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OWL and Waste Form Characteristics (Annual Status Update)

Weck, Philippe F.; Brady, Patrick V.; Criscenti, Louise C.; Fluke, Nichole L.; Gelbard, Fred G.; Padilla, Mekalah P.; Price, Laura L.; Prouty, Jeralyn L.; Rechard, Robert P.; Rigali, Mark J.; Rogers, Ralph D.; Sanchez, Amanda C.; Sassani, David C.; Tillman, Jackie B.; Walkow, Walter M.

This report represents completion of milestone deliverable M2SF-21SN010309012 “Annual Status Update for OWL and Waste Form Characteristics” that provides an annual update on status of fiscal year (FY 2020) activities for the work package SF-20SN01030901 and is due on January 29, 2021. The Online Waste Library (OWL) has been designed to contain information regarding United States (U.S.) Department of Energy (DOE)-managed (as) high-level waste (DHLW), spent nuclear fuel (SNF), and other wastes that are likely candidates for deep geologic disposal, with links to the current supporting documents for the data (when possible; note that no classified or official-use-only (OUO) data are planned to be included in OWL). There may be up to several hundred different DOE-managed wastes that are likely to require deep geologic disposal. This draft report contains versions of the OWL model architecture for vessel information (Appendix A) and an excerpt from the OWL User’s Guide (Appendix B and SNL 2020), which are for the current OWL Version 2.0 on the Sandia External Collaboration Network (ECN).

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The palo verde water cycle model (pvwcm) development of an integrated multi-physics and economics model for effective water management

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Power Division (Publication) POWER

Middleton, Bobby M.; Brady, Patrick V.; Brown, Jeffrey A.; Lawles, Serafina T.

Water management has become critical for thermoelectric power generation in the US. Increasing demand for scarce water resources for domestic, agricultural, and industrial use affects water availability for power plants. In particular, the population in the Southwestern part of the US is growing and water resources are over-stressed. The engineering and management teams at the Palo Verde Generating Station (PV) in the Sonoran Desert have long understood this problem and began a partnership with Sandia National Laboratories in 2017 to develop a long-Term water strategy for PV. As part of this program, Sandia and Palo Verde staff have developed a comprehensive software tool that models all aspects of the PV (plant cooling) water cycle. The software tool the Palo Verde Water Cycle Model (PVWCM) tracks water operations from influent to the plant through evaporation in one of the nine cooling towers or one of the eight evaporation ponds. The PVWCM has been developed using a process called System Dynamics. The PVWCM is developed to allow scenario comparison for various plant operating strategies.

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Preliminary Analysis of Postclosure DPC Criticality Consequences

Price, Laura L.; Alsaed, Halim A.; Barela, Amanda C.; Brady, Patrick V.; Gelbard, Fred G.; Gross, Mike G.; Nole, Michael A.; Prouty, Jeralyn L.; Banerjee, Kaushik B.; Bhatt, S.B.; Davidson, Greg D.; Fang, Zheng F.; Howard, Rob H.; Johnson, S J.; Painter, Scott P.; Swinney, Mathew S.; Gonzalez, Evan G.

One of the objectives of the United States (U.S.) Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Nuclear Energy's Spent Fuel and Waste Science and Technology Campaign is to better understand the technical basis, risks, and uncertainty associated with the safe and secure disposition of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and high-level radioactive waste. Commercial nuclear power generation in the U.S. has resulted in thousands of metric tons of SNF, the disposal of which is the responsibility of the DOE (Nuclear Waste Policy Act 1982). Any repository licensed to dispose the SNF must meet requirements regarding the longterm performance of that repository. For an evaluation of the long-term performance of the repository, one of the events that may need to be considered is the SNF achieving a critical configuration. Of particular interest is the potential behavior of SNF in dual-purpose canisters (DPCs), which are currently being used to store and transport SNF but were not designed for permanent geologic disposal. A two-phase study has been initiated to begin examining the potential consequences, with respect to longterm repository performance, of criticality events that might occur during the postclosure period in a hypothetical repository containing DPCs. Phase I, a scoping phase, consisted of developing an approach intended to be a starting point for the development of the modeling tools and techniques that may eventually be required either to exclude criticality from or to include criticality in a performance assessment (PA) as appropriate; Phase I is documented in Price et al. (2019). The Phase I approach guided the analyses and simulations done in Phase II to further the development of these modeling tools and techniques as well as the overall knowledge base. The purpose of this report is to document the results of the analyses conducted during Phase II. The remainder of Section 1 presents the background, objective, and scope of this report, as well as the relevant key assumptions used in the Phase II analyses and simulations. Subsequent sections discuss the analyses that were conducted (Section 2), the results of those analyses (Section 3), and the summary and conclusions (Section 4). This report fulfills the Spent Fuel and Waste Science and Technology Campaign deliverable M2SF-20SN010305061.

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An Updated Analysis of Clad Degradation

Brady, Patrick V.; Hanson, Brady D.

This report provides an analysis of the clad barrier function associated with the direct disposal of dual purpose canisters (DPCs) under hypothetical conditions in a shale repository and in an alluvial repository, including the effect of a postulated criticality event inside a disposed DPC. Should a postulated criticality event occur in a hypothetical shale repository, cladding will primarily degrade by general corrosion. Stress corrosion cracking, hydride cracking, creep failure, pitting and crevice corrosion, rod pressurization, and clad unzipping are calculated to have little impact on cladding persistence. At the higher temperature expected during a postulated criticality event in a saturated shale repository, general corrosion of cladding would be rapid - on the order of 0.034 microns/yr. A few hundred years after onset of a postulated criticality event in a shale repository complete general corrosion of fuel assembly grid spacer walls and guide tubes will likely result in settling of fuel rods upon each other. This rod consolidation should displace the water moderator and possibly terminate a postulated criticality. The primary potential degradation pathway for cladding in a hypothetical alluvial repository is localized corrosion by fluoride, which cannot occur in a shale repository. Fluoride-enhanced corrosion of cladding would be accelerated under the slightly higher (< 100°C) temperatures associated with a postulated criticality event. The impact of criticality in both cases (shale and alluvial) would be to increase the amount of failed cladding. But it would require very specialized transport pathways.

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Review of low salinity waterflooding in carbonate rocks: mechanisms, investigation techniques, and future directions

Advances in Colloid and Interface Science

Tetteh, Joel T.; Brady, Patrick V.; Barati Ghahfarokhi, Reza

This review analyses the fundamental thermodynamic theory of the crude oil-brine-rock (COBR) interface and the underlying rock-brine and oil-brine interactions. The available data are then reviewed to outline potential mechanisms responsible for increased oil recovery from low salinity waterflooding (LSWF). We propose an approach to studying LSWF and identify the key missing links that are needed to explain observations at multiple length scales. The synergistic effect of LSWF on other chemical enhanced oil recovery methods such as surfactant, alkaline, nanoparticle and polymer flooding are also outlined. We specifically highlight key uncertainties that must be overcome to fully implement the technique in the field.

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Surface Reactivity Analysis of the Crude Oil-Brine-Limestone Interface for a Comprehensive Understanding of the Low-Salinity Waterflooding Mechanism

Energy and Fuels

Tetteh, Joel T.; Veisi, Masoumeh; Brady, Patrick V.; Barati Ghahfarokhi, Reza

Low-salinity waterflooding (LSWF) has proven to improve oil recovery in carbonate formations through rock wettability alteration, although the underlying mechanism remains elusive. Multivalent ionic exchange and calcite dissolution have usually been investigated using geochemical analysis in secondary coreflooding. In this work, coreflooding, in tertiary mode, coupled with a surface reactivity analysis approach was employed to investigate the interplay of wettability alteration mechanisms such as mineral dissolution, electrostatic bond attraction, and the effect of pH at in situ conditions. Improved oil recovery (IOR) in tertiary mode observed by coreflooding in Indiana limestone rocks showed an ionic strength dependence, that is, reducing brine ionic strength resulted in an increase in oil recovery. Coreflooding results showed that the seawater and low-salinity brines deprived of Mg2+ ions resulted in the lowest IOR in tertiary mode, indicating the significance of Mg2+ on IOR in limestone rocks. Similar results were observed through the contact angle measurement showing the limestone rock wettability state dependence on ionic strength and the effect of Mg2+ ions. Surface reactivity analysis showed an increase in solution pH, Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions concentration in the effluent solution from the coreflooding in tertiary mode using low salinity brines (about 40 and 20% increase in the effluent composition for Ca2+ and Mg2+, respectively). These changes in solution composition were used to calculate the in situ oil-brine and rock-brine zeta potential using a validated surface complexation model, showing the changes of zeta potential as brine is injected into limestone rocks. The results show that using seawater-like brine in tertiary mode resulted in no mineral dissolution or ionic exchange. However, improved oil recovery (IOR) using such seawater-like brine was due to wettability alteration caused by reduced electrostatic bond attraction associated with Mg2+ ions [from 2.6 × 10-13 (mol/m2)2 for formation water salinity to 1.5 × 10-13 (mol/m2)2 for seawater salinity]. Using low-salinity brines in tertiary mode improved oil recovery by mineral dissolution, resulting in oil desorption and an increase in solution pH. The increase in solution pH also resulted in reduced electrostatic bond attraction which lead to rock wettability alteration using low-salinity brines.

