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Transmission-line-circuit model of an 85-TW, 25-MA pulsed-power accelerator

Physical Review Accelerators and Beams

Hutsel, Brian T.; Corcoran, Patrick A.; Cuneo, M.E.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Hess, Mark H.; Hinshelwood, D.D.; Jennings, C.A.; Laity, G.R.; Lamppa, Derek C.; McBride, Ryan D.; Moore, James M.; Myers, A.; Rose, D.V.; Slutz, S.A.; Stygar, William A.; Waisman, Eduardo M.; Welch, Dale R.; Whitney, B.A.

We have developed a physics-based transmission-line-circuit model of the Z pulsed-power accelerator. The 33-m-diameter Z machine generates a peak electrical power as high as 85 TW, and delivers as much as 25 MA to a physics load. The circuit model is used to design and analyze experiments conducted on Z. The model consists of 36 networks of transmission-line-circuit elements and resistors that represent each of Zs 36 modules. The model of each module includes a Marx generator, intermediate-energy-storage capacitor, laser-triggered gas switch, pulse-forming line, self-break water switches, and tri-plate transmission lines. The circuit model also includes elements that represent Zs water convolute, vacuum insulator stack, four parallel outer magnetically insulated vacuum transmission lines (MITLs), double-post-hole vacuum convolute, inner vacuum MITL, and physics load. Within the vacuum-transmission-line system the model conducts analytic calculations of current loss. To calculate the loss, the model simulates the following processes: (i) electron emission from MITL cathode surfaces wherever an electric-field threshold has been exceeded; (ii) electron loss in the MITLs before magnetic insulation has been established; (iii) flow of electrons emitted by the outer-MITL cathodes after insulation has been established; (iv) closure of MITL anode-cathode (AK) gaps due to expansion of cathode plasma; (v) energy loss to MITL conductors operated at high lineal current densities; (vi) heating of MITL-anode surfaces due to conduction current and deposition of electron kinetic energy; (vii) negative-space-charge-enhanced ion emission from MITL anode surfaces wherever an anode-surface-temperature threshold has been exceeded; and (viii) closure of MITL AK gaps due to expansion of anode plasma. The circuit model is expected to be most accurate when the fractional current loss is small. We have performed circuit simulations of 52 Z experiments conducted with a variety of accelerator configurations and load-impedance time histories. For these experiments, the apparent fractional current loss varies from 0% to 20%. Results of the circuit simulations agree with data acquired on 52 shots to within 2%.

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Recent development work on PIM : a Blumlein driven IVA machine

Maenchen, John E.; Kishi, Hiroshi G.; Johnson, David L.; Maenchen, John E.; Smith, Ian D.; Bailey, Vernon L.; Corcoran, Patrick A.

An IVA (inductive voltage adder) research programme at AWE began with the construction of a small scale IVA test bed named LINX and progressed to building PIM (Prototype IVA Module). The work on PIM is geared towards furnishing AWE with a range of machines operating at 1 to 4 MV that may eventually supersede, with an upgrade in performance, existing machines operating in that voltage range. PIM has a water dielectric Blumlein of 10 ohms charged by a Marx generator. This has been used to drive either one or two 1.5 MV inductive cavities and fitting a third cavity may be attempted in the future. The latest two cavity configuration is shown which requires a split oil coax to connect the two cavities in parallel. It also has a laser triggering system for initiating the Blumlein and the prepulse reduction system fitted to the output of the Blumlein. A short MITL (magnetically insulated transmission line) connects the cavities, via a vacuum pumping section, to a chamber containing an e-beam diode test load.

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8 Results