
41 Results
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Design and Characterization of the Sandia Free-Piston Reflected Shock Tunnel

AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, AIAA SciTech Forum 2022

Lynch, Kyle P.; Grasser, Thomas W.; Farias, Paul A.; Daniel, Kyle; Spillers, Russell W.; Downing, Charley R.; Wagner, Justin W.

A new reflected shock tunnel has been commissioned at Sandia capable of generating hypersonic environments at realistic flight enthalpies. The tunnel uses an existing free-piston driver and shock tube coupled to a conical nozzle to accelerate the flow to approximately Mach 9. The facility design process is outlined and compared to other ground test facilities. A representative flight enthalpy condition is designed using an in-house state-to-state solver and piston dynamics model and evaluated using quasi-1D modeling with the University of Queensland L1d code. This condition is demonstrated using canonical models and a calibration rake. A 25 cm core flow with 4.6 MJ/kg total enthalpy is achieved over an approximately 1 millisecond test time. Analysis shows that increasing piston mass should extend test time by a factor of 2-3.

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The shock-induced dispersal of dense particle curtains with varying density

AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum

Daniel, Kyle; Farias, Paul A.; Wagner, Justin W.

Here we present results from experiments within Sandia National Labs’ multiphase shock tube on the shock-induced dispersal of dense particle curtains. This study builds on previous work by examining the effect of particle density on the dynamics of a shock-particle interaction in a dense volume fraction regime. We present results gathered from high-speed schlieren images used to track the propagation of the upstream and downstream fronts of the particle curtain. The effect of particle density on the curtain spread rate was examined by comparing curtains comprised of soda lime, stainless steel, and tungsten particles at two distinct volume fractions ϕp = 9% and ϕp ≈ 20%, and various incident shock strengths. Time scales of the spreading process were non-dimensionalized using two scaling methods from literature; one defined by the pressure ratio across a reflected shock and the other related to the incompressible drag through a grid. Both scaling methods successfully collapsed the spreading rate of curtains with different particle densities, while only the drag based scaling could account for variation in volume fraction. In addition, a new scaling based on a simple force balance that uses the pressure ratio across the curtain was found to achieve the tightest collapse of all methods tested.

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Study of galinstan liquid metal breakup using backlit imaging and digital in-line holography

ICLASS 2018 - 14th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems

Chen, Yi; Wagner, Justin W.; Farias, Paul A.; Guildenbecher, Daniel R.

Many liquid metals form surface oxides, which can affect atomization processes during thermal spray coating and metal powder formation. In this work, we experimentally investigate the behaviors and morphologies of a liquid metal under a shockwave-induced cross-flow. Specifically, we use Galinstan, a non-toxic room temperature liquid metal that forms thin elastic oxide layers. By utilizing backlit imaging and digital in-line holography (DIH) of liquid columns inside a shock tube, we are able to compare the behavior of Galinstan with water. Morphological differences and drag properties are investigated as a function of Weber number in the bag, multimode, and sheet thinning regimes. We show that surface oxides appear to drive liquid metal Galinstan to break up earlier in non-dimensional time and cause the formation of more non-spherical breakup shapes and droplets. This investigation of surface oxide behaviors helps to further the understanding of liquid metal breakup.

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Early experiments on shock-particle curtain interactions in the high-temperature shock tube

AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum

Petter, Samuel; Lynch, Kyle P.; Farias, Paul A.; Spitzer, Seth M.; Grasser, Thomas W.; Wagner, Justin W.

A new capability has been added to study shock-particle interactions in the Sandia High-Temperature Shock Tube (HST). The apparatus to do so featured a high-speed pneumatic actuator with high-pressure engineered seals. Like previous studies in a lower-strength facility, the particle curtain was comprised of 100-micron glass spheres at an initial volume fraction of approximately 20%. A shock-particle interaction was investigated using 210 kHz Schlieren imaging where the incident shock Mach number was 3.3. The initially uniform curtain was distorted by recoil in the HST. Nevertheless, the interaction dynamics were observed to be qualitatively similar to those in previous studies. Future efforts will work to decouple the recoil from the curtain formation and push the interaction towards stronger shocks.

