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Proton Tunable Analog Transistor for Low Power Computing

Robinson, Donald A.; Foster, Michael R.; Bennett, Christopher H.; Bhandarkar, Austin B.; Fuller, Elliot J.; Stavila, Vitalie S.; Spataru, Dan C.; Krishnakumar, Raga K.; Cole-Filipiak, Neil C.; Schrader, Paul E.; Ramasesha, Krupa R.; Allendorf, Mark D.; Talin, A.A.

This project was broadly motivated by the need for new hardware that can process information such as images and sounds right at the point of where the information is sensed (e.g. edge computing). The project was further motivated by recent discoveries by group demonstrating that while certain organic polymer blends can be used to fabricate elements of such hardware, the need to mix ionic and electronic conducting phases imposed limits on performance, dimensional scalability and the degree of fundamental understanding of how such devices operated. As an alternative to blended polymers containing distinct ionic and electronic conducting phases, in this LDRD project we have discovered that a family of mixed valence coordination compounds called Prussian blue analogue (PBAs), with an open framework structure and ability to conduct both ionic and electronic charge, can be used for inkjet-printed flexible artificial synapses that reversibly switch conductance by more than four orders of magnitude based on electrochemically tunable oxidation state. Retention of programmed states is improved by nearly two orders of magnitude compared to the extensively studied organic polymers, thus enabling in-memory compute and avoiding energy costly off-chip access during training. We demonstrate dopamine detection using PBA synapses and biocompatibility with living neurons, evoking prospective application for brain - computer interfacing. By application of electron transfer theory to in-situ spectroscopic probing of intervalence charge transfer, we elucidate a switching mechanism whereby the degree of mixed valency between N-coordinated Ru sites controls the carrier concentration and mobility, as supported by density functional theory (DFT) .

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Soot-particle core-shell and fractal structures from small-angle X-ray scattering measurements in a flame


Michelsen, Hope A.; Campbell, Matthew F.; Johansson, K.O.; Tran, Ich C.; Schrader, Paul E.; Bambha, Ray B.; Cenker, Emre; Hammons, Joshua A.; Zhu, Chenhui; Schaible, Eric; van Buuren, Anthony

We have characterized soot particles measured in situ in a laminar co-flow ethylene-air diffusion flame using small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The analysis includes temperature measurements made with coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) and complements soot volume-fraction and maturity measurements made with laser-induced incandescence (LII). We compared the results of fits to the SAXS measurements using a unified model and a fractal core-shell model. Power-law parameters yielded by the unified model indicate that aggregates of primary particles are in the mass-fractal regime, whereas the primary particles are in the surface-fractal regime in the middle of the flame. Higher and lower in the flame, the primary-particle power-law parameter approaches 4, suggesting smooth primary particles. These trends are consistent with fits using the fractal core-shell model, which indicate that particles have an established core-shell structure in the middle of the flame and are internally homogeneous at higher and lower heights in the flame. Primary-particle size distributions derived using the fractal core-shell model demonstrate excellent agreement with distributions inferred from transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images in the middle of the flame. Higher in the flame, a second small mode appears in the size distributions, suggesting particle fragmentation during oxidation. Surface oxidation would explain (1) aggregate fragmentation and (2) loss of core-shell structure leading to smoother primary-particle surfaces by removal of carbon overlayers. SAXS measurements are much more sensitive to incipient and young soot particles than LII and demonstrate significant volume fraction from particles low in the flame where the LII signal is negligible.

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Ultrafast infrared transient absorption spectroscopy of gas-phase Ni(CO)4photodissociation at 261 nm

Journal of Chemical Physics

Cole-Filipiak, Neil C.; Tross, Jan T.; Schrader, Paul E.; McCaslin, Laura M.; Ramasesha, Krupa R.

