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Performing a multi-unit level-3 PSA with MACCS

Nuclear Engineering and Technology

Bixler, Nathan E.; Kim, Sung y.

MACCS (MELCOR Accident Consequence Code System), WinMACCS, and MelMACCS now facilitate a multi-unit consequence analysis. MACCS evaluates the consequences of an atmospheric release of radioactive gases and aerosols into the atmosphere and is most commonly used to perform probabilistic safety assessments (PSAs) and related consequence analyses for nuclear power plants (NPPs). WinMACCS is a user-friendly preprocessor for MACCS. MelMACCS extracts source-term information from a MELCOR plot file. The current development can combine an arbitrary number of source terms, representing simultaneous releases from a multi-unit facility, into a single consequence analysis. The development supports different release signatures, fission product inventories, and accident initiation times for each unit. The treatment is completely general except that the model is currently limited to collocated units. A major practical consideration for performing a multi-unit PSA is that a comprehensive treatment for more than two units may involve an intractable number of combinations of source terms. This paper proposes and evaluates an approach for reducing the number of calculations to be tractable, even for sites with eight or ten units. The approximation error introduced by the approach is acceptable and is considerably less than other errors and uncertainties inherent in a Level 3 PSA.

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MELCOR Code Change History (Revision 14959 to 18019)

Humphries, Larry; Phillips, Jesse P.; Schmidt, Rodney C.; Beeny, Bradley A.; Louie, David L.; Bixler, Nathan E.

This document summarily provides brief descriptions of the MELCOR code enhancement made between code revision number 14959and 18019. Revision 14959 represents the previous official code release; therefore, the modeling features described within this document are provided to assist users that update to the newest official MELCOR code release, 18019. Along with the newly updated MELCOR Users Guide and Reference Manual, users are aware and able to assess the new capabilities for their modeling and analysis applications.

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SOARCA uncertainty analysis of a short-term station blackout accident at the Sequoyah nuclear power plant

Annals of Nuclear Energy

Bixler, Nathan E.; Dennis, Matthew L.; Ross, Kyle R.; Osborn, Douglas M.; Gauntt, Randall O.; Wagner, K.C.; Ghosh, S.T.; Hathaway, A.G.; Esmaili, H.

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission initiated the state-of-the-art reactor consequence analyses (SOARCA) project to develop realistic estimates of the offsite radiological health consequences for potential severe reactor accidents. The SOARCA analysis of an ice condenser containment plant was performed because its relatively low design pressure and its reliance on igniters make it potentially susceptible to early containment failure from hydrogen combustion during a severe accident. The focus was on station blackout accident scenarios where all alternating current power is lost. Accident progression calculations used the MELCOR computer code and offsite consequence analyses were performed with MACCS. The analysis included more than 500 MELCOR and MACCS simulations to account for uncertainty in important accident progression and offsite consequence input parameters. Consequences from severe nuclear power plant accidents modeled in SOARCA are smaller than previously calculated. The delayed releases calculated provide more time for emergency response actions. The results show that early containment failure is very unlikely, even without successful use of igniters. The modeled behavior of safety valves is very important to this conclusion, but there is sparse data and a lack of established expert consensus on the failure rates under severe accident conditions. Even for scenarios resulting in early containment failure, the calculated individual latent fatal cancer risks are very small. Early and latent-cancer fatality risks are one focus of this paper. Regression results showing the most influential parameters are also discussed.

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State-of-the-art reactor consequence analyses project uncertainty analyses: Insights on offsite consequences

PSA 2019 - International Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Analysis

Tina Ghosh, S.; Esmaili, Hossein; Hathaway, Alfred; Bixler, Nathan E.; Brooks, Dusty M.; Osborn, Douglas M.; Wagner, Kenneth C.