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Development of a Generalized Residual Stress Inversion Technique

Johnson, Kyle J.; Bishop, Joseph E.; Reu, Phillip L.; Walsh, Timothy W.; Farias, Paul A.; Jared, Bradley H.; Susan, D.F.; Rouse, Jerry W.; Whetten, Shaun R.; Chen, Mark J.; Aquino, Wilkins A.; Bellotti, Aurelio B.; Jacobs, Laurence J.

Residual stress is a common result of manufacturing processes, but it is one that is often overlooked in design and qualification activities. There are many reasons for this oversight, such as lack of observable indicators and difficulty in measurement. Traditional relaxation-based measurement methods use some type of material removal to cause surface displacements, which can then be used to solve for the residual stresses relieved by the removal. While widely used, these methods may offer only individual stress components or may be limited by part or cut geometry requirements. Diffraction-based methods, such as X-ray or neutron, offer non-destructive results but require access to a radiation source. With the goal of producing a more flexible solution, this LDRD developed a generalized residual stress inversion technique that can recover residual stresses released by all traction components on a cut surface, with much greater freedom in part geometry and cut location. The developed method has been successfully demonstrated on both synthetic and experimental data. The project also investigated dislocation density quantification using nonlinear ultrasound, residual stress measurement using Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry Hole Drilling, and validation of residual stress predictions in Additive Manufacturing process models.

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Galinstan liquid metal breakup and droplet formation in a shock-induced cross-flow

International Journal of Multiphase Flow

Chen, Yi; Wagner, Justin W.; Farias, Paul A.; DeMauro, Edward P.; Guildenbecher, Daniel R.

Liquid metal breakup processes are important for understanding a variety of physical phenomena including metal powder formation, thermal spray coatings, fragmentation in explosive detonations and metalized propellant combustion. Since the breakup behaviors of liquid metals are not well studied, we experimentally investigate the roles of higher density and fast elastic surface oxide formation on breakup morphology and droplet characteristics. This work compares the column breakup of water with Galinstan, a room-temperature eutectic liquid metal alloy of gallium, indium and tin. A shock tube is used to generate a step change in convective velocity and back-lit imaging is used to classify morphologies for Weber numbers up to 250. Digital in-line holography (DIH) is then used to quantitatively capture droplet size, velocity and three-dimensional position information. Differences in geometry between canonical spherical drops and the liquid columns utilized in this paper are likely responsible for observations of earlier transition Weber numbers and uni-modal droplet volume distributions. Scaling laws indicate that Galinstan and water share similar droplet size-velocity trends and root-normal volume probability distributions. However, measurements indicate that Galinstan breakup occurs earlier in non-dimensional time and produces more non-spherical droplets due to fast oxide formation.

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Unsteady drag following shock wave impingement on a dense particle curtain measured using pulse-burst PIV

Physical Review Fluids

DeMauro, Edward P.; Wagner, Justin W.; Beresh, Steven J.; Farias, Paul A.

High-speed, time-resolved particle image velocimetry with a pulse-burst laser was used to measure the gas-phase velocity upstream and downstream of a shock wave-particle curtain interaction at three shock Mach numbers (1.22, 1.40, and 1.45) at a repetition rate of 37.5 kHz. The particle curtain was formed from free-falling soda-lime particles resulting in volume fractions of 9% or 23% at mid-height, depending on particle diameter (106-125 and 300-355 μm, respectively). Following impingement by a shock wave, a pressure difference was created between the upstream and downstream sides of the curtain, which accelerated flow through the curtain. Jetting of flow through the curtain was observed downstream once deformation of the curtain began, demonstrating a long-term unsteady effect. Using a control volume approach, the unsteady drag on the curtain was estimated from velocity and pressure data. The drag imposed on the curtain has a strong volume fraction dependence with a prolonged unsteadiness following initial shock impingement. In addition, the data suggest that the resulting pressure difference following the propagation of the reflected and transmitted shock waves is the primary component to curtain drag.

