The radiation effects community needs clear, well-documented, neutron energy-dependent responses that can be used in assessing radiation-induced material damage to GaAs semiconductors and for correlating observed radiation-induced changes in the GaAs electronic properties with computed damage metrics. In support of the objective, this document provides: a) a clearly defined set of relevant neutron response functions for use in dosimetry applications; b) clear mathematical expressions for the defined response functions; and c) updated quantitative values for the energy- dependent response functions that reflect the best current nuclear data and modelling. This document recaps the legacy response functions. It then surveys the latest nuclear data and updates the recommended response function to support current GaAs damage studies. A detailed tabulation for six of the energy-dependent response functions is provided in an Appendix.
This report provides basic background data on the Manipulate-2020 code. This code is used for processing and "manipulation" of nuclear data in support of radiation metrology applications. The code is made available on the open GitHub repository and is available to the general nuclear data community.
Four D flip-flop (DFF) layouts were created from the same schematic in Sandia National Laboratories' CMOS7 silicon-on-insulator (SOI) process. Single-event upset (SEU) modeling and testing showed an improved response with the use of shallow (not fully bottomed) N-type metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (NMOSFETs), extending the size of the drain implant and increasing the critical charge of the transmission gates in the circuit design and layout. This research also shows the importance of correctly modeling nodal capacitance, which is a major factor determining SEU critical charge. Accurate SEU models enable the understanding of the SEU vulnerabilities and how to make the design more robust.
A general formulation of silicon damage metrics and associated energy-dependent response functions relevant to the radiation effects community is provided. Using this formulation, a rigorous quantitative treatment of the energy-dependent uncertainty contributors is performed. This resulted in the generation of a covariance matrix for the displacement kerma, the Norgett-Robinson-Torrens-based damage energy, and the 1-MeV(Si)-equivalent damage function. When a careful methodology is used to apply a reference 1-MeV damage value, the systematic uncertainty in the fast fission region is seen to be removed, and the uncertainty for integral metrics in broad-based fission-based neutron fields is demonstrated to be significantly reduced.
A bipolar-transistor-based sensor technique has been used to compare silicon displacement damage from known and unknown neutron energy spectra generated in nuclear reactor and high-energy-density physics environments. The technique has been shown to yield 1-MeV(Si) equivalent neutron fluence measurements comparable to traditional neutron activation dosimetry. This paper significantly extends previous results by evaluating three types of bipolar devices utilized as displacement damage sensors at a nuclear research reactor and at a Pelletron particle accelerator. Ionizing dose effects are compensated for via comparisons with 10-keV X-ray and/or cobalt-60 gamma ray irradiations. Nonionizing energy loss calculations adequately approximate the correlations between particle and device responses and provide evidence for the use of one particle type to screen the sensitivity of the other.
A rigorous treatment of the uncertainty in the underlying nuclear data on silicon displacement damage metrics is presented. The uncertainty in the cross sections and recoil atom spectra are propagated into the energy-dependent uncertainty contribution in the silicon displacement kerma and damage energy using a Total Monte Carlo treatment. An energy-dependent covariance matrix is used to characterize the resulting uncertainty. A strong correlation between different reaction channels is observed in the high energy neutron contributions to the displacement damage metrics which supports the necessity of using a Monte Carlo based method to address the nonlinear nature of the uncertainty propagation.
The effect of uncertainty in the energy partition function on the silicon displacement damage metric is presented. Through the use of a Total Monte Carlo approach, the effect of uncertainty in the underlying electronic and nuclear ion interaction potentials, which are used to define the damage partition function, is propagated into an uncertainty in the silicon damage metric. This uncertainty is expressed as an energy-dependent covariance matrix which permits this uncertainty component to be combined with other uncertainty components, e.g. uncertainty due to the knowledge of the nuclear interaction data or to the treatment of the damage in the threshold displacement region. This approach provides a rigorous treatment of uncertainty due to the damage metric which can then be propagated in uncertainty estimates for various applications, e.g. when examining damage equivalence between different neutron sources. A strong energy-dependent correlation is found in this uncertainty component.
T his report provides a set of consistent definitions for radiation damage metrics relevant to the modeling of displacement damage in materials. The limitations/approximations built into the various metrics are discussed, as are the intended applications that gave rise to community use of the damage metrics. Numerical tabulations are provided, based on the latest nuclear data, for recommended values of the neutron displacement kerma factor and various NRT- based damage energy metrics in silicon.
The evolution of validation metrics for dosimetry cross sections in neutron benchmark fields is explored. The strength of some of the metrics in providing validation evidence is examined by applying them to the 252Cf spontaneous fission standard neutron benchmark field, the 235U thermal neutron fission reference benchmark field, the ACRR pool-type reactor central cavity reference benchmark fields, and the SPR-III fast burst reactor central cavity. The IRDFF dosimetry cross section library is used in the validation study and observations are made on the amount of coverage provided to the library contents by validation data available in these benchmark fields.
