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Compositional effects on the mechanical and thermal properties of MoNbTaTi refractory complex concentrated alloys

Materials and Design

Startt, Jacob K.; Kustas, Andrew K.; Pegues, Jonathan W.; Yang, Pin Y.; Dingreville, RĂ©mi

Refractory complex concentrated alloys are an emerging class of materials that attracts attention due to their stability and performance at high temperatures. In this study, we investigate the variations in the mechanical and thermal properties across a broad compositional space for the refractory MoNbTaTi quaternary using high-throughput ab-initio calculations and experimental characterization. For all the properties surveyed, we note a good agreement between our modeling predictions and the experimentally measured values. We reveal the particular role of molybdenum (Mo) to achieve high strength when in high concentration. We trace the origin of this phenomenon to a shift from metallic to covalent bonding when the Mo content is increased. Additionally, a mechanistic, dislocation-based description of the yield strength further explains such high strength due to a combination of high bulk and shear moduli, accompanied by the relatively small size of the Mo atom compared to the other atoms in the alloy. Our analysis of the thermodynamics properties shows that regardless of the composition, this class of quaternary alloys shows good stability and low sensitivity to temperature. Taken together, these results pave the way for the design of new high-performance refractory alloys beyond the equimolar composition found in high-entropy alloys.

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Finite-element modeling for an explosively loaded ferroelectric generator

Niederhaus, John H.; Yang, Pin Y.; DiAntonio, Christopher D.; Vunni, George V.

A preliminary finite-element model has been developed using the ALEGRA-FE code for explosive- driven depoling of a PZT 95/5 ferroelectric generator. The ferroelectric material is characterized using hysteresis-loop and hydrostatic depoling tests. These characteristics are incorporated into ALEGRA-FE simulations that model the explosive drive mechanism and shock environment in the material leading to depoling, as well as the ferroelectric response and the behavior of a coupled circuit. The ferroelectric-to-antiferroelectric phase transition is captured, producing an output voltage pulse that matches experimental data to within 10% in rise time, and to within about 15% for the final voltage. Both experimental and modeled pulse magnitudes are less than the theoretical maximum output of the material. Observations from materials characterization suggest that unmodeled effects such as trapped charge in the stored FEG material may have influenced the experimentally observed output. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are thankful to Mr. Peter Bartkowski and Mr. Paul Berning at ARL for initiating this work and providing critical insight along the way. Also, we thank Dr. Thomas Hughes and Dr. James Carleton at Sandia for important technical discussions and guidance. Finally, we wish to thank Tom Chavez at Sandia, who was heavily involved in conducting the laboratory materials characterization.

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Rock-welding materials development for deep borehole nuclear waste disposal

Materials Chemistry and Physics

Yang, Pin Y.; Wang, Yifeng; Rodriguez, Mark A.; Brady, Patrick V.

Various versions of deep borehole nuclear waste disposal have been proposed in the past in which effective sealing of a borehole after waste emplacement is generally required. In a high temperature disposal mode, the sealing function will be fulfilled by melting the ambient granitic rock with waste decay heat or an external heating source, creating a melt that will encapsulate waste containers or plug a portion of the borehole above a stack of the containers. However, there are certain drawbacks associated with natural materials, such as high melting temperatures, inefficient consolidation, slow crystallization kinetics, the resulting sealing materials generally being porous with low mechanical strength, insufficient adhesion to waste container surface, and lack of flexibility for engineering controls. In this study, we showed that natural granitic materials can be purposefully engineered through chemical modifications to enhance the sealing capability of the materials for deep borehole disposal. The present work systematically explores the effect of chemical modification and crystallinity (amorphous vs. crystalline) on the melting and crystallization processes of a granitic rock system. The approach can be applied to modify granites excavated from different geological sites. Several engineered granitic materials have been explored which possess significantly lower processing and densification temperatures than natural granites. Those new materials consolidate more efficiently by viscous flow and accelerated recrystallization without compromising their mechanical integrity and properties.

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Effect of thermal annealing on microstructure evolution and mechanical behavior of an additive manufactured AlSi10Mg part

Journal of Materials Research

Yang, Pin Y.; Rodriguez, Mark A.; Deibler, Lisa A.; Jared, Bradley H.; Griego, James J.M.; Kilgo, Alice C.; Allen, Amy A.; Stefan, Daniel K.

The powder-bed laser additive manufacturing (AM) process is widely used in the fabrication of three-dimensional metallic parts with intricate structures, where kinetically controlled diffusion and microstructure ripening can be hindered by fast melting and rapid solidification. Therefore, the microstructure and physical properties of parts made by this process will be significantly different from their counterparts produced by conventional methods. This work investigates the microstructure evolution for an AM fabricated AlSi10Mg part from its nonequilibrium state toward equilibrium state. Special attention is placed on silicon dissolution, precipitate formation, collapsing of a divorced eutectic cellular structure, and microstructure ripening in the thermal annealing process. These events alter the size, morphology, length scale, and distribution of the beta silicon phase in the primary aluminum, and changes associated with elastic properties and microhardness are reported. The relationship between residual stress and silicon dissolution due to changes in lattice spacing is also investigated and discussed.