This paper is the third paper in a special session on the State-of-the-Art Reactor Consequence Analyses (SOARCA) Uncertainty Analyses (UAs), and summarizes offsite consequence insights from the three SOARCA UAs. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) with Sandia National Laboratories has completed three UAs for particular station blackout scenarios as part of the SOARCA research project: for a boiling-water reactor with a Mark I containment in Pennsylvania State (Peach Bottom), for a pressurized-water reactor (PWR) with an ice condenser containment in Tennessee State (Sequoyah), and for a PWR with subatmospheric large dry containment in Virginia State (Surry). The Sequoyah and Surry SOARCA UAs focused on an unmitigated short-term station blackout (SBO) scenario involving an immediate loss of offsite and onsite AC power. In the Surry UA, induced steam generator tube rupture was also modeled. The Sequoyah study focused on issues unique to the ice condenser containment and the potential for early containment failure due to hydrogen combustion. The Peach Bottom UA focused on an unmitigated long-term SBO scenario, where battery power is initially available. The MELCOR Accident Consequence Code System (MACCS) suite of codes was used for offsite radiological consequence modeling. This paper presents the offsite consequence results, individual latent cancer fatality risk and the individual early fatality risk, for the three SOARCA UAs and summarizes some of the insights and features of the analyses.

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SecPop Version 4: Sector Population Land Fraction and Economic Estimation Program: Users? Guide Model Manual and Verification Report

Weber, scott W.; Bixler, Nathan E.; McFadden, Katherine L.

In 1973 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) developed SecPop to calculate population estimates to support a study on air quality. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) adopted this program to support siting reviews for nuclear power plant construction and license applications. Currently SecPop is used to prepare site data input files for offsite consequence calculations with the MELCOR Accident Consequence Code System (MACCS). SecPop enables the use of site-specific population, land use, and economic data for a polar grid defined by the user. Updated versions of SecPop have been released to use U.S. decennial census population data. SECPOP90 was released in 1997 to use 1990 population and economic data. SECPOP2000 was released in 2003 to use 2000 population data and 1997 economic data. This report describes the current code version, SecPop version 4.3, which uses 2010 population data and both 2007 and 2012 economic data. It is also compatible with 2000 census and 2002 economic data. At the time of this writing, the current version of SecPop is 4.3.0, and that version is described herein. This report contains guidance for the installation and use of the code as well as a description of the theory, models, and algorithms involved. This report contains appendices which describe the development of the 2010 census file, 2007 county file, and 2012 county file. Finally, an appendix is included that describes the validation assessments performed.

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Sequoyah SOARCA uncertainty analysis of a STSBO accident

PSAM 2018 - Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management

Bixler, Nathan E.; Dennis, Matthew L.; Brooks, Dusty M.; Osborn, Douglas M.; Ghosh, S.T.; Hathaway, Alfred

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission initiated the state-of-the-art reactor consequence analyses (SOARCA) project to develop realistic estimates of the offsite radiological health consequences for potential severe reactor accidents. The SOARCA analysis of an ice condenser containment plant was performed because its relatively low design pressure and reliance on igniters makes it potentially susceptible to early containment failure from hydrogen combustion during a severe accident. The focus was on station blackout accident scenarios where all alternating current power is lost. Accident progression calculations used the MELCOR computer code and offsite consequence analyses were performed with MACCS. The analysis included more than 500 MELCOR and MACCS simulations to account for uncertainty in important accident progression and offsite consequence input parameters. Consequences from severe nuclear power plant accidents modeled in this and previous SOARCA analyses are smaller than calculated in earlier studies. The delayed releases calculated provide more time for emergency response actions. The results show that early containment failure is very unlikely, even without successful use of igniters. However, these results are dependent on the distributions assigned to safety valve failure-to-close parameters, and considerable uncertainty remains on the true distributions for these parameters due to very limited test data. Even for scenarios resulting in early containment failure, the calculated individual latent fatal cancer risks are very small. Early and latent-cancer fatality risks are one focus of this paper. Regression results showing the most influential parameters are also discussed.

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State-of-the-art reactor consequence analyses project: Uncertainty analysis of a potential unmitigated short-term station blackout of the surry nuclear power station

Risk, Reliability and Safety: Innovating Theory and Practice - Proceedings of the 26th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2016

Ghosh, S.T.; Ross, Kyle R.; Bixler, Nathan E.; Weber, S.J.; Sallaberry, C.J.; Jones, J.A.

