instability in spray-guided stratified-charge engines: A review

International Journal of Engine Research

Fansler, Todd D.; Reuss, David L.; Sick, Volker; Dahms, Rainer N.

This article reviews systematic research on combustion instabilities (principally rare, random misfires and partial burns) in spray-guided stratified-charge (SGSC) engines operated at part load with highly stratified fuel -air -residual mixtures. Results from high-speed optical imaging diagnostics and numerical simulation provide a conceptual framework and quantify the sensitivity of ignition and flame propagation to strong, cyclically varying temporal and spatial gradients in the flow field and in the fuel -air -residual distribution. For SGSC engines using multi-hole injectors, spark stretching and locally rich ignition are beneficial. Combustion instability is dominated by convective flow fluctuations that impede motion of the spark or flame kernel toward the bulk of the fuel, coupled with low flame speeds due to locally lean mixtures surrounding the kernel. In SGSC engines using outwardly opening piezo-electric injectors, ignition and early flame growth are strongly influenced by the spray's characteristic recirculation vortex. For both injection systems, the spray and the intake/compression-generated flow field influence each other. Factors underlying the benefits of multi-pulse injection are identified. Unresolved questions include (1) the extent to which piezo-SGSC misfires are caused by failure to form a flame kernel rather than by flame-kernel extinction (as in multi-hole SGSC engines); (2) the relative contributions of partially premixed flame propagation and mixing-controlled combustion under the exceptionally late-injection conditions that permit SGSC operation on E85-like fuels with very low NOx and soot emissions; and (3) the effects of flow-field variability on later combustion, where fuel-air-residual mixing within the piston bowl becomes important.

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Non-equilibrium gas-liquid interface dynamics in high-pressure liquid injection systems

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute

Dahms, Rainer N.; Oefelein, Joseph C.

The transition of classical spray atomization processes to single-phase continuous dense-fluid mixing dynamics with diminished surface tension forces is poorly understood. Recently, a theory has been presented that established, based on a Knudsen-number criterion, that the development of such mixing layers is initiated because the multicomponent two-phase interface becomes much wider than the mean free molecular path. This shows that the transition to mixing layers occurs due to interfacial dynamics and not, as conventional wisdom had suggested, because the liquid phase has heated up to supercritical temperatures where surface tension forces diminish. In this paper we focus on the dynamics of this transition process, which still poses many fundamental questions. We show that such dynamics are dictated by substantial statistical fluctuations about the average interface molecule number and the presence of significant interfacial free energy forces. The comprehensive analysis is performed based on a combination of non-equilibrium mean-field thermodynamics and a detailed modified 32-term Benedict-Webb-Rubin mixture state equation. Statistical fluctuations are quantified using the generally accepted model of Poisson-distributions for variances in systems with a small number of molecules. Such fluctuations quantify the range of pressure and temperature conditions under which the gradual transition to dense-fluid mixing dynamics occurs. The interface begins to deteriorate as it broadens substantially. The related interfacial free energy forces do not instantly diminish only because vapor-liquid equilibrium conditions do not apply anymore. Instead, such forces along with the present interfacial statistical fluctuations are shown to gradually decrease as the interface transitions through the molecular chaos regime and to diminish once the interface enters the continuum regime. Then, the interfacial region becomes a continuous gas-liquid mixing layer with diminished free energy forces that is significantly affected by single-phase real-fluid thermodynamics and transport properties.

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Atomization and dense-fluid breakup regimes in liquid rocket engines

Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics

Dahms, Rainer N.; Oefelein, Joseph C.

Until recently, modern theory has lacked a fundamentally based model to predict the operating pressures where classical sprays transition to dense-fluid mixing with diminished surface tension. In this paper, such a model is presented to quantify this transition for liquid-oxygen-hydrogen and n-decane-gaseous-oxygen injection processes. The analysis reveals that respective molecular interfaces break down not necessarily because of vanishing surface tension forces but instead because of the combination of broadened interfaces and a reduction in mean free molecular path. When this occurs, the interfacial structure itself enters the continuum regime, where transport processes rather than intermolecular forces dominate. Using this model, regime diagrams for the respective systems are constructed that show the range of operating pressures and temperatures where this transition occurs. The analysis also reveals the conditions where classical spray dynamics persists even at high supercritical pressures. It demonstrates that, depending on the composition and temperature of the injected fluids, the injection process can exhibit either classical spray atomization, dense-fluid diffusion-dominated mixing, or supercritical mixing phenomena at chamber pressures encountered in state-of-the-art liquid rocket engines.

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On the transition between two-phase and single-phase interface dynamics in multicomponent fluids at supercritical pressures

Physics of Fluids

Dahms, Rainer N.; Oefelein, Joseph C.

A theory that explains the operating pressures where liquid injection processes transition from exhibiting classical two-phase spray atomization phenomena to single-phase diffusion-dominated mixing is presented. Imaging from a variety of experiments have long shown that under certain conditions, typically when the pressure of the working fluid exceeds the thermodynamic critical pressure of the liquid phase, the presence of discrete two-phase flow processes become diminished. Instead, the classical gas-liquid interface is replaced by diffusion-dominated mixing. When and how this transition occurs, however, is not well understood. Modern theory still lacks a physically based model to quantify this transition and the precise mechanisms that lead to it. In this paper, we derive a new model that explains how the transition occurs in multicomponent fluids and present a detailed analysis to quantify it. The model applies a detailed property evaluation scheme based on a modified 32-term Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation of state that accounts for the relevant real-fluid thermodynamic and transport properties of the multicomponent system. This framework is combined with Linear Gradient Theory, which describes the detailed molecular structure of the vapor-liquid interface region. Our analysis reveals that the two-phase interface breaks down not necessarily due to vanishing surface tension forces, but due to thickened interfaces at high subcritical temperatures coupled with an inherent reduction of the mean free molecular path. At a certain point, the combination of reduced surface tension, the thicker interface, and reduced mean free molecular path enter the continuum length scale regime. When this occurs, inter-molecular forces approach that of the multicomponent continuum where transport processes dominate across the interfacial region. This leads to a continuous phase transition from compressed liquid to supercritical mixture states. Based on this theory, a regime diagram for liquid injection is developed that quantifies the conditions under which classical sprays transition to dense-fluid jets. It is shown that the chamber pressure required to support diffusion-dominated mixing dynamics depends on the composition and temperature of the injected liquid and ambient gas. To illustrate the method and analysis, we use conditions typical of diesel engine injection. We also present a companion set of high-speed images to provide experimental validation of the presented theory. The basic theory is quite general and applies to a wide range of modern propulsion and power systems such as liquid rockets, gas turbines, and reciprocating engines. Interestingly, the regime diagram associated with diesel engine injection suggests that classical spray phenomena at typical injection conditions do not occur. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.

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26 Results
26 Results