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Materials assurance through orthogonal materials measurements: X-ray fluorescence aspects

Powder Diffraction

Rodriguez, Mark A.; Van Benthem, Mark V.; Susan, D.F.; Griego, James J.M.; Yang, Pin Y.; Mowry, Curtis D.; Enos, David E.

X-ray fluorescence (XRF) has been employed as one of several orthogonal means of screening materials to prevent counterfeit and adulterated products from entering the product stream. We document the use of principal component analysis (PCA) of XRF data on compositionally similar and dissimilar stainless steels for the purpose of testing the feasibility of employing XRF spectra to parse and bin these alloys as the same or significantly different alloy materials. The results indicate that XRF spectra can separate and assign alloys via PCA, but that important corrections for detector drift and scaling must be performed in order to achieve valid results.

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High Fidelity Modeling of Ionic Conduction in Solids

Zhou, Xiaowang Z.; Doty, Fred P.; Foster, Michael E.; Yang, Pin Y.; Fan, Hongyou F.

TlBr has the properties to become the leading radiation detection semiconductor. It has not yet been deployed due to a short lifetime of only hours to weeks. While the rapid structural deteriorations must come from ionic conduction under operating electrical fields, detailed aging mechanisms have not been understood. As a result, progress to extend lifetime has been limited despite extensive studies in the past. We have developed new atomistic simulation capabilities to enable study of ionic conduction under electrical fields. Our combined simulations and experiments indicate that dislocations in TlBr climb under electrical fields. This climb is the root cause for structural deterioration. Hence, we discovered new strengthening methods to reduce aging. Our new atomistic simulation approach can have broader impact on other Sandia programs including battery research. Our project results in 4 publications, a new invention, new LAMMPS capabilities, solution to mission relevant materials, and numerous presentations.

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Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Dislocations in TlBr Crystals under an Electrical Field

MRS Advances

Zhou, X.W.; Foster, M.E.; Yang, Pin Y.; Doty, F.P.

TlBr crystals have superior radiation detection properties; however, their properties degrade in the range of hours to weeks when an operating electrical field is applied. To account for this rapid degradation using the widely-accepted vacancy migration mechanism, the vacancy concentration must be orders of magnitude higher than any conventional estimates. The present work has incorporated a new analytical variable charge model in molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to examine the structural changes of materials under electrical fields. Our simulations indicate that dislocations in TlBr move under electrical fields. This discovery can lead to new understanding of TlBr aging mechanisms under external fields.

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A modified Stillinger-Weber potential for TlBr and its polymorphic extension

Journal of Materials Science Research

Zhou, Xiaowang Z.; Foster, Michael E.; Jones, Reese E.; Doty, Fred P.; Yang, Pin Y.; Fan, Hongyou F.

TlBr is promising for g- and x- radiation detection, but suffers from rapid performance degradation under the operating external electric fields. To enable molecular dynamics (MD) studies of this degradation, we have developed a Stillinger-Weber type of TlBr interatomic potential. During this process, we have also addressed two problems of wider interests. First, the conventional Stillinger-Weber potential format is only applicable for tetrahedral structures (e.g., diamond-cubic, zinc-blende, or wurtzite). Here we have modified the analytical functions of the Stillinger-Weber potential so that it can now be used for other crystal structures. Second, past modifications of interatomic potentials cannot always be applied by a broad community because any new analytical functions of the potential would require corresponding changes in the molecular dynamics codes. Here we have developed a polymorphic potential model that simultaneously incorporates Stillinger-Weber, Tersoff, embedded-atom method, and any variations (i.e., modified functions) of these potentials. As a result, we have implemented this polymorphic model in MD code LAMMPS, and demonstrated that our TlBr potential enables stable MD simulations under external electric fields.

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Accelerated discovery of elpasolite scintillators

Doty, Fred P.; Yang, Pin Y.; Zhou, Xiaowang Z.

Elpasolite scintillators are a large family of halides which includes compounds reported to meet the NA22 program goals of <3% energy resolution at 662 keV1. This work investigated the potential to produce quality elpasolite compounds and alloys of useful sizes at reasonable cost, through systematic experimental and computational investigation of crystal structure and properties across the composition space. Discovery was accelerated by computational methods and models developed previously to efficiently identify cubic members of the elpasolite halides, and to evaluate stability of anion and cation exchange alloys.

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Synthesis and characterization of solvothermal processed calcium tungstate nanomaterials from alkoxide precursors

Chemistry of Materials

Boyle, Timothy J.; Yang, Pin Y.; Hattar, Khalid M.; Hernandez-Sanchez, Bernadette A.; Neville, Michael L.; Pratt, Sarah H.