The IRDFF cross section library provides the highest fidelity cross section characterization and is the recommended data library to be used for dosimetry in support of reactor pressure vessel surveillance programs. In order to support this critical application, quantified validation evidence is required for the cross section library. Results are reported here on the use of various advanced approaches to uncertainty quantification using metrics relevant to spectrum characterization applications. The use of a quantified least squares approach, combining a consistent treatment of uncertainty from the spectral characterizations, the dosimetry cross sections, and measured activation products, is identified as one of the most sensitive metrics by which to report validation evidence. Using this metric the status of the validation of the IRDFF library was investigated. This analysis began with a consideration of the best characterized 252Cf spontaneous fission standard neutron benchmark field. Good validation evidence is found for 39 of the 79 IRDFF reactions. The 235U thermal fission reference neutron field was then investigated, and found to yield good validation evidence for an additional 10 of the IRDFF reactions. Extending the analysis further to include four different reactor-based reference neutron benchmark fields, ranging from fast burst reactors to well-moderated pool-type reactors, yielded good validation evidence for an additional 6 IRDFF reactions. In total, evidence is reported here for 55 of the 79 reactions in the IRDFF library.
This document presents the facilit y - recommended characteri zation o f the neutron, prompt gamma - ray, and delayed gamma - ray radiation fields in the Annular Core Research Reactor ( ACRR ) for the cen tral cavity free - field environment with the 32 - inch pedestal at the core centerline. The designation for this environmen t is ACRR - FF - CC - 32 - cl. The neutron, prompt gamma - ray , and delayed gamma - ray energy spectra , uncertainties, and covariance matrices are presented as well as radial and axial neutron and gamma - ray fluence profiles within the experiment area of the cavity . Recommended constants are given to facilitate the conversion of various dosimetry readings into radiation metrics desired by experimenters. Representative pulse operations are presented with conversion examples . Acknowledgements The authors wish to th ank the Annular Core Research Reactor staff and the Radiation Metrology Laboratory staff for their support of this work . Also thanks to David Ames for his assistance in running MCNP on the Sandia parallel machines.
This report was put together to support the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) REAL- 2016 activity to validate the dosimetry community’s ability to use a consistent set of activation data and to derive consistent spectral characterizations. The report captures details of integral measurements taken in the Annular Core Research Reactor (ACRR) central cavity with the Polyethylene-Lead-Graphite (PLG) bucket, reference neutron benchmark field. The field is described and an “a priori” calculated neutron spectrum is reported, based on MCNP6 calculations, and a subject matter expert (SME) based covariance matrix is given for this “a priori” spectrum. The results of 37 integral dosimetry measurements in the neutron field are reported.
This report was put together to support the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) REAL- 2016 activity to validate the dosimetry community’s ability to use a consistent set of activation data and to derive consistent spectral characterizations. The report captures details of integral measurements taken in the Annular Core Research Reactor (ACRR) central cavity with the 44 inch Lead-Boron (LB44) bucket, reference neutron benchmark field. The field is described and an “a priori” calculated neutron spectrum is reported, based on MCNP6 calculations, and a subject matter expert (SME) based covariance matrix is given for this “a priori” spectrum. The results of 31 integral dosimetry measurements in the neutron field are reported.
This report was put together to support the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) REAL- 2016 activity to validate the dosimetry community’s ability to use a consistent set of activation data and to derive consistent spectral characterizations. The report captures details of integral measurements taken in the Annular Core Research Reactor (ACRR) central cavity free-field reference neutron benchmark field. The field is described and an “a priori” calculated neutron spectrum is reported, based on MCNP6 calculations, and a subject matter expert (SME) based covariance matrix is given for this “a priori” spectrum. The results of 31 integral dosimetry measurements in the neutron field are reported.
This document presents the facility-recommended characterization of the neutron, prompt gamma-ray, and delayed gamma-ray radiation fields in the Annular Core Research Reactor (ACRR) for the polyethylene-lead-graphite (PLG) bucket in the central cavity on the 32-inch pedestal at the core centerline. The designation for this environment is ACRR-PLG-CC-32-cl. The neutron, prompt gamma-ray, and delayed gamma-ray energy spectra, uncertainties, and covariance matrices are presented as well as radial and axial neutron and gamma-ray fluence profiles within the experiment area of the bucket. Recommended constants are given to facilitate the conversion of various dosimetry readings into radiation metrics desired by experimenters. Representative pulse operations are presented with conversion examples. Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the Annular Core Research Reactor staff and the Radiation Metrology Laboratory staff for their support of this work. Also thanks to David Ames for his assistance in running MCNP on the Sandia parallel machines.
In this study, the dosimetry community has a history of using spectral indices to support neutron spectrum characterization and cross section validation efforts. An important aspect to this type of analysis is the proper consideration of the contribution of the spectrum uncertainty to the total uncertainty in calculated spectral indices (SIs). This study identifies deficiencies in the traditional treatment of the SI uncertainty, provides simple bounds to the spectral component in the SI uncertainty estimates, verifies that these estimates are reflected in actual applications, details a methodology that rigorously captures the spectral contribution to the uncertainty in the SI, and provides quantified examples that demonstrate the importance of the proper treatment the spectral contribution to the uncertainty in the SI.
This document presents the facility-recommended characterization of the neutron, prompt gamma-ray, and delayed gamma-ray radiation fields in the Annular Core Research Reactor (ACRR) for the 44-inch-long lead-boron bucket in the central cavity on the 32-inch pedestal at the core centerline. The designation for this environment is ACRR-LB44-CC-32-cl. The neutron, prompt gamma-ray, and delayed gamma-ray energy spectra are presented as well as radial and axial neutron and gamma-ray flux profiles within the experiment area of the bucket. Recommended constants are given to facilitate the conversion of various dosimetry readings into radiation metrics desired by experimenters. Representative pulse and steady-state operations are presented with conversion examples.