We employ ultrafast mid-infrared transient absorption spectroscopy to probe the rapid loss of carbonyl ligands from gas-phase nickel tetracarbonyl following ultraviolet photoexcitation at 261 nm. Here, nickel tetracarbonyl undergoes prompt dissociation to produce nickel tricarbonyl in a singlet excited state; this electronically excited tricarbonyl loses another CO group over tens of picoseconds. Our results also suggest the presence of a parallel, concerted dissociation mechanism to produce nickel dicarbonyl in a triplet excited state, which likely dissociates to nickel monocarbonyl. Mechanisms for the formation of these photoproducts in multiple electronic excited states are theoretically predicted with one-dimensional cuts through the potential energy surfaces and computation of spin-orbit coupling constants using equation of motion coupled cluster methods (EOM-CC) and coupled cluster theory with single and double excitations (CCSD). Bond dissociation energies are calculated with CCSD, and anharmonic frequencies of ground and excited state species are computed using density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT).

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Gas-Phase Hydrogen-Atom Measurement above Catalytic and Noncatalytic Materials during Ethane Dehydrogenation

Journal of Physical Chemistry C

Steinmetz, S.A.; DeLaRiva, Andrew T.; Riley, Christopher R.; Schrader, Paul E.; Datye, Abhaya; Spoerke, Erik D.; Kliewer, Christopher J.

The role of a solid surface for initiating gas-phase reactions is still not well understood. The hydrogen atom (H) is an important intermediate in gas-phase ethane dehydrogenation and is known to interact with surface sites on catalysts. However, direct measurements of H near catalytic surfaces have not yet been reported. Here, we present the first H measurements by laser-induced fluorescence in the gas-phase above catalytic and noncatalytic surfaces. Measurements at temperatures up to 700 °C show H concentrations to be at the highest above inert quartz surfaces compared to stainless steel and a platinum-based catalyst. Additionally, H concentrations above the catalyst decreased rapidly with time on stream. These newly obtained observations are consistent with the recently reported differences in bulk ethane dehydrogenation reactivity of these materials, suggesting H may be a good reporter for dehydrogenation activity.

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Table-Top High Photon Energy Sources for Chemical Dynamics Investigations

Ramasesha, Krupa R.; Tross, Jan T.; Schrader, Paul E.; Sheps, Leonid S.; Au, Kendrew

Time-resolved spectroscopies using high-energy photons in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) to the X-ray region of the electromagnetic spectrum, have proven to be powerful probes of chemical dynamics. These high-energy photons can access valence and core orbitals of molecules and materials, providing key information on molecular and electronic structure and their time evolution. This report details the development of table-top sources of extreme ultraviolet (XUV) and VUV pulses at Sandia National Laboratories for use in studies of gas phase chemical dynamics. Femtosecond duration XUV pulses are produced using laser-driven high harmonic generation and their detected range span ~40-140 eV photon energies. These pulses are used in conjunction with ultraviolet pulses in a pump-probe scheme to study excited state dynamics of gas phase molecules. VUV pulses at 7.75 eV are generated using a four-wave-mixing scheme driven by 800 nm and 266 nm pulses in an argon-filled hollow-core fiber.

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Femtosecond Reflectance Spectroscopy for Energetic Material Diagnostics

Cole-Filipiak, Neil C.; Schrader, Paul E.; Luk, Ting S.; Ramasesha, Krupa R.

Understanding the fundamental mechanisms underpinning shock initiation is critical to predicting energetic material (EM) safety and performance. Currently, the timescales and pathways by which shock-excited lattice modes transfer energy into specific chemical bonds remains an open question. Towards understanding these mechanisms, our group has previously measured the vibrational energy transfer (VET) pathways in several energetic thin films using broadband, femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy. However, new technologies are needed to move beyond these thin film surrogates and measure broadband VET pathways in realistic EM morphologies. Herein, we describe a new broadband, femtosecond, attenuated total reflectance spectroscopy apparatus. Performance of the system is benchmarked against published data and the first VET results from a pressed EM pellet are presented. This technology enables fundamental studies of VET dynamics across sample configurations and environments (pressure, temperature, etc .) and supports the potential use of VET studies in the non-destructive surveillance of EM components.