The evaluation of accident phenomena and the potential offsite consequences of severe nuclear reactor accidents has been the subject of considerable research by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) over the last several decades. As a result, capability exists to conduct more detailed, integrated, and realistic analyses of potential severe accidents at nuclear power reactors. Through the application of modern analysis tools and techniques, the State-of-the-Art Reactor Consequence Analyses (SOARCA) project was completed in 2012. This project developed a body of knowledge regarding the realistic outcomes of postulated severe nuclear reactor accidents with best-estimate analyses of selected accident scenarios at the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station (Peach Bottom), a boiling-water reactor (BWR), and the Surry Power Station (Surry), a pressurized-water reactor (PWR). The SOARCA project continued with an integrated uncertainty analysis (UA) of a potential unmitigated long term station blackout (LTSBO) accident at Peach Bottom completed in 2013. This Peach Bottom UA provided important insights regarding how uncertainties in selected severe accident progression and consequence parameters affect the results of the BWR LTSBO analysis. A Surry integrated UA has just been completed to provide similar insights for a potential PWR short-term station blackout (STSBO).

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Input-output model for MACCS nuclear accident impacts estimation¹

Outkin, Alexander V.; Bixler, Nathan E.; Vargas, Vanessa N.

Since the original economic model for MACCS was developed, better quality economic data (as well as the tools to gather and process it) and better computational capabilities have become available. The update of the economic impacts component of the MACCS legacy model will provide improved estimates of business disruptions through the use of Input-Output based economic impact estimation. This paper presents an updated MACCS model, bases on Input-Output methodology, in which economic impacts are calculated using the Regional Economic Accounting analysis tool (REAcct) created at Sandia National Laboratories. This new GDP-based model allows quick and consistent estimation of gross domestic product (GDP) losses due to nuclear power plant accidents. This paper outlines the steps taken to combine the REAcct Input-Output-based model with the MACCS code, describes the GDP loss calculation, and discusses the parameters and modeling assumptions necessary for the estimation of long-term effects of nuclear power plant accidents.

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Summary of the nuclear risk assessment for the Mars 2020 mission environmental impact statement

Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space, NETS 2015

Clayton, Daniel J.; Bignell, John B.; Jones, Christopher A.; Rohe, Daniel P.; Flores, Gregg J.; Bartel, Timothy J.; Gelbard, Fred G.; Le, San L.; Morrow, Charles W.; Potter, Donald L.; Young, Larry W.; Bixler, Nathan E.; Lipinski, Ronald J.

In the summer of 2020, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) plans to launch a spacecraft as part of the Mars 2020 mission. One option for the rover on the proposed spacecraft uses a Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (MMRTG) to provide continuous electrical and thermal power for the mission. NASA has prepared an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act. The EIS includes information on the risks of mission accidents to the general public and on-site workers at the launch complex. The Nuclear Risk Assessment (NRA) addresses the responses of the MMRTG option to potential accident and abort conditions during the launch opportunity for the Mars 2020 mission and the associated consequences. This information provides the technical basis for the radiological risks of the MMRTG option for the EIS. This paper provides a summary of the methods and results used in the NRA.

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An uncertainty analysis of the hydrogen source term for a station blackout accident in Sequoyah using MELCOR 1.8.5

Gauntt, Randall O.; Bixler, Nathan E.

A methodology for using the MELCOR code with the Latin Hypercube Sampling method was developed to estimate uncertainty in various predicted quantities such as hydrogen generation or release of fission products under severe accident conditions. In this case, the emphasis was on estimating the range of hydrogen sources in station blackout conditions in the Sequoyah Ice Condenser plant, taking into account uncertainties in the modeled physics known to affect hydrogen generation. The method uses user-specified likelihood distributions for uncertain model parameters, which may include uncertainties of a stochastic nature, to produce a collection of code calculations, or realizations, characterizing the range of possible outcomes. Forty MELCOR code realizations of Sequoyah were conducted that included 10 uncertain parameters, producing a range of in-vessel hydrogen quantities. The range of total hydrogen produced was approximately 583kg <U+F0B1> 131kg. Sensitivity analyses revealed expected trends with respected to the parameters of greatest importance, however, considerable scatter in results when plotted against any of the uncertain parameters was observed, with no parameter manifesting dominant effects on hydrogen generation. It is concluded that, with respect to the physics parameters investigated, in order to further reduce predicted hydrogen uncertainty, it would be necessary to reduce all physics parameter uncertainties similarly, bearing in mind that some parameters are inherently uncertain within a range. It is suspected that some residual uncertainty associated with modeling complex, coupled and synergistic phenomena, is an inherent aspect of complex systems and cannot be reduced to point value estimates. The probabilistic analyses such as the one demonstrated in this work are important to properly characterize response of complex systems such as severe accident progression in nuclear power plants.

