
47 Results
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Evaluation of COTS Electronics by Power Spectrum Analysis and Multivariate Data Analysis

DeJong, Stephanie D.; Multari, Rosalie A.; Wilson, Kelsey W.; Tangyunyong, Paiboon T.

Power spectrum analysis (PSA) is a fast, non-destructive, sensitive method for examining commercial off-the-shelf ( COTS ) electronic components. These features make PSA attractive for both component screening and surveillance in support of component reliability efforts. Current analysis methods limit the utility of PSA due to the need to manually examine the results of analysis to identify anomalous parts. This study demonstrates the development and application of a workflow to automate the screening of COTS electronic components. Further, this study demonstrates the use of multivariate algorithms to assess aging of Zener diodes. These workflows can be readily extended to other components, combining the benefits of PSA and multivariate analysis to screen and evaluate COTS electronic components.

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CTAP REPORT. Commercialization of Power Spectrum Analysis (PSA) Technology

Tangyunyong, Paiboon T.

Power Spectrum Analysis (PSA) is a Sandia-developed, non-intrusive, electrical technique that captures distinct frequency-domain signatures of microelectronics devices using an innovative, unconventional biasing scheme (off-normal biasing). PSA can identify subtle differences in devices and is applicable in various areas such as device screening, counterfeit identification, reliability assurance, and trust authentication. From October 2020 to April 2021, Sandia worked with entrepreneurs from a new start-up company, Chiplytics, to commercialize PSA technology through NNSA-sponsored FedTech Program. In September 2021, Sandia received funding through Covid-19 Technical Assistance Program (CTAP) to provide technical assistance to Chiplytics for commercialization. Under the CTAP Statement of Work, Sandia was tasked with providing technical assistance to Chiplytics in PSA pilot testing for Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) at Crane and other pilot participants. Sandia was also tasked with assisting Chiplytics in hardware development and evaluation of Chiplytics prototype system.

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Diagnosis of Factors Impacting Yield in Multilayer Devices for Superconducting Electronics

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity

Missert, Nancy A.; Jenkins, Mark W.; Tangyunyong, Paiboon T.; Mook, William; Vernik, Igor V.; Kirichenko, Alex F.; Mukhanov, Oleg A.; Wynn, Alex; Day, Alexandra L.; Bolkhovsky, Vladimir; Johnson, Leonard M.

The ability to localize defects in order to understand failure mechanisms in complex superconducting electronics circuits, while operating at low temperature, does not yet exist. This work applies thermally-induced voltage alteration (TIVA), to a biased superconducting electronics (SCE) circuit at ambient temperature. TIVA is a commonly used, laser-based failure analysis technique developed for silicon-based microelectronics. The non-operational circuit consisted of an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) in a high-frequency test bed designed at HYPRES and fabricated by MIT Lincoln Laboratory using their SFQ5ee process. Localized TIVA signals were correlated with reflected light images at the surface, and these sites were further investigated by scanning electron microscopy imaging of focused ion-beam cross-sections. The areas investigated, where prominent TIVA signals were observed, showed seams in the Nb wiring layers at contacts to Josephson junctions or inductors and/or disrupted junction morphologies. These results suggest that the TIVA technique can be used at ambient temperature to diagnose fabrication defects that may cause low temperature circuit failure.

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Power spectrum analysis (PSA)

Conference Proceedings from the International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis

Tangyunyong, Paiboon T.; Cole, Edward I.; Loubriel, Guillermo M.; Beutler, Joshua; Udoni, Darlene M.; Paskaleva, Biliana S.; Buchheit, Thomas E.

We present a new, non-destructive electrical technique, Power Spectrum Analysis (PSA). PSA as described here uses off-normal biasing, an unconventional way of powering microelectronics devices. PSA with off-normal biasing can be used to detect subtle differences between microelectronic devices. These differences, in many cases, cannot be detected by conventional electrical testing. In this paper, we highlight PSA applications related to aging and counterfeit detection.

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Characterization of electrically-active defects in ultraviolet light-emitting diodes with laser-based failure analysis techniques

Journal of Applied Physics

Miller, Mary A.; Tangyunyong, Paiboon T.; Cole, Edward I.

Laser-based failure analysis techniques demonstrate the ability to quickly and non-intrusively screen deep ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (LEDs) for electrically-active defects. In particular, two laser-based techniques, light-induced voltage alteration and thermally-induced voltage alteration, generate applied voltage maps (AVMs) that provide information on electrically-active defect behavior including turn-on bias, density, and spatial location. Here, multiple commercial LEDs were examined and found to have dark defect signals in the AVM indicating a site of reduced resistance or leakage through the diode. The existence of the dark defect signals in the AVM correlates strongly with an increased forward-bias leakage current. This increased leakage is not present in devices without AVM signals. Transmission electron microscopy analysis of a dark defect signal site revealed a dislocation cluster through the pn junction. The cluster included an open core dislocation. Even though LEDs with few dark AVM defect signals did not correlate strongly with power loss, direct association between increased open core dislocation densities and reduced LED device performance has been presented elsewhere [M. W. Moseley et al., J. Appl. Phys. 117, 095301 (2015)].

