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Analysis of 2016 Occurrence Reports Involving Electrical Energy

Wright, Paul C.; Tryon, Arthur E.

Page 3 of 39 SAND2016- 122011220112201122011220112201122011220112201122011220112201122011220112201122 011220112201122011220112201122011220112201122011220112201122011220112201122011 2201122011220112201122011220112201122019321 R Unlimited Release Printed November 2016 Analysis of 2016 Occurrence Reports Involving Electrical Energy Stephen Coffing and Lyman Lindstrand Environment, Safety, and Health Center Sandia National Laboratories P.O. Box 5800 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185- MSXXXX Abstract The Abstract should summarize the report in a 150 words or fewer (who, what, where, why, when, and how). See the Guide to Preparing SAND Report and Other Communication Products for particular requirementson the 3654 website under Resources. Cover templates are available on the coroporate forms site. SAND covers are printed onto preprinted stock with the flag motif in the Print Shop. A NALYSIS OF 2016 O CCURRENCE R EPORTS I NVOLVING E LECTRICAL E NERGY Signature Page Approved by: Stephen Coffing, 04135 Date Page 4 of 39 Lyman Lindstrand, 04122 Date

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