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SOARCA Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Long-Term Station Blackout Uncertainty Analysis: Knowledge Advancement

Gauntt, Randall O.; Mattie, Patrick D.; Bixler, Nathan E.; Ross, Kyle R.; Cardoni, Jeffrey N.; Kalinich, Donald A.; Osborn, Douglas M.; Sallaberry, Cedric J.

This paper describes the knowledge advancements from the uncertainty analysis for the State-of- the-Art Reactor Consequence Analyses (SOARCA) unmitigated long-term station blackout accident scenario at the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station. This work assessed key MELCOR and MELCOR Accident Consequence Code System, Version 2 (MACCS2) modeling uncertainties in an integrated fashion to quantify the relative importance of each uncertain input on potential accident progression, radiological releases, and off-site consequences. This quantitative uncertainty analysis provides measures of the effects on consequences, of each of the selected uncertain parameters both individually and in interaction with other parameters. The results measure the model response (e.g., variance in the output) to uncertainty in the selected input. Investigation into the important uncertain parameters in turn yields insights into important phenomena for accident progression and off-site consequences. This uncertainty analysis confirmed the known importance of some parameters, such as failure rate of the Safety Relief Valve in accident progression modeling and the dry deposition velocity in off-site consequence modeling. The analysis also revealed some new insights, such as dependent effect of cesium chemical form for different accident progressions. (auth)

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SOARCA Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Long-Term Station Blackout Uncertainty Analysis: Convergence of the Uncertainty Results

Bixler, Nathan E.; Osborn, Douglas M.; Sallaberry, Cedric J.; Eckert, Aubrey C.; Mattie, Patrick D.

This paper describes the convergence of MELCOR Accident Consequence Code System, Version 2 (MACCS2) probabilistic results of offsite consequences for the uncertainty analysis of the State-of-the-Art Reactor Consequence Analyses (SOARCA) unmitigated long-term station blackout scenario at the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station. The consequence metrics evaluated are individual latent-cancer fatality (LCF) risk and individual early fatality risk. Consequence results are presented as conditional risk (i.e., assuming the accident occurs, risk per event) to individuals of the public as a result of the accident. In order to verify convergence for this uncertainty analysis, as recommended by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, a ‘high’ source term from the original population of Monte Carlo runs has been selected to be used for: (1) a study of the distribution of consequence results stemming solely from epistemic uncertainty in the MACCS2 parameters (i.e., separating the effect from the source term uncertainty), and (2) a comparison between Simple Random Sampling (SRS) and Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) in order to validate the original results obtained with LHS. Three replicates (each using a different random seed) of size 1,000 each using LHS and another set of three replicates of size 1,000 using SRS are analyzed. The results show that the LCF risk results are well converged with either LHS or SRS sampling. The early fatality risk results are less well converged at radial distances beyond 2 miles, and this is expected due to the sparse data (predominance of “zero” results).

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Nuclear risk assessment for the Mars 2020 mission environmental impact statement

Clayton, Daniel J.; Potter, Donald L.; Young, Larry W.; Bixler, Nathan E.; Lipinski, Ronald J.; Bignell, John B.; Jones, Christopher A.; Rohe, Daniel P.; Flores, Gregg J.; Bartel, Timothy J.; Gelbard, Fred G.; Le, San L.; Morrow, Charles W.

In the summer of 2020, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) plans to launch a spacecraft as part of the Mars 2020 mission. One option for the rover on the proposed spacecraft uses a Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (MMRTG) to provide continuous electrical and thermal power for the mission. An alternative option being considered is a set of solar panels for electrical power with up to 80 Light-Weight Radioisotope Heater Units (LWRHUs) for local component heating. Both the MMRTG and the LWRHUs use radioactive plutonium dioxide. NASA is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act. The EIS will include information on the risks of mission accidents to the general public and on-site workers at the launch complex. This Nuclear Risk Assessment (NRA) addresses the responses of the MMRTG or LWRHU options to potential accident and abort conditions during the launch opportunity for the Mars 2020 mission and the associated consequences. This information provides the technical basis for the radiological risks of both options for the EIS.