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Online Waste Library (OWL) and Waste Forms Characteristics Annual Report

Sassani, David C.; Brady, Patrick V.; Criscenti, Louise C.; Fluke, Nichole L.; Gelbard, Fred G.; Padilla, Mekalah P.; Price, Laura L.; Prouty, Jeralyn L.; Rechard, Robert P.; Rigali, Mark J.; Rogers, Ralph D.; Hernandez-Sanchez, Bernadette A.; Tillman, Jackie B.; Walkow, Walter M.; Weck, Philippe F.

This report represents completion of milestone deliverable M2SF-19SNO10309013 "Online Waste Library (OWL) and Waste Forms Characteristics Annual Report" that reports annual status on fiscal year (FY) 2019 activities for the work package SF-19SN01030901 and is due on August 2, 2019. The online waste library (OWL) has been designed to contain information regarding United States (U.S.) Department of Energy (DOE)-managed (as) high-level waste (DHLW), spent nuclear fuel (SNF), and other wastes that are likely candidates for deep geologic disposal, with links to the current supporting documents for the data (when possible; note that no classified or official-use-only (OUO) data are planned to be included in OWL). There may be up to several hundred different DOE-managed wastes that are likely to require deep geologic disposal. This annual report on FY2019 activities includes evaluations of waste form characteristics and waste form performance models, updates to the OWL development, and descriptions of the management processes for the OWL. Updates to the OWL include an updated user's guide, additions to the OWL database content for wastes and waste forms, results of the beta testing and changes implemented from it. Also added are descriptions of the management/control processes for the OWL development, version control, and archiving. These processes have been implemented as part of the full production release of OWL (i.e., OWL Version 1.0), which has been developed on, and will be hosted and managed on, Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) systems. The version control/update processes will be implemented for updates to the OWL in the future. Additionally, another process covering methods for interfacing with the DOE SNF Database (DOE 2007) at Idaho National Laboratory on the numerous entries for DOE-managed SNF (DSNF) has been pushed forward by defining data exchanges and is planned to be implemented sometime in FY2020. The INL database is also sometimes referred to as the Spent Fuel Database or the SFDB, which is the acronym that will be used in this report. Once fully implemented, this integration effort will serve as a template for interfacing with additional databases throughout the DOE complex.

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Deep borehole disposal safety case


Freeze, Geoffrey A.; Stein, Emily S.; Brady, Patrick V.; Sassani, David C.; Travis, Karl; Gibb, Fergus; Beswick, John

The safety case for deep borehole disposal of nuclear wastes contains a safety strategy, an assessment basis, and a safety assessment. The safety strategy includes strategies for management, siting and design, and assessment. The assessment basis considers site selection, pre-closure, and post-closure, which includes waste and engineered barriers, the geosphere/natural barriers, and the biosphere and surface environment. The safety assessment entails a pre-closure safety analysis, a post-closure performance assessment, and confidence enhancement analyses. This paper outlines the assessment basis and safety assessment aspects of a deep borehole disposal safety case. The safety case presented here is specific to deep borehole disposal of Cs and Sr capsules, but is generally applicable to other waste forms, such as spent nuclear fuel. The safety assessments for pre-closure and post-closure are briefly summarized from other sources; key issues for confidence enhancement are described in greater detail. These confidence enhancement analyses require building the technical basis for geologically old, reducing, highly saline brines at the depth of waste emplacement, and using reactive-transport codes to predict their movement in post-closure. The development and emplacement of borehole seals above the waste emplacement zone is also important to confidence enhancement.

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Deep Borehole Disposal Safety Case

Freeze, Geoffrey A.; Stein, Emily S.; Brady, Patrick V.; Lopez, Carlos M.; Sassani, David C.; Travel, Karl T.; Gibb, Fergus G.

This report describes the current status of the safety case for the deep borehole disposal (DBD) concept. It builds on the safety case presented in Freeze et al. (2016), presenting new information and identifying additional information needs for specific safety case elements. At this preliminary phase of development, the DBD safety case focuses on the generic feasibility of the DBD concept. It is based on potential system designs, waste forms, engineering, and geologic conditions; however, no specific site or regulatory framework exists. Updated information is provided for the following safety case elements: * pre-closure basis and safety analysis, * post-closure basis and performance assessment, and * confidence enhancement. This research was performed as part of the deep borehole field test (DBFT). Based on revised U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) priorities in mid-2017, the DBFT and other research related to a DBD option was discontinued; ongoing work and documentation were closed out by the end of fiscal year (FY) 2017. This report was initiated as part of the DBFT and documented as an incomplete draft at the end of FY 2017. The report was finalized by Sandia National Laboratories in FY2018 without DOE funding, subsequent to the termination of the DBFT, and published in FY2019. iii

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Post-Closure performance assessment for deep borehole disposal of Cs/Sr capsules


Freeze, Geoffrey A.; Stein, Emily S.; Brady, Patrick V.

Post-closure performance assessment (PA) calculations suggest that deep borehole disposal of cesium (Cs)/strontium (Sr) capsules, a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) waste form (WF), is safe, resulting in no releases to the biosphere over 10,000,000 years when the waste is placed in a 3-5 km deep waste disposal zone. The same is true when a hypothetical breach of a stuck waste package (WP) is assumed to occur at much shallower depths penetrated by through-going fractures. Cs and Sr retardation in the host rock is a key control over movement. Calculated borehole performance would be even stronger if credit was taken for the presence of the WP.

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Factors Affecting Hydrocarbon and Water Mobility in Shales

Geophysical Monograph Series

Bryan, Charles R.; Brady, Patrick V.

In hydrofractured shales, elevated formation pore pressures drive movement of fluids toward hydrofractures, but other forces are equally important. Connate waters are saline to hypersaline, and have much higher osmotic potentials than the dilute hydrofracturing/treatment waters. Moreover, very low water saturations and small matrix pore sizes produce high in situ capillary potentials. Strong capillary and osmotic potentials drive matrix imbibition of dilute fracking fluids, and the resulting counterflow of hydrocarbons may account for a significant fraction of initial hydrocarbon yields. However, strong capillary and osmotic pressures can result in formation damage through water blocking or sanding, adversely affecting hydrocarbon production. In oil shales, imbibition of aqueous fracking fluids provides access to matrix mineral surfaces, allowing chemical amendments in process fluids to modify oil adhesion and improve oil mobility. While gas sorption in shales is physisorption, oil adhesion is controlled by surface complexation and is affected by the surface chemistry of the oil and of the minerals, and the chemistry of the intervening water layer. Shale solid surfaces are likely dominated by illite and kerogen; oil‐illite adhesion is controlled by electrostatics. Oil adhesion to the mineral matrix is favored by lower salinities and low pH.

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Rock-welding materials development for deep borehole nuclear waste disposal

Materials Chemistry and Physics

Yang, Pin Y.; Wang, Yifeng; Rodriguez, Mark A.; Brady, Patrick V.

