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Understanding Phase and Interfacial Effects of Spall Fracture in Additively Manufactured Ti-5Al-5V-5Mo-3Cr

Branch, Brittany A.; Ruggles, Timothy R.; Miers, John C.; Massey, Caroline E.; Moore, David G.; Brown, Nathan B.; Duwal, Sakun D.; Silling, Stewart A.; Mitchell, John A.; Specht, Paul E.

Additive manufactured Ti-5Al-5V-5Mo-3Cr (Ti-5553) is being considered as an AM repair material for engineering applications because of its superior strength properties compared to other titanium alloys. Here, we describe the failure mechanisms observed through computed tomography, electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of spall damage as a result of tensile failure in as-built and annealed Ti-5553. We also investigate the phase stability in native powder, as-built and annealed Ti-5553 through diamond anvil cell (DAC) and ramp compression experiments. We then explore the effect of tensile loading on a sample containing an interface between a Ti-6Al-V4 (Ti-64) baseplate and additively manufactured Ti-5553 layer. Post-mortem materials characterization showed spallation occurred in regions of initial porosity and the interface provides a nucleation site for spall damage below the spall strength of Ti-5553. Preliminary peridynamics modeling of the dynamic experiments is described. Finally, we discuss further development of Stochastic Parallel PARticle Kinteic Simulator (SPPARKS) Monte Carlo (MC) capabilities to include the integration of alpha (α)-phase and microstructural simulations for this multiphase titanium alloy.

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Measurement of the Hugoniot and shock-induced phase transition stress in wrought 17-4 PH H1025 stainless steel

Journal of Applied Physics

Specht, Paul E.; Reinhart, William; Alexander, Charles S.

Uniaxial strain, reverse-ballistic impact experiments were performed on wrought 17-4 PH H1025 stainless steel, and the resulting Hugoniot was determined to a peak stress of 25 GPa through impedance matching to known standard materials. The measured Hugoniot showed evidence of a solid-solid phase transition, consistent with other martensitic Fe-alloys. The phase transition stress in the wrought 17-4 PH H1025 stainless steel was measured in a uniaxial strain, forward-ballistic impact experiment to be 11.4 GPa. Linear fits to the Hugoniot for both the low and high pressure phase are presented with corresponding uncertainty. The low pressure martensitic phase exhibits a shock velocity that is weakly dependent on the particle velocity, consistent with other martensitic Fe-alloys.

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Shock compression response of additively manufactured AlSi10Mg

Journal of Applied Physics

Specht, Paul E.; Brown, Nathan P.

We measured the Hugoniot, Hugoniot elastic limit (HEL), and spallation strength of laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) AlSi10Mg via uniaxial plate-impact experiments to stresses greater than 13 GPa. Despite its complex anisotropic microstructure, the LPBF AlSi10Mg did not exhibit significant orientation dependence or sample-to-sample variability in these measured quantities. We found that the Hugoniot response of the LPBF AlSi10Mg is similar to that of other Al-based alloys and is well approximated by a linear relationship: us = 5.49 + 1.39up. Additionally, the measured HELs ranged from 0.25 to 0.30 GPa and spallation strengths ranged from 1.16 to 1.45 GPa, consistent with values reported in other studies of LPBF AlSi10Mg and Al-based alloys. Furthermore, strain-rate and stress dependence of the spallation strength were also observed.

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Transient Deformation in Additively Manufactured 316L Stainless Steel Lattices Characterized with in-situ X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging: The Complete Dataset for Three Geometrical Lattices

Branch, Brittany A.; Specht, Paul E.; Jensen, Sally J.; Jared, Bradley H.

Metallic lattice structures are being considered for shock mitigation applications due to their superior mechanical properties, energy absorption capability and lightweight characteristics inherent of the additive manufacturing process. In this study, shock compression experiments coupled to x-ray phase contrast imaging (PCI) were conducted on 316L stainless steel lattices. Meso-scale simulations incorporating the as-built lattice structure characterized by computed tomography were used to simulate PCI radiographs in CTH for direct comparison to experimental data. The methodology presented here offers robust validation for constitutive properties to further our understanding of lattice compaction at application-relevant strain rates.

