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The ultrafast pixel array camera system and its applications in high energy density physics

Review of Scientific Instruments

Looker, Quinn M.; Oberla, Eric O.; Stahoviak, John W.; Mostafanezhad, Isar M.; Pang, Ryan P.; Luck, Marcus L.; Galloway, Ben G.; Rambo, Patrick K.; Porter, John L.

Diagnostics in high energy density physics, shock physics, and related fields are primarily driven by a need to record rapidly time-evolving signals in single-shot events. These measurements are often limited by channel count and signal degradation issues on cable links between the detector and digitizer. Here we present the Ultrafast Pixel Array Camera (UPAC), a compact and flexible detector readout system with 32 waveform-recording channels at up to 10 Gsample/s and 1.8 GHz analog bandwidth. The compact footprint allows the UPAC to be directly embedded in the detector environment. A key enabling technology is the PSEC4A chip, an eight-channel switch-capacitor array sampling device with up to 1056 samples/channel. The UPAC system includes a high-density input connector that can plug directly into an application-specific detector board, programmable control, and serial readout, with less than 5 W of power consumption in full operation. We present the UPAC design and characterization, including a measured timing resolution of ~20 ps or better on acquisitions of sub-nanosecond pulses with minimal system calibrations. Example applications of the UPAC are also shown to demonstrate operation of a solid-state streak camera, an ultrafast imaging array, and a neutron time-of-flight spectrometer.

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Development of the MARZ platform (Magnetically Ablated Reconnection on Z) to study astrophysically relevant radiative magnetic reconnection in the laboratory

Myers, Clayton E.; Hare, Jack H.; Ampleford, David A.; Aragon, Carlos A.; Chittenden, Jeremy P.; Colombo, Anthony P.; Crilly, Aidan C.; Datta, Rishabh D.; Edens, Aaron E.; Fox, Will F.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Halliday, Jack H.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Harding, Eric H.; Harmon, Roger L.; Jones, Michael J.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Ji, Hantao J.; Kuranz, Carolyn K.; Lebedev, Sergey L.; Looker, Quinn M.; Melean, Raul M.; Uzdensky, Dmitri U.; Webb, Timothy J.

Abstract not provided.

Lasergate: a windowless gas target for enhanced laser preheat in MagLIF

Galloway, B.R.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Kimmel, Mark W.; Rambo, Patrick K.; Schwarz, Jens S.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Weis, Matthew R.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Field, Ella S.; Kletecka, Damon E.; Looker, Quinn M.; Colombo, Anthony P.; Edens, Aaron E.; Smith, Ian C.; Shores, Jonathon S.; Speas, Christopher S.; Speas, Robert J.; Spann, Andrew S.; Sin, Justin S.; Gautier, Sophie G.; Sauget, Vincent S.; Treadwell, Paul T.; Rochau, G.A.; Porter, John L.

Abstract not provided.

An X-ray Intensity Operations Monitor (AXIOM) (Final LDRD Project Report)

Ulmen, Benjamin A.; Webb, Timothy J.; Radtke, Gregg A.; Olson, Aaron J.; Depriest, Kendall D.; Coffey, Sean K.; Looker, Quinn M.; Gao, Xujiao G.; Nicholas, Ryder N.; Edwards, Jarrod D.; McCourt, Andrew L.; Bell, Kate S.

The Saturn accelerator has historically lacked the capability to measure time-resolved spectra for its 3-ring bremsstrahlung x-ray source. This project aimed to create a spectrometer called AXIOM to provide this capability. The project had three major development pillars: hardware, simulation, and unfold code. The hardware consists of a ring of 24 detectors around an existing x-ray pinhole camera. The diagnostic was fielded on two shots at Saturn and over 100 shots at the TriMeV accelerator at Idaho Accelerator Center. A new Saturn x-ray environment simulation was created using measured data to validate. This simulation allows for timeresolved spectra computation to compare the experimental results. The AXIOM-Unfold code is a new parametric unfold code using modern global optimizers and uncertainty quantification. The code was written in Python, uses Gitlab version control and issue tracking, and has been developed with long term code support and maintenance in mind.

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Simulation and Modeling of Time-Resolved X-Ray Detector for the Saturn Accelerator

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

Gao, Xujiao G.; Looker, Quinn M.; Webb, Timothy J.; Depriest, Kendall D.; Ulmen, Benjamin A.

We present the technology-aided computer design (TCAD) device simulation and modeling of a silicon p-i-n diode for detecting time-dependent X-ray radiation. We show that the simulated forward and reverse breakdown current-voltage characteristics agree well with the measured data under nonradiation environment by only calibrating carrier lifetimes for the forward bias case and avalanche model critical fields for the reverse bias condition. Using the calibrated parameters and other nominal material properties, we simulated the radiation responses of the p-i-n diode and compared with experimental data when the diode was exposed to X-ray radiation at Sandia's Saturn facility and the Idaho State University (ISU) TriMeV facility. For Saturn's Gaussian dose-rate pulses, we show three findings from TCAD simulations. First, the simulated photocurrents are in excellent agreement with the measured data for two dose-rate pulses with peak values of 1.16 times 10 -{10} and 1.88 times 10 -{10} rad(Si)/s. Second, the simulation results of high dose-rate pulses predict increased delayed photocurrents with longer time tails in the diode electrical responses due to excess carrier generation. Third, simulated peak values of diode radiation responses versus peak dose rates at different bias conditions provide useful guidance to determine the dose-rate range that the p-i-n diode can reliably detect in experiment. For TriMeV's non-Gaussian dose-rate pulse, our simulated diode response is in decent agreement with the measured data without further calibration. We also studied the effects of device geometry, recombination process, and dose-rate enhancement via TCAD simulations to understand the higher measured response in the time after the peak dose-rate radiation for the p-i-n diode exposed to TriMeV irradiation.

