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Auto-Curation of Seismic Event Data for Signal Denoising

Fox, Dylan T.; Hammond, Patrick H.; Gonzales, Antonio G.; Lewis, Phillip J.

Denoising contaminated seismic signals for later processing is a fundamental problem in seismic signals analysis. Neural network approaches have shown success denoising local signals when trained on short-time Fourier transform spectrograms. One challenge of this approach is the onerous process of hand-labeling event signals for training. By leveraging the SCALODEEP seismic event detector, we develop an automated set of techniques for labeling event data. Despite region specific challenges, training the neural network denoiser on machine curated events shows comparable performance to the neural network trained on hand curated events. We showcase our technique with two experiments, one using Utah regional data and one using regional data from the Korean peninsula.

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Evaluating Scalograms for Seismic Event Denoising

Lewis, Phillip J.; Gonzales, Antonio G.; Hammond, Patrick H.

Denoising contaminated seismic signals for later processing is a fundamental problem in seismic signals analysis. The most straightforward denoising approach, using spectral filtering, is not effective when noise and seismic signal occupy the same frequency range. Neural network approaches have shown success denoising local signal when trained on short-time Fourier transform spectrograms (Zhu et al 2018; Tibi et al 2021). Scalograms, a wavelet-based transform, achieved ~15% better reconstruction as measured by dynamic time warping on a seismic waveform test set than spectrograms, suggesting their use as an alternative for denoising. We train a deep neural network on a scalogram dataset derived from waveforms recorded by the University of Utah Seismograph Stations network. We find that initial results are no better than a spectrogram approach, with additional overhead imposed by the significantly larger size of scalograms. A robust exploration of neural network hyperparameters and network architecture was not performed, which could be done in follow on work.

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PCalc User's Manual

Conley, Andrea C.; Downey, Nathan J.; Ballard, Sanford B.; Hipp, James R.; Hammond, Patrick H.; Davenport, Kathy D.; Begnaud, Michael L.

PCalc is a software tool that computes travel-time predictions, ray path geometry and model queries. This software has a rich set of features, including the ability to use custom 3D velocity models to compute predictions using a variety of geometries. The PCalc software is especially useful for research related to seismic monitoring applications.

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Deep learning denoising applied to regional distance seismic data in Utah

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

Tibi, Rigobert T.; Hammond, Patrick H.; Brogan, Ronald; Young, Christopher J.; Koper, Keith

Seismic waveform data are generally contaminated by noise from various sources. Suppressing this noise effectively so that the remaining signal of interest can be successfully exploited remains a fundamental problem for the seismological community. To date, the most common noise suppression methods have been based on frequency filtering. These methods, however, are less effective when the signal of interest and noise share similar frequency bands. Inspired by source separation studies in the field of music information retrieval (Jansson et al., 2017) and a recent study in seismology (Zhu et al., 2019), we implemented a seismic denoising method that uses a trained deep convolutional neural network (CNN) model to decompose an input waveform into a signal of interest and noise. In our approach, the CNN provides a signal mask and a noise mask for an input signal. The short-time Fourier transform (STFT) of the estimated signal is obtained by multiplying the signal mask with the STFT of the input signal. To build and test the denoiser, we used carefully compiled signal and noise datasets of seismograms recorded by the University of Utah Seismograph Stations network. Results of test runs involving more than 9000 constructed waveforms suggest that on average the denoiser improves the signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) by ∼ 5 dB, and that most of the recovered signal waveforms have high similarity with respect to the target waveforms (average correlation coefficient of ∼ 0:80) and suffer little distortion. Application to real data suggests that our denoiser achieves on average a factor of up to ∼ 2–5 improvement in SNR over band-pass filtering and can suppress many types of noise that band-pass filtering cannot. For individual waveforms, the improvement can be as high as ∼ 15 dB.

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3D Crustal Tomography Model of Utah

Conley, Andrea C.; Hammond, Patrick H.; Ballard, Sanford B.; Begnaud, Michael L.

The ability to accurately locate seismic events is necessary for treaty monitoring. When using techniques that rely on the comparison of observed and predicted travel times to obtain these locations, it is important that the estimated travel times and their estimated uncertainties are also accurate. The methodology of Ballard et al. (2016a) has been used in the past to generate an accurate 3D tomographic global model of compressional wave slowness (the SAndia LoS Alamos 3D tomography model, i.e. SALSA3D). To re-establish functionality and to broaden the capabilities of the method to local distances, we have applied the methodology of Ballard et al. (2016a) to local data in Utah. This report details the results of the initial model generated, including relocations performed using analyst picked mining events at West Ridge Mine and three ground-truth events at Bingham Mine. We were successfully able to generate a feasible tomography model that resulted in reasonable relocations of the mining events.

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14 Results
14 Results