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Ultraviolet photodissociation of gas-phase iron pentacarbonyl probed with ultrafast infrared spectroscopy

Journal of Chemical Physics

Cole-Filipiak, Neil C.; Tross, Jan T.; Schrader, Paul E.; McCaslin, Laura M.; Ramasesha, Krupa R.

It is well known that ultraviolet photoexcitation of iron pentacarbonyl results in rapid loss of carbonyl ligands leading to the formation of coordinatively unsaturated iron carbonyl compounds. We employ ultrafast mid-infrared transient absorption spectroscopy to probe the photodissociation dynamics of gas-phase iron pentacarbonyl following ultraviolet excitation at 265 and 199 nm. After photoexcitation at 265 nm, our results show evidence for sequential dissociation of iron pentacarbonyl to form iron tricarbonyl via a short-lived iron tetracarbonyl intermediate. Photodissociation at 199 nm results in the prompt production of Fe(CO)3 within 0.25 ps via several energetically accessible pathways. An additional 15 ps time constant extracted from the data is tentatively assigned to intersystem crossing to the triplet manifold of iron tricarbonyl or iron dicarbonyl. Mechanisms for formation of iron tetracarbonyl, iron tricarbonyl, and iron dicarbonyl are proposed and theoretically validated with one-dimensional cuts through the potential energy surface as well as bond dissociation energies. Ground state calculations are computed at the CCSD(T) level of theory and excited states are computed with EOM-EE-CCSD(dT).

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Spatial dependence of the growth of polycyclic aromatic compounds in an ethylene counterflow flame


Wang, Qi; Elvati, Paolo; Kim, Doohyun; Johansson, K.O.; Schrader, Paul E.; Michelsen, Hope A.; Violi, Angela

The complex environments that characterize combustion systems can influence the distribution of gas-phase species, the relative importance of various growth mechanisms and the chemical and physical characteristics of the soot precursors generated. In order to provide molecular insights on the effect of combustion environments on the formation of gas-phase species, in this paper, we study the temporal and spatial dependence of soot precursors growth mechanisms in an ethylene/oxygen/argon counterflow diffusion flame. As computational tools of investigation, we included fluid dynamics simulations and stochastic discrete modeling. Results show the relative importance of various reaction pathways in flame, with the hydrogen-abstraction-acetylene-addition mechanism contributing to the formation of pure hydrocarbons near the stagnation plane, and oxygen chemistry prevailing near the maximum temperature region, where the concentration of atomic oxygen reaches its peak and phenols, ethers and furan-embedded species are formed. The computational results show excellent agreement with measurements obtained using aerosol mass spectrometry coupled with vacuum-ultraviolet photoionization. Knowledge acquired in this study can be used to predict the type of compounds formed in various locations of the flame and eventually provide insights on the environmental parameters that influence the growth of soot precursors. Additionally, the results reported in this paper highlight the importance of modeling counterflow flames in two or three dimensions to capture the spatial dependence of growth mechanisms of soot precursors.

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Resonance-stabilized hydrocarbon-radical chain reactions may explain soot inception and growth


Johansson, Karl O.; Head-Gordon, M.P.; Schrader, Paul E.; Wilson, K.R.; Michelsen, Hope A.

Mystery surrounds the transition from gas-phase hydrocarbon precursors to terrestrial soot and interstellar dust, which are carbonaceous particles formed under similar conditions. Although polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are known precursors to high-temperature carbonaceous-particle formation, the molecular pathways that initiate particle formation are unknown. We present experimental and theoretical evidence for rapid molecular clustering–reaction pathways involving radicals with extended conjugation. These radicals react with other hydrocarbon species to form covalently bound complexes that promote further growth and clustering by regenerating resonance-stabilized radicals through low-barrier hydrogen-abstraction and hydrogen-ejection reactions. Such radical–chain reaction pathways may lead to covalently bound clusters of PAHs and other hydrocarbons that would otherwise be too small to condense at high temperatures, thus providing the key mechanistic steps for rapid particle formation and surface growth by hydrocarbon chemisorption.

