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X-ray Source Characteristics from July 2020 SGEMP Experiments at the National Ignition Facility

Flanagan, Timothy M.; Codding, Paul C.; May, Mark J.

This report details the measured x-ray characteristics radiating from laser targets on 7 shots at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's National Ignition Facility performed June 30 - July 2, 2020. Generally, the x-ray sources were designed to serve as meaningful drivers of a variety of Radiation Effects Sciences response experiments. Specifically, on these 7 shots, the measured x-ray output characteristics and the response experiments serve as a useful data set for validating performance and informing further development of Sandia National Laboratories' EMPIRE code. We present x-ray measurements and analyses relevant to simulating the System-Generated Electro Magnetic Pulse experiments that also occurred on these shots (described elsewhere). Sufficient detail is provided so that a motivated, but novice, x-ray source user could produce some of these analysis results from raw data on similar x-ray shots.

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