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Dynamic x-ray diffraction and nanosecond quantification of kinetics of formation of β -zirconium under shock compression

Physical Review B

Kalita, Patricia K.; Brown, Justin L.; Specht, Paul E.; Root, Seth R.; White, Melanie; Smith, Jesse S.

We report the atomic- and nanosecond-scale quantification of kinetics of a shock-driven phase transition in Zr metal. We uniquely make use of a multiple shock-and-release loading pathway to shock Zr into the β phase and to create a quasisteady pressure and temperature state shortly after. Coupling shock loading with in situ time-resolved synchrotron x-ray diffraction, we probe the structural transformation of Zr in the steady state. Our results provide a quantified expression of kinetics of formation of β-Zr phase under shock loading: transition incubation time, completion time, and crystallization rate.

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Shortening the Design and Certification Cycle for Additively Manufactured Materials by Improved Mesoscale Simulations and Validation Experiments: Fiscal Year 2019 Status Report

Specht, Paul E.; Mitchell, John A.; Adams, David P.; Brown, Justin L.; Silling, Stewart A.; Wise, Jack L.; Palmer , Todd P.

This report outlines the fiscal year (FY) 2019 status of an ongoing multi-year effort to develop a general, microstructurally-aware, continuum-level model for representing the dynamic response of material with complex microstructures. This work has focused on accurately representing the response of both conventionally wrought processed and additively manufactured (AM) 304L stainless steel (SS) as a test case. Additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, is an emerging technology capable of enabling shortened design and certification cycles for stockpile components through rapid prototyping. However, there is not an understanding of how the complex and unique microstructures of AM materials affect their mechanical response at high strain rates. To achieve our project goal, an upscaling technique was developed to bridge the gap between the microstructural and continuum scales to represent AM microstructures on a Finite Element (FE) mesh. This process involves the simulations of the additive process using the Sandia developed kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) code SPPARKS. These SPPARKS microstructures are characterized using clustering algorithms from machine learning and used to populate the quadrature points of a FE mesh. Additionally, a spall kinetic model (SKM) was developed to more accurately represent the dynamic failure of AM materials. Validation experiments were performed using both pulsed power machines and projectile launchers. These experiments have provided equation of state (EOS) and flow strength measurements of both wrought and AM 304L SS to above Mbar pressures. In some experiments, multi-point interferometry was used to quantify the variation is observed material response of the AM 304L SS. Analysis of these experiments is ongoing, but preliminary comparisons of our upscaling technique and SKM to experimental data were performed as a validation exercise. Moving forward, this project will advance and further validate our computational framework, using advanced theory and additional high-fidelity experiments. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors greatly appreciate the support of Mike Saavedra in machining the experimental samples. The authors would also like to thank the Dynamic Integrated Compression facility (DICE) staff for executing the Thor experiments: Brian Stoltzfus, Randy Hickman, Keith Hodge, Joshua Usher, Lena Pacheco, and Eric Breden. The authors would also like to thank the staff at the Shock Thermodynamics Applied Research (STAR) facility for executing the plate impact experiments: Scott Alexander, Bill Reinhart, Bernardo Farfan, Rocky Palomino, John Martinez, and Rafael Sanchez. Lastly, the authors would like to acknowledge the development support of Jason Sanchez in ALEGRA to incorporate our upscaling method and Michael Powell for helping with post processing scripts for results analysis.

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Quasi-isentropic compression of vapor-deposited hexanitroazobenzene (HNAB): Experiments and analysis

AIP Conference Proceedings

Yarrington, Cole Y.; Tappan, Alexander S.; Specht, Paul E.; Knepper, Robert

Vapor-deposited hexanitroazobenzene (HNAB) is an explosive with unique physical characteristics resulting from the deposition process that make it desirable for the study of microstructure effects. A relatively understudied high explosive, few data are available on the equation of state (EOS) of HNAB reactants or products. HNAB samples exhibiting high density and sub-micron porosity and grain size were prepared using physical vapor deposition onto polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and lithium fluoride (LiF) substrates. The samples were ramp compressed quasi-isentropically using VELOCE, a compact pulsed power generator. Evidence of a low pressure phase transition was observed in HNAB. Interferometric measurements of reference and sample interface velocities enabled inference of the unreacted EOS for HNAB using DAKOTA, an optimization toolkit. Initial simulations of the HNAB critical thickness experiment have been carried out using the parameterized EOS, and a products EOS from thermal equilibrium calculations.