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Aerodynamic breakup and secondary drop formation for a liquid metal column in a shock-induced cross-flow

AIAA SciTech Forum - 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting

Chen, Yi; DeMauro, Edward P.; Wagner, Justin W.; Arienti, Marco A.; Guildenbecher, Daniel R.; Farias, Paul A.; Grasser, Thomas W.; Sanderson, Patrick D.; Albert, Samuel W.; Turpin, Aaron M.; Sealy, William; Ketchum, Remington S.

The breakup of liquid metals is of relevance to powder formation, thermal spray coatings, liquid metal cooling systems, investigations of accident scenarios, and model validation. In this work, a column of liquid Galinstan, a room-temperature liquid metal alloy, is studied in a shock-induced cross-flow. Backlit experiments are used to characterize breakup morphology and digital in-line holography is used to quantitatively measure the size and speed of secondary droplets. Two-dimensional simulations are also developed in order to help understand the underlying mechanisms that drive breakup behavior. Results show that although breakup morphologies are similar for water and Galinstan at the same Weber number, the breakup distance, secondary droplet size, and secondary droplet shapes differ. Evidence indicates that secondary droplet formation may be related to the Weber number, density ratio, the convective velocity and other effects.

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Measurements of the initial transient of a dense particle curtain following shock wave impingement

AIAA SciTech Forum - 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting

DeMauro, Edward P.; Wagner, Justin W.; Dechant, Lawrence J.; Beresh, Steven J.; Farias, Paul A.; Turpin, Aaron M.; Sealy, William; Albert, Samuel W.; Sanderson, Patrick D.

Experiments were performed within Sandia National Labs’ Multiphase Shock Tube to measure and quantify the transient behavior of a dense particle curtain, following interaction with a planar shock wave. The data obtained are in the form of two particle diameter ranges (dp= 106-125, 300-355 µm) across Mach numbers ranging from 1.24-2.02. Using these data, along with data compiled from literature, the dispersion of a dense curtain was studied for multiple Mach numbers, particle sizes, and volume fractions. High-speed Schlieren imaging at 75 kHz was used to track the upstream and downstream edges of the curtains over time. Non-dimensionalization of the data was then carried out according to two different scaling methods found within the literature, with time scales defined based on either particle time of flight or pressure ratio across a reflected shock. The data show that spreading of the particle curtain is a function of the volume fraction, with the effectiveness of each timescale based on the proximity of a given curtain’s volume fraction to the dilute mixture regime. A new scaling argument is defined here, based on a simplified force balance, which shows improved collapse of the curtain spreading data across the volume fractions presented. It is seen that volume fraction corrections applied to a traditional time of flight timescale result in the best collapse of the data between the two timescales tested here.

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KHz rate digital in-line holography applied to quantify secondary droplets from the aerodynamic breakup of a liquid column in a shock-tube

54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting

Guildenbecher, Daniel R.; Wagner, Justin W.; Olles, Joseph D.; Chen, Yi; DeMauro, Edward P.; Farias, Paul A.; Grasser, Thomas W.; Sojka, Paul E.

The breakup of liquids due to aerodynamic forces has been widely studied. However, the literature contains limited quantified data on secondary droplet sizes, particularly as a function of time. Here, a column of liquid water is subjected to a step change in relative gas velocity using a shock tube. A unique digital in-line holography (DIH) configuration is proposed which quantifies the secondary droplets sizes, three-dimensional position, and three-component velocities at 100 kHz. Results quantify the detailed evolution of the characteristic mean diameters and droplet size-velocity correlations as a function of distance downstream from the initial location of the water column. Accuracy of the measurements is confirmed through mass balance. These data give unprecedented detail on the breakup process which will be useful for improved model development and validation.

