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Analysis of mobility data to build contact networks for COVID-19


Klise, Katherine A.; Beyeler, Walter E.; Finley, Patrick D.; Makvandi, Monear M.

As social distancing policies and recommendations went into effect in response to COVID-19, people made rapid changes to the places they visit. These changes are clearly seen in mobility data, which records foot traffic using location trackers in cell phones. While mobility data is often used to extract the number of customers that visit a particular business or business type, it is the frequency and duration of concurrent occupancy at those sites that governs transmission. Understanding the way people interact at different locations can help target policies and inform contact tracing and prevention strategies. This paper outlines methods to extract interactions from mobility data and build networks that can be used in epidemiological models. Several measures of interaction are extracted: interactions between people, the cumulative interactions for a single person, and cumulative interactions that occur at particular businesses. Network metrics are computed to identify structural trends which show clear changes based on the timing of stay-at-home orders. Measures of interaction and structural trends in the resulting networks can be used to better understand potential spreading events, the percent of interactions that can be classified as close contacts, and the impact of policy choices to control transmission.

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Movement and spatial specificity support scaling in ant colonies and immune systems: Application to national biosurveillance

Springer Proceedings in Complexity

Flanagan, Tatiana P.; Beyeler, Walter E.; Levin, Drew L.; Finley, Patrick D.; Moses, Melanie

Data obtained from biosurveillance can be used by public health systems to detect and respond to disease outbreaks and save lives. However, existing data is distributed across large geographic areas, and both the quality and type of data vary in space and time. We discuss a framework for analyzing biosurveillance information to minimize detection time and maximize detection accuracy while scaling the analysis over large regions. We propose that strategies used by canonical biological complex systems, which are adapted to diverse environments, provide good models for the design of a robust, adaptive, and scalable biosurveillance system. Drawing from knowledge of the adaptive immune system, and ant colonies, we examine strategies that support the scaling of detection in order to search and respond in large areas with dynamic distributions of data. Based on this research, we discuss a bioinspired approach for a distributed, adaptive, and scalable biosurveillance system.

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Biologically inspired approaches for biosurveillance anomaly detection and data fusion

Finley, Patrick D.; Finley, Patrick D.; Finley, Patrick D.; Finley, Patrick D.; Levin, Drew L.; Levin, Drew L.; Levin, Drew L.; Levin, Drew L.; Flanagan, Tatiana P.; Flanagan, Tatiana P.; Flanagan, Tatiana P.; Flanagan, Tatiana P.; Beyeler, Walter E.; Beyeler, Walter E.; Beyeler, Walter E.; Beyeler, Walter E.; Mitchell, Michael D.; Mitchell, Michael D.; Mitchell, Michael D.; Mitchell, Michael D.; Ray, Jaideep R.; Ray, Jaideep R.; Ray, Jaideep R.; Ray, Jaideep R.; Moses, Melanie M.; Moses, Melanie M.; Moses, Melanie M.; Moses, Melanie M.; Forrest, Stephanie F.; Forrest, Stephanie F.; Forrest, Stephanie F.; Forrest, Stephanie F.

This study developed and tested biologically inspired computational methods to detect anomalous signals in data streams that could indicate a pending outbreak or bio-weapon attack. Current large- scale biosurveillance systems are plagued by two principal deficiencies: (1) timely detection of disease-indicating signals in noisy data and (2) anomaly detection across multiple channels. Anomaly detectors and data fusion components modeled after human immune system processes were tested against a variety of natural and synthetic surveillance datasets. A pilot scale immune-system-based biosurveillance system performed at least as well as traditional statistical anomaly detection data fusion approaches. Machine learning approaches leveraging Deep Learning recurrent neural networks were developed and applied to challenging unstructured and multimodal health surveillance data. Within the limits imposed of data availability, both immune systems and deep learning methods were found to improve anomaly detection and data fusion performance for particularly challenging data subsets. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors acknowledge the close collaboration of Scott Lee, Jason Thomas, and Chad Heilig from the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in this effort. De-identified biosurveillance data provided by Ken Jeter of the New Mexico Department of Health proved to be an important contribution to our work. Discussions with members of the International Society of Disease Surveillance helped the researchers focus on questions relevant to practicing public health professionals. Funding for this work was provided by Sandia National Laboratories' Laboratory Directed Research and Development program.