An evaluation of calcium tungsten oxide (CaWO4) nanoparticles' properties was conducted using the powders generated from an all-alkoxide solvothermal (SOLVO) route. The reaction involved a toluene/pyridine mixture of tungsten(V) ethoxide ([W(OEt)5]) with calcium bis(trimethyl silyl) amide ([Ca(N(Si(CH3)3)2]) modified in situ by a series of alcohols (H-OR) including neo-pentanol (H-OCH2C(CH 3)3 or H-ONep) or sterically varied aryl alcohols (H-OC6H3R2-2,6 where R = CH3 (H-DMP), CH(CH3)2 (H-DIP), C(CH3)3 (DBP))]. Attempts to identify the intermediates generated from this series of reactions led to the crystallographic identification of [(OEt) 4W(μ-OEt)2Ca(DBP)2] (1). Each different SOLVO generated "initial" powder was found by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) to be nanomaterials roughly assigned as the scheelite phase (PDF 00-041-1431); however, these initial powders displayed no luminescent behavior as determined by photoluminescence (PL) measurements. Thermal processing of these powders at 450, 650, and 750 C yielded progressively larger and more crystalline scheelite nanoparticles. Both PL and cathodoluminescent (CL) emission (422-425 and 429 nm, respectively) were observed for the nanomaterials processed at 750 C. Ion beam induced luminescence (IBIL, 478 nm) appeared to be in agreement with these PL and CL measurements. Further processing of the materials at 1000 C, led to a coalescence of the particles and significant improvement in the observed PL (445 nm) and CL measurements; however, the IBIL spectrum of this material was significantly altered upon exposure. These data suggest that the smaller nanoparticles were more stable to radiation effects possibly due to the lack of energy deposits based on the short track length; whereas the larger particles appear to suffer from radiation induced structural defects. © 2013 American Chemical Society.

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Thermal neutron detection using alkali halide scintillators with Li-6 and pulse shape discrimination

Brubaker, Erik B.; Dibble, Dean C.; Mengesha, Wondwosen M.; Yang, Pin Y.

An ideal 3He detector replacement for the near- to medium-term future will use materials that are easy to produce and well understood, while maintaining thermal neutron detection efficiency and gamma rejection close to the 3He standard. Toward this end, we investigated the use of standard alkali halide scintillators interfaced with 6Li and read out with photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). Thermal neutrons are captured on 6Li with high efficiency, emitting high-energy and triton (3H) reaction products. These particles deposit energy in the scintillator, providing a thermal neutron signal; discrimination against gamma interactions is possible via pulse shape discrimination (PSD), since heavy particles produce faster pulses in alkali halide crystals. We constructed and tested two classes of detectors based on this concept. In one case 6Li is used as a dopant in polycrystalline NaI; in the other case a thin Li foil is used as a conversion layer. In the configurations studied here, these systems are sensitive to both gamma and neutron radiation, with discrimination between the two and good energy resolution for gamma spectroscopy. We present results from our investigations, including measurements of the neutron efficiency and gamma rejection for the two detector types. We also show a comparison with Cs2LiYCl6:Ce (CLYC), which is emerging as the standard scintillator for simultaneous gamma and thermal neutron detection, and also allows PSD. We conclude that 6Li foil with CsI scintillating crystals has near-term promise as a thermal neutron detector in applications previously dominated by 3He detectors. The other approach, 6Li-doped alkali halides, has some potential, but require more work to understand material properties and improve fabrication processes.

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Elpasolite scintillators

Doty, Fred P.; Yang, Pin Y.; Zhou, Xiaowang Z.; Rodriguez, Marko A.

This work was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Nonproliferation Research to develop elpasolite materials, with an emphasis on high-atomic-number rare-earth elpasolites for gamma-ray spectrometer applications. Low-cost, high-performance gamma-ray spectrometers are needed for detection of nuclear proliferation. Cubic materials, such as some members of the elpasolite family (A2BLnX6; Ln-lanthanide and X-halogen), hold promise due to their high light output, proportionality, and potential for scale-up. Using both computational and experimental studies, a systematic investigation of the compositionstructureproperty relationships of these high-atomic-number elpasolite halides was performed. The results reduce the barrier to commercialization of large single crystals or transparent ceramics, and will facilitate economical scale-up of elpasolites for high-sensitivity gamma-ray spectroscopy.

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Synthesis and electrical analysis of nano-crystalline barium titanate nanocomposites for use in high-energy density applications

DiAntonio, Christopher D.; Monson, Todd M.; Winter, Michael R.; Roesler, Alexander R.; Chavez, Tom C.; Yang, Pin Y.

Ceramic based nanocomposites have recently demonstrated the ability to provide enhanced permittivity, increased dielectric breakdown strength, and reduced electromechanical strain making them potential materials systems for high energy density applications. A systematic characterization and optimization of barium titanate and PLZT based nanoparticle composites employing a glass or polymer matrix to yield a high energy density component will be presented. This work will present the systematic characterization and optimization of barium titanate and lead lanthanum zirconate titanate nanoparticle based ceramics. The nanoparticles have been synthesized using solution and pH-based synthesis processing routes and employed to fabricate polycrystalline ceramic and nanocomposite based components. The dielectric/ferroelectric properties of these various components have been gauged by impedance analysis and electromechanical response and will be discussed.

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Dielectric and ferroelectric analysis of nanoparticle/nanocrystalline barium titanate and PLZT

DiAntonio, Christopher D.; Monson, Todd M.; Yang, Pin Y.; Winter, Michael R.; Roesler, Alexander R.; Chavez, Tom C.

