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High-fidelity wind farm simulation methodology with experimental validation

Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics

Hsieh, Alan H.; Brown, Kenneth B.; deVelder, Nathaniel d.; Herges, Thomas H.; Knaus, Robert C.; Sakievich, Philip S.; Cheung, Lawrence C.; Houchens, Brent C.; Blaylock, Myra L.; Maniaci, David C.

The complexity and associated uncertainties involved with atmospheric-turbine-wake interactions produce challenges for accurate wind farm predictions of generator power and other important quantities of interest (QoIs), even with state-of-the-art high-fidelity atmospheric and turbine models. A comprehensive computational study was undertaken with consideration of simulation methodology, parameter selection, and mesh refinement on atmospheric, turbine, and wake QoIs to identify capability gaps in the validation process. For neutral atmospheric boundary layer conditions, the massively parallel large eddy simulation (LES) code Nalu-Wind was used to produce high-fidelity computations for experimental validation using high-quality meteorological, turbine, and wake measurement data collected at the Department of Energy/Sandia National Laboratories Scaled Wind Farm Technology (SWiFT) facility located at Texas Tech University's National Wind Institute. The wake analysis showed the simulated lidar model implemented in Nalu-Wind was successful at capturing wake profile trends observed in the experimental lidar data.

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Risk assessment and ventilation modeling for hydrogen releases in vehicle repair garages

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

Ehrhart, Brian D.; Harris, Shaun R.; Blaylock, Myra L.; Muna, Alice B.; Quong, S.

The availability of repair garage infrastructure for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles is becoming increasingly important for future industry growth. Ventilation requirements for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles can affect both retrofitted and purpose-built repair garages and the costs associated with these requirements can be significant. A hazard and operability (HAZOP) study was performed to identify risk-significant scenarios related to light-duty hydrogen vehicles in a repair garage. Detailed simulations and modeling were performed using appropriate computational tools to estimate the location, behavior, and severity of hydrogen release based on key HAZOP scenarios. This work compares current fire code requirements