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A Fully Integrated Oven Controlled Microelectromechanical Oscillator - Part I: Design and Fabrication

Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems

Wojciechowski, Kenneth W.; Baker, Michael S.; Clews, Peggy J.; Olsson, Roy H.

This paper, the first of two parts, reports the design and fabrication of a fully integrated oven controlled microelectromechanical oscillator (OCMO). This paper begins by describing the limits on oscillator frequency stability imposed by the thermal drift and electronic properties (Q, resistance) of both the resonant tank circuit and feedback electronics required to form an electronic oscillator. An OCMO is presented that takes advantage of high thermal isolation and monolithic integration of both micromechanical resonators and electronic circuitry to thermally stabilize or ovenize all the components that comprise an oscillator. This was achieved by developing a processing technique where both silicon-on-insulator complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) circuitry and piezoelectric aluminum nitride, AlN, micromechanical resonators are placed on a suspended platform within a standard CMOS integrated circuit. Operation at microscale sizes achieves high thermal resistances (∼10 °C/mW), and hence thermal stabilization of the oscillators at very low-power levels when compared with the state-of-the-art ovenized crystal oscillators, OCXO. A constant resistance feedback circuit is presented that incorporates on platform resistive heaters and temperature sensors to both measure and stabilize the platform temperature. The limits on temperature stability of the OCMO platform and oscillator frequency imposed by the gain of the constant resistance feedback loop, placement of the heater and temperature sensing resistors, as well as platform radiative and convective heat losses are investigated. [2015-0035].

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Computational and Experimental Characterization of Aluminum Nitride-Silicon Carbide Thin Film Composites for High Temperature Sensor Applications

Habermehl, Scott D.; Clews, Peggy J.; Summers, Sasha S.; Choi, Sukwon C.

A number of important energy and defense-related applications would benefit from sensors capable of withstanding extreme temperatures (>300degC). Examples include sensors for automobile engines, gas turbines, nuclear and coal power plants, and petroleum and geothermal well drilling. Military applications, such as hypersonic flight research, would also benefit from sensors capable of 1000deg C. Silicon carbide (SiC) has long been recognized as a promising material for harsh environment sensors and electronics. Yet today, many advanced SiC MEMS are limited to lower temperatures because they are made from SiC films deposited on silicon wafers. Other limitations arise from sensor transduction by measuring changes in capacitance or resistance, which require biasing or modulation schemes that can withstand elevated temperatures. We circumvented these issues by developing sensing structures directly on SiC wafers using SiC and aluminum nitride (A1N), a high temperature capable piezoelectric material, thin films.

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Fully integrated switchable filter banks

IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest

Crespin, Emily R.; Olsson, Roy H.; Wojciechowski, Kenneth W.; Branch, Darren W.; Clews, Peggy J.; Hurley, Richard B.; Gutierrez, J.

Fully integrated switchable filter have been successfully demonstrated using a ra CMOS SOI process in conjunction with an a (AlN) microresonator process. Single pole-mul were developed in the CMOS SOI process th multi-project wafer runs while the filters were aluminum nitride based microresonators. Each concurrent design cycles and was demonstrated to integration. After design improvements to bo full monolithic integration was implem microresonator filters with the CMOS switc compatibility of the two technologies. A four ch switchable bank of 7MHz bandwidth filters demonstrated exhibiting approximately 8 dB of 60dB of stop band rejection. © 2012 IEEE.

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Silicon carbide lateral overtone bulk acoustic resonator with ultrahigh quality factor

Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)

Ziaei-Moayyed, M.; Habermehl, Scott D.; Branch, Darren W.; Clews, Peggy J.; Olsson, Roy H.

This work demonstrates a lateral overtone bulk acoustic resonator (LOBAR), which consists of an aluminum nitride (AlN) transducer coupled to a suspended thin silicon carbide (SiC) film fabricated using standard CMOS-compatible processes. The LOBAR design allows for high transduction efficiency and quality factors, by decoupling the transduction and energy storage schemes in the resonator. The frequency and bandwidth of the resonator were lithographically defined and controlled. A LOBAR operating at 2.93GHz with a Q greater than 100,000 in air was fabricated and characterized, having the highest reported f×Q product of any acoustic resonator to date.