Attractive for numerous technological applications, ferroelectronic oxides constitute an important class of multifunctional compounds. Intense experimental efforts have been made recently in synthesizing, processing and understanding ferroelectric nanostructures. This work will present the systematic characterization and optimization of barium titanate and lead lanthanum zirconate titanate nanoparticle based ceramics. The nanoparticles have been synthesized using several solution and pH-based synthesis processing routes and employed to fabricate polycrystalline ceramic and nanocomposite based components. The dielectric and ferroelectric properties of these various components have been gauged by impedance analysis and electromechanical response and will be discussed.

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Atomistic models for scintillator discovery

Doty, Fred P.; Yang, Pin Y.

A2BLnX6 elpasolites (A, B: alkali; Ln: lanthanide; X: halogen), LaBr3 lanthanum bromide, and AX alkali halides are three classes of the ionic compound crystals being explored for {gamma}-ray detection applications. Elpasolites are attractive because they can be optimized from combinations of four different elements. One design goal is to create cubic crystals that have isotropic optical properties and can be grown into large crystals at lower costs. Unfortunately, many elpasolites do not have cubic crystals and the experimental trial-and-error approach to find the cubic elpasolites has been prolonged and inefficient. LaBr3 is attractive due to its established good scintillation properties. The problem is that this brittle material is not only prone to fracture during services, but also difficult to grow into large crystals resulting in high production cost. Unfortunately, it is not always clear how to strengthen LaBr3 due to the lack of understanding of its fracture mechanisms. The problem with alkali halides is that their properties decay rapidly over time especially under harsh environment. Here we describe our recent progress on the development of atomistic models that may begin to enable the prediction of crystal structures and the study of fracture mechanisms of multi-element compounds.

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Pressure-temperature phase diagram for a tin modified lead zirconate titanate ceramic

Yang, Pin Y.; Roesler, Alexander R.; Moore, Roger H.; DiAntonio, Christopher D.; Montgomery, Stephen M.

Structural phase transformations between ferroelectric (FE), antiferroelectric (AFE), and paraelectric (FE) phases are frequently observed in the zirconia-rich phase region on the lead zirconate-titanate (PZT) phase diagram. Since the free energy difference among these phases is small, phase transformation can be easily induced by temperature, pressure and electric field. These induced transformation characteristics have been used for many practical applications. This study focuses on a hydrostatic pressure induced FE-to-AFE phase transformation in a tin modified PZT ceramic (PSZT). The relative phase stability between FE and AFE phases is determined by the dielectric permittivity measurement as a function of temperature from -60 C to 125 C. A pressure-temperature phase diagram for the PSZT system will be presented.

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Development of atomistic models to aid the design of new scintillator materials

Doty, Fred P.; Yang, Pin Y.

The development of more reliable scintillator materials can significantly advance the gamma-ray detection technology. Scintillator materials such as lanthanum halides (e.g., LaBr{sub 3}, CsBr{sub 3}), elpasolites (e.g., Cs{sub 2}LiLaBr{sub 6}, Cs{sub 2}NaLaBr{sub 6}, and Cs{sub 2}LiLaI{sub 6}), and alkali halides (e.g., CsI, NaI) are extremely brittle. The fracture of the materials is often a problem causing the failure of the devices. Lanthanum halides typically have a hexagonal crystal structure. These materials have highly anisotropic thermal and mechanical properties, and therefore they are likely to fracture under cyclic thermal and mechanical loading conditions. For example, fracture of lanthanum halides is known to occur in the field. Fracture during synthesis also complicates the growth of large lanthanum halide single crystals needed for sensitive radiation detection, and accounts for the high production cost of these materials. Elpasolites can have both cubic and non-cubic crystal structures depending on the constituent elements and composition of the compounds. This provides an opportunity to design cubic elpasolites with more isotropic properties and therefore improved mechanical performances. However, the design of an optimized cubic elpasolite crystal remains elusive because there is a tremendous number of possible elpasolites and the design criterion for cubic crystals is not clear. Alkali halides have cubic crystal structures. Consequently, large CsI and NaI crystals have been grown and used in devices. However, these materials suffer from an aging problem, i.e., the properties decay rapidly over time especially under harsh environment. Unfortunately, the fundamental mechanisms of this aging have not been understood and the path to improve the alkali halide-based scintillators is not developed. Clearly, improved scintillator materials can be achieved via strengthened/toughened lanthanum halides, optimized cubic elpasolites, or new alkali halide-based crystals that are more resistant to aging. Without a fundamental understanding of the atomic origins of the mechanical and the thermodynamic properties of materials, past experimental efforts to develop improved scintillator materials have been prolonged. Here we report our recent progress on the development of atomistic models that can be used to accelerate the discovery of new scintillator materials with improved properties. First, we have developed a novel embedded-ion method interatomic potential approach that analytically addresses the variable charge interactions between atoms in ionic compound material systems. Based on this potential, molecular dynamics simulations have been used to study the mechanical properties of LaBr3 including slip systems, dislocation core structures, and material strength. We have also developed an atomistic model that can already be used to predict crystal structures and to derive crystal stability rules for alkali halides. This model is under further development for prediction of crystal structures of elpasolites. These efforts will facilitate the design of better scintillator materials.