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Synthetic data generators for the evaluation of biosurveillance outbreak detection algorithms

Levin, Drew L.; Finley, Patrick D.

The research and development of new algorithmic and statistical methods of outbreak detection is an ongoing research priority in the field of biosurveillance. The early detection of emergent disease outbreaks is crucial for effective treatment and mitigation. New detection methods must be compared to established approaches for proper evaluation. This comparison requires biosurveillance test data that accurately reflects the complexity of the real-world data it will be applied to. While the test and evaluation of new detection methods is best performed on real data, it is often impractical to obtain such data as it is either proprietary or limited in scope. Thus, scientists must turn to synthetic data generation to provide enough data to properly eval- uate new detection methodologies. This paper evaluates three such synthetic data sources: The WSARE dataset, the Noufilay equation-based approach, and the Project Mimic data generator.

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Negative selection based anomaly detector for multimodal health data

2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2017 - Proceedings

Levin, Drew L.; Moses, Melanie; Flanagan, Tatiana P.; Forrest, Stephanie; Finley, Patrick D.

Early detection of emerging disease outbreaks is crucial to effective containment and response, yet initial outbreak signatures can be difficult to detect with automated methods. Outbreaks may be masked by noisy data, and signs of an outbreak may be hidden across multiple data feeds. Current biosurveillance methods often perform unimodal statistical analyses that are unable to intelligently leverage multiple correlated data of different types while still retaining quantitative sensitivity. In this paper, we propose and implement an anomaly detection system for health data based upon the human immune system. The adaptive immune system operates over a high-dimensional antigen space in a distributed manner, allowing it to efficiently scale without relying on a centralized controller. Our negative selection algorithm based on the immune system provides effective and scalable distributed anomaly detection for biosurveillance. It detects anomalies in the large, complex data from modern health monitoring data feeds with low false positive rates. Our bootstrap aggregation method improves performance on high-dimensional data sets, and we implement a parallelized version of the algorithm to demonstrate the potential to implement it on a scalable distributed architecture. Our negative selection algorithm is able to detect 90% of all outbreaks with a false positive rate of 11.8% in a publicly available multimodal synthetic health record data set. The scalability and performance of the negative selection algorithm demonstrate that immune computation can provide effective approaches for national and global scale biosurveillence.

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A practitioner-driven research agenda for syndromic surveillance

Online Journal of Public Health Informatics

Finley, Patrick D.; Hopkins, Richard H.; Tong, Catherine T.; Burkom, Howard B.; Akkina, Judy A.; Berezowski, John B.; Shigematsu, Mika S.; Painter, Ian P.; Gamache, Roland G.; Del Rio Vilas, Victor D.; Streichert, Laura S.

The objective here is to obtain feedback and seek future directions for an ISDS initiative to establish and update research questions in Informatics, Analytics,Communications, and Systems Research with the greatest perceived impact for improving surveillance practice.Introduction Over the past fifteen years, syndromic surveillance (SyS) has evolved from a set of ad hoc methods used mostly in post-disaster settings, then expanded with broad support and development because of bioterrorism concerns, and subsequently evolved to a mature technology that runs continuously to detect and monitor a wide range of health issues. Continued enhancements needed to meet the challenges of novel health threats with increasingly complex information sources will require technical advances focused on day-to-day public health needs.Since its formation in 2005, the International Society for Disease Surveillance (ISDS) has sought to clarify and coordinate global priorities in surveillance research. As part of a practitioner-driven initiative to identify current research priorities in SyS, ISDS polled its members about capabilities needed by SyS practitioners that could be improved as a result of research efforts. A taskforce of the ISDS Research Committee, consisting of national and global subject matter experts (SMEs) in SyS and ISDS professional staff, carried out the project. This panel will discuss the results and the preferred means to determine and communicate priorities in the future.