Various versions of deep borehole nuclear waste disposal have been proposed in the past in which effective sealing of a borehole after waste emplacement is generally required. In a high temperature disposal mode, the sealing function will be fulfilled by melting the ambient granitic rock with waste decay heat or an external heating source, creating a melt that will encapsulate waste containers or plug a portion of the borehole above a stack of the containers. However, there are certain drawbacks associated with natural materials, such as high melting temperatures, inefficient consolidation, slow crystallization kinetics, the resulting sealing materials generally being porous with low mechanical strength, insufficient adhesion to waste container surface, and lack of flexibility for engineering controls. In this study, we showed that natural granitic materials can be purposefully engineered through chemical modifications to enhance the sealing capability of the materials for deep borehole disposal. The present work systematically explores the effect of chemical modification and crystallinity (amorphous vs. crystalline) on the melting and crystallization processes of a granitic rock system. The approach can be applied to modify granites excavated from different geological sites. Several engineered granitic materials have been explored which possess significantly lower processing and densification temperatures than natural granites. Those new materials consolidate more efficiently by viscous flow and accelerated recrystallization without compromising their mechanical integrity and properties.

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Inventory and Waste Characterization Status Report and OWL Update

Sassani, David C.; Brady, Patrick V.; Gelbard, Fred G.; Price, Laura L.; Prouty, Jeralyn L.; Rechard, Robert P.; Rigali, Mark J.; Rogers, Ralph D.; Sanchez, Amanda C.; Walkow, Walter M.; Weck, Philippe F.

This report represents completion of milestone deliverable M2SF-18SNO10309013 "Inventory and Waste Characterization Status Report and OWL Update that reports on FY2018 activities for the work package (WP) SF-18SNO1030901. This report provides the detailed final information for completed FY2018 work activities for WP SF-18SN01030901, and a summary of priorities for FY2019. This status report on FY2018 activities includes evaluations of waste form characteristics and waste form performance models, updates to the OWL development, and descriptions of the two planned management processes for the OWL. Updates to the OWL include an updated user's guide, additions to the OWL database content for wastes and waste forms, results of the Beta testing and changes implemented from it. There are two processes being planned in FY2018, which will be implemented in FY2019. One process covers methods for interfacing with the DOE SNF DB (DOE 2007) at INL on the numerous entries for DOE managed SNF, and the other process covers the management of updates to, and version control/archiving of, the OWL database. In FY2018, we have pursued three studies to evaluate/redefine waste form characteristics and/or performance models. First characteristic isotopic ratios for various waste forms included in postclosure performance studies are being evaluated to delineate isotope ratio tags that quantitatively identify each particular waste form. This evaluation arose due to questions regarding the relative contributions of radionuclides from disparate waste forms in GDSA results, particularly, radionuclide contributions of DOE-managed SNF vs HLW glass. In our second study we are evaluating the bases of glass waste degradation rate models to the HIP calcine waste form. The HIP calcine may likely be a ceramic matrix material, with multiple ceramic phases with/without a glass phase. The ceramic phases are likely to have different degradation performance from the glass portion. The distribution of radionuclides among those various phases may also be a factor in the radionuclide release rates. Additionally, we have an ongoing investigation of the performance behavior of TRISO particle fuels and are developing a stochastic model for the degradation of those fuels that accounts for simultaneous corrosion of the silicon carbide (SiC) layer and radionuclide diffusion through it. The detailed model of the TRISO particles themselves, will be merged with models of the degradation behavior(s) of the graphite matrix (either prismatic compacts or spherical "pebbles") containing the particles and the hexagonal graphite elements holding the compacts.

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The effect of organic acids on wettability of sandstone and carbonate rocks

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering

Mwangi, Paulina; Brady, Patrick V.; Radonjic, Mileva; Thyne, Geoffrey

This paper examines the role of crude oil's organic acid surface active compounds (SAC) in determining the reservoir wettability over a range of salinities and temperatures. To isolate the effects of individual SACs, this project used model oil mixtures of pure decane and single SACs to represent the oleic phase. Due to the large number of experiments in this study, we used wettability measurement method by the modified flotation technique (MFT) to produce fast, reliable, and quantitative results. The results showed that oil wetting by decane increased with temperature for carbonate rocks. Sandstones oil wetting showed little temperature dependency. The presence of long-chained acids in decane increased oil wetting in sandstone and carbonate rocks as salinity was lowered, while the short-chained acid increased water wetting under the same conditions. The effect of organic acids on wettability was slightly enhanced with increasing temperature for all rock types.

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Oil/water/rock wettability: Influencing factors and implications for low salinity water flooding in carbonate reservoirs


Chen, Yongqiang; Xie, Quan; Sari, Ahmad; Brady, Patrick V.; Saeedi, Ali

Wettability of the oil/brine/rock system is an essential petro-physical parameter which governs subsurface multiphase flow behaviour and the distribution of fluids, thus directly affecting oil recovery. Recent studies [1–3] show that manipulation of injected brine composition can enhance oil recovery by shifting wettability from oil-wet to water-wet. However, what factor(s) control system wettability has not been completely elucidated due to incomplete understanding of the geochemical system. To isolate and identify the key factors at play we used SO42—free solutions to examine the effect of salinity (formation brine/FB, 10 times diluted formation brine/10 dFB, and 100 times diluted formation brine/100 dFB) on the contact angle of oil droplets at the surface of calcite. We then compared contact angle results with predictions of surface complexation by low salinity water using PHREEQC software. We demonstrate that the conventional dilution approach likely triggers an oil-wet system at low pH, which may explain why the low salinity water EOR-effect is not always observed by injecting low salinity water in carbonated reservoirs. pH plays a fundamental role in the surface chemistry of oil/brine interfaces, and wettability. Our contact angle results show that formation brine triggered a strong water-wet system (35°) at pH 2.55, yet 100 times diluted formation brine led to a strongly oil-wet system (contact angle = 175°) at pH 5.68. Surface complexation modelling correctly predicted the wettability trend with salinity; the bond product sum ([>CaOH2+][–COO−] + [>CO3−][–NH+] + [>CO3−][–COOCa+]) increased with decreasing salinity. At pH < 6 dilution likely makes the calcite surface oil-wet, particularly for crude oils with high base number. Yet, dilution probably causes water wetness at pH > 7 for crude oils with high acid number.

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Recommendations for Filler Material Composition and Delivery Method for Bench-Scale Testing

Hardin, Ernest H.; Brady, Patrick V.

This report supplements Joint Workplan on Filler Investigations for DPCs (SNL 2017) providing new and some corrected information for use in planning Phase 1 laboratory testing of slurry cements as possible DPC fillers. The scope description is to "Describe a complete laboratory testing program for filler composition, delivery, emplacement in surrogate canisters, and post-test examination. To the extent possible specify filler material and equipment sources." This report includes results from an independent expert review (Dr. Arun Wagh, retired from Argonne National Laboratory and contracted by Sandia) that helped to narrow the range of cement types for consideration, and to provide further guidance on mix variations to optimize injectability, durability, and other aspects of filler performance.

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Coupling low salinity water flooding and steam flooding for sandstone reservoirs; low salinity-alternating-steam flooding (LSASF)

Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition 2018, SATS 2018

Al-Saedi, Hasan N.; Alkhamis, Mohammed; Brady, Patrick V.; Flori, Ralph E.

Low salinity water flooding and steam flooding are two novel combination flooding methods that were combined due to the important role of both methods in increasing oil recovery (especially heavy oil). Low salinity flooding was examined by many laboratory and field works and showed an interesting result. Steam flooding was tested on heavy oil fields and the heavy oil recovery increased by reducing oil viscosity. Although the steam showed an improvement in heavy oil recovery, the density difference between steam and heavy oil raised a problems with steam gravity override, channeling, and early breakthrough. For that reason, we developed the low salinity alternating steam flood (LSASF) in order to gather the benefits of low salinity, reduce oil viscosity by steam, and prevent the steam problems mentioned earlier. The laboratory experiments showed that the optimum scenario was Scenario (3). The shorter the injected cycles, the more oil recovery. This combination of echnology can solve the steam flooding problems and support the steam by LS water, which has the ability to increase oil recovery.

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Exceptional selectivity for dissolved silicas in industrial waters using mixed oxides

Journal of Water Process Engineering

Sasan, Koroush S.; Brady, Patrick V.; Krumhansl, James L.; Nenoff, T.M.