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Barium titanate nanocomposite capacitor FY09 year end report

Stevens, Tyler E.; DiAntonio, Christopher D.; Winter, Michael R.; Chavez, Tom C.; Yang, Pin Y.; Roesler, Alexander R.

This late start RTBF project started the development of barium titanate (BTO)/glass nanocomposite capacitors for future and emerging energy storage applications. The long term goal of this work is to decrease the size, weight, and cost of ceramic capacitors while increasing their reliability. Ceramic-based nanocomposites have the potential to yield materials with enhanced permittivity, breakdown strength (BDS), and reduced strain, which can increase the energy density of capacitors and increase their shot life. Composites of BTO in glass will limit grain growth during device fabrication (preserving nanoparticle grain size and enhanced properties), resulting in devices with improved density, permittivity, BDS, and shot life. BTO will eliminate the issues associated with Pb toxicity and volatility as well as the variation in energy storage vs. temperature of PZT based devices. During the last six months of FY09 this work focused on developing syntheses for BTO nanoparticles and firing profiles for sintering BTO/glass composite capacitors.

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Creating bulk nanocrystalline metal

Yang, Pin Y.; Hall, Aaron C.; Vogler, Tracy V.; Gill, David D.

Nanocrystalline and nanostructured materials offer unique microstructure-dependent properties that are superior to coarse-grained materials. These materials have been shown to have very high hardness, strength, and wear resistance. However, most current methods of producing nanostructured materials in weapons-relevant materials create powdered metal that must be consolidated into bulk form to be useful. Conventional consolidation methods are not appropriate due to the need to maintain the nanocrystalline structure. This research investigated new ways of creating nanocrystalline material, new methods of consolidating nanocrystalline material, and an analysis of these different methods of creation and consolidation to evaluate their applicability to mesoscale weapons applications where part features are often under 100 {micro}m wide and the material's microstructure must be very small to give homogeneous properties across the feature.

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A beryllium dome specimen holder for XRD analysis of air sensitive materials

Powder Diffraction

Rodriguez, Marko A.; Boyle, Timothy J.; Yang, Pin Y.; Harris, Damon L.

A specially designed specimen holder employing a beryllium dome has been fabricated for collection of X-ray diffraction (XRD) data from highly reactive materials. The specimen holder has a robust O-ring type seal (< 10-9 Torr) and no observed intensity artifacts in the 1° to 150° 2θ range. The design also minimizes specimen displacement errors and allows for analysis of both powders and bulk specimens (i.e., pellets). The simple design makes for straightforward assembly of the holder within the confines of a glove box. XRD analysis of hygroscopic LaBr3 powders collected with this holder are suitable for Rietveld structure refinement, yielding unit cell lattice parameters of a=7.9703(6) Å and c=4.5122(6) Å cell volume= 248.44(6) Å3; Rp =7.70%. © 2008 International Centre for Diffraction Data.

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Modeling injection molding of net-shape active ceramic components

Rao, Rekha R.; Brooks, Carlton F.; Cote, Raymond O.; Castaneda, Jaime N.; Mondy, L.A.; Noble, David R.; Hopkins, Matthew M.; Notz, Patrick N.; Halbleib, Laura L.; Yang, Pin Y.; Burns, George B.; Grillet, Anne M.

To reduce costs and hazardous wastes associated with the production of lead-based active ceramic components, an injection molding process is being investigated to replace the current machining process. Here, lead zirconate titanate (PZT) ceramic particles are suspended in a thermoplastic resin and are injected into a mold and allowed to cool. The part is then bisque fired and sintered to complete the densification process. To help design this new process we use a finite element model to describe the injection molding of the ceramic paste. Flow solutions are obtained using a coupled, finite-element based, Newton-Raphson numerical method based on the GOMA/ARIA suite of Sandia flow solvers. The evolution of the free surface is solved with an advanced level set algorithm. This approach incorporates novel methods for representing surface tension and wetting forces that affect the evolution of the free surface. Thermal, rheological, and wetting properties of the PZT paste are measured for use as input to the model. The viscosity of the PZT is highly dependent both on temperature and shear rate. One challenge in modeling the injection process is coming up with appropriate constitutive equations that capture relevant phenomenology without being too computationally complex. For this reason we model the material as a Carreau fluid and a WLF temperature dependence. Two-dimensional (2D) modeling is performed to explore the effects of the shear in isothermal conditions. Results indicate that very low viscosity regions exist near walls and that these results look similar in terms of meniscus shape and fill times to a simple Newtonian constitutive equation at the shear-thinned viscosity for the paste. These results allow us to pick a representative viscosity to use in fully three-dimensional (3D) simulation, which because of numerical complexities are restricted to using a Newtonian constitutive equation. Further 2D modeling at nonisothermal conditions shows that the choice of representative Newtonian viscosity is dependent on the amount of heating of the initially room temperature mold. An early 3D transient model shows that the initial design of the distributor is sub-optimal. However, these simulations take several months to run on 4 processors of an HP workstation using a preconditioner/solver combination of ILUT/GMRES with fill factors of 3 and PSPG stabilization. Therefore, several modifications to the distributor geometry and orientations of the vents and molds have been investigated using much faster 3D steady-state simulations. The pressure distribution for these steady-state calculations is examined for three different distributor designs to see if this can indicate which geometry has the superior design. The second modification, with a longer distributor, is shown to have flatter, more monotonic isobars perpendicular to the flow direction indicating a better filling process. The effects of the distributor modifications, as well as effects of the mold orientation, have also been examined with laboratory experiments in which the flow of a viscous Newtonian oil entering transparent molds is recorded visually. Here, the flow front is flatter and voids are reduced for the second geometry compared to the original geometry. A horizontal orientation, as opposed to the planned vertical orientation, results in fewer voids. Recently, the Navier-Stokes equations have been stabilized with the Dohrman-Bochev PSPP stabilization method, allowing us to calculate transient 3D simulations with computational times on the order of days instead of months. Validation simulations are performed and compared to the experiments. Many of the trends of the experiments are captured by the level set modeling, though quantitative agreement is lacking mainly due to the high value of the gas phase viscosity necessary for numerical stability, though physically unrealistic. More correct trends are predicted for the vertical model than the horizontal model, which is serendipitous as the actual mold is held in a vertical geometry. The full, transient mold filling calculations indicate that the flow front is flatter and voids may be reduced for the second geometry compared to the original geometry. The validated model is used to predict mold filling for the actual process with the material properties for the PZT paste, the original distributor geometry, and the mold in a vertical orientation. This calculation shows that voids may be trapped at the four corners of the mold opposite the distributor.

