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Cascaded Optical Nonlinearities in Dielectric Metasurfaces

ACS Photonics

Gennaro, Sylvain D.; Doiron, Chloe F.; Karl, Nicholas J.; Padmanabha Iyer, Prasad P.; Serkland, Darwin K.; Sinclair, Michael B.; Brener, Igal B.

Since the discovery of the laser, optical nonlinearities have been at the core of efficient light conversion sources. Typically, thick transparent crystals or quasi-phase matched waveguides are utilized in conjunction with phase-matching techniques to select a single parametric process. In recent years, due to the rapid developments in artificially structured materials, optical frequency mixing has been achieved at the nanoscale in subwavelength resonators arrayed as metasurfaces. Phase matching becomes relaxed for these wavelength-scale structures, and all allowed nonlinear processes can, in principle, occur on an equal footing. This could promote harmonic generation via a cascaded (consisting of several frequency mixing steps) process. However, so far, all reported work on dielectric metasurfaces have assumed frequency mixing from a direct (single step) nonlinear process. In this work, we prove the existence of cascaded second-order optical nonlinearities by analyzing the second- and third-wave mixing from a highly nonlinear metasurface in conjunction with polarization selection rules and crystal symmetries. We find that the third-wave mixing signal from a cascaded process can be of comparable strength to that from conventional third-harmonic generation and that surface nonlinearities are the dominant mechanism that contributes to cascaded second-order nonlinearities in our metasurface.

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Cascaded Second Order Optical Nonlinearities in a Dielectric Metasurface

2022 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2022 - Proceedings

Gennaro, Sylvain D.; Doiron, Chloe F.; Karl, Nicholas J.; Padmanabha Iyer, Prasad P.; Sinclair, Michael B.; Brener, Igal B.

In this work, we prove the existence of cascaded second-order nonlinearities in a dielectric metasurface by analyzing the second and third wave mixing signal in conjunction with crystal symmetry and polarization selection rules.

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Structural tuning of nonlinear terahertz metamaterials using broadside coupled split ring resonators

AIP Advances

Keiser, George R.; Karl, Nicholas J.; Ul Haque, Sheikh R.; Brener, Igal B.; Mittleman, Daniel M.; Averitt, Richard D.

We present an experimental and numerical study of a terahertz metamaterial with a nonlinear response that is controllable via the relative structural arrangement of two stacked split ring resonator arrays. The first array is fabricated on an n-doped GaAs substrate, and the second array is fabricated vertically above the first using a polyimide spacer layer. Due to GaAs carrier dynamics, the on-resonance terahertz transmission at 0.4 THz varies in a nonlinear manner with incident terahertz power. The second resonator layer dampens this nonlinear response. In samples where the two layers are aligned, the resonance disappears, and the total nonlinear modulation of the on-resonance transmission decreases. The nonlinear modulation is restored in samples where an alignment offset is imposed between the two resonator arrays. Structurally tunable metamaterials and metasurfaces can therefore act as a design template for tunable nonlinear THz devices by controlling the coupling of confined electric fields to nonlinear phenomena in a complex material substrate or inclusion.

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Ultrafast all-optical diffraction switching using semiconductor metasurfaces

Applied Physics Letters

Vabishchevich, Polina P.; Vaskin, Aleksandr; Karl, Nicholas J.; Reno, John L.; Sinclair, Michael B.; Staude, Isabelle; Brener, Igal B.

Ultrafast all-optical switching using Mie resonant metasurfaces requires both on-demand tunability of the wavefront of the light and ultrafast time response. However, devising a switching mechanism that has a high contrast between its "on"and "off"states without compromising speed is challenging. Here, we report the design of a tunable Mie resonant metasurface that achieves this behavior. Our approach utilizes a diffractive array of semiconductor resonators that support both dipolar and quadrupolar Mie resonances. By balancing the strengths of the dipole and quadrupole resonances, we can suppress radiation into the first diffraction order, thus creating a clearly delineated "off"-state at the operating wavelength. Then, we use optical injection of free- carriers to spectrally shift the multipoles and rebalance the multipole strengths, thereby enabling radiation into the diffraction order - all on an ultrafast timescale. We demonstrate ultrafast off-to-on switching with Ion/Ioff ≈ 5 modulation of the diffracted intensity and ultrafast on-to-off switching with Ion/Ioff ≈ 9 modulation. Both switches exhibit a fast τtr ≈ 2.7 ps relaxation time at 215 μJ cm-2 pump fluence. Further, we show that for higher fluences, the temporal response of the metasurface is governed by thermo-optic effects. This combination of multipole engineering with lattice diffraction opens design pathways for tunable metasurface-based integrated devices.

