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The EGS Collab project: Status and Accomplishments

Transactions - Geothermal Resources Council

White, Mark; Morris, Joseph P.; Fu, Pengcheng; Ajo-Franklin, Jonathan B.; Huang, Lianjie; Knox, Hunter A.; Strickland, Christopher; Johnson, Timothy; Neupane, Ghanashyam; Weers, Jon; Ajo-Franklin, J.; Baumgartner, T.; Beckers, K.; Blankenship, Douglas A.; Bonneville, A.; Boyd, L.; Brown, S.; Burghardt, J.A.; Chai, C.; Chakravarty, A.; Chen, T.; Chen, Y.; Chi, B.; Condon, K.; Cook, P.J.; Crandall, D.; Dobson, P.F.; Doe, T.; Doughty, C.A.; Elsworth, D.; Feldman, J.; Feng, Z.; Foris, A.; Frash, L.P.; Frone, Z.; Fu, P.; Gao, K.; Ghassemi, A.; Guglielmi, Y.; Haimson, B.; Hawkins, A.; Heise, J.; Hopp, Chet; Horn, M.; Horne, R.N.; Horner, J.; Hu, M.; Huang, H.; Huang, L.; Im, K.J.; Ingraham, M.; Jafarov, E.; Jayne, R.S.; Johnson, T.C.; Johnson, S.E.; Johnston, B.; Karra, S.; Kim, K.; King, D.K.; Kneafsey, T.; Knox, H.; Knox, J.; Kumar, D.; Kutun, K.; Lee, M.; Li, D.; Li, J.; Li, K.; Li, Z.; MacEira, M.; MacKey, P.; Makedonska, N.; Marone, C.J.; Mattson, E.; McClure, M.W.; McLennan, J.; McLing, T.; Medler, C.; Mellors, R.J.; Metcalfe, E.; Miskimins, J.; Moore, J.; Morency, C.E.; Morris, J.P.; Myers, T.; Nakagawa, S.; Neupane, G.; Newman, G.; Nieto, A.; Paronish, T.; Pawar, R.; Petrov, P.; Pietzyk, B.; Podgorney, R.; Polsky, Y.; Pope, J.; Porse, S.; Primo, J.C.; Reimers, C.; Roberts, B.Q.; Robertson, M.; Rodriguez-Tribaldos, V.; Roggenthen, W.; Rutqvist, J.; Rynders, D.; Schoenball, M.; Schwering, Paul C.; Sesetty, V.; Sherman, C.S.; Singh, A.; Smith, M.M.; Sone, H.; Sonnenthal, E.L.; Soom, F.A.; Sprinkle, D.P.; Sprinkle, S.; Strickland, C.E.; Su, J.; Templeton, D.; Thomle, J.N.; Ulrich, C.; Uzunlar, N.; Vachaparampil, A.; Valladao, C.A.; Vandermeer, W.; Vandine, G.; Vardiman, D.; Vermeul, V.R.; Wagoner, J.L.; Wang, H.F.; Weers, J.; Welch, N.; White, J.; White, M.D.; Winterfeld, P.; Wood, T.; Workman, S.; Wu, H.; Wu, Y.S.; Yildirim, E.C.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Y.Q.; Zhou, Q.; Zoback, M.D.

The EGS Collab project, supported by the US Department of Energy, is addressing challenges in implementing enhanced geothermal systems (EGS). This includes improving understanding of the stimulation of crystalline rock to create appropriate flow pathways, and the ability to effectively simulate both the stimulation and the flow and transport processes in the resulting fracture network. The project is performing intensively monitored rock stimulation and flow tests at the 10-m scale in an underground research laboratory. Data and observations from the field test are compared to simulations to understand processes and to build confidence in numerical modeling of the processes. In Experiment 1, we examined hydraulic fracturing an underground test bed at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in Lead, South Dakota, at a depth of approximately 1.5 km. We drilled eight sub-horizontal boreholes in a well-characterized phyllite. Six of the boreholes were instrumented with many sensor types to allow careful monitoring of stimulation events and flow tests, and the other two boreholes were used for water injection and production. We performed a number of stimulations and flow tests in the testbed. Our monitoring systems allowed detailed observations and collection of numerous data sets of processes occurring during stimulation and during dynamic flow tests. Long-term ambient temperature and chilled water flow tests were performed in addition to many tracer tests to examine system behavior. Data were rapidly analyzed, allowing adaptive control of the tests. Numerical simulation was used to answer key experimental design questions, to forecast fracture propagation trajectories and extents, and to analyze and evaluate results. Many simulations were performed in near-real-time in conjunction with the field experiments, with more detailed process study simulations performed on a longer timeframe. Experiment 2 will examine hydraulic shearing in a test bed being built at the SURF at a depth of about 1.25 km in amphibolite under a different set of stress and fracture conditions than Experiment 1. Five sets of fracture orientations were considered in design, and three orientations seem to be consistently observed.