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Thermal properties of PZT95/5(1.8Nb) and PSZT ceramics

Yang, Pin Y.; DiAntonio, Christopher D.; Burns, George B.; Rae, David F.

Thermal properties of niobium-modified PZT95/5(1.8Nb) and PSZT ceramics used for the ferroelectric power supply have been studied from -100 C to 375 C. Within this temperature range, these materials exhibit ferroelectric-ferroelectric and ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transformations. The thermal expansion coefficient, heat capacity, and thermal diffusivity of different phases were measured. Thermal conductivity and Grueneisen constant were calculated at several selected temperatures between -60 C and 100 C. Results show that thermal properties of these two solid solutions are very similar. Phase transformations in these ceramics possess first order transformation characteristics including thermal hysteresis, transformational strain, and enthalpy change. The thermal strain in the high temperature rhombohedral phase region is extremely anisotropic. The heat capacity for both materials approaches to 3R (or 5.938 cal/(g-mole*K)) near room temperature. The thermal diffusivity and the thermal conductivity are quite low in comparison to common oxide ceramics, and are comparable to amorphous silicate glass. Furthermore, the thermal conductivity of these materials between -60 C and 100 C becomes independent of temperature and is sensitive to the structural phase transformation. These phenomena suggest that the phonon mean free path governing the thermal conductivity in this temperature range is limited by the lattice dimensions, which is in good agreement with calculated values. Effects of small compositional changes and density/porosity variations in these ceramics on their thermal properties are also discussed. The implications of these transformation characteristics and unusual thermal properties are important in guiding processing and handling procedures for these materials.

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The effects of process parameters on injection-molded PZT ceramics part fabrication- compounding process rheology

Yang, Pin Y.; Mondy, L.A.; Burns, George B.

Solid solutions of lead-based perovskites are the backbone materials of the piezoelectric components for transducer, actuator, and resonator applications. These components, typically small in size, are fabricated from large sintered ceramic slugs using grinding and lapping processes. These operations increase manufacturing costs and produce a large hazardous waste stream, especially when component size decreases. To reduce costs and hazardous wastes associated with the production of these components, an injection molding technique is being investigated to replace the machining processes. The first step in the new technique is to compound an organic carrier with a ceramic powder. The organic carrier is a thermoplastic based system composed of a main carrier, a binder, and a surfactant. Understanding the rheology of the compounded material is necessary to minimize the creation of defects such as voids or cavities during the injection-molding process. An experiment was performed to model the effects of changes in the composition and processing of the material on the rheological behavior. Factors studied included: the surfactant of the organic carrier system, the solid loading of the compounded material, and compounding time. The effects of these factors on the viscosity of the material were investigated.

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Chem-prep PZT 95/5 for neutron generator applications : effects of lead stoichiometry on the microstructure and mechanical properties of PZT 95/5

Watson, Chad S.; Yang, Pin Y.

