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Detection of the Wenchuan aftershock sequence using waveform correlation with a composite regional network

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

Slinkard, Megan E.; Heck, Stephen H.; Schaff, David; Bonal, Nedra B.; Daily, David M.; Young, Christopher J.; Richards, Paul

Using template waveforms from aftershocks of the Wenchuan earthquake (12 May 2008, Ms 7.9) listed in a global bulletin and continuous data from eight regional stations, we detected more than 6000 additional events in the mainshock source region from 1 May to 12 August 2008. These new detections obey Omori’s law, extend the magnitude of completeness downward by 1.1 magnitude units, and lead to a more than fivefold increase in number of known aftershocks compared with the global bulletins published by the International Data Centre and the International Seismological Centre. Moreover, we detected more M >2 events than were listed by the Sichuan Seismograph Network. Several clusters of these detections were then relocated using the double-difference method, yielding locations that reduced travel-time residuals by a factor of 32 compared with the initial bulletin locations. Our results suggest that using waveform correlation on a few regional stations can find aftershock events very effectively and locate them with precision.

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Assessment of Saturation Changes Around Cavities and the Impact on Seismic Waves

Bonal, Nedra B.; Desilets, Sharon L.

According to theory, seismic methods should be able to identify cavities. The high impedance contrast between the rock (fast velocity, high density) and the air (slow velocity, low density) should produce strong reflections and refractions off cavity walls. In practice, however, cavities are not always easily detected. Changes in pore saturation, fracturing, and stress near the wall of the cavity may decrease the impedance contrast and diffuse the rock/air interface. To determine the impact of these effects on seismic waves, we first aim to understand the hydrological processes in the medium surrounding the cavity, a tunnel in this case. We simulate flow through the vadose zone to provide insight into how a cavity alters saturation. Next we examine how this saturation affects seismic velocities. Finally, we use a wave propagation code to simulate seismic waves through the saturation models. Results are presented from hydrology models for three cases: the tunnel far above the water table, the tunnel just above the water table and within the capillary fringe, and the tunnel below the water table with the tunnel being drained. We also present the results of seismic wave propagation through these models to determine the impact these effects have on seismic waves.

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Density estimation using muon imaging

Near Surface Geoscience 2015 - 21st European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics

Preston, Leiph A.; Bonal, Nedra B.; Dorsey, Daniel J.; Schwellenbach, D.; Dreesen, W.; Green, J.A.

Muons are subatomic particles capable of penetrating the earth's crust several kilometers. Muons have been used to image the Pyramid of Khafre of Giza, various volcanoes, and smaller targets like cargo. For objects like a volcano, the detector is placed at the volcano's base and muon fluxes for paths through the volcano are recorded for many days to weeks.

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Sensor integration study for a shallow tunnel detection system

Senglaub, Michael E.; Yee, Mark L.; Elbring, Gregory J.; Bonal, Nedra B.

During the past several years, there has been a growing recognition of the threats posed by the use of shallow tunnels against both international border security and the integrity of critical facilities. This has led to the development and testing of a variety of geophysical and surveillance techniques for the detection of these clandestine tunnels. The challenges of detection of these tunnels arising from the complexity of the near surface environment, the subtlety of the tunnel signatures themselves, and the frequent siting of these tunnels in urban environments with a high level of cultural noise, have time and again shown that any single technique is not robust enough to solve the tunnel detection problem in all cases. The question then arises as to how to best combine the multiple techniques currently available to create an integrated system that results in the best chance of detecting these tunnels in a variety of clutter environments and geologies. This study utilizes Taguchi analysis with simulated sensor detection performance to address this question. The analysis results show that ambient noise has the most effect on detection performance over the effects of tunnel characteristics and geological factors.

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Geophysical remote sensing of water reservoirs suitable for desalinization

Bartel, Lewis C.; Aldridge, David F.; Engler, Bruce P.; Bonal, Nedra B.

In many parts of the United States, as well as other regions of the world, competing demands for fresh water or water suitable for desalination are outstripping sustainable supplies. In these areas, new water supplies are necessary to sustain economic development and agricultural uses, as well as support expanding populations, particularly in the Southwestern United States. Increasing the supply of water will more than likely come through desalinization of water reservoirs that are not suitable for present use. Surface-deployed seismic and electromagnetic (EM) methods have the potential for addressing these critical issues within large volumes of an aquifer at a lower cost than drilling and sampling. However, for detailed analysis of the water quality, some sampling utilizing boreholes would be required with geophysical methods being employed to extrapolate these sampled results to non-sampled regions of the aquifer. The research in this report addresses using seismic and EM methods in two complimentary ways to aid in the identification of water reservoirs that are suitable for desalinization. The first method uses the seismic data to constrain the earth structure so that detailed EM modeling can estimate the pore water conductivity, and hence the salinity. The second method utilizes the coupling of seismic and EM waves through the seismo-electric (conversion of seismic energy to electrical energy) and the electro-seismic (conversion of electrical energy to seismic energy) to estimate the salinity of the target aquifer. Analytic 1D solutions to coupled pressure and electric wave propagation demonstrate the types of waves one expects when using a seismic or electric source. A 2D seismo-electric/electro-seismic is developed to demonstrate the coupled seismic and EM system. For finite-difference modeling, the seismic and EM wave propagation algorithms are on different spatial and temporal scales. We present a method to solve multiple, finite-difference physics problems that has application beyond the present use. A limited field experiment was conducted to assess the seismo-electric effect. Due to a variety of problems, the observation of the electric field due to a seismic source is not definitive.

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29 Results
29 Results