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Re-evaluation of U.S. DOE R&D efforts for generic deep geologic repositories - Roadmap update

International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management 2019, IHLRWM 2019

Sevougian, S.D.; Hammond, Glenn E.; Mariner, Paul M.; MacKinnon, R.J.; Swift, Peter N.; Rogers, R.D.; Dobson, D.C.; Tynan, M.C.

R&D addressing the disposal of commercial spent nuclear fuel in the U.S. is currently generic (i.e., “non-site-specific”) in scope. However, to prepare for the eventuality of a repository siting process, the former Used Fuel Disposition (UFD) Campaign of the Nuclear Energy (NE) Office of the U.S. DOE formulated an R&D Roadmap in 2012 outlining generic R&D activities and their priorities appropriate for developing safety cases and associated performance assessment (PA) models for deep geologic repositories in several potential host-rock environments in the contiguous United States. This 2012 UFD Roadmap identified the importance of re-evaluating priorities in future years as knowledge is gained from the DOE's ongoing R&D activities. Since 2012, significant knowledge has been gained from these activities through R&D in the U.S. and via international collaborations, especially with countries that operate underground research laboratories (URLs). The 2019 R&D Roadmap Update, introduced here, summarizes the progress of ongoing R&D activities, re-assesses R&D priorities, and identifies new activities of high priority, such as R&D on disposal of DPCs (dual purpose canisters), which now contain a significant fraction of the Nation's spent fuel activity.

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