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Defect localization, characterization and reliability assessment in emerging photovoltaic devices

Cruz-Campa, Jose L.; Haase, Gad S.; Cole, Edward I.; Tangyunyong, Paiboon T.; Okandan, Murat O.; Nielson, Gregory N.

Microsystems-enabled photovoltaics (MEPV) can potentially meet increasing demands for light-weight, portable, photovoltaic solutions with high power density and efficiency. The study in this report examines failure analysis techniques to perform defect localization and evaluate MEPV modules. CMOS failure analysis techniques, including electroluminescence, light-induced voltage alteration, thermally-induced voltage alteration, optical beam induced current, and Seabeck effect imaging were successfully adapted to characterize MEPV modules. The relative advantages of each approach are reported. In addition, the effects of exposure to reverse bias and light stress are explored. MEPV was found to have good resistance to both kinds of stressors. The results form a basis for further development of failure analysis techniques for MEPVs of different materials systems or multijunction MEPVs. The incorporation of additional stress factors could be used to develop a reliability model to generate lifetime predictions for MEPVs as well as uncover opportunities for future design improvements.

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Failure analysis techniques for microsystems-enabled photovoltaics

IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics

Yang, Benjamin B.; Cruz-Campa, Jose L.; Haase, Gad S.; Cole, Edward I.; Tangyunyong, Paiboon T.; Resnick, Paul J.; Kilgo, Alice C.; Okandan, Murat O.; Nielson, Gregory N.

Microsystems-enabled photovoltaics (MEPV) has great potential to meet the increasing demands for light-weight, photovoltaic solutions with high power density and efficiency. This paper describes effective failure analysis techniques to localize and characterize nonfunctional or underperforming MEPV cells. The defect localization methods such as electroluminescence under forward and reverse bias, as well as optical beam induced current using wavelengths above and below the device band gap, are presented. The current results also show that the MEPV has good resilience against degradation caused by reverse bias stresses. © 2013 IEEE.

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Characterization of failure modes in deep UV and deep green LEDs utilizing advanced semiconductor localization techniques

Cole, Edward I.; Tangyunyong, Paiboon T.

We present the results of a two-year early career LDRD that focused on defect localization in deep green and deep ultraviolet (UV) light-emitting diodes (LEDs). We describe the laser-based techniques (TIVA/LIVA) used to localize the defects and interpret data acquired. We also describe a defect screening method based on a quick electrical measurement to determine whether defects should be present in the LEDs. We then describe the stress conditions that caused the devices to fail and how the TIVA/LIVA techniques were used to monitor the defect signals as the devices degraded and failed. We also describe the correlation between the initial defects and final degraded or failed state of the devices. Finally we show characterization results of the devices in the failed conditions and present preliminary theories as to why the devices failed for both the InGaN (green) and AlGaN (UV) LEDs.

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Identification of radiation-induced parasitic leakage paths using light emission microscopy

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

Shaneyfelt, Marty R.; Tangyunyong, Paiboon T.; Hill, Thomas A.; Soden, Jerry M.; Flores, Richard S.; Schwank, James R.; Dodd, Paul E.; Hash, Gerald L.

Eliminating radiation-induced parasitic leakage paths in integrated circuits (ICs) is key to improving their total dose hardness. Semiconductor manufacturers can use a combination of design and/or process techniques to eliminate known radiation-induced parasitic leakage paths. However, unknown or critical radiation-induced parasitic leakage may still exist on fully processed ICs and it is extremely difficult (if not impossible) to identify these leakage paths based on radiation induced parametric degradation. We show that light emission microscopy can be used to identify the location of radiation-induced parasitic leakage paths in ICs. This is illustrated by using light emission microscopy to find radiation-induced parasitic leakage paths in partially-depleted silicon on insulator static random-access memories (SRAMs). Once leakage paths were identified, modifications were made to the SRAM design to improve the total dose radiation hardness of the SRAMs. Light emission microscopy should prove to be an important tool for the development of future radiation hardened technologies and devices.

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Electrostatic discharge/electrical overstress susceptibility in MEMS: A new failure mode

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Walraven, J.A.; Soden, Jerry M.; Tanner, Danelle M.; Tangyunyong, Paiboon T.; Cole, Edward I.; Anderson, Richard E.; Irwin, Lloyd W.