The removal of silica, ubiquitous in produced and industrial waters, by novel mixed oxides is investigated in this present study. We have combined the advantage of high selectivity hydrotalcite (HTC, (Mg6Al2(OH)16(CO3)·4H2O)), with large surface area of active alumina (AA, (Al2O3)) for effective removing of the dissolved silica from cooling tower water. The batch test results indicated the combined HTC/AA is a more effective method for removing silica from CTW than using each of HTC or AA separately. The silica uptake was confirmed by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), and Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Results indicate HTC/AA effectively removes silica from cooling tower water (CTW), even in the presence of large concentrations of competing anions, such as Cl−, NO3− HCO3−, CO32− and SO42−. The Single Path Flow Through (SPFT) tests confirmed to rapid uptake of silica by combined HTC/AA during column filtration. The experimental data of silica adsorption fit best to Freundlich isotherm model.

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Fines migration during CO2 injection: Experimental results interpreted using surface forces

International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control

Xie, Quan; Saeedi, Ali; Delle Piane, Claudio; Esteban, Lionel; Brady, Patrick V.

The South West Hub project is one of the Australian Flagship Carbon Capture and Storage projects located in the south-west of Western Australia. To evaluate the injectivity potential during the forthcoming full-scale CO2 injection, we conducted three core-flooding experiments using reservoir core plugs from the well Harvey-1. We aimed to investigate whether the injection of CO2 leads to fines migration and permeability reduction due to the relatively high kaolinite content (up to 13%) in the injection interval of the target formation (i.e. the Wonnerup Member of the Lesueur Formation). We imaged the core samples before flooding to verify the presence of kaolinite at the pore-scale using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). We also examined the pore network of the core plugs before and after the core-flooding experiments using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). Moreover, to gain a better understanding of any kaolinite fines migration, we delineated surface force using two models based on Derjaguin−Landau−Verwey−Overbeek (denoted by DLVO) theory coupled hydrodynamic force: (1) sphere/flat model representing interaction between kaolinite/quartz, and (2) flat/flat model representing interaction between kaolinite/kaolinite. Our core-flooding experimental results showed that CO2/brine injection triggered moderate to significant reduction in the permeability of the core samples with a negligible porosity change. NMR measurements supported the core-flooding results, suggesting that the relatively large pores disappeared in favour of a higher proportion of the medium to small pores after flooding. The DLVO calculations showed that some kaolinite particles probably lifted off and detached from neighbouring kaolinite particles rather than quartz grains. Moreover, the modelling results showed that the kaolinite fines migration would not occur under normal reservoir multiphase flow conditions. This is not because of the low hydrodynamic force. It is rather because the geometries of the particles dominate their interplay. Overall, both of the experimental and analytical modelling results point to the fines migration to be the most likely cause of the permeability impairment observed during core-flooding experiments.

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Removal of Dissolved Silica using Calcinated Hydrotalcite in Real-life Applications

Sasan, Koroush S.; Brady, Patrick V.; Krumhansl, James L.; Nenoff, T.M.; Sasan, Koroush S.; Sasan, Koroush S.

Water shortages are a growing global problem. Reclamation of industrial and municipal wastewater will be necessary in order to mitigate water scarcity. However, many operational challenges, such as silica scaling, prevent large scale water reuse. Previously, our team at Sandia has demonstrated the use of selective ion exchange materials, such as calcinated hydrotalcite (HTC, (Mg 6 Al 2 (OH) 16 (CO 3 )*4H 2 O)), for the low cost removal of silica from synthetic cooling tower water. However, it is not currently know if calcinated HTC has similar capabilities in realistic applications. The purpose of this study was to investigate the ability of calcinated HTC to remove silica from real cooling tower water. This was investigated under both batch and continuous conditions, and in the presence of competing ions. It was determined that calcinated HTC behaved similarly in real and synthetic cooling tower water; the HTC is highly selective for the silica even in the presence of competing cations. Therefore, the data concludes that calcinated HTC is a viable anti-scaling pretreatment for the reuse of industrial wastewaters.

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Waste Water for Power Generation via Energy Efficient Selective Silica Separations

Nenoff, T.M.; Brady, Patrick V.; Sasan, Koroush S.; Paap, Scott M.; Heimer, Brandon W.; Krumhansl, J.K.; Howe, K.H.; Stoll, Z.S.; Stomp, J.S.

Silica is ubiquitous in produced and industrial waters, and plays a major disruptive role in water recycle. Herein we have investigated the use of mixed oxides for the removal of silica from these waters, and their incorporation into a low cost and low energy water purification process. High selectivity hydrotalcite (HTC, (Mg6Al2(OH)16(CO3)•4H2O)), is combined in series with high surface area active alumina (AA, (Al2O3)) as the dissolved silica removal media. Batch test results indicated that combined HTC/AA is a more effective method for removing silica from industrial cooling tower wasters (CTW) than using HTC or AA separately. The silica uptake via ion exchange on the mixed oxides was confirmed by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), and Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Furthermore, HTC/AA effectively removes silica from CTW even in the presence of large concentrations of competing anions, such as Cl-, NO3- HCO3-, CO32- and SO42-. Similar to batch tests, Single Path Flow Through (SPFT) tests with sequential HTC/AA column filtration has very high silica removal too. Technoeconomic Analysis (TEA) was simultaneously performed for cost comparisons to existing silica removal technologies.

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Deep borehole disposal for countries with small nuclear power programs

ANS IHLRWM 2017 - 16th International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference: Creating a Safe and Secure Energy Future for Generations to Come - Driving Toward Long-Term Storage and Disposal

Cochran, John R.; Brady, Patrick V.; Hardin, Ernest H.

Disposal of used nuclear fuel and vitrified high-level radioactive waste (UNF and HLW) in a mined geologic repository is the preferred alternative for the countries with the largest inventories of UNF and HLW. However, deep borehole disposal (DBD) may be especially well suited for countries with small nuclear power programs because DBD is relatively inexpensive and scalable; whereas the threshold costs to develop a mined geologic repository are high and do not scale with the inventory. Historically, options for countries with small nuclear power programs (programs that individually generate only a few percent of the world total mass of UNF and/or HLW) have been: (1) to return the UNF to the supplier, (2) to have the SNF reprocessed, with return and incountry disposal of the resulting vitrified HLW in a mined geologic repository, (3) to develop in-country, direct disposal of the UNF in a mined geologic repository or (4) to send the UNF to a hypothetical multi-national mined geologic repository for disposal. However, in-country DBD is likely to be least expensive, and technically achievable with existing technology. In-country DBD could also be a viable alternative for disposal of used fuel assemblies from decommissioned research reactors in developing countries.

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Removing Dissolved Silica from Waste Water with Catechol and Active Carbon

Nenoff, T.M.; Sasan, Koroush S.; Brady, Patrick V.; Krumhansl, James L.

Fresh water scarcity is going to be a global great challenge in the near future because of the increasing population. Our water resources are limited and, hence, water treatment and recycling methods are the only alternatives for fresh water procurement in the upcoming decades. Water treatment and recycling methods serve to remove harmful or problematic constituents from ground, surface and waste waters prior to its consumption, industrial supply, or other uses. Scale formation in industrial and domestic installations is still an important problem during water treatment. In water treatment, silica scaling is a real and constant concern for plant operations. The focus of this study is on the viability of using a combination of catechol and active carbon to remove dissolved silica from concentrated cooling tower water (CCTW). Various analytical methods, such as ICP-MS and UV-vis, were used to understand the structure-property relationship between the material and the silica removal results. UV-Vis indicates that catechol can react with silica ions and form a silica-catecholate complex. The speciation calculation of catechol and silica shows that catechol and silica bind in the pH range of 8 – 10; there is no evidence of linkage between them in neutral and acidic pHs. The silica removal results indicate that using ~4g/L of catechol and 10g/L active carbon removes up to 50% of the dissolved silica from the CCTW.

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Drilling and testing in the deep borehole field test

ANS IHLRWM 2017 - 16th International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference: Creating a Safe and Secure Energy Future for Generations to Come - Driving Toward Long-Term Storage and Disposal

Kuhlman, Kristopher L.; Sassani, David C.; Freeze, Geoffrey A.; Hardin, Ernest H.; Brady, Patrick V.