The microstructure and mechanical properties of niobium-modified lead zirconate titanate (PNZT) 95/5 ceramics, where 95/5 refers to the ratio of lead zirconate to lead titanate, were evaluated as a function of lead (Pb) stoichiometry. Chemically-prepared PNZT 95/5 is produced at Sandia National Laboratories by the Ceramics and Glass Processing Department (14154) for use as voltage elements in ferroelectric neutron generator power supplies. PNZT 95/5 was prepared according to the nominal formulation of Pb{sub 0.991+x}(Zr{sub 0.955}Ti{sub 0.045}){sub 0.982}Nb{sub 0.018}O{sub 3+x}, where x (-0.0274 {approx}< x {approx}< 0.0297) refers to the mole fraction of Pb and O that deviated from the stoichiometric value. The Pb concentrations were determined from calcined powders; no adjustments were made to Pb compositions due to weight loss during sintering. The microstructure (second phases, fracture mode and grain size) varied appreciably with Pb stoichiometry, whereas the mechanical properties (hardness, fracture toughness, strength and Weibull parameters) exhibited modest variation. Specimens deficient in Pb, 2.74% (x = -0.0274) and 2.15% (x = -0.02150), had a high area fraction of a zirconia (ZrO{sub 2}) second phase on the order of 0.02. As the Pb content in solid solution increased the ZrO{sub 2} content decreased; no ZrO{sub 2} was observed for the specimen containing 2.97% excess Pb (x = 0.0297). Over the range of Pb stoichiometry most specimens fractured predominately transgranularly; however, 2.97% Pb excess PNZT 95/5 fractured predominately intergranularly. No systematic changes in hardness or Weibull modulus were observed as a function of Pb content. Fracture toughness decreased slightly from 1.8 MPa{center_dot}m{sup 1/2} for Pb deficient specimens to 1.6 MPa{center_dot}m{sup 1/2} for specimens with excess Pb. Although there are microstructural differences with changes in Pb content, the mechanical properties did not vary substantially. However, the average failure stress and fracture toughness for PNZT 95/5 containing 2.97% excess Pb decreased slightly. It is expected that additional increases in Pb content would result in further mechanical property degradation. The decrease in mechanical properties for the 2.97% Pb excess ceramics could be the result of a weaker PbO-rich grain boundary phase present in the material. If better mechanical properties are desired, it is recommended that PNZT 95/5 ceramics are processed by a method whereby any excess Pb is depleted from the final sintered ceramic so that near-stoichiometric values of Pb concentration are reached. Otherwise, a PbO-rich grain boundary phase may exist in the ceramic which could potentially be detrimental to the mechanical properties of PNZT 95/5 ceramics.

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Study of methods for automated crack inspection of electrically poled piezoelectric ceramics

Burns, George B.; Yang, Pin Y.; Jokiel, Bernhard J.; Hwang, Stephen C.

The goal of this project was to identify a viable, non-destructive methodology for the detection of cracks in electrically poled piezoelectric ceramics used in neutron generator power supply units. The following methods were investigated: Impedance Spectroscopy, Scanning Acoustic Microscopy, Lock-in Thermography, Photo-acoustic Microscopy, and Scanned Vicinal Light. In addition to the exploration of these techniques for crack detection, special consideration was given to the feasibility of integrating these approaches to the Automatic Visual Inspection System (AVIS) that was developed for mapping defects such as chips, pits and voids in piezoelectric ceramic components. Scanned Vicinal Light was shown to be the most effective method of automatically detecting and quantifying cracks in ceramic components. This method is also very effective for crack detection in other translucent ceramics.

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Femtosecond laser-pulse-induced birefringence in optically isotropic glass

Journal of Applied Physics

Yang, Pin Y.; Burns, George B.; Guo, Junpeng; Luk, Ting S.; Vawter, Gregory A.

The optical birefringence in an isotropic glass medium was created by using a regeneratively amplified Ti:sapphire femtosecond laser. The regions between two crossed polarizers modified by the femtosecond laser shows bright transmission with respect to the dark background of the isotropic glass. It was found that the angular dependence of transmission through the laser-modified region was consistent with that of an optically birefringent material. It was also observed that the optical axes of laser-induced birefringence can be controlled by the polarization direction of the femtosecond laser.

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The effect of lead stoichiometry on the dielectric performance of niobium modified PZT 95/5 ceramics

Ceramic Transactions

Yang, Pin Y.; Voigt, James A.; Lockwood, Steven J.; Rodriguez, Marko A.; Burns, George B.; Watson, Chad S.

The electrical properties of lead zirconate titanate ceramics near the 95/5 composition are extremely sensitive to the chemical composition and processing conditions. To precisely control the lead stoichiometry in a solid solution has been a challenge because of lead volatility during high temperature sintering. In this study, we investigated the effect of the amount of lead in the solid solution on crystal structure, dielectric behavior, and phase transformation characteristics for chemically prepared niobium modified PZT 95/5 ceramics. Implications are important for process control and assurance of material performance.

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Chem-prep PZT95/5 for neutron generator applications : the effect of pore former type and density on the depoling behavior of chemically prepared PZT 95/5 ceramics

Yang, Pin Y.; Yang, Pin Y.; Moore, Roger H.; Lockwood, Steven J.; Tuttle, Bruce T.; Voigt, James A.; Scofield, Timothy W.