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Microfabrication of Microsystem-Enabled Photovoltaic (MEPV) cells

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Nielson, Gregory N.; Okandan, Murat O.; Cruz-Campa, Jose L.; Resnick, Paul J.; Wanlass, Mark W.; Clews, Peggy J.; Pluym, Tammy P.; Sanchez, Carlos A.; Gupta, Vipin P.

Microsystem-Enabled Photovoltaic (MEPV) cells allow solar PV systems to take advantage of scaling benefits that occur as solar cells are reduced in size. We have developed MEPV cells that are 5 to 20 microns thick and down to 250 microns across. We have developed and demonstrated crystalline silicon (c-Si) cells with solar conversion efficiencies of 14.9%, and gallium arsenide (GaAs) cells with a conversion efficiency of 11.36%. In pursuing this work, we have identified over twenty scaling benefits that reduce PV system cost, improve performance, or allow new functionality. To create these cells, we have combined microfabrication techniques from various microsystem technologies. We have focused our development efforts on creating a process flow that uses standard equipment and standard wafer thicknesses, allows all high-temperature processing to be performed prior to release, and allows the remaining post-release wafer to be reprocessed and reused. The c-Si cell junctions are created using a backside point-contact PV cell process. The GaAs cells have an epitaxially grown junction. Despite the horizontal junction, these cells also are backside contacted. We provide recent developments and details for all steps of the process including junction creation, surface passivation, metallization, and release.

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Thin and small form factor cells : simulated behavior

Cruz-Campa, Jose L.; Okandan, Murat O.; Resnick, Paul J.; Grubbs, Robert K.; Clews, Peggy J.; Pluym, Tammy P.; Young, Ralph W.; Gupta, Vipin P.; Nielson, Gregory N.

Thin and small form factor cells have been researched lately by several research groups around the world due to possible lower assembly costs and reduced material consumption with higher efficiencies. Given the popularity of these devices, it is important to have detailed information about the behavior of these devices. Simulation of fabrication processes and device performance reveals some of the advantages and behavior of solar cells that are thin and small. Three main effects were studied: the effect of surface recombination on the optimum thickness, efficiency, and current density, the effect of contact distance on the efficiency for thin cells, and lastly the effect of surface recombination on the grams per Watt-peak. Results show that high efficiency can be obtained in thin devices if they are well-passivated and the distance between contacts is short. Furthermore, the ratio of grams per Watt-peak is greatly reduced as the device is thinned.

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Back-contacted and small form factor GaAs solar cell

Cruz-Campa, Jose L.; Nielson, Gregory N.; Okandan, Murat O.; Sanchez, Carlos A.; Resnick, Paul J.; Clews, Peggy J.; Pluym, Tammy P.; Gupta, Vipin P.

We present a newly developed microsystem enabled, back-contacted, shade-free GaAs solar cell. Using microsystem tools, we created sturdy 3 {micro}m thick devices with lateral dimensions of 250 {micro}m, 500 {micro}m, 1 mm, and 2 mm. The fabrication procedure and the results of characterization tests are discussed. The highest efficiency cell had a lateral size of 500 {micro}m and a conversion efficiency of 10%, open circuit voltage of 0.9 V and a current density of 14.9 mA/cm{sup 2} under one-sun illumination.

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Back contacted and small form factor GAAS solar cell

Cruz-Campa, Jose L.; Nielson, Gregory N.; Okandan, Murat O.; Sanchez, Carlos A.; Resnick, Paul J.; Clews, Peggy J.; Pluym, Tammy P.; Gupta, Vipin P.

We present a newly developed microsystem enabled, back-contacted, shade-free GaAs solar cell. Using microsystem tools, we created sturdy 3 {micro}m thick devices with lateral dimensions of 250 {micro}m, 500 {micro}m, 1 mm, and 2 mm. The fabrication procedure and the results of characterization tests are discussed. The highest efficiency cell had a lateral size of 500 {micro}m and a conversion efficiency of 10%, open circuit voltage of 0.9 V and a current density of 14.9 mA/cm{sup 2} under one-sun illumination.