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Recommended Research Directions for Improving the Validation of Complex Systems Models

Vugrin, Eric D.; Trucano, Timothy G.; Swiler, Laura P.; Finley, Patrick D.; Flanagan, Tatiana P.; Naugle, Asmeret B.; Tsao, Jeffrey Y.; Verzi, Stephen J.

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Biosecurity through Public Health System Design

Beyeler, Walter E.; Finley, Patrick D.; Arndt, William A.; Walser, Alex C.; Mitchell, Michael D.

We applied modeling and simulation to examine the real-world tradeoffs between developingcountry public-health improvement and the need to improve the identification, tracking, and security of agents with bio-weapons potential. Traditionally, the international community has applied facility-focused strategies for improving biosecurity and biosafety. This work examines how system-level assessments and improvements can foster biosecurity and biosafety. We modeled medical laboratory resources and capabilities to identify scenarios where biosurveillance goals are transparently aligned with public health needs, and resource are distributed in a way that maximizes their ability to serve patients while minimizing security a nd safety risks. Our modeling platform simulates key processes involved in healthcare system operation, such as sample collection, transport, and analysis at medical laboratories. The research reported here extends the prior art by provided two key compone nts for comparative performance assessment: a model of patient interaction dynamics, and the capability to perform uncertainty quantification. In addition, we have outlined a process for incorporating quantitative biosecurity and biosafety risk measures. Two test problems were used to exercise these research products examine (a) Systemic effects of technological innovation and (b) Right -sizing of laboratory networks.

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Online mapping and forecasting of epidemics using open-source indicators

Ray, Jaideep R.; Lefantzi, Sophia L.; Bauer, Joshua B.; Khalil, Mohammad K.; Rothfuss, Andrew J.; Cauthen, Katherine R.; Finley, Patrick D.; Smith, Halley S.

Open-source indicators have been proposed as a way of tracking and forecasting disease outbreaks. Some, such are meteorological data, are readily available as reanalysis products. Others, such as those derived from our online behavior (web searches, media article etc.) are gathered easily and are more timely than public health reporting. In this study we investigate how these datastreams may be combined to provide useful epidemiological information. The investigation is performed by building data assimilation systems to track influenza in California and dengue in India. The first does not suffer from incomplete data and was chosen to explore disease modeling needs. The second explores the case when observational data is sparse and disease modeling complexities are beside the point. The two test cases are for opposite ends of the disease tracking spectrum. We find that data assimilation systems that produce disease activity maps can be constructed. Further, being able to combine multiple open-source datastreams is a necessity as any one individually is not very infor- mative. The data assimilation systems have very little in common except that they contain disease models, calibration algorithms and some ability to impute missing data. Thus while the data assimilation systems share the goal for accurate forecasting, they are practically designed to compensate for the shortcomings of the datastreams. Thus we expect them to be disease and location-specific.

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A Bayesian Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Alcohol Use on HCV-Treatment Outcomes with a Comparison of Resampling Methods to Assess Uncertainty in Parameter Estimates

Sandia journal manuscript; Not yet accepted for publication

Cauthen, Katherine R.; Lambert, Gregory J.; Finley, Patrick D.; Ross, David R.; Chartier, Maggie C.; Davey, Victoria J.