The hydrostatically induced ferroelectric(FE)-to-antiferroelectric(AFE) phase transformation for chemically prepared niobium modified PZT 95/5 ceramics was studied as a function of density and pore former type (Lucite or Avicel). Special attention was placed on the effect of different pore formers on the charge release behavior associated with the FE-to-AFE phase transformation. Within the same density range (7.26 g/cm3 to 7.44 g/cm3), results showed that ceramics prepared with Lucite pore former exhibit a higher bulk modulus and a sharper polarization release behavior than those prepared with Avicel. In addition, the average transformation pressure was 10.7% greater and the amount of polarization released was 2.1% higher for ceramics with Lucite pore former. The increased transformation pressure was attributed to the increase of bulk modulus associated with Lucite pore former. Data indicated that a minimum volumetric transformational strain of -0.42% was required to trigger the hydrostatically induced FE-to-AFE phase transformation. This work has important implications for increasing the high temperature charge output for neutron generator power supply units.

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Field-induced strain associated with polarization reversal in a rhombohedral ferroelectric ceramic

Proposed for publication in the Journal of Material Research.

Yang, Pin Y.; Yang, Pin Y.; Burns, George B.; Rodriguez, Marko A.

The polarization reversal process in a rhombohedral ferroelectric ceramic material was investigated using field-induced strain measurements and texture development. Special attention was focused on the difference in the field-induced strains between the first quarter cycle and subsequent loading conditions. Results show that the initial field-induced strain is about twelve times greater than the subsequent strain, which immediately suggests that mechanisms involved in these conditions during the polarization reversal process are different. The difference in the magnitude of field-induced strain is discussed in terms of 180 degree and non-180 degree domain reorientation processes.

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Meso-Machining Capabilities

Benavides, Gilbert L.; Adams, David P.; Yang, Pin Y.

Meso-scale manufacturing processes are bridging the gap between silicon-based MEMS processes and conventional miniature machining. These processes can fabricate two and three-dimensional parts having micron size features in traditional materials such as stainless steels, rare earth magnets, ceramics, and glass. Meso-scale processes that are currently available include, focused ion beam sputtering, micro-milling, micro-turning, excimer laser ablation, femtosecond laser ablation, and micro electro discharge machining. These meso-scale processes employ subtractive machining technologies (i.e., material removal), unlike LIGA, which is an additive meso-scale process. Meso-scale processes have different material capabilities and machining performance specifications. Machining performance specifications of interest include minimum feature size, feature tolerance, feature location accuracy, surface finish, and material removal rate. Sandia National Laboratories is developing meso-scale mechanical components and actuators which require meso-scale parts fabricated in a variety of materials. Subtractive meso-scale manufacturing processes expand the functionality of meso-scale components and complement silicon based MEMS and LIGA technologies.

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Meso-scale machining capabilities and issues

Benavides, Gilbert L.; Adams, David P.; Yang, Pin Y.

Meso-scale manufacturing processes are bridging the gap between silicon-based MEMS processes and conventional miniature machining. These processes can fabricate two and three-dimensional parts having micron size features in traditional materials such as stainless steels, rare earth magnets, ceramics, and glass. Meso-scale processes that are currently available include, focused ion beam sputtering, micro-milling, micro-turning, excimer laser ablation, femto-second laser ablation, and micro electro discharge machining. These meso-scale processes employ subtractive machining technologies (i.e., material removal), unlike LIGA, which is an additive meso-scale process. Meso-scale processes have different material capabilities and machining performance specifications. Machining performance specifications of interest include minimum feature size, feature tolerance, feature location accuracy, surface finish, and material removal rate. Sandia National Laboratories is developing meso-scale electro-mechanical components, which require meso-scale parts that move relative to one another. The meso-scale parts fabricated by subtractive meso-scale manufacturing processes have unique tribology issues because of the variety of materials and the surface conditions produced by the different meso-scale manufacturing processes.

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Materials Issues for Micromachines Development - ASCI Program Plan

Fang, H.E.; Miller, Samuel L.; Dugger, Michael T.; Prasad, Somuri V.; Reedy, Earl D.; Thompson, Aidan P.; Wong, Chungnin C.; Yang, Pin Y.; Battaile, Corbett C.; Battaile, Corbett C.; Benavides, Gilbert L.; Ensz, M.T.; Buchheit, Thomas E.; Chen, Er-Ping C.; Christenson, Todd R.; De Boer, Maarten P.

This report summarizes materials issues associated with advanced micromachines development at Sandia. The intent of this report is to provide a perspective on the scope of the issues and suggest future technical directions, with a focus on computational materials science. Materials issues in surface micromachining (SMM), Lithographic-Galvanoformung-Abformung (LIGA: lithography, electrodeposition, and molding), and meso-machining technologies were identified. Each individual issue was assessed in four categories: degree of basic understanding; amount of existing experimental data capability of existing models; and, based on the perspective of component developers, the importance of the issue to be resolved. Three broad requirements for micromachines emerged from this process. They are: (1) tribological behavior, including stiction, friction, wear, and the use of surface treatments to control these, (2) mechanical behavior at microscale, including elasticity, plasticity, and the effect of microstructural features on mechanical strength, and (3) degradation of tribological and mechanical properties in normal (including aging), abnormal and hostile environments. Resolving all the identified critical issues requires a significant cooperative and complementary effort between computational and experimental programs. The breadth of this work is greater than any single program is likely to support. This report should serve as a guide to plan micromachines development at Sandia.

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134 Results
134 Results