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Detector thickness effects on nanosecond-gated imager response

Review of Scientific Instruments

Looker, Quinn M.; Colombo, Anthony P.; Porter, John L.

Hybrid CMOS multi-frame imagers with exposure times down to ∼2 ns have made significant impacts in high energy density physics and inertial confinement fusion research. The detector thickness is a key parameter in both detector quantum efficiency and temporal response. The Icarus hybrid CMOS imager has been fabricated with Si detector thicknesses of 8, 25, and 100 μm. The temporal response of imaging sensors with exposure time down to 2 ns has been examined and compared to directly measured photodiode current. The 100-μm thick variant displays extended features related to charge carrier collection and is more susceptible to field collapse. We also demonstrate charge collection time effects on spatial response.

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Synchrotron characterization of high-Z, current-mode X-ray detectors

Review of Scientific Instruments

Looker, Quinn M.; Wood, Michael G.; Miceli, Antonino; Niraula, Madan; Yasuda, Kazuhito; Porter, John L.

Fast X-ray detectors are critical tools in pulsed power and fusion applications, where detector impulse response of a nanosecond or better is often required. Semiconductor detectors can create fast, sensitive devices with extensive operational flexibility. There is typically a trade-off between detector sensitivity and speed, but higher atomic number absorbers can increase hard X-ray absorption without increasing the charge collection time, provided carriers achieve high velocity. This paper presents X-ray pulse characterization conducted at the Advanced Photon Source of X-ray absorption efficiency and temporal impulse response of current-mode semiconductor X-ray detectors composed of Si, GaAs, and CdTe.

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Nano-Engineering of Detector Surfaces to Offer Unprecedented Imager Sensitivity to Soft X-rays and Low Energy Electrons

Looker, Quinn M.; Sanchez, Marcos O.

The focus of this document is to record the learning and process development achieved by the completion of the Nano-Engineering of Detector Surfaces to Offer Unprecedented Imager Sensitivity to Soft X-rays and Low Energy Electrons LDRD. The goal of this effort was to study different silicon detector surface preparation methods such as ion implant parameters, and the addition of a quantum 2-layer superlattice. Enabling the preparation of the surface of silicon detectors (front side illuminated or bonded backside illuminated) increases the responsivity of the diode to shallowly absorbed photons. This increased sensitivity in turn allows for greater fidelity in imaging events that emit low soft X-rays or low energy electrons. Prior work has focused on passivating the surface of a silicon detectors with thin layers (tens of nm thick) of materials to reduce surface recombination sites. Measurements of visible light quantum efficiency, electron responsivity, and pulsed x-ray response indicate that detectors with a 2- layer superlattice enjoy a significant benefit over equivalent detectors using an ion implant at the illuminated surface. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The research described in this LDRD was carried out at Sandia National Laboratories, under a contract with the Department of Energy, and at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Supported by the Laboratory Directed Research and Development program at Sandia National Laboratories, a multi-mission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525.

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Phase modulation failsafe system for multi-kJ lasers based on optical heterodyne detection

Review of Scientific Instruments

Armstrong, Darrell J.; Looker, Quinn M.; Stahoviak, John W.; Smith, Ian C.; Shores, J.E.; Rambo, Patrick K.; Schwarz, Jens S.; Speas, C.S.; Porter, John L.

Amplification of the transverse scattered component of stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) can contribute to optical damage in the large aperture optics of multi-kJ lasers. Because increased laser bandwidth from optical phase modulation (PM) can suppress SBS, high energy laser amplifiers are injected with PM light. Phase modulation distributes the single-frequency spectrum of a master oscillator laser among individual PM sidebands, so a sufficiently high modulation index β can maintain the fluence for all spectral components below the SBS threshold. To avoid injection of single frequency light in the event of a PM failure, a high-speed PM failsafe system (PMFS) must be employed. Because PM is easily converted to AM, essentially all PM failsafes detect AM, with the one described here employing a novel configuration where optical heterodyne detection converts PM to AM, followed by passive AM power detection. Although the PMFS is currently configured for continuous monitoring, it can also detect PM for pulse durations ≥2 ns and could be modified to accommodate shorter pulses. This PMFS was deployed on the Z-Beamlet Laser (ZBL) at Sandia National Laboratories, as required by an energy upgrade to support programs at Sandia's Z Facility such as magnetized liner inertial fusion. Depending on the origin of a PM failure, the PMFS responds in as little as 7 ns. In the event of an instantaneous failure during initiation of a laser shot, this response time translates to a 30-50 ns margin of safety by blocking a pulse from leaving ZBL's regenerative amplifier, which prevents injection of single frequency light into the main amplification chain. The performance of the PMFS, without the need for operator interaction, conforms to the principles of engineered safety.

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A Window-less Target for Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion Characterized using High-Speed Solid-State Framing Cameras

Colombo, Anthony P.; Schwarz, Jens S.; Rambo, Patrick K.; Galloway, B.R.; Kimmel, Mark W.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Weis, Matthew R.; Claus, Liam D.; England, Troy D.; Fang, Lu F.; Looker, Quinn M.; Mitchell, Brandon M.; Montoya, Andrew M.; Robertson, Gideon R.; Rochau, G.A.; Sanchez, Marcos O.; Stahoviak, John W.; Hund, Jared H.; Sin, Justin S.; Porter, John L.

Abstract not provided.

40 Results
40 Results