The Deep Borehole Field Test (DBFT) is a planned multi-year project led by the US Department of Energy's Office of Nuclear Energy to drill two boreholes to 5 km total depth into crystalline basement in the continental US. The purpose of the first characterization borehole is to demonstrate the ability to characterize in situ formation fluids through sampling and perform downhole hydraulic testing to demonstrate groundwater from 3 to 5 km depth is old and isolated from the atmosphere. The purpose of the second larger-diameter borehole is to demonstrate safe surface and downhole handling procedures. This paper details many of the drilling, testing, and characterization activities planned in the first smaller-diameter characterization borehole.

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Evaluation of formation water chemistry and scale prediction: Bakken Shale

Applied Geochemistry

Thyne, Geoffrey; Brady, Patrick V.

Determination of in situ formation water chemistry is an essential component of reservoir management. This paper details the use of thermodynamic computer models to calculate reservoir pH and restore produced water analyses for prediction of scale formation. Bakken produced water samples were restored to formation conditions and calculations of scale formation performed. In situ pH is controlled by feldspar-clay equilibria. Calcite scale is readily formed due to changes in pH during pressure drop from in situ to surface conditions. The formation of anhydrite and halite scale, which has been observed, was predicted only for the most saline samples. In addition, the formation of anhydrite and/or halite may be related to the localized conditions of increased salinity as water is partitioned into the gas phase during production.

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Functional Wettability in Carbonate Reservoirs

Energy and Fuels

Brady, Patrick V.; Thyne, Geoffrey

Oil adsorbs to carbonate reservoirs indirectly through a relatively thick separating water layer, and directly to the surface through a relatively thin intervening water layer. Whereas directly sorbed oil desorbs slowly and incompletely in response to changes in reservoir conditions, indirectly sorbed oil can be rapidly desorbed by changing the chemistry of the separating water layer. The additional recovery might be as much as 30% original oil in place (OOIP) above the ∼30% OOIP recovered from carbonates through reservoir depressurization (primary production) and viscous displacement (waterflooding). Electrostatic adhesive forces are the dominant control over carbonate reservoir wettability. A surface complexation model that quantifies electrostatic adhesion accurately predicts oil recovery trends for carbonates. The approach should therefore be useful for estimating initial wettability and designing fluids that improve oil recovery.

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Selenite sorption by carbonate substituted apatite

Environmental Pollution

Moore, Robert C.; Rigali, Mark J.; Brady, Patrick V.

The sorption of selenite, SeO32−, by carbonate substituted hydroxylapatite was investigated using batch kinetic and equilibrium experiments. The carbonate substituted hydroxylapatite was prepared by a precipitation method and characterized by SEM, XRD, FT-IR, TGA, BET and solubility measurements. The material is poorly crystalline, contains approximately 9.4% carbonate by weight and has a surface area of 210.2 m2/g. Uptake of selenite by the carbonated hydroxylapatite was approximately an order of magnitude higher than the uptake by uncarbonated hydroxylapatite reported in the literature. Distribution coefficients, Kd, determined for the carbonated apatite in this work ranged from approximately 4200 to over 14,000 L/kg. A comparison of the results from kinetic experiments performed in this work and literature kinetic data indicates the carbonated apatite synthesized in this study sorbed selenite 23 times faster than uncarbonated hydroxylapatite based on values normalized to the surface area of each material. The results indicate carbonated apatite is a potential candidate for use as a sorbent for pump-and-treat technologies, soil amendments or for use in permeable reactive barriers for the remediation of selenium contaminated sediments and groundwaters.

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Rigali, Mark J.; Miller, James E.; Altman, Susan J.; Biedermann, Laura B.; Brady, Patrick V.; Kuzio, Stephanie P.; Nenoff, T.M.; Rempe, Susan R.

Water is the backbone of our economy - safe and adequate supplies of water are vital for agriculture, industry, recreation, and human consumption. While our supply of water today is largely safe and adequate, we as a nation face increasing water supply challenges in the form of extended droughts, demand growth due to population increase, more stringent health-based regulation, and competing demands from a variety of users. To meet these challenges in the coming decades, water treatment technologies, including desalination, will contribute substantially to ensuring a safe, sustainable, affordable, and adequate water supply for the United States. This overview documents Sandia National Laboratories' (SNL, or Sandia) Water Treatment Program which focused on the development and demonstration of advanced water purification technologies as part of the larger Sandia Water Initiative. Projects under the Water Treatment Program include: (1) the development of desalination research roadmaps (2) our efforts to accelerate the commercialization of new desalination and water treatment technologies (known as the 'Jump-Start Program),' (3) long range (high risk, early stage) desalination research (known as the 'Long Range Research Program'), (4) treatment research projects under the Joint Water Reuse & Desalination Task Force, (5) the Arsenic Water Technology Partnership Program, (6) water treatment projects funded under the New Mexico Small Business Administration, (7) water treatment projects for the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), (8) Sandia- developed contaminant-selective treatment technologies, and finally (9) current Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) funded desalination projects.

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Deep Borehole Field Test Laboratory and Borehole Testing Strategy

Kuhlman, Kristopher L.; Brady, Patrick V.; MacKinnon, R.J.; Heath, Jason; Herrick, Courtney G.; Jensen, Richard P.; Gardner, W.P.; Sevougian, Stephen D.; Bryan, Charles R.; Jang, Jay J.; Stein, Emily S.; Bauer, Stephen J.; Daley, Tom D.; Freifeld, Barry M.; Birkholzer, Jens T.; Spane, Frank A.

Deep Borehole Disposal (DBD) of high-level radioactive wastes has been considered an option for geological isolation for many years (Hess et al. 1957). Recent advances in drilling technology have decreased costs and increased reliability for large-diameter (i.e., ≥50 cm [19.7”]) boreholes to depths of several kilometers (Beswick 2008; Beswick et al. 2014). These advances have therefore also increased the feasibility of the DBD concept (Brady et al. 2009; Cornwall 2015), and the current field test design will demonstrate the DBD concept and these advances. The US Department of Energy (DOE) Strategy for the Management and Disposal of Used Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste (DOE 2013) specifically recommended developing a research and development plan for DBD. DOE sought input or expression of interest from States, local communities, individuals, private groups, academia, or any other stakeholders willing to host a Deep Borehole Field Test (DBFT). The DBFT includes drilling two boreholes nominally 200m [656’] apart to approximately 5 km [16,400’] total depth, in a region where crystalline basement is expected to begin at less than 2 km depth [6,560’]. The characterization borehole (CB) is the smaller-diameter borehole (i.e., 21.6 cm [8.5”] diameter at total depth), and will be drilled first. The geologic, hydrogeologic, geochemical, geomechanical and thermal testing will take place in the CB. The field test borehole (FTB) is the larger-diameter borehole (i.e., 43.2 cm [17”] diameter at total depth). Surface handling and borehole emplacement of test package will be demonstrated using the FTB to evaluate engineering feasibility and safety of disposal operations (SNL 2016).

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Altering wettability to recover more oil from tight formations

Journal of Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources

Brady, Patrick V.; Bryan, Charles R.; Thyne, Geoffrey; Li, Huina

We describe here a method for modifying the bulk composition (pH, salinity, hardness) of fracturing fluids and overflushes to modify wettability and increase oil recovery from tight formations. Oil wetting of tight formations is usually controlled by adhesion to illite, kerogen, or both; adhesion to carbonate minerals may also play a role when clays are minor. Oil-illite adhesion is sensitive to salinity, dissolved divalent cation content, and pH. We measure adhesion between middle Bakken formation oil and core to verify a surface complexation model of reservoir wettability. The agreement between the model and experiments suggests that wettability trends in tight formations can be quantitatively predicted and that the bulk compositions of fracturing fluid and overflush compositions might be individually tailored to increase oil recovery.

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Sandia Review of High Bridge Associates Report: Comparison of Plutonium Disposition Alternatives: WIPP Diluted Plutonium Storage and MOX Fuel Irradiation

Shoemaker, Paul E.; Hardin, Ernest H.; Park, Heeho D.; Brady, Patrick V.; Rechard, Robert P.