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Review of the technical bases of 40 CFR Part 190

McMahon, Kevin A.; Bixler, Nathan E.; Siegel, Malcolm D.; Weiner, Ruth F.

The dose limits for emissions from the nuclear fuel cycle were established by the Environmental Protection Agency in 40 CFR Part 190 in 1977. These limits were based on assumptions regarding the growth of nuclear power and the technical capabilities of decontamination systems as well as the then-current knowledge of atmospheric dispersion and the biological effects of ionizing radiation. In the more than thirty years since the adoption of the limits, much has changed with respect to the scale of nuclear energy deployment in the United States and the scientific knowledge associated with modeling health effects from radioactivity release. Sandia National Laboratories conducted a study to examine and understand the methodologies and technical bases of 40 CFR 190 and also to determine if the conclusions of the earlier work would be different today given the current projected growth of nuclear power and the advances in scientific understanding. This report documents the results of that work.

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Plume rise calculations using a control volume approach and the damped spring oscillator analogy

2008 Proceedings of the ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, HT 2008

Brown, Alexander L.; Bixler, Nathan E.

The PUFF code was originally written and designed to calculate the rise of a large detonation or deflagration non-continuous plume (puff) in the atmosphere. It is based on a buoyant spherical control volume approximation. The theory for the model is updated and presented. The model has been observed to result in what are believed to be unrealistic plume elevation oscillations as the plume approaches the terminal elevation. Recognizing a similarity between the equations for a classical damped spring oscillator and the present model, the plume rise model can be analyzed by evaluating equivalent spring constants and damping functions. Such an analysis suggests a buoyant plume in the atmosphere is significantly under-damped, explaining the occurrence of the oscillations in the model. Based on lessons learned from the analogy evaluations and guided by comparisons with early plume rise data, a set of assumptions is proposed to address the excessive oscillations found in the predicted plume near the terminal elevation, and to improve the robustness of the predictions. This is done while retaining the basic context of the present model formulation. The propriety of the present formulation is evaluated. The revised model fits the vast majority of the existing data to +/- 25%, which is considered reasonable given the present model form. Further validation efforts would be advisable, but are impeded by a lack of quality existing datasets. Copyright © 2008 by ASME.

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Evaluation of alternative emergency strategies for nuclear power plants using the winmaccs code

Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, PSAM 2006

Bixler, Nathan E.; Dotson, Lori J.; Jones, Joseph A.; Sullivan, Randolph L.

The objectives of this study are to identify and evaluate alternative protective action recommendations (PARs) that could reduce dose to the public during a radiological emergency and to determine whether improvements or changes to the federal guidance would be beneficial. The emergency response strategies considered in this study are the following: (1) standard radial evacuation; (2) shelter-in-place followed by radial evacuation; (3) shelter-in-place followed by lateral evacuation; (4) preferential sheltering followed by radial evacuation; and (5) preferential sheltering followed by lateral evacuation. Radial evacuation is directly away from the plant; lateral evacuation is azimuthally (around the compass) away from the direction of the wind. Shelter-in-place is a protective action strategy in which individuals remain in their residence, place of work, or other facility at the time that a general warning is given. Preferential sheltering involves moving individuals to nearby, large buildings, e.g., high-school gymnasiums or courthouses, that afford greater protection than personal residences. This study shows that there are benefits to sheltering if followed by lateral evacuation. However, if the lateral evacuation strategy cannot be implemented, then early radial evacuation is often preferable. The most appropriate PAR depends on the evacuation time estimate (ETE) and, therefore, it is desirable to reduce the uncertainty associated with the ETE. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) guidance to commercial power plants currently allows for sheltering and/or evacuation as an emergency response to a serious nuclear accident. Frequently, however, licensees and states default to evacuation strategies and do not consider sheltering. Here we evaluate several alternative strategies to determine if standard radial evacuation is best or if other options could reduce the overall risk to the public. We consider two source terms based on the NUREG-1150 study. These involve a rapid release of radioactive material into the atmosphere and a more gradual release. Two variations in timing have also been investigated, but are not reported here. The evaluation was performed for a generic site, which uses a uniform population distribution and typical Midwest meteorological data (Moline, IL). Additional parameters that are varied in the study are the ETE (4-, 6-, 8-, and 10-hour ETEs are considered) and the duration of sheltering (2-, 4-, and 8-hr sheltering periods are considered). Additional sensitivity studies were performed to investigate nonuniform evacuation speed caused by traffic congestion, the time needed to reach a preferential shelter, and the effect of adverse weather conditions as opposed to favorable weather conditions. Adverse weather conditions are those for which precipitation occurs before the leading edge of the plume exits the 10-mile emergency planning zone (EPZ). Ultimately, emergency response strategies are ranked by their potential to reduce adverse health effects for residents within the EPZ. © 2006 by ASME.