Electrostatic discharge (ESD) and electrical overstress (EOS) damage of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) has been identified as a new failure mode. This failure mode has not been previously recognized or addressed primarily due to the mechanical nature and functionality of these systems, as well as the physical failure signature that resembles stiction. Because many MEMS devices function by electrostatic actuation, the possibility of these devices not only being susceptible to ESD or EOS damage but also having a high probability of suffering catastrophic failure due to ESD or EOS is very real. Results from previous experiments have shown stationary comb fingers adhered to the ground plane on MEMS devices tested in shock, vibration, and benign environments. Using Sandia polysilicon microengines, we have conducted tests to establish and explain the ESD/EOS failure mechanism of MEMS devices. These devices were electronically and optically inspected prior to and after ESD and EOS testing. This paper will address the issues surrounding MEMS susceptibility to ESD and EOS damage as well as describe the experimental method and results found from ESD and EOS testing. The tests were conducted using conventional IC failure analysis and reliability assessment characterization tools. In this paper we will also present a thermal model to accurately depict the heat exchange between an electrostatic comb finger and the ground plane during an ESD event.

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Failure Analysis of MEMS Using Thermally-Induced Voltage Alteration

Conference Proceedings from the International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis

Walraven, J.A.; Cole, Edward I.; Tangyunyong, Paiboon T.

Electrical shorting in micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) is a significant production and manufacturing concern. We present a new approach to localizing shorted MEMS devices using Thermally-Induced Voltage Alteration (TIVA) [1]. In TIVA, the shorted, thermally isolated MEMS device is very sensitive to thermal stimulus. The site of the MEMS short will respond as a thermocouple when heated. By monitoring the potential across the shorted MEMS device as a laser scans across the sample, an image showing the location of the thermocouple (short site) can be generated. The TIVA signal for thermally isolated MEMS devices is much higher than that observed for conventional IC interconnections. This results from the larger temperature gradients generated during laser scanning due to little or no substrate heat sinking. The capability to quickly localize shorted MEMS structures is demonstrated by several examples. Thermal modeling of heat distributions is presented and is consistent with the experimental results.

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Focused ion beam damage to MOS integrated circuits

Campbell, Ann N.; Hembree, Charles E.; Tangyunyong, Paiboon T.; Jessing, Jeffrey R.; Soden, Jerry M.; Hembree, Charles E.

Commercial focused ion beam (FIB) systems are commonly used to image integrated circuits (ICS) after device processing, especially in failure analysis applications. FIB systems are also often employed to repair faults in metal lines for otherwise functioning ICS, and are being evaluated for applications in film deposition and nanofabrication. A problem that is often seen in FIB imaging and repair is that ICS can be damaged during the exposure process. This can result in degraded response or out-right circuit failure. Because FIB processes typically require the surface of an IC to be exposed to an intense beam of 30--50 keV Ga{sup +} ions, both charging and secondary radiation damage are potential concerns. In previous studies, both types of effects have been suggested as possible causes of device degradation, depending on the type of device examined and/or the bias conditions. Understanding the causes of this damage is important for ICS that are imaged or repaired by a FIB between manufacture and operation, since the performance and reliability of a given IC is otherwise at risk in subsequent system application. In this summary, the authors discuss the relative roles of radiation damage and charging effects during FIB imaging. Data from exposures of packaged parts under controlled bias indicate the possibility for secondary radiation damage during FIB exposure. On the other hand, FIB exposure of unbiased wafers (a more common application) typically results in damage caused by high-voltage stress or electrostatic discharge. Implications for FIB exposure and subsequent IC use are discussed.

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LDRD final report backside localization of open and shorted IC interconnections LDRD Project (FY98 and FY 99)

Cole, Edward I.; Tangyunyong, Paiboon T.; Barton, Daniel L.

Two new failure analysis techniques have been developed for backside and front side localization of open and shorted interconnections on ICs. These scanning optical microscopy techniques take advantage of the interactions between IC defects and localized heating using a focused infrared laser ({lambda} = 1,340 nm). Images are produced by monitoring the voltage changes across a constant current supply used to power the IC as the laser beam is scanned across the sample. The methods utilize the Seebeck Effect to localize open interconnections and Thermally-Induced Voltage Alteration (TIVA) to detect shorts. Initial investigations demonstrated the feasibility of TIVA and Seebeck Effect Imaging (SEI). Subsequent improvements have greatly increased the sensitivity of the TIVA/SEI system, reducing the acquisition times by more than 20X and localizing previously unobserved defects. The interaction physics describing the signal generation process and several examples demonstrating the localization of opens and shorts are described. Operational guidelines and limitations are also discussed. The system improvements, non-linear response of IC defects to heating, modeling of laser heating and examples using the improved system for failure analysis are presented.

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47 Results
47 Results