The subject report from High Bridge Associates (HBA) was issued on March 2, 2016, in reaction to a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) program decision to pursue down-blending of surplus Pu and geologic disposal at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP). Sandia National Laboratories was requested by the DOE to review the technical arguments presented in the HBA report. Specifically, this review is organized around three technical topics: criticality safety, radiological release limits, and thermal impacts. Questions raised by the report pertaining to legal and regulatory requirements, safeguards and security, international agreements, and costing of alternatives, are beyond the scope of this review.

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Field test to evaluate deep borehole disposal

Radwaste Solutions

Hardin, Ernest H.; Brady, Patrick V.; Clark, Andrew; Cochran, John R.; Freeze, Geoff; Kuhlman, Kristopher L.; MacKinnon, Bob; Sassani, David C.; Su, Jiann-Cherng S.

Sandia National Laboratories has begun research on the potential use of deep boreholes for the dis¬posal of radioactive waste. Characterization activities will focus on measurements and samples that are important for evaluating the long-term iso¬lation capability of the deep borehole disposal (DBD) concept. Engineering demonstration activities will focus on providing data to evaluate the concept’s operational safety and practicality. Procurement of a scientifically acceptable deep borehole field test (DBFT) site and a site management contractor is now under way.

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Alkaline flocculation of Phaeodactylum tricornutum induced by brucite and calcite

Bioresource Technology

Vandamme, Dries; Pohl, Philip I.; Beuckels, Annelies; Foubert, Imogen; Brady, Patrick V.; Hewson, John C.; Muylaert, Koenraad

Alkaline flocculation holds great potential as a low-cost harvesting method for marine microalgae biomass production. Alkaline flocculation is induced by an increase in pH and is related to precipitation of calcium and magnesium salts. In this study, we used the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum as model organism to study alkaline flocculation of marine microalgae cultured in seawater medium. Flocculation started when pH was increased to 10 and flocculation efficiency reached 90% when pH was 10.5, which was consistent with precipitation modeling for brucite or Mg(OH)2. Compared to freshwater species, more magnesium is needed to achieve flocculation (>7.5mM). Zeta potential measurements suggest that brucite precipitation caused flocculation by charge neutralization. When calcium concentration was 12.5mM, flocculation was also observed at a pH of 10. Zeta potential remained negative up to pH 11.5, suggesting that precipitated calcite caused flocculation by a sweeping coagulation mechanism.

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Conceptual Design and Requirements for Characterization and Field Test Boreholes: Deep Borehole Field Test

Kuhlman, Kristopher L.; Brady, Patrick V.; MacKinnon, R.J.; Heath, Jason; Herrick, Courtney G.; Jensen, Richard P.; Rigali, Mark J.; Hadgu, Teklu H.; Sevougian, Stephen D.; Birkholzer, Jens T.; Freifeld, Barry M.; Daley, Tom D.

Deep Borehole Disposal (DBD) of high-level radioactive wastes has been considered an option for geological isolation for many years (Hess et al. 1957). Recent advances in drilling technology have decreased costs and increased reliability for large-diameter (i.e., ≥50 cm [19.7”]) boreholes to depths of several kilometers (Beswick 2008; Beswick et al. 2014). These advances have therefore also increased the feasibility of the DBD concept (Brady et al. 2009; Cornwall 2015), and the current field test, introduced herein, is a demonstration of the DBD concept and these advances.

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Site characterization for a deep borehole field test

15th International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference 2015, IHLRWM 2015

Kuhlman, Rristopher L.; Arnold, Bill W.; Brady, Patrick V.; Sassani, David C.; Freeze, Geoffrey A.; Hardin, Ernest H.

Deep Borehole Disposal (DBD) of radioactive waste has some clear advantages over mined repositories, including incremental construction and loading, enhanced natural barriers provided by deep continental crystalline basement, and reduced site characterization. Unfavorable features for a DBD site include upward vertical fluid potential gradients, presence of economically exploitable natural resources, presence of high permeability connection from the waste disposal zone to the shallow subsurface, and significant probability of future volcanic activity. Site characterization activities would encompass geomechanical (i.e., rock stress state, fluid pressure, and faulting), geological (i.e., both overburden and bedrock lithology), hydrological (i.e., quantity of fluid, fluid convection properties, and solute transport mechanisms), chemical (i.e., rock and fluid interaction), and socioeconomic (i.e., likelihood for human intrusion) aspects. For a planned Deep Borehole Field Test (DBFT), site features and/or physical processes would be evaluated using both direct (i.e., sampling and in-hole testing) and indirect (i.e., surface and borehole geophysical) methods for efficient and effective characterization. Surface-based characterization would be used to guide the exploratory drilling program, once a candidate DBFT site has been selected. Borehole based characterization will be used to determine the variability of system state (i.e., stress, pressure, temperature, petrology, and water chemistry) with depth, and to develop material and system parameters relevant for numerical simulation. While the site design of DBD could involve an array of disposal boreholes, it may not be necessary to characterize each borehole in detail. Characterization strategies will be developed in the DBFT that establish disposal system safety sufficient for licensing a disposal array.

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Research needs for deep boreholes

15th International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference 2015, IHLRWM 2015

Brady, Patrick V.; Arnold, Bill W.; MacKinnon, R.J.; Hardin, Ernest H.; Sassani, David C.; Kuhlman, Kristopher L.; Freeze, Geoffrey A.

While deep borehole disposal of nuclear waste should rely primarily on off-the-shelf technologies pioneered by the oil and gas and geothermal industries, the development of new science and technology will remain important. Key knowledge gaps have been outlined in the research roadmap for deep boreholes (B. Arnold et al, 2012, Research, Development, and Demonstration Roadmap for Deep Borehole Disposal, Sandia National Laboratories, SAND2012-8527P) and in a recent Deep Borehole Science Needs Workshop. Characterizing deep crystalline basement, understanding the nature and role of deep fractures, more precisely age-dating deep groundwaters, and demonstrating long-term performance of seals are all important topics of interest. Overlapping deep borehole and enhanced geothermal technology needs include: quantification of seal material performance/failure, stress measurement beyond the borehole, advanced drilling and completion tools, and better subsurface sensors. A deep borehole demonstration has the potential to trigger more focused study of deep hydrology, high temperature brine-rock interaction, and thermomechanical behavior.

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AgI-MOR Loading Effect on the Durability of the Sandia Low Temperature Sintering GCM Waste Form

Nenoff, T.M.; Brady, Patrick V.; Mowry, Curtis D.; Garino, Terry J.

Herein, we study the durability of the Sandia Bi-Si oxide Glass Composite Material (GCM) waste form when formulated with different weight percent levels of AgI-MOR. The post-iodine exposure AgI-MOR material was provided to SNL by ORNL. Durability results for the GCM fabricated with 22 and 25% AgI-MOR indicate releases of Ag and I at the same low rates as 15% AgI-MOR GCM, and by the same mechanism. Iodine and Ag release is controlled by the low solubility of an amorphous, hydrated silver iodide, not by the surface-controlled dissolution of I2- loaded Ag-Mordenite. Based on this data, we postulate that much higher loading levels of AgIMOR are probable in this GCM waste form, and limits will govern by retention of mechanical integrity of the GCM versus the solubility of silver iodide.

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The impact of trade costs on rare earth exports : a stochastic frontier estimation approach

Vugrin, Eric D.; Brady, Patrick V.

The study develops a novel stochastic frontier modeling approach to the gravity equation for rare earth element (REE) trade between China and its trading partners between 2001 and 2009. The novelty lies in differentiating betweenbehind the border' trade costs by China and theimplicit beyond the border costs' of China's trading partners. Results indicate that the significance level of the independent variables change dramatically over the time period. While geographical distance matters for trade flows in both periods, the effect of income on trade flows is significantly attenuated, possibly capturing the negative effects of financial crises in the developed world. Second, the total export losses due tobehind the border' trade costs almost tripled over the time period. Finally, looking atimplicit beyond the border' trade costs, results show China gaining in some markets, although it is likely that some countries are substituting away from Chinese REE exports.

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Some logistical considerations in designing a system of deep boreholes for disposal of high-level radioactive waste

Brady, Patrick V.; Arnold, Bill W.