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Methodology assessment and recommendations for the Mars science laboratory launch safety analysis

Bessette, Gregory B.; Lipinski, Ronald J.; Bixler, Nathan E.; Hewson, John C.; Robinson, David G.; Potter, Donald L.; Atcitty, Christopher B.; Dodson, Brian W.; Maclean, Heather J.; Sturgis, Beverly R.

The Department of Energy has assigned to Sandia National Laboratories the responsibility of producing a Safety Analysis Report (SAR) for the plutonium-dioxide fueled Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (MMRTG) proposed to be used in the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission. The National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) is anticipating a launch in fall of 2009, and the SAR will play a critical role in the launch approval process. As in past safety evaluations of MMRTG missions, a wide range of potential accident conditions differing widely in probability and seventy must be considered, and the resulting risk to the public will be presented in the form of probability distribution functions of health effects in terms of latent cancer fatalities. The basic descriptions of accident cases will be provided by NASA in the MSL SAR Databook for the mission, and on the basis of these descriptions, Sandia will apply a variety of sophisticated computational simulation tools to evaluate the potential release of plutonium dioxide, its transport to human populations, and the consequent health effects. The first step in carrying out this project is to evaluate the existing computational analysis tools (computer codes) for suitability to the analysis and, when appropriate, to identify areas where modifications or improvements are warranted. The overall calculation of health risks can be divided into three levels of analysis. Level A involves detailed simulations of the interactions of the MMRTG or its components with the broad range of insults (e.g., shrapnel, blast waves, fires) posed by the various accident environments. There are a number of candidate codes for this level; they are typically high resolution computational simulation tools that capture details of each type of interaction and that can predict damage and plutonium dioxide release for a range of choices of controlling parameters. Level B utilizes these detailed results to study many thousands of possible event sequences and to build up a statistical representation of the releases for each accident case. A code to carry out this process will have to be developed or adapted from previous MMRTG missions. Finally, Level C translates the release (or ''source term'') information from Level B into public risk by applying models for atmospheric transport and the health consequences of exposure to the released plutonium dioxide. A number of candidate codes for this level of analysis are available. This report surveys the range of available codes and tools for each of these levels and makes recommendations for which choices are best for the MSL mission. It also identities areas where improvements to the codes are needed. In some cases a second tier of codes may be identified to provide supporting or clarifying insight about particular issues. The main focus of the methodology assessment is to identify a suite of computational tools that can produce a high quality SAR that can be successfully reviewed by external bodies (such as the Interagency Nuclear Safety Review Panel) on the schedule established by NASA and DOE.

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Recent plant studies using Victoria 2.0

Bixler, Nathan E.

VICTORIA 2.0 is a mechanistic computer code designed to analyze fission product behavior within the reactor coolant system (RCS) during a severe nuclear reactor accident. It provides detailed predictions of the release of radioactive and nonradioactive materials from the reactor core and transport and deposition of these materials within the RCS and secondary circuits. These predictions account for the chemical and aerosol processes that affect radionuclide behavior. VICTORIA 2.0 was released in early 1999; a new version VICTORIA 2.1, is now under development. The largest improvements in VICTORIA 2.1 are connected with the thermochemical database, which is being revised and expanded following the recommendations of a peer review. Three risk-significant severe accident sequences have recently been investigated using the VICTORIA 2.0 code. The focus here is on how various chemistry options affect the predictions. Additionally, the VICTORIA predictions are compared with ones made using the MELCOR code. The three sequences are a station blackout in a GE BWR and steam generator tube rupture (SGTR) and pump-seal LOCA sequences in a 3-loop Westinghouse PWR. These sequences cover a range of system pressures, from fully depressurized to full system pressure. The chief results of this study are the fission product fractions that are retained in the core, RCS, secondary, and containment and the fractions that are released into the environment.

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109 Results
109 Results