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A preliminary comparison of three dimensional particle tracking and sizing using plenoptic imaging and digital in-line holography

54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting

Munz, Elise D.; Thurow, Brian S.; Guildenbecher, Daniel R.; Farias, Paul A.

Digital in-line holography and plenoptic photography are two techniques for single-shot, volumetric measurement of 3D particle fields. Here we present a preliminary comparison of the two methods by applying plenoptic imaging to experimental configurations that have been previously investigated with digital in-line holography. These experiments include the tracking of secondary droplets from the impact of a water drop on a thin film of water and tracking of pellets from a shotgun. Both plenoptic imaging and digital in-line holography successfully quantify the 3D nature of these particle fields. This includes measurement of the 3D particle position, individual particle sizes, and three-component velocity vectors. For the initial processing methods presented here, both techniques give out-of-plane positional accuracy of approximately 1-2 particle diameters. For a fixed image sensor, digital holography achieves higher effective in-plane spatial resolutions. However, collimated and coherent illumination makes holography susceptible to image distortion through index of refraction gradients, as demonstrated in the shotgun experiments. On the other hand, plenoptic imaging allows for a simpler experimental configuration. Furthermore, due to the use of diffuse, white-light illumination, plenoptic imaging is less susceptible to image distortion in the shotgun experiments. Additional work is needed to better quantify sources of uncertainty, particularly in the plenoptic experiments, as well as develop data processing methodologies optimized for the plenoptic measurement.

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Pulse-burst PIV measurements of transient phenomena in a shock tube

54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting

Wagner, Justin W.; Beresh, Steven J.; DeMauro, Edward P.; Casper, Katya M.; Guildenbecher, Daniel R.; Pruett, Brian O.; Farias, Paul A.

Time-resolved particle image velocimetry (TR-PIV) measurements were made in a shock tube using a pulse-burst laser. Two transient flowfields were investigated including the baseline flow in the empty shock tube and the wake growth downstream of a cylinder spanning the width of the test section. Boundary layer growth was observed following the passage of the incident shock in the baseline flow, while the core flow velocity increased with time. The measured core flow acceleration was compared to that predicted using a classical unsteady boundary layer growth model. The model typically provided good estimates of core flow acceleration at early times, but then typically underestimated the acceleration. As a result of wall boundary layers, a significant amount of spatial non-uniformity remained in the flow following the passage of the end-wall reflected shock, which could be an important factor in combustion chemistry experiments. In the transient wake growth measurements, the wake downstream of the cylinder was symmetric immediately following the passage of the incident shock. At later times (≈ 0.5 ms), the wake transitioned to a von Kármán vortex street. The TR-PIV data were bandpass filtered about the vortex shedding frequency to reveal additional details on the transient wake growth.

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Measurements of gas-phase velocity during shock-particle interactions using pulse-burst PIV

54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting

DeMauro, Edward P.; Wagner, Justin W.; Beresh, Steven J.; Farias, Paul A.

High-speed, time-resolved particle image velocimetry with a pulse-burst laser was used to measure the gas-phase velocity upstream and downstream of a shock wave-particle curtain interaction at three shock Mach numbers (1.19, 1.40, and 1.45), at a sampling rate of 37.5 kHz. The particle curtain, formed from free-falling soda-lime particles with diameters ranging from 300 - 355 μm, had a streamwise thickness of 3.5 mm and volume fraction of 9% at mid-height. Following impingement by a shock wave, a pressure difference was created between the upstream/downstream sides of the curtain, which accelerated flow through the curtain. Jetting of flow through the curtain was observed downstream once deformation of the curtain began, demonstrating a long-term unsteady effect. Using a control volume approach, the unsteady drag on the curtain was determined from velocity and pressure data. Initially, the pressure difference between the upstream and downstream sides of the curtain was the largest contributor to the total drag. The data suggests, however, that as time increases, the change in momentum flux could become the dominant component as the pressure difference decreases.