Deep boreholes could be a relatively inexpensive, safe, and rapidly deployable strategy for disposing Americas nuclear waste. To study this approach, Sandia invested in a three year LDRD project entitled %E2%80%9CRadionuclide Transport from Deep Boreholes.%E2%80%9D In the first two years, the borehole reference design and backfill analysis were completed and the supporting modeling of borehole temperature and fluid transport profiles were done. In the third year, some of the logistics of implementing a deep borehole waste disposal system were considered. This report describes what was learned in the third year of the study and draws some conclusions about the potential bottlenecks of system implementation.

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First-principles flocculation as the key to low energy algal biofuels processing

Hewson, John C.; Mondy, L.A.; Murton, Jaclyn K.; O'Hern, Timothy J.; Parchert, Kylea J.; Pohl, Phillip I.; Williams, Cecelia V.; Wyatt, Nicholas B.; Barringer, David A.; Pierce, Flint P.; Brady, Patrick V.; Dwyer, Brian P.; Grillet, Anne M.; Hankins, M.G.; Hughes, Lindsey G.; Lechman, Jeremy B.

This document summarizes a three year Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) program effort to improve our understanding of algal flocculation with a key to overcoming harvesting as a techno-economic barrier to algal biofuels. Flocculation is limited by the concentrations of deprotonated functional groups on the algal cell surface. Favorable charged groups on the surfaces of precipitates that form in solution and the interaction of both with ions in the water can favor flocculation. Measurements of algae cell-surface functional groups are reported and related to the quantity of flocculant required. Deprotonation of surface groups and complexation of surface groups with ions from the growth media are predicted in the context of PHREEQC. The understanding of surface chemistry is linked to boundaries of effective flocculation. We show that the phase-space of effective flocculation can be expanded by more frequent alga-alga or floc-floc collisions. The collision frequency is dependent on the floc structure, described in the fractal sense. The fractal floc structure is shown to depend on the rate of shear mixing. We present both experimental measurements of the floc structure variation and simulations using LAMMPS (Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator). Both show a densification of the flocs with increasing shear. The LAMMPS results show a combined change in the fractal dimension and a change in the coordination number leading to stronger flocs.

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Why oil sticks to limestone

Brady, Patrick V.

A coordination chemistry analysis of oil-calcite adhesion allows waterflood chemistry controls over enhanced oil recovery from limestones to be understood. The model relies on temperature-dependent surface complexation models of calcite and oil. The primary electrostatic bridges holding oil to calcite are calculated to be [-COO-][>CaOH2+], [-COO-][>COOCa+], [>CaSO4-][-COOCa+] and [-COOCa+][>COO-] (“>” denotes calcite surface groups; “-” denotes polar oil surface groups; Mg2+ can substitute for Ca+2). The [-COO-][>CaOH2+] bridge between oil carboxylate and protonated calcite calcium sites is most sensitive to changes in waterflood chemistry. Model calculations predict that increased levels of Ca+2, Mg+2, and SO4-2, alone or in combination, will increase oil recovery from limestones by decreasing the number of [-COO-][>CaOH2+] bridges. Divalent cations decrease the local interfacial potential by decreasing the net negative charge on oil carboxylate groups; SO4-2 coordinates to protonated calcite calcium sites to decrease charge and electrostatic attraction. Increases in ionic strength should increase adhesion by increasing the net charge on each surface, though the effect will be less on calcite. The model presented here requires no fitting parameters yet accurately reproduces observed oil mobilization trends suggesting the model to be a potentially valuable tool for designing chemistries of waterfloods employed in limestones.

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Reference design and operations for deep borehole disposal of high-level radioactive waste

Arnold, Bill W.; Brady, Patrick V.; Bauer, Stephen J.; Herrick, Courtney G.

A reference design and operational procedures for the disposal of high-level radioactive waste in deep boreholes have been developed and documented. The design and operations are feasible with currently available technology and meet existing safety and anticipated regulatory requirements. Objectives of the reference design include providing a baseline for more detailed technical analyses of system performance and serving as a basis for comparing design alternatives. Numerous factors suggest that deep borehole disposal of high-level radioactive waste is inherently safe. Several lines of evidence indicate that groundwater at depths of several kilometers in continental crystalline basement rocks has long residence times and low velocity. High salinity fluids have limited potential for vertical flow because of density stratification and prevent colloidal transport of radionuclides. Geochemically reducing conditions in the deep subsurface limit the solubility and enhance the retardation of key radionuclides. A non-technical advantage that the deep borehole concept may offer over a repository concept is that of facilitating incremental construction and loading at multiple perhaps regional locations. The disposal borehole would be drilled to a depth of 5,000 m using a telescoping design and would be logged and tested prior to waste emplacement. Waste canisters would be constructed of carbon steel, sealed by welds, and connected into canister strings with high-strength connections. Waste canister strings of about 200 m length would be emplaced in the lower 2,000 m of the fully cased borehole and be separated by bridge and cement plugs. Sealing of the upper part of the borehole would be done with a series of compacted bentonite seals, cement plugs, cement seals, cement plus crushed rock backfill, and bridge plugs. Elements of the reference design meet technical requirements defined in the study. Testing and operational safety assurance requirements are also defined. Overall, the results of the reference design development and the cost analysis support the technical feasibility of the deep borehole disposal concept for high-level radioactive waste.

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Flue gas injection control of silica in cooling towers

Brady, Patrick V.; Altman, Susan J.; Anderson, Howard L.

Injection of CO{sub 2}-laden flue gas can decrease the potential for silica and calcite scale formation in cooling tower blowdown by lowering solution pH to decrease equilibrium calcite solubility and kinetic rates of silica polymerization. Flue gas injection might best inhibit scale formation in power plant cooling towers that use impaired makeup waters - for example, groundwaters that contain relatively high levels of calcium, alkalinity, and silica. Groundwaters brought to the surface for cooling will degas CO{sub 2} and increase their pH by 1-2 units, possibly precipitating calcite in the process. Recarbonation with flue gas can lower the pHs of these fluids back to roughly their initial pH. Flue gas carbonation probably cannot lower pHs to much below pH 6 because the pHs of impaired waters, once outgassed at the surface, are likely to be relatively alkaline. Silica polymerization to form scale occurs most rapidly at pH {approx} 8.3 at 25 C; polymerization is slower at higher and lower pH. pH 7 fluids containing {approx}220 ppm SiO{sub 2} require > 180 hours equilibration to begin forming scale whereas at pH 8.3 scale formation is complete within 36 hours. Flue gas injection that lowers pHs to {approx} 7 should allow substantially higher concentration factors. Periodic cycling to lower recoveries - hence lower silica concentrations - might be required though. Higher concentration factors enabled by flue gas injection should decrease concentrate volumes and disposal costs by roughly half.

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Thermokinetic/mass-transfer analysis of carbon capture for reuse/sequestration

Brady, Patrick V.; Luketa, Anay L.; Stechel-Speicher, Ellen B.

Effective capture of atmospheric carbon is a key bottleneck preventing non bio-based, carbon-neutral production of synthetic liquid hydrocarbon fuels using CO{sub 2} as the carbon feedstock. Here we outline the boundary conditions of atmospheric carbon capture for recycle to liquid hydrocarbon fuels production and re-use options and we also identify the technical advances that must be made for such a process to become technically and commercially viable at scale. While conversion of atmospheric CO{sub 2} into a pure feedstock for hydrocarbon fuels synthesis is presently feasible at the bench-scale - albeit at high cost energetically and economically - the methods and materials needed to concentrate large amounts of CO{sub 2} at low cost and high efficiency remain technically immature. Industrial-scale capture must entail: (1) Processing of large volumes of air through an effective CO{sub 2} capture media and (2) Efficient separation of CO{sub 2} from the processed air flow into a pure stream of CO{sub 2}.

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Shale disposal of U.S. high-level radioactive waste

Hansen, Francis D.; Gaither, Katherine N.; Sobolik, Steven R.; Cygan, Randall T.; Hardin, Ernest H.; Rechard, Robert P.; Freeze, Geoffrey A.; Sassani, David C.; Brady, Patrick V.; Stone, Charles M.; Martinez, Mario J.; Dewers, Thomas D.