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A small porous-plug burner for studies of combustion chemistry and soot formation

Review of Scientific Instruments

Campbell, M.F.; Schrader, Paul E.; Catalano, A.L.; Johansson, Karl O.; Bohlin, G.A.; Richards-Henderson, N.K.; Kliewer, C.J.; Michelsen, Hope A.

We have developed and built a small porous-plug burner based on the original McKenna burner design. The new burner generates a laminar premixed flat flame for use in studies of combustion chemistry and soot formation. The size is particularly relevant for space-constrained, synchrotron-based X-ray diagnostics. In this paper, we present details of the design, construction, operation, and supporting infrastructure for this burner, including engineering attributes that enable its small size. We also present data for charactering the flames produced by this burner. These data include temperature profiles for three premixed sooting ethylene/air flames (equivalence ratios of 1.5, 1.8, and 2.1); temperatures were recorded using direct one-dimensional coherent Raman imaging. We include calculated temperature profiles, and, for one of these ethylene/air flames, we show the carbon and hydrogen content of heavy hydrocarbon species measured using an aerosol mass spectrometer coupled with vacuum ultraviolet photoionization (VUV-AMS) and soot-volume-fraction measurements obtained using laser-induced incandescence. In addition, we provide calculated mole-fraction profiles of selected gas-phase species and characteristic profiles for seven mass peaks from AMS measurements. Using these experimental and calculated results, we discuss the differences between standard McKenna burners and the new miniature porous-plug burner introduced here.

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Photoionization Efficiencies of Five Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Johansson, Karl O.; Campbell, Matthew F.; Elvati, Paolo; Schrader, Paul E.; Zador, Judit Z.; Richards-Henderson, Nicole K.; Wilson, Kevin R.; Violi, Angela; Michelsen, Hope A.

We have measured photoionization-efficiency curves for pyrene, fluoranthene, chrysene, perylene, and coronene in the photon energy range of 7.5-10.2 eV and derived their photoionization cross-section curves in this energy range. All measurements were performed using tunable vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) radiation generated at the Advanced Light Source synchrotron at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The VUV radiation was used for photoionization, and detection was performed using a time-of-flight mass spectrometer. We measured the photoionization efficiency of 2,5-dimethylfuran simultaneously with those of pyrene, fluoranthene, chrysene, perylene, and coronene to obtain references of the photon flux during each measurement from the known photoionization cross-section curve of 2,5-dimethylfuran.

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Critical Assessment of Photoionization Efficiency Measurements for Characterization of Soot-Precursor Species

Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Johansson, Karl O.; Zador, Judit Z.; Elvati, Paolo; Campbell, Matthew F.; Schrader, Paul E.; Richards-Henderson, Nicole K.; Wilson, Kevin R.; Violi, Angela; Michelsen, Hope A.