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Characterization of suspended membrane waveguides towards a photonic atom trap integrated platform

Optics Express

Gehl, M.; Kindel, William K.; Karl, Nicholas J.; Orozco, Adrian S.; Musick, Katherine M.; Trotter, Douglas C.; Dallo, Christina M.; Starbuck, Andrew L.; Leenheer, Andrew J.; DeRose, Christopher T.; Biedermann, Grant; Jau, Yuan-Yu J.; Lee, Jongmin L.

We demonstrate an optical waveguide device, capable of supporting the high, invacuum, optical power necessary for trapping a single atom or a cold atom ensemble with evanescent fields. Our photonic integrated platform, with suspended membrane waveguides, successfully manages optical powers of 6 mW (500 μm span) to nearly 30 mW (125 μm span) over an un-tethered waveguide span. This platform is compatible with laser cooling and magnetooptical traps (MOTs) in the vicinity of the suspended waveguide, called the membrane MOT and the needle MOT, a key ingredient for efficient trap loading. We evaluate two novel designs that explore critical thermal management features that enable this large power handling. This work represents a significant step toward an integrated platform for coupling neutral atom quantum systems to photonic and electronic integrated circuits on silicon.

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Frequency Conversion in a Time-Variant Dielectric Metasurface

Nano Letters

Karl, Nicholas J.; Vabishchevich, Polina P.; Shcherbakov, Maxim R.; Liu, Sheng; Sinclair, Michael B.; Shvets, Gennady; Brener, Igal B.

The color of light is a fundamental property of electromagnetic radiation; as such, control of the frequency is a cornerstone of modern optics. Nonlinear materials are typically used to generate new frequencies, however the use of time-variant systems provides an alternative approach. Utilizing a metasurface that supports a high-quality factor resonance, we demonstrate that a rapidly shifting refractive index will induce frequency conversion of light that is confined in the nanoresonator meta-atoms. We experimentally observe this frequency conversion and develop a time-dependent coupled mode theory model that well describes the system. The intersection of high quality-factor resonances, active materials, and ultrafast transient spectroscopy leads to the demonstration of metasurfaces operating in a time-variant regime that enables enhanced control over light-matter interaction.

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All-optical tuning of symmetry protected quasi bound states in the continuum

Applied Physics Letters

Karl, Nicholas J.; Vabishchevich, Polina V.; Liu, Sheng; Sinclair, Michael B.; Keeler, Gordon A.; Peake, Gregory M.; Brener, Igal B.

We demonstrate all-optical switching of high quality factor quasibound states in the continuum resonances in broken symmetry GaAs metasurfaces. By slightly breaking the symmetry of the GaAs nanoresonators, we enable leakage of symmetry protected bound states in the continuum (BICs) to free space that results in sharp spectral resonances with high quality factors of ∼500. We tune the resulting quasi-BIC resonances with ultrafast optical pumping at 800 nm and observe a 10 nm spectral blue shift of the resonance with pump fluences of less than 100 μJ cm-2. The spectral shift is achieved in an ultrafast time scale (<2.5 ps) and is caused by a shift in the refractive index mediated by the injection of free carriers into the GaAs resonators. An absolute reflectance change of 0.31 is measured with 150 μJ cm-2. Our results demonstrate a proof-of-concept that these broken symmetry metasurfaces can be modulated or switched at ultrafast switching speeds with higher contrast at low optical fluences (<100 μJ cm-2) than conventional Mie-metasurfaces.

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All-Dielectric Metasurfaces: Optical Nonlinearities and Emission Control

2019 IEEE Photonics Conference, IPC 2019 - Proceedings

Vabishchevich, Polina V.; Sharma, Andrei; Sinclair, Michael B.; Brener, Igal B.; Peake, Gregory M.; Karl, Nicholas J.; Balakrishnan, Ganesh; Staude, Isabelle; Vaskin, Aleksandr; Liu, Sheng; Reno, J.L.; Keeler, Gordon A.; Addamane, Sadhvikas J.

In this work we show our results on the harmonic generation and nonlinear frequency mixing enhanced by Mie modes in GaAs metasurfaces. Moreover, we show enhancement and directionality control of the quantum dot emission embedded in the metasurface.

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All-optical tuning of fano resonances in broken symmetry GaAs metasurfaces

Optics InfoBase Conference Papers

Karl, Nicholas J.; Vabishchevich, Polina V.; Liu, Sheng; Sinclair, Michael B.; Keeler, Gordon A.; Peake, Gregory M.; Brener, Igal B.

We demonstrate ultrafast tuning of Fano resonances in a broken symmetry III-V metasurface using optical pumping. The resonance is spectrally shifted by 10 nm under low pump fluences of < 100 uJ·cm-2.

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25 Results
25 Results