This report evaluates the feasibility of high-level radioactive waste disposal in shale within the United States. The U.S. has many possible clay/shale/argillite basins with positive attributes for permanent disposal. Similar geologic formations have been extensively studied by international programs with largely positive results, over significant ranges of the most important material characteristics including permeability, rheology, and sorptive potential. This report is enabled by the advanced work of the international community to establish functional and operational requirements for disposal of a range of waste forms in shale media. We develop scoping performance analyses, based on the applicable features, events, and processes identified by international investigators, to support a generic conclusion regarding post-closure safety. Requisite assumptions for these analyses include waste characteristics, disposal concepts, and important properties of the geologic formation. We then apply lessons learned from Sandia experience on the Waste Isolation Pilot Project and the Yucca Mountain Project to develop a disposal strategy should a shale repository be considered as an alternative disposal pathway in the U.S. Disposal of high-level radioactive waste in suitable shale formations is attractive because the material is essentially impermeable and self-sealing, conditions are chemically reducing, and sorption tends to prevent radionuclide transport. Vertically and laterally extensive shale and clay formations exist in multiple locations in the contiguous 48 states. Thermal-hydrologic-mechanical calculations indicate that temperatures near emplaced waste packages can be maintained below boiling and will decay to within a few degrees of the ambient temperature within a few decades (or longer depending on the waste form). Construction effects, ventilation, and the thermal pulse will lead to clay dehydration and deformation, confined to an excavation disturbed zone within a few meters of the repository, that can be reasonably characterized. Within a few centuries after waste emplacement, overburden pressures will seal fractures, resaturate the dehydrated zones, and provide a repository setting that strongly limits radionuclide movement to diffusive transport. Coupled hydrogeochemical transport calculations indicate maximum extents of radionuclide transport on the order of tens to hundreds of meters, or less, in a million years. Under the conditions modeled, a shale repository could achieve total containment, with no releases to the environment in undisturbed scenarios. The performance analyses described here are based on the assumption that long-term standards for disposal in clay/shale would be identical in the key aspects, to those prescribed for existing repository programs such as Yucca Mountain. This generic repository evaluation for shale is the first developed in the United States. Previous repository considerations have emphasized salt formations and volcanic rock formations. Much of the experience gained from U.S. repository development, such as seal system design, coupled process simulation, and application of performance assessment methodology, is applied here to scoping analyses for a shale repository. A contemporary understanding of clay mineralogy and attendant chemical environments has allowed identification of the appropriate features, events, and processes to be incorporated into the analysis. Advanced multi-physics modeling provides key support for understanding the effects from coupled processes. The results of the assessment show that shale formations provide a technically advanced, scientifically sound disposal option for the U.S.

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Computational investigation of thermal gas separation for CO2 capture

Torczynski, J.R.; Gallis, Michail A.; Brooks, Carlton F.; Brady, Patrick V.; Bryan, Charles R.

This report summarizes the work completed under the Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) project 09-1351, 'Computational Investigation of Thermal Gas Separation for CO{sub 2} Capture'. Thermal gas separation for a binary mixture of carbon dioxide and nitrogen is investigated using the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method of molecular gas dynamics. Molecular models for nitrogen and carbon dioxide are developed, implemented, compared to theoretical results, and compared to several experimental thermophysical properties. The molecular models include three translational modes, two fully excited rotational modes, and vibrational modes, whose degree of excitation depends on the temperature. Nitrogen has one vibrational mode, and carbon dioxide has four vibrational modes (two of which are degenerate). These models are used to perform a parameter study for mixtures of carbon dioxide and nitrogen confined between parallel walls over realistic ranges of gas temperatures and nominal concentrations of carbon dioxide. The degree of thermal separation predicted by DSMC is slightly higher than experimental values and is sensitive to the details of the molecular models.

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Deep borehole disposal of high-level radioactive waste

Brady, Patrick V.; Arnold, Bill W.; Freeze, Geoffrey A.; Swift, Peter N.; Bauer, Stephen J.; Rechard, Robert P.; Stein, Joshua S.

Preliminary evaluation of deep borehole disposal of high-level radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel indicates the potential for excellent long-term safety performance at costs competitive with mined repositories. Significant fluid flow through basement rock is prevented, in part, by low permeabilities, poorly connected transport pathways, and overburden self-sealing. Deep fluids also resist vertical movement because they are density stratified. Thermal hydrologic calculations estimate the thermal pulse from emplaced waste to be small (less than 20 C at 10 meters from the borehole, for less than a few hundred years), and to result in maximum total vertical fluid movement of {approx}100 m. Reducing conditions will sharply limit solubilities of most dose-critical radionuclides at depth, and high ionic strengths of deep fluids will prevent colloidal transport. For the bounding analysis of this report, waste is envisioned to be emplaced as fuel assemblies stacked inside drill casing that are lowered, and emplaced using off-the-shelf oilfield and geothermal drilling techniques, into the lower 1-2 km portion of a vertical borehole {approx}45 cm in diameter and 3-5 km deep, followed by borehole sealing. Deep borehole disposal of radioactive waste in the United States would require modifications to the Nuclear Waste Policy Act and to applicable regulatory standards for long-term performance set by the US Environmental Protection Agency (40 CFR part 191) and US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (10 CFR part 60). The performance analysis described here is based on the assumption that long-term standards for deep borehole disposal would be identical in the key regards to those prescribed for existing repositories (40 CFR part 197 and 10 CFR part 63).

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Waste package corrosion studies using small mockup experiments

Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings

Anderson, B.E.; Helean, Katheryn B.; Bryan, Charles R.; Brady, Patrick V.; Ewing, R.C.

Understanding the corrosion of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and the subsequent mobilization of released radionuclides, particularly under oxidizing conditions, is one of the key issues in evaluating the long-term performance of a nuclear waste repository. However, the large amounts of iron in the metal waste package may create locally reducing conditions that would lower corrosion rates for the SNF, as well as reduce the solubility of some key radionuclides, e.g., Tc and Np. In order to investigate the interactions among SNF-waste package-fluids, four smallscale (∼1:40 by length) waste package mockups were constructed using metals similar to those proposed for use in waste packages at the proposed repository at Yucca Mountain. Each mockup experiment differed with respect to water input, exposure to the atmosphere, and temperature. Simulated Yucca Mountain process water (YMPW) was injected into three of the mockups at a rate of 200 μL per day for five days a week using a calibrated needle syringe. The YMPW was prepared by equilibrating 50 mg/L silica as sodium metasilicate with air, and adding enough HC1 to lower the pH to 7.6 in contact with an excess of powdered calcite. X-ray powder diffraction and scanning electron microscopy confirm that, where corrosion occurred, the dominant corrosion product in all cases was magnetite. In the high temperature (60°C) experiment, hematite and a fibrous, Fe-O-Cl phase were also identified. The Fe(II)/Fe(III) ratios measured in the corrosion products using a wet chemistry technique indicate extremely low oxygen fugacities (10-36 bar). Experiments are in progress in which 0.1g powdered UO2 was included in the mock-up in order to investigate the relative kinetics of Fe and U oxidation and to identify the U corrosion products formed under these conditions. © 2008 Materials Research Society.

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Implementation of the national desalination and water purification technology roadmap : structuring and directing the development of water supply solutions

Brady, Patrick V.

In the United States, economic growth increasingly requires that greater volumes of freshwater be made available for new users, yet supplies of freshwater are already allocated to existing users. Currently, water for new users is made available through re-allocation of xisting water supplies-for example, by cities purchasing agricultural water rights. Water may also be made available through conservation efforts and, in some locales, through the development of ''new'' water from non-traditional sources such as the oceans, deep aquifer rackish groundwater, and water reuse.

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Workshop on development of radionuclide getters for the Yucca Mountain waste repository: proceedings

Swift, Peter N.; Brady, Patrick V.

The proposed Yucca Mountain repository, located in southern Nevada, is to be the first facility for permanent disposal of spent reactor fuel and high-level radioactive waste in the United States. Total Systems Performance Assessment (TSPA) analysis has indicated that among the major radionuclides contributing to dose are technetium, iodine, and neptunium, all of which are highly mobile in the environment. Containment of these radionuclides within the repository is a priority for the Yucca Mountain Project (YMP). These proceedings review current research and technology efforts for sequestration of the radionuclides with a focus on technetium, iodine, and neptunium. This workshop also covered issues concerning the Yucca Mountain environment and getter characteristics required for potential placement into the repository.

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