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Challenges of designing and processing extreme low-G Micro Electrical-Mechanical System (MEMS) accelerometers

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Swiler, Thomas P.; Krishnamoorthy, Uma K.; Clews, Peggy J.; Baker, Michael S.; Tanner, Danelle M.

There is an increasing demand to build highly sensitive, low-G, microscale acceleration sensors with the ability to sense accelerations in the nano-G (10-8 m/s2) regime. To achieve such sensitivities, these sensors require compliant mechanical springs attached to large masses. The high sensitivities and the difficulty in integrating robust mechanical stops into these designs make these parts inherently weak, lacking the robustness to survive even the low level accelerations encountered in standard handling, from release processing, where supporting interlayers present during fabrication are etched away, through packaging. Thus, the process of transforming a MEMS-based acceleration sensor from an unreleased state to a protected functional state poses significant challenges. We summarize prior experiences with packaging such devices and report on recent work in packaging and protecting a highly sensitive acceleration sensor that optically senses displacement through the use of sub-wavelength nanogratings. We find that successful implementation of such sensors requires starting with a clean and robust MEMS design, performing careful and controlled release processing, and designing and executing a robust handling and packaging solution that keeps a fragile MEMS device protected at all times.

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The influence of coating structure on micromachine stiction

Tribology Letters

Kushmerick, J.G.; Hankins, M.G.; De Boer, Maarten P.; Clews, Peggy J.; Carpick, R.W.; Bunker, B.C.

Stiction and friction in micromachines is commonly inhibited through the use of silane coupling agents such as 1H-, 1H-, 2H-, 2H-perfluorodecyltrichlorosilane (FDTS). FDTS coatings have allowed micromachine parts processed in water to be released without debilitating capillary adhesion occurring. These coatings are frequently considered as densely-packed monolayers, well-bonded to the substrate. In this paper, it is demonstrated that FDTS coatings can exhibit complex nanoscale structures, which control whether micromachine parts release or not. Surface images obtained via atomic force microscopy reveal that FDTS coating solutions can generate micellar aggregates that deposit on substrate surfaces. Interferometric imaging of model beam structures shows that stiction is high when the droplets are present and low when only monolayers are deposited. As the aggregate thickness (tens of nanometers) is insufficient to bridge the 2 μm gap under the beams, the aggregates appear to promote beam-substrate adhesion by changing the wetting characteristics of coated surfaces. Contact angle measurements and condensation figure experiments have been performed on surfaces and under coated beams to quantify the changes in interfacial properties that accompany different coating structures. These results may explain the irreproducibility that is often observed with these films.

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Chemical Vapor Deposition of Fluoroalkylsilane Monolayer Films for Adhesion Control in Microelectromechanical Systems

Journal of Vacuum Science Technology B

Mayer, T.M.; De Boer, Maarten P.; Shinn, Neal D.; Clews, Peggy J.; Michalske, Terry A.

We have developed a new process for applying a hydrophobic, low adhesion energy coating to microelectromechanical (MEMS) devices. Monolayer films are synthesized from tridecafluoro-1,1,2,2-tetrahydrooctyltrichlorosilane (FOTS) and water vapor in a low-pressure chemical vapor deposition process at room temperature. Film thickness is self-limiting by virtue of the inability of precursors to stick to the fluorocarbon surface of the film once it has formed. We have measured film densities of {approx}3 molecules nm{sup 2} and film thickness of {approx}1 nm. Films are hydrophobic, with a water contact angle >110{sup o}. We have also incorporated an in-situ downstream microwave plasma cleaning process, which provides a clean, reproducible oxide surface prior to film deposition. Adhesion tests on coated and uncoated MEMS test structures demonstrate superior performance of the FOTS coatings. Cleaned, uncoated cantilever beam structures exhibit high adhesion energies in a high humidity environment. An adhesion energy of 100 mJ m{sup -2} is observed after exposure to >90% relative humidity. Fluoroalkylsilane coated beams exhibit negligible adhesion at low humidity and {<=} 20 {micro}J m{sup -2} adhesion energy at >90% relative humidity. No obvious film degradation was observed for films exposed to >90% relative humidity at room temperature for >24 hr.

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34 Results
34 Results