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Considerations for improvements to the 25 TW Saturn high-current driver

IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference

Savage, Mark E.; Struve, Kenneth W.; Austin, Kevin N.; Coffey, S.K.; Jones, Peter A.; Joseph, Nathan R.; Kirschner, Debra S.; Lott, John A.; Oliver, Bryan V.; Spielman, Rick B.

The Saturn X-ray generator is a 2.5 megavolt, 10 megampere electrical driver at Sandia National Laboratories. Saturn has been in operation for more than 30 years. Work is underway to identify key areas of the machine, improvement of which would benefit operational efficiency and reproducibility of the system. Saturn is used to create high-dose, short-pulse intense ionizing radiation environments for testing electronic and mechanical systems. Saturn has 36 identical modules driving a common electron beam bremsstrahlung load. Each module utilizes a microsecond Marx generator, a megavolt gas switch, and untriggered water switches in a largely conventional pulse-forming system. Achieving predictable and reliable radiation exposure is critical for users of the facility. Saturn has endured decades of continual use with minimal opportunities for research, improvements, or significant preventive maintenance. Because of degradation in components and limited attention to electrical performance, the facility has declined both in the number of useful tests per year and their repeatability. The Saturn system resides in a cylindrical tank 33m in diameter, and stores 5.6 MJ at the nominal operating Marx charge voltage. The system today is essentially identical to that described by Bloomquist in 1987. [1] Advances in technology for large pulsed power systems affords opportunities to improve the performance and more efficiently utilize the energy stored. Increased efficiency can improve reliability and reduce maintenance. The goals for the Saturn improvement work are increased shot rate, reduced X-ray dose shot-To-shot dose fluctuation, and reduced required maintenance. Major redesign with alternate pulsed power technology is considered outside the scope of this effort. More X-ray dose, larger exposure area, and lower X-ray endpoint energy are also important considerations but also deemed outside the scope of the present project due to schedule and resource constraints. The first considerations, described here, are improving the present design with better components.

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Automatic data processing and data display system for the HERMES III accelerator

IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference

Coffey, Sean K.; Circle, Adam; Ulmen, Benjamin A.; Grabowski, Chris; Joseph, Nathan R.; Lewis, B.A.; Harper-Slaboszewicz, V.H.

This paper describes the software changes made to the data processing and display system for HERMES III accelerator at the Simulation Technology Laboratory (STL) at Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico. The HERMES III accelerator is a gamma ray simulator producing 100kRad[Si] dose per shot with a full width half max pulse duration of 25 nanoseconds averaging six shots per day. For each accelerator test approximately 400 probe signals are recorded over approximately 65 digitizers. The original data processing system provided the operator a report summarizing the start of probe signal timings for groups of probes located within the power flow conductors. This timing information is indicative of power flow symmetry allowing the operator to make necessary adjustments prior to the next test. The report also provided data overlays concerning laser trigger light output, x-ray diode currents and x-ray source output. Power flow in the HERMES III accelerator is comprised of many circuit paths and detailed current and voltage information within these paths could provide a more thorough understanding of accelerator operation and performance, however this information was either not quickly available to the operators or the display of the data was not optimum. We expanded our data processing abilities to determine the current and voltage amplitudes throughout the power flow conductors and improved the data display abilities so data plots can be presented in a more organized fashion. We detail our efforts creating a software program capable of processing the 400 probe signals together with an organized method for displaying the dozens of current and voltage probes. This process is implemented immediately after all digitizer data has been collected so the operator is provided timing and power flow information shortly after each accelerator shot.

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Correlation of Noise Signature to Pulsed Power Events at the HERMES III Accelerator

Lewis, B.A.; Joseph, Nathan R.; Salazar, Juan D.

The HERMES III accelerator, which is located at Sandia National Laboratories' Tech Area IV, is the largest pulsed gamma X-ray source in the world. The accelerator is made up of 20 inductive cavities that are charged to 1 MV each by complex pulsed power circuitry. The firing time of the machine components ranges between the microsecond and nanosecond timescales. This results in a variety of electromagnetic frequencies when the accelerator fires. Testing was done to identify the HERMES electromagnetic noise signal and to map it to the various accelerator trigger events. This report will show the measurement methods used to capture the noise spectrum produced from the machine and correlate this noise signature with machine events.

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Saturn facility oil transfer automation system

Joseph, Nathan R.

The Saturn accelerator, owned by Sandia National Laboratories, has been in operation since the early 1980s and still has many of the original systems. A critical legacy system is the oil transfer system which transfers 250,000 gallons of transformer oil from outside storage tanks to the Saturn facility. The oil transfer system was iden- ti ed for upgrade to current technology standards. Using the existing valves, pumps, and relay controls, the system was automated using the National Instruments cRIO FGPA platform. Engineered safety practices, including a failure mode e ects analysis, were used to develop error handling requirements. The uniqueness of the Saturn Oil Automated Transfer System (SOATS) is in the graphical user interface. The SOATS uses an HTML interface to communicate to the cRIO, creating a platform independent control system. The SOATS was commissioned in April 2013.

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Z facility diagnostic system for high energy density physics at Sandia National Laboratories

Leeper, Ramon J.; Deeney, Christopher D.; Dunham, Gregory S.; Fehl, David L.; Franklin, James K.; Hawn, Rona E.; Hall, Clint A.; Hurst, Michael J.; Jinzo, Tanya D.; Jobe, Daniel O.; Leeper, Ramon J.; Joseph, Nathan R.; Knudson, Marcus D.; Lake, Patrick W.; Lazier, Steven E.; Lucas, J.; McGurn, John S.; Manicke, Matthew P.; Mock, Raymond M.; Moore, T.C.; Nash, Thomas J.; Bailey, James E.; Nelson, Alan J.; Nielsen, D.S.; Olson, Richard E.; Pyle, John H.; Rochau, G.A.; Ruggles, Larry R.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Sanford, Thomas W.; Seamen, Johann F.; Bennett, Guy R.; Simpson, Walter W.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Speas, Christopher S.; Stygar, William A.; Wenger, D.F.; Seamen, Johann J.; Carlson, Alan L.; Chandler, Gordon A.; Cooper, Gary W.; Cuneo, M.E.

Abstract not provided.

22 Results
22 Results