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Report for MaRIE Drivers Workshop on needs for energetic material's studies

Specht, Paul E.

Energetic materials (i.e. explosives, propellants, and pyrotechnics) have complex mesoscale features that influence their dynamic response. Direct measurement of the complex mechanical, thermal, and chemical response of energetic materials is critical for improving computational models and enabling predictive capabilities. Many of the physical phenomena of interest in energetic materials cover time and length scales spanning several orders of magnitude. Examples include chemical interactions in the reaction zone, the distribution and evolution of temperature fields, mesoscale deformation in heterogeneous systems, and phase transitions. This is particularly true for spontaneous phenomena, like thermal cook-off. The ability for MaRIE to capture multiple length scales and stochastic phenomena can significantly advance our understanding of energetic materials and yield more realistic, predictive models.

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Direct Observations of a Dynamically Driven Phase Transition with in situ X-Ray Diffraction in a Simple Ionic Crystal

Physical Review Letters

Kalita, Patricia K.; Specht, Paul E.; Root, Seth R.; Sinclair, Nicolas S.; Schuman, Adam S.; White, Melanie W.; Cornelius, Andrew, L.; Smith, Jesse S.; Sinogeikin, Stanislav S.

Here, we report real-time observations of a phase transition in the ionic solid CaF2, a model AB2 structure in high-pressure physics. Synchrotron x-ray diffraction coupled with dynamic loading to 27.7 GPa, and separately with static compression, follows, in situ, the fluorite to cotunnite structural phase transition, both on nanosecond and on minute time scales. Using Rietveld refinement techniques, we examine the kinetics and hysteresis of the transition. Our results give insight into the kinetic time scale of the fluorite-cotunnite phase transition under shock compression, which is relevant to a number of isomorphic compounds.

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Design of a multi-point microwave interferometer using the electro-optic effect

AIP Conference Proceedings

Specht, Paul E.; Cooper, Marcia A.; Jilek, Brook A.

A multi-point microwave interferometer (MPMI) concept is presented for non-invasively monitoring the internal transit of a shock, detonation, or reaction front in energetic media. The concept utilizes an electro-optic (EO) crystal to impart a timevarying phase lag onto a laser with a microwave signal. Polarization optics convert this phase lag into an amplitude modulation. A heterodyne interferometer compares the modulated laser beam to a constant reference. This enables the detection of changes in the modulating microwave frequency generated by the motion of the measurement surface. The design is scalable and makes use of the established construction and analysis methods employed in photonic Doppler velocimetry (PDV). The technical challenges associated with the concept are the frequency stability of the lasers, the amount of light return after EO modulation, and the frequency uncertainty of fast Fourier transform (FFT) methods.

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Shock compression response of cold-rolled Ni/Al multilayer composites

Journal of Applied Physics

Specht, Paul E.; Weihs, Timothy P.; Thadhani, Naresh N.

Uniaxial strain, plate-on-plate impact experiments were performed on cold-rolled Ni/Al multilayer composites and the resulting Hugoniot was determined through time-resolved measurements combined with impedance matching. The experimental Hugoniot agreed with that previously predicted by two dimensional (2D) meso-scale calculations [Specht et al., J. Appl. Phys. 111, 073527 (2012)]. Additional 2D meso-scale simulations were performed using the same computational method as the prior study to reproduce the experimentally measured free surface velocities and stress profiles. These simulations accurately replicated the experimental profiles, providing additional validation for the previous computational work.

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Development of a Multi-Point Microwave Interferometry (MPMI) Method

Specht, Paul E.; Cooper, Marcia A.; Jilek, Brook A.