There is mounting evidence that alcohol use is significantly linked to lower HCV treatment response rates in interferon-based therapies, though some of the evidence is conflicting. Furthermore, although health care providers recommend reducing or abstaining from alcohol use prior to treatment, many patients do not succeed in doing so. The goal of this meta-analysis was to systematically review and summarize the Englishlanguage literature up through January 30, 2015 regarding the relationship between alcohol use and HCV treatment outcomes, among patients who were not required to abstain from alcohol use in order to receive treatment. Seven pertinent articles studying 1,751 HCV-infected patients were identified. Log-ORs of HCV treatment response for heavy alcohol use and light alcohol use were calculated and compared. We employed a hierarchical Bayesian meta-analytic model to accommodate the small sample size. The summary estimate for the log-OR of HCV treatment response was -0.775 with a 95% credible interval of (-1.397, -0.236). The results of the Bayesian meta-analysis are slightly more conservative compared to those obtained from a boot-strapped, random effects model. We found evidence of heterogeneity (Q = 14.489, p = 0.025), accounting for 60.28% of the variation among log-ORs. Meta-regression to capture the sources of this heterogeneity did not identify any of the covariates investigated as significant. This meta-analysis confirms that heavy alcohol use is associated with decreased HCV treatment response compared to lighter levels of alcohol use. Further research is required to characterize the mechanism by which alcohol use affects HCV treatment response.

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An opinion-driven behavioral dynamics model for addictive behaviors

European Physical Journal B

Moore, Thomas W.; Finley, Patrick D.; Apelberg, Benjamin J.; Ambrose, Bridget K.; Brodsky, Nancy S.; Brown, Theresa J.; Husten, Corinne; Glass, Robert J.

We present a model of behavioral dynamics that combines a social network-based opinion dynamics model with behavioral mapping. The behavioral component is discrete and history-dependent to represent situations in which an individual’s behavior is initially driven by opinion and later constrained by physiological or psychological conditions that serve to maintain the behavior. Individuals are modeled as nodes in a social network connected by directed edges. Parameter sweeps illustrate model behavior and the effects of individual parameters and parameter interactions on model results. Mapping a continuous opinion variable into a discrete behavioral space induces clustering on directed networks. Clusters provide targets of opportunity for influencing the network state; however, the smaller the network the greater the stochasticity and potential variability in outcomes. This has implications both for behaviors that are influenced by close relationships verses those influenced by societal norms and for the effectiveness of strategies for influencing those behaviors.

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Modeling Evacuation of a Hospital without Electric Power

Prehospital and Disaster Medicine

Vugrin, Eric D.; Verzi, Stephen J.; Finley, Patrick D.; Turnquist, Mark A.; Griffin, Anne R.; Ricci, Karen A.; Wyte-Lake, Tamar

Hospital evacuations that occur during, or as a result of, infrastructure outages are complicated and demanding. Loss of infrastructure services can initiate a chain of events with corresponding management challenges. This report describes a modeling case study of the 2001 evacuation of the Memorial Hermann Hospital in Houston, Texas (USA). The study uses a model designed to track such cascading events following loss of infrastructure services and to identify the staff, resources, and operational adaptations required to sustain patient care and/or conduct an evacuation. The model is based on the assumption that a hospital's primary mission is to provide necessary medical care to all of its patients, even when critical infrastructure services to the hospital and surrounding areas are disrupted. Model logic evaluates the hospital's ability to provide an adequate level of care for all of its patients throughout a period of disruption. If hospital resources are insufficient to provide such care, the model recommends an evacuation. Model features also provide information to support evacuation and resource allocation decisions for optimizing care over the entire population of patients. This report documents the application of the model to a scenario designed to resemble the 2001 evacuation of the Memorial Hermann Hospital, demonstrating the model's ability to recreate the timeline of an actual evacuation. The model is also applied to scenarios demonstrating how its output can inform evacuation planning activities and timing.

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Resource Requirements Planning for Hospitals Treating Serious Infectious Disease Cases

Vugrin, Eric D.; Verzi, Stephen J.; Finley, Patrick D.; Turnquist, Mark A.; Wyte-Lake, Tamar W.; Griffin, Ann R.; Ricci, Karen J.; Plotinsky, Rachel P.