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Efforts and innovations to promote data sharing and data accessibility in the EGS collab experiments

Transactions - Geothermal Resources Council

Fu, Pengcheng; White, Mark; Morris, Joseph; Blankenship, Douglas A.; Egs Collab Teama; Ajo-Franklin, J.; Baumgartner, T.; Beckers, K.; Blankenship, Douglas A.; Bonneville, A.; Boyd, L.; Brown, S.; Burghardt, J.A.; Chai, C.; Chakravarty, A.; Chen, T.; Chen, Y.; Chi, B.; Condon, K.; Cook, P.J.; Crandall, D.; Dobson, P.F.; Doe, T.; Doughty, C.A.; Elsworth, D.; Feldman, J.; Feng, Z.; Foris, A.; Frash, L.P.; Frone, Z.; Fu, P.; Gao, K.; Ghassemi, A.; Guglielmi, Y.; Haimson, B.; Hawkins, A.; Heise, J.; Hopp, Chet; Horn, M.; Horne, R.N.; Horner, J.; Hu, M.; Huang, H.; Huang, L.; Im, K.J.; Ingraham, M.; Jafarov, E.; Jayne, R.S.; Johnson, T.C.; Johnson, S.E.; Johnston, B.; Karra, S.; Kim, K.; King, D.K.; Kneafsey, T.; Knox, H.; Knox, J.; Kumar, D.; Kutun, K.; Lee, M.; Li, D.; Li, J.; Li, K.; Li, Z.; MacEira, M.; MacKey, P.; Makedonska, N.; Marone, C.J.; Mattson, E.; McClure, M.W.; McLennan, J.; McLing, T.; Medler, C.; Mellors, R.J.; Metcalfe, E.; Miskimins, J.; Moore, J.; Morency, C.E.; Morris, J.P.; Myers, T.; Nakagawa, S.; Neupane, G.; Newman, G.; Nieto, A.; Paronish, T.; Pawar, R.; Petrov, P.; Pietzyk, B.; Podgorney, R.; Polsky, Y.; Pope, J.; Porse, S.; Primo, J.C.; Reimers, C.; Roberts, B.Q.; Robertson, M.; Rodriguez-Tribaldos, V.; Roggenthen, W.; Rutqvist, J.; Rynders, D.; Schoenball, M.; Schwering, Paul C.; Sesetty, V.; Sherman, C.S.; Singh, A.; Smith, M.M.; Sone, H.; Sonnenthal, E.L.; Soom, F.A.; Sprinkle, D.P.; Sprinkle, S.; Strickland, C.E.; Su, J.; Templeton, D.; Thomle, J.N.; Ulrich, C.; Uzunlar, N.; Vachaparampil, A.; Valladao, C.A.; Vandermeer, W.; Vandine, G.; Vardiman, D.; Vermeul, V.R.; Wagoner, J.L.; Wang, H.F.; Weers, J.; Welch, N.; White, J.; White, M.D.; Winterfeld, P.; Wood, T.; Workman, S.; Wu, H.; Wu, Y.S.; Yildirim, E.C.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Y.Q.; Zhou, Q.; Zoback, M.D.

Large-scale scientific research programs such as the EGS Collab experiments and the FORGE program play extremely important roles in advancing geothermal technologies. Such efforts involve a large number of researchers from multiple institutions, last multiple years, and generate large, complex datasets. The value of the research efforts is only realized when the datasets are used by a large community of researchers in the decades to come. A challenge is that due to the complexity of the data, it could require a user to devote a serious effort into understanding the data before the data can be effectively utilized. In the EGS Collab experiments, the team has devoted remarkable efforts and developed many innovative solutions to make the data more accessible to broader team members and future users. This paper documents the experience gained and lessons learned by the EGS Collab team in disseminating the data in the most informative and inspiring forms to maximize the value of this precious dataset. "Accessibility"in the title does not only mean making the raw data available for download. Particularly, we want to emphasize the importance of organizing, annotating, and presenting the data in ways to make it easy to digest by prospective consumers of the data.

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Design and fabrication of a remote-control hydraulic fracturing system

Transactions - Geothermal Resources Council

Roberts, Ben; Ajo-Franklin, J.; Bauer, S.J.; Baumgartner, T.; Beckers, K.; Blankenship, D.; Bonneville, A.; Boyd, L.; Brown, S.T.; Burghardt, J.A.; Chen, T.; Chen, Y.; Condon, K.; Cook, P.J.; Dobson, P.F.; Doe, T.; Doughty, C.A.; Elsworth, D.; Feldman, J.; Foris, A.; Frash, L.P.; Frone, Z.; Fu, P.; Gao, K.; Ghassemi, A.; Gudmundsdottir, H.; Guglielmi, Y.; Guthrie, G.; Haimson, B.; Hawkins, A.; Heise, J.; Herrick, C.G.; Horn, M.; Horne, R.N.; Horner, J.; Hu, M.; Huang, H.; Huang, L.; Im, K.; Ingraham, M.; Johnson, T.C.; Johnston, B.; Karra, S.; Kim, K.; King, D.K.; Kneafsey, T.; Knox, H.; Knox, J.; Kumar, D.; Kutun, K.; Lee, M.; Li, K.; Lopez, R.; MacEira, M.; Makedonska, N.; Marone, C.; Mattson, E.; McClure, M.W.; McLennan, J.; McLing, T.; Mellors, R.J.; Metcalfe, E.; Miskimins, J.; Morris, J.P.; Nakagawa, S.; Neupane, G.; Newman, G.; Nieto, A.; Oldenburg, C.M.; Pan, W.; Pawar, R.; Petrov, P.; Pietzyk, B.; Podgorney, R.; Polsky, Y.; Porse, S.; Richard, S.; Roberts, B.Q.; Robertson, M.; Roggenthen, W.; Rutqvist, J.; Rynders, D.; Santos-Villalobos, H.; Schoenball, M.; Schwering, Paul C.; Sesetty, V.; Singh, A.; Smith, M.M.; Sone, H.; Strickland, C.E.; Su, J.; Ulrich, C.; Uzunlar, N.; Vachaparampil, A.; Valladao, C.A.; Vandermeer, W.; Vandine, G.; Vardiman, D.; Vermeul, V.R.; Wagoner, J.L.; Wang, H.F.; Weers, J.; White, J.; White, M.D.; Winterfeld, P.; Wood, T.; Wu, H.; Wu, Y.S.; Wu, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Y.Q.; Zhou, J.; Zhou, Q.; Zoback, M.D.

In preparation for Collab experiment 2, performing shear stimulation of pre-existing fractures, which is to be performed on the 4100 level of the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) a decision was made that the pressure and pumping systems required remote control operations. This decision was made for a number of reasons based off lessons learned in experiment #1 on the 4850 level of SURF. First, the current pandemic provided an opportunity for automation of remote pumping systems as travel is very difficult and deploying personnel on short notice to adjust systems is impossible. Second, in order to ensure safety of personnel and integrity of the equipment the list of personnel who could operate/perform work on the pressure and flow systems in experiment 1 was purposely kept small. This was done with the best of intentions, however, it resulted in significant fatigue for the personnel who were permitted to perform these operations. With a remote operations system, much of the work which previously required someone on site will be performed remotely. The system itself is comprised of a number of hydraulic pumps and plumbing which has been automated such that the pressure, flow, venting, and selection of injection and production zones can be controlled independently from remote locations. While remote operations are not uncommon for hazardous/long term operations, hydraulic fracturing systems on this scale (injection rates of a few gallons per minute) are nearly always manned.

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The EGS Collab Project: Mesoscale Rock Stimulations

Kneafsey, Timothy K.; Blankenship, Douglas A.; Dobson, Dobson; Morris, Joseph P.; White, Mark W.; Fu, Pengcheng F.; Schwering, Paul C.; Ajo-Franklin, Jonathan B.; Strickland, Christopher E.; Huang, Lianjie H.; Johnson, Timothy J.; Knox, Hunter A.; Neupane, Ghanashyam N.; Jon, Weers.J.; Horne, Roland H.; Roggenthen, William R.; Doe, Thomas D.; Mattson, Earl M.; Sprinkle, Susan S.

Abstract not provided.

Deterministic Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) Model for the EGS Collab Project on the 4850 Level of the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF)