A multi-point microwave interferometer (MPMI) concept was developed for non-invasively tracking a shock, reaction, or detonation front in energetic media. Initially, a single-point, heterodyne microwave interferometry capability was established. The design, construction, and verification of the single-point interferometer provided a knowledge base for the creation of the MPMI concept. The MPMI concept uses an electro-optic (EO) crystal to impart a time-varying phase lag onto a laser at the microwave frequency. Polarization optics converts this phase lag into an amplitude modulation, which is analyzed in a heterodyne interfer- ometer to detect Doppler shifts in the microwave frequency. A version of the MPMI was constructed to experimentally measure the frequency of a microwave source through the EO modulation of a laser. The successful extraction of the microwave frequency proved the underlying physical concept of the MPMI design, and highlighted the challenges associated with the longer microwave wavelength. The frequency measurements made with the current equipment contained too much uncertainty for an accurate velocity measurement. Potential alterations to the current construction are presented to improve the quality of the measured signal and enable multiple accurate velocity measurements.

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Thermal Diffusivity and Specific Heat Measurements of Titanium Potassium Perchlorate Titanium Subhydride Potassium Perchlorate 9013 Glass 7052 Glass SB-14 Glass and C-4000 Muscovite Mica Using the Flash Technique

Specht, Paul E.; Cooper, Marcia A.

The flash technique was used to measure the thermal diffusivity and specific heat of titanium potassium perchlorate (TKP) ignition powder (33wt% Ti - 67wt% KP) with Ventron sup- plied titanium particles, TKP ignition powder (33wt% Ti - 67wt% KP) with ATK supplied titanium particles, TKP output powder (41wt% Ti - 59wt% KP), and titanium subhydride potassium perchlorate (THKP) (33wt% TiH 1.65 - 67wt% KP) at 25°C. The influence of density and temperature on the thermal diffusivity and specific heat of TKP with Ventron supplied titanium particles was also investigated. Lastly, the thermal diffusivity and specific heats of 9013 glass, 7052 glass, SB-14 glass, and C-4000 Muscovite mica are presented as a function of temperature up to 300° C.

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Toward Multi-scale Modeling and simulation of conduction in heterogeneous materials

Lechman, Jeremy B.; Battaile, Corbett C.; Bolintineanu, Dan S.; Cooper, Marcia A.; Erikson, William W.; Foiles, Stephen M.; Kay, Jeffrey J.; Phinney, Leslie M.; Piekos, Edward S.; Specht, Paul E.; Wixom, Ryan R.; Yarrington, Cole Y.

This report summarizes a project in which the authors sought to develop and deploy: (i) experimental techniques to elucidate the complex, multiscale nature of thermal transport in particle-based materials; and (ii) modeling approaches to address current challenges in predicting performance variability of materials (e.g., identifying and characterizing physical- chemical processes and their couplings across multiple length and time scales, modeling information transfer between scales, and statically and dynamically resolving material structure and its evolution during manufacturing and device performance). Experimentally, several capabilities were successfully advanced. As discussed in Chapter 2 a flash diffusivity capability for measuring homogeneous thermal conductivity of pyrotechnic powders (and beyond) was advanced; leading to enhanced characterization of pyrotechnic materials and properties impacting component development. Chapter 4 describes success for the first time, although preliminary, in resolving thermal fields at speeds and spatial scales relevant to energetic components. Chapter 7 summarizes the first ever (as far as the authors know) application of TDTR to actual pyrotechnic materials. This is the first attempt to actually characterize these materials at the interfacial scale. On the modeling side, new capabilities in image processing of experimental microstructures and direct numerical simulation on complicated structures were advanced (see Chapters 3 and 5). In addition, modeling work described in Chapter 8 led to improved prediction of interface thermal conductance from first principles calculations. Toward the second point, for a model system of packed particles, significant headway was made in implementing numerical algorithms and collecting data to justify the approach in terms of highlighting the phenomena at play and pointing the way forward in developing and informing the kind of modeling approach originally envisioned (see Chapter 6). In both cases much more remains to be accomplished.

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40 Results
40 Results