We present a critical evaluation of photoionization efficiency (PIE) measurements coupled with aerosol mass spectrometry for the identification of condensed soot-precursor species extracted from a premixed atmospheric-pressure ethylene/oxygen/nitrogen flame. Definitive identification of isomers by any means is complicated by the large number of potential isomers at masses likely to comprise particles at flame temperatures. This problem is compounded using PIE measurements by the similarity in ionization energies and PIE-curve shapes among many of these isomers. Nevertheless, PIE analysis can provide important chemical information. For example, our PIE curves show that neither pyrene nor fluoranthene alone can describe the signal from C16H10 isomers and that coronene alone cannot describe the PIE signal from C24H12 species. A linear combination of the reference PIE curves for pyrene and fluoranthene yields good agreement with flame-PIE curves measured at 202 u, which is consistent with pyrene and fluoranthene being the two major C16H10 isomers in the flame samples, but does not provide definite proof. The suggested ratio between fluoranthene and pyrene depends on the sampling conditions. We calculated the values of the adiabatic-ionization energy (AIE) of 24 C16H10 isomers. Despite the small number of isomers considered, the calculations show that the differences in AIEs between several of the isomers can be smaller than the average thermal energy at room temperature. The calculations also show that PIE analysis can sometimes be used to separate hydrocarbon species into those that contain mainly aromatic rings and those that contain significant aliphatic content for species sizes investigated in this study. Our calculations suggest an inverse relationship between AIE and the number of aromatic rings. We have demonstrated that further characterization of precursors can be facilitated by measurements that test species volatility. (Graph Presented).

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Radical-radical reactions, pyrene nucleation, and incipient soot formation in combustion

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute

Johansson, Karl O.; Dillstrom, Tyler; Elvati, Paolo; Campbell, Matthew F.; Schrader, Paul E.; Popolan-Vaida, Denisia M.; Richards-Henderson, Nicole K.; Wilson, Kevin R.; Violi, Angela; Michelsen, Hope A.

We present a combined experimental and probabilistic simulation study of soot-precursor. The experiments were conducted using aerosol mass spectrometry coupled with tunable vacuum ultraviolet radiation from the Advanced Light Source at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Mass spectra and photoionization efficiency (PIE) curves of soot precursor species were measured at different heights in a premixed flat flame and in a counter-flow diffusion flame fueled by ethylene and oxygen. The PIE curves at the pyrene mass from these flames were compared with reference PIE scans recorded for pyrene. The results demonstrate that other C16H10 isomers than pyrene are major components among species condensed onto incipient soot in this study, which is in agreement with the simulations. Species with mass 202 u only have a high prevalence in incipient soot particles drawn from the premixed flame, but hydrocarbon species with sizes in the range 200-400 u are important to incipient-soot formation in both flames. The simulations predict that some species form through combination reactions involving relatively large radicals and bypass traditional molecular-growth pathways through addition of small hydrocarbon species. The experimental results support this prediction; they demonstrate that these species have higher relative abundances in particles formed close to the fuel outlet than smaller, lighter molecular species and indicate that these species are important to early formation of incipient-soot precursors. The results also imply that a leading role in incipient-soot precursor formation is played by species with lower thermal stability than the even-carbon numbered, unsubstituted polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons known as "stabilomers".

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Measurements and Modeling of Black-Carbon Aerosols in the Arctic

Bambha, Ray B.; LaFranchi, Brian L.; Schrader, Paul E.; Lucero, Daniel A.; Ivey, Mark D.; Michelsen, Hope A.

We have made the first continuous measurements of black carbon in Barrow, Alaska at the ARM aerosol- observing site at the NOAA Barrow Observatory using a Single-Particle Soot Photometer (SP2). These data demonstrate that BC particles are extremely small, and a majority of the particles (by number density) are smaller than 0.5 fg, the lower limit of reliability of the SP2. We developed the first numerical model capable of quantitatively reproducing the laser-induced incandescence (LII) and scattering signals produced by the SP2, the industry-standard BC instrument. Our model reproduces the SP2 signal temporally and spectrally and demonstrates that the current SP2 optical design allows substantial contamination of LII on the scattering signal. We ran CAM5-SE in nudged mode, i.e., by constraining the transport used in the model with meteorological data. The results demonstrate the problem observed previously of under-predicting BC at high latitudes. The cause of the discrepancy is currently unknown, but we suspect that it is associated with scavenging and rainout mechanisms.

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Monitoring Understanding and Predicting the Growth of Methane Emissions in the Arctic

Bambha, Ray B.; LaFranchi, Brian L.; Schrader, Paul E.; Roesler, Erika L.; Taylor, Mark A.; Lucero, Daniel A.; Ivey, Mark D.; Michelsen, Hope A.