This report presents a mathematical model of the way in which a hospital uses a variety of resources, utilities and consumables to provide care to a set of in-patients, and how that hospital might adapt to provide treatment to a few patients with a serious infectious disease, like the Ebola virus. The intended purpose of the model is to support requirements planning studies, so that hospitals may be better prepared for situations that are likely to strain their available resources. The current model is a prototype designed to present the basic structural elements of a requirements planning analysis. Some simple illustrati ve experiments establish the mo del's general capabilities. With additional inve stment in model enhancement a nd calibration, this prototype could be developed into a useful planning tool for ho spital administrators and health care policy makers.

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Modeling Hepatitis C treatment policy

Finley, Patrick D.

Chronic infection with Hepatitis C virus (HCV) results in cirrhosis, liver cancer and death. As the nations largest provider of care for HCV, US Veterans Health Administration (VHA) invests extensive resources in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. This report documents modeling and analysis of HCV treatment dynamics performed for the VHA aimed at improving service delivery efficiency. System dynamics modeling of disease treatment demonstrated the benefits of early detection and the role of comorbidities in disease progress and patient mortality. Preliminary modeling showed that adherence to rigorous treatment protocols is a primary determinant of treatment success. In depth meta-analysis revealed correlations of adherence and various psycho-social factors. This initial meta-analysis indicates areas where substantial improvement in patient outcomes can potentially result from VA programs which incorporate these factors into their design.

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Modeling veterans healthcare administration disclosure processes :

Beyeler, Walter E.; DeMenno, Mercy D.; Finley, Patrick D.

As with other large healthcare organizations, medical adverse events at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities can expose patients to unforeseen negative risks. VHA leadership recognizes that properly handled disclosure of adverse events can minimize potential harm to patients and negative consequences for the effective functioning of the organization. The work documented here seeks to help improve the disclosure process by situating it within the broader theoretical framework of issues management, and to identify opportunities for process improvement through modeling disclosure and reactions to disclosure. The computational model will allow a variety of disclosure actions to be tested across a range of incident scenarios. Our conceptual model will be refined in collaboration with domain experts, especially by continuing to draw on insights from VA Study of the Communication of Adverse Large-Scale Events (SCALE) project researchers.

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Varicella infection modeling

Jones, Katherine A.; Finley, Patrick D.; Bandlow, Alisa B.; Detry, Richard J.

Infectious diseases can spread rapidly through healthcare facilities, resulting in widespread illness among vulnerable patients. Computational models of disease spread are useful for evaluating mitigation strategies under different scenarios. This report describes two infectious disease models built for the US Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) motivated by a Varicella outbreak in a VA facility. The first model simulates disease spread within a notional contact network representing staff and patients. Several interventions, along with initial infection counts and intervention delay, were evaluated for effectiveness at preventing disease spread. The second model adds staff categories, location, scheduling, and variable contact rates to improve resolution. This model achieved more accurate infection counts and enabled a more rigorous evaluation of comparative effectiveness of interventions.

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Opinion dynamics in gendered social networks: An examination of female engagement teams in Afghanistan

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Moore, Thomas W.; Finley, Patrick D.; Hammer, Ryan H.; Glass, Robert J.

International forces in Afghanistan have experienced difficulties in developing constructive engagements with the Afghan population, an experience familiar to a wide range of international agencies working in underdeveloped and developing nations around the world. Recently, forces have begun deploying Female Engagement Teams, female military units who engage directly with women in occupied communities, resulting inmore positive relationships with those communities as a whole. In this paper, we explore the hypothesis that the structure of community-based social networks strongly contributes to the effectiveness of the Female Engagement Team strategy, specifically considering gender-based differences in network community structure. We find that the ability to address both female and male network components provides a superior ability to affect opinions in the network, and can provide an effective means of counteracting influences from opposition forces. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.

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Creating interaction environments: Defining a two-sided market model of the development and dominance of platforms

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Beyeler, Walter E.; Kelic, Andjelka; Finley, Patrick D.; Aamir, Munaf S.; Outkin, Alexander V.; Conrad, Stephen H.; Mitchell, Michael D.; Vargas, Vanessa N.