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Applications of temporal supersampling in pulse-burst PIV

32nd AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference

Beresh, Steven J.; Wagner, Justin W.; DeMauro, Edward P.; Henfling, John F.; Spillers, Russell W.; Farias, Paul A.

Time-resolved PIV has been accomplished in three high-speed flows using a pulse-burst laser: a supersonic jet exhausting into a transonic crossflow, a transonic flow over a rectangular cavity, and a shock-induced transient onset to cylinder vortex shedding. Temporal supersampling converts spatial information into temporal information by employing Taylor’s frozen turbulence hypothesis along local streamlines, providing frequency content until about 150 kHz where the noise floor is reached. The spectra consistently reveal two regions exhibiting power-law dependence describing the turbulent decay. One is the well-known inertial subrange with a slope of-5/3 at high frequencies. The other displays a-1 power-law dependence for as much as a decade of mid-range frequencies lying between the inertial subrange and the integral length scale. The evidence for the-1 power law is most convincing in the jet-in-crossflow experiment, which is dominated by in-plane convection and the vector spatial resolution does not impose an additional frequency constraint. Data from the transonic cavity flow that are least likely to be subject to attenuation due to limited spatial resolution or out-of-plane motion exhibit the strongest agreement with the-1 and-5/3 power laws. The cylinder wake data also appear to show the-1 regime and the inertial subrange in the near-wake, but farther downstream the frozen-turbulence assumption may deteriorate as large-scale vortices interact with one another in the von Kármán vortex street.

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A Preliminary Comparison of Three Dimensional Particle Tracking and Sizing using Plenoptic Imaging and Digital In-line Holography [PowerPoint]

Guildenbecher, Daniel R.; Munz, Elise D.; Farias, Paul A.; Thruow, Brian S.

Digital in-line holography and plenoptic photography are two techniques for single-shot, volumetric measurement of 3D particle fields. Here we present a preliminary comparison of the two methods by applying plenoptic imaging to experimental configurations that have been previously investigated with digital in-line holography. These experiments include the tracking of secondary droplets from the impact of a water drop on a thin film of water and tracking of pellets from a shotgun. Both plenoptic imaging and digital in-line holography successfully quantify the 3D nature of these particle fields. This includes measurement of the 3D particle position, individual particle sizes, and three-component velocity vectors. For the initial processing methods presented here, both techniques give out-of-plane positional accuracy of approximately 1-2 particle diameters. For a fixed image sensor, digital holography achieves higher effective in-plane spatial resolutions. However, collimated and coherent illumination makes holography susceptible to image distortion through index of refraction gradients, as demonstrated in the shotgun experiments. On the other hand, plenotpic imaging allows for a simpler experimental configuration. Furthermore, due to the use of diffuse, white-light illumination, plenoptic imaging is less susceptible to image distortion in the shotgun experiments. Additional work is needed to better quantify sources of uncertainty, particularly in the plenoptic experiments, as well as develop data processing methodologies optimized for the plenoptic measurement.

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Temperature, Oxygen, and Soot-Volume-Fraction Measurements in a Turbulent C2H4-Fueled Jet Flame

Kearney, S.P.; Guildenbecher, Daniel R.; Winters, Caroline W.; Grasser, Thomas W.; Farias, Paul A.; Hewson, John C.

We present a detailed set of measurements from a piloted, sooting, turbulent C 2 H 4 - fueled diffusion flame. Hybrid femtosecond/picosecond coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) is used to monitor temperature and oxygen, while laser-induced incandescence (LII) is applied for imaging of the soot volume fraction in the challenging jet-flame environment at Reynolds number, Re = 20,000. Single-laser shot results are used to map the mean and rms statistics, as well as probability densities. LII data from the soot-growth region of the flame are used to benchmark the soot source term for one-dimensional turbulence (ODT) modeling of this turbulent flame. The ODT code is then used to predict temperature and oxygen fluctuations higher in the soot oxidation region higher in the flame.

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41 Results
41 Results