Concern over Arctic methane (CH 4 ) emissions has increased following recent discoveries of poorly understood sources and predictions that methane emissions from known sources will grow as Arctic temperatures increase. New efforts are required to detect increases and explain sources without being confounded by the multiple sources. Methods for distinguishing different sources are critical. We conducted measurements of atmospheric methane and source tracers and performed baseline global atmospheric modeling to begin assessing the climate impact of changes in atmospheric methane. The goal of this project was to address uncertainties in Arctic methane sources and their potential impact on climate by (1) deploying newly developed trace-gas analyzers for measurements of methane, methane isotopologues, ethane, and other tracers of methane sources in the Barrow, AK, (2) characterizing methane sources using high-resolution atmospheric chemical transport models and tracer measurements, and (3) modeling Arctic climate using the state-of-the-art high- resolution Spectral Element Community Atmosphere Model (CAM-SE).

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Greenhouse Gas Source Attribution: Measurements Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification

Liu, Zhen L.; Safta, Cosmin S.; Sargsyan, Khachik S.; Najm, H.N.; van Bloemen Waanders, Bart G.; LaFranchi, Brian L.; Ivey, Mark D.; Schrader, Paul E.; Michelsen, Hope A.; Bambha, Ray B.

In this project we have developed atmospheric measurement capabilities and a suite of atmospheric modeling and analysis tools that are well suited for verifying emissions of green- house gases (GHGs) on an urban-through-regional scale. We have for the first time applied the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model to simulate atmospheric CO2 . This will allow for the examination of regional-scale transport and distribution of CO2 along with air pollutants traditionally studied using CMAQ at relatively high spatial and temporal resolution with the goal of leveraging emissions verification efforts for both air quality and climate. We have developed a bias-enhanced Bayesian inference approach that can remedy the well-known problem of transport model errors in atmospheric CO2 inversions. We have tested the approach using data and model outputs from the TransCom3 global CO2 inversion comparison project. We have also performed two prototyping studies on inversion approaches in the generalized convection-diffusion context. One of these studies employed Polynomial Chaos Expansion to accelerate the evaluation of a regional transport model and enable efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling of the posterior for Bayesian inference. The other approach uses de- terministic inversion of a convection-diffusion-reaction system in the presence of uncertainty. These approaches should, in principle, be applicable to realistic atmospheric problems with moderate adaptation. We outline a regional greenhouse gas source inference system that integrates (1) two ap- proaches of atmospheric dispersion simulation and (2) a class of Bayesian inference and un- certainty quantification algorithms. We use two different and complementary approaches to simulate atmospheric dispersion. Specifically, we use a Eulerian chemical transport model CMAQ and a Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model - FLEXPART-WRF. These two models share the same WRF assimilated meteorology fields, making it possible to perform a hybrid simulation, in which the Eulerian model (CMAQ) can be used to compute the initial condi- tion needed by the Lagrangian model, while the source-receptor relationships for a large state vector can be efficiently computed using the Lagrangian model in its backward mode. In ad- dition, CMAQ has a complete treatment of atmospheric chemistry of a suite of traditional air pollutants, many of which could help attribute GHGs from different sources. The inference of emissions sources using atmospheric observations is cast as a Bayesian model calibration problem, which is solved using a variety of Bayesian techniques, such as the bias-enhanced Bayesian inference algorithm, which accounts for the intrinsic model deficiency, Polynomial Chaos Expansion to accelerate model evaluation and Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling, and Karhunen-Lo %60 eve (KL) Expansion to reduce the dimensionality of the state space. We have established an atmospheric measurement site in Livermore, CA and are collect- ing continuous measurements of CO2 , CH4 and other species that are typically co-emitted with these GHGs. Measurements of co-emitted species can assist in attributing the GHGs to different emissions sectors. Automatic calibrations using traceable standards are performed routinely for the gas-phase measurements. We are also collecting standard meteorological data at the Livermore site as well as planetary boundary height measurements using a ceilometer. The location of the measurement site is well suited to sample air transported between the San Francisco Bay area and the California Central Valley.