Interactions between individuals, both economic and social, are increasingly mediated by technological systems. Such platforms facilitate interactions by controlling and regularizing access, while extracting rent from users. The relatively recent idea of two-sided markets has given insights into the distinctive economic features of such arrangements, arising from network effects and the power of the platform operator. Simplifications required to obtain analytical results, while leading to basic understanding, prevent us from posing many important questions. For example we would like to understand how platforms can be secured when the costs and benefits of security differ greatly across users and operators, and when the vulnerabilities of particular designs may only be revealed after they are in wide use. We define an agent-based model that removes many constraints limiting existing analyses (such as uniformity of users, free and perfect information), allowing insights into a much larger class of real systems. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.

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Complex Adaptive Systems of Systems (CASOS) engineering environment

Linebarger, John M.; Detry, Richard J.; Glass, Robert J.; Beyeler, Walter E.; Ames, Arlo L.; Finley, Patrick D.

Complex Adaptive Systems of Systems, or CASoS, are vastly complex physical-socio-technical systems which we must understand to design a secure future for the nation. The Phoenix initiative implements CASoS Engineering principles combining the bottom up Complex Systems and Complex Adaptive Systems view with the top down Systems Engineering and System-of-Systems view. CASoS Engineering theory and practice must be conducted together to develop a discipline that is grounded in reality, extends our understanding of how CASoS behave and allows us to better control the outcomes. The pull of applications (real world problems) is critical to this effort, as is the articulation of a CASoS Engineering Framework that grounds an engineering approach in the theory of complex adaptive systems of systems. Successful application of the CASoS Engineering Framework requires modeling, simulation and analysis (MS and A) capabilities and the cultivation of a CASoS Engineering Community of Practice through knowledge sharing and facilitation. The CASoS Engineering Environment, itself a complex adaptive system of systems, constitutes the two platforms that provide these capabilities.

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Complex Adaptive Systems of Systems (CASoS) engineering and foundations for global design

Beyeler, Walter E.; Ames, Arlo L.; Brown, Theresa J.; Brodsky, Nancy S.; Finley, Patrick D.; Linebarger, John M.

Complex Adaptive Systems of Systems, or CASoS, are vastly complex ecological, sociological, economic and/or technical systems which must be recognized and reckoned with to design a secure future for the nation and the world. Design within CASoS requires the fostering of a new discipline, CASoS Engineering, and the building of capability to support it. Towards this primary objective, we created the Phoenix Pilot as a crucible from which systemization of the new discipline could emerge. Using a wide range of applications, Phoenix has begun building both theoretical foundations and capability for: the integration of Applications to continuously build common understanding and capability; a Framework for defining problems, designing and testing solutions, and actualizing these solutions within the CASoS of interest; and an engineering Environment required for 'the doing' of CASoS Engineering. In a secondary objective, we applied CASoS Engineering principles to begin to build a foundation for design in context of Global CASoS

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A general model of resource production and exchange in systems of interdependent specialists

Beyeler, Walter E.; Glass, Robert J.; Finley, Patrick D.; Quach, Tu-Thach Q.

Infrastructures are networks of dynamically interacting systems designed for the flow of information, energy, and materials. Under certain circumstances, disturbances from a targeted attack or natural disasters can cause cascading failures within and between infrastructures that result in significant service losses and long recovery times. Reliable interdependency models that can capture such multi-network cascading do not exist. The research reported here has extended Sandia's infrastructure modeling capabilities by: (1) addressing interdependencies among networks, (2) incorporating adaptive behavioral models into the network models, and (3) providing mechanisms for evaluating vulnerability to targeted attack and unforeseen disruptions. We have applied these capabilities to evaluate the robustness of various systems, and to identify factors that control the scale and duration of disruption. This capability lays the foundation for developing advanced system security solutions that encompass both external shocks and internal dynamics.

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83 Results
83 Results