54th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium

Doe, T.W.; Roggenthen, W.M.; Neupane, G.H.; Johnston, H.; Dobson, P.F.; Ulrich, C.; Singh, A.; Uzunlar, N.; Reimers, C.; Ajo-Franklin, J.; Baumgartner, T.; Beckers, K.; Blankenship, D.; Bonneville, A.; Boyd, L.; Brown, S.; Burghardt, J.A.; Chai, C.; Chen, Y.; Chi, B.; Condon, K.; Cook, P.J.; Crandall, D.; Doe, T.; Doughty, C.A.; Elsworth, D.; Feldman, J.; Feng, Z.; Foris, A.; Frash, L.P.; Frone, Z.; Fu, P.; Gao, K.; Ghassemi, A.; Guglielmi, Y.; Haimson, B.; Hawkins, A.; Heise, J.; Hopp, C.; Horn, M.; Horne, R.N.; Horner, J.; Hu, M.; Huang, H.; Huang, L.; Im, K.J.; Ingraham, M.; Jafarov, E.; Jayne, R.S.; Johnson, S.E.; Johnson, T.C.; Johnston, B.; Kim, K.; King, D.K.; Kneafsey, T.; Knox, H.; Knox, J.; Kumar, D.; Lee, M.; Li, K.; Li, Z.; Maceira, M.; Mackey, P.; Makedonska, N.; Mattson, E.; McClure, M.W.; McLennan, J.; Medler, C.; Mellors, R.J.; Metcalfe, E.; Moore, J.; Morency, C.E.; Morris, J.P.; Myers, T.; Nakagawa, S.; Neupane, G.; Newman, G.; Nieto, A.; Oldenburg, C.M.; Paronish, T.; Pawar, R.; Petrov, P.; Pietzyk, B.; Podgorney, R.; Polsky, Y.; Pope, J.; Porse, S.; Primo, J.C.; Roberts, B.Q.; Robertson, M.; Roggenthen, W.; Rutqvist, J.; Rynders, D.; Schoenball, M.; Schwering, Paul C.; Sesetty, V.; Sherman, C.S.; Smith, M.M.; Sone, H.; Sonnenthal, E.L.; Soom, F.A.; Sprinkle, P.; Strickland, C.E.; Su, J.; Templeton, D.; Thomle, J.N.; Tribaldos, V.R.; Vachaparampil, A.; Valladao, C.A.; Vandermeer, W.; Vandine, G.; Vardiman, D.; Vermeul, V.R.; Wagoner, J.L.; Wang, H.F.; Weers, J.; Welch, N.; White, J.; White, M.D.; Winterfeld, P.; Wood, T.; Workman, S.; Wu, H.; Wu, Y.S.; Yildirim, E.C.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Y.Q.; Zhou, Q.; Zoback, M.D.

The EGS Collab is conducting hydraulic fracture stimulation and fluid circulation experiments in the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) located in Lead, South Dakota. A total of eight ~60m-long subhorizontal boreholes were drilled from the 4850 Level (~1.5 km below the ground surface) into the crystalline rock of this former mine. Six of these holes are used for geophysical monitoring, one is used for hydraulic fracture stimulation, and the remaining hole was designed as a production borehole that receives water from the injection well via the induced and natural fracture system. The primary goal of creating the discrete fracture network model is to show that these modeling methods are critical for the development of enhanced geothermal systems (EGS). This includes the prediction of rock behavior during fracturing and during an extended period of water flow between the parallel injection and production boreholes. Understanding the results from the induced fracturing and flow is complicated by the presence of significant natural fractures that interact with the stimulation and/or flow pathways. The delineation and characterization of natural fractures is thus an important part of the project, and therefore a model of the Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) was developed on a deterministic basis. The DFN was populated using observations and interpretations integrated from drift (horizontal passageways that allow access in the underground) fracture mapping, analysis of core recovered from the eight boreholes, borehole televiewer logs and videos, and observations of flow between and within boreholes and in the drift. The natural fracture system is dominated by a pervasive northwest-trending, steeply dipping shear system that is identifiable in the drifts and the core. Hydraulic fracture stimulation, flow/tracer circulation tests, and geophysical monitoring revealed that the behavior of the injected water, and perhaps the growth of induced fractures, has been significantly influenced by the existing fractures identified in the DFN.

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Near-Field Imaging of Shallow Chemical Detonations in Granite using Change Detection Methods of Borehole Seismic Data

Schwering, Paul C.; Hoots, Charles R.; Knox, Hunter A.; Abbott, Robert A.; Preston, Leiph A.

As part of the Source Physics Experiment (SPE) Phase I shallow chemical detonation series, multiple surface and borehole active-source seismic campaigns were executed to perform high- resolution imaging of seismic velocity changes in the granitic substrate. Cross-correlation data processing methods were implemented to efficiently and robustly perform semi-automated change detection of first-arrival times between campaigns. The change detection algorithm updates the arrival times, and consequently the velocity model, of each campaign. The resulting tomographic imagery reveals the evolution of the subsurface velocity structure as the detonations progressed. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors thank Dan Herold, Bob White, Kale Mc Lin, Ryan Emmit, Maggie Townsend, Curtis Obi, Fred Helsel, Rebekah Lee, Liam Toney, Matt Geuss, and Josh Feldman for their direct and invaluable contributions to this work. Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-mission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525. This paper describes objective technical results and analysis. Any subjective views or opinions that might be expressed in the paper do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Department of Energy or the United States Government. Note that a more detailed manuscript for this work is being prepared for publication in the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (BSSA).

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19 Results
19 Results