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Effects of volatile coatings on the morphology and optical detection of combustion-generated black carbon particles

Bambha, Ray B.; Schrader, Paul E.

We have measured time-resolved laser-induced incandescence (LII) from combustion-generated mature soot extracted from a burner and (1) coated with oleic acid or (2) coated with oleic acid and then thermally denuded using a thermodenuder. The soot samples were size selected using a differential mobility analyser and characterized with a scanning mobility particle sizer, centrifugal particle mass analyser, and transmission electron microscope. The results demonstrate a strong influence of coatings particle morphology and on the magnitude and temporal evolution of the LII signal. For coated particles higher laser fluences are required to reach LII signal levels comparable to those of uncoated particles. This effect is predominantly attributable to the additional energy needed to vaporize the coating while heating the particle. LII signals are higher and signal decay rates are significantly slower for thermally denuded particles relative to coated or uncoated particles, particularly at low and intermediate laser fluences.

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Numerical simulations of Yb3+-doped, pulsed fiber amplifiers: Comparison with experiment

2008 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO/QELS

Farrow, Roger L.; Moore, S.W.; Schrader, Paul E.; Smith, A.V.

We have developed a numerical simulation of cw-pumped Yb3+-doped fiber amplifiers seeded by pulses at 1064 nm. Results compare well to measurements of longitudinal upper-level ion populations and of output pulse energy versus pump power. © 2008 Optical Society of America.

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Power scaling of fiber-based amplifiers seeded with microchip lasers

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Schrader, Paul E.; Fève, Jean P.; Farrow, Roger L.; Kliner, Dahv A.V.; Schmitt, Randal L.; Do, Binh T.

We summarize the performance of mode-filtered, Yb-doped fiber amplifiers seeded by microchip lasers with nanosecond-duration pulses. These systems offer the advantages of compactness, efficiency, high peak power, diffraction-limited beam quality, and widely variable pulse energy and repetition rate. We review the fundamental limits on pulsed fiber amplifiers imposed by nonlinear processes, with a focus on the specific regime of nanosecond pulses. Different design options for the fiber and the seed laser are discussed, including the effects of pulse duration, wavelength, and linewidth. We show an example of a microchip-seeded, single-stage, single-pass fiber amplifier that produced pulses with 1.1 MW peak power, 0.76 mJ pulse energy, smooth temporal and spectral profiles, diffractionlimited beam quality, and linear polarization.

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High-peak-power (>1.2 MW) pulsed fiber amplifier

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Farrow, Roger L.; Kliner, Dahv A.V.; Schrader, Paul E.; Hoops, Alexandra A.; Moore, Scan W.; Hadley, G.R.; Schmitt, Randal L.

We report results from Yb-doped fiber amplifiers seeded with two microchip lasers having 0.38-ns and 2.3-ns pulse durations. The shorter duration seed resulted in output pulses with a peak power of > 1.2 MW and pulse energy of 0.67 mJ. Peak power was limited by nonlinear processes that caused breakup and broadening of the pulse envelope as the pump power increased. The 2.3-ns duration seed laser resulted in output pulses with a peak power of >300 kW and pulse energy of > 1.1 mJ. Pulse energies were limited by the onset of stimulated Brillouin scattering and ultimately by internal optical damage (fluences in excess of 400 J/cm 2 were generated). In both experiments, nearly diffraction-limited beam profiles were obtained, with M 2 values of < 1.2. Preliminary results of a pulse-amplification model are in excellent agreement with the experimental results of the amplifiers operating in the low-to-moderate gain-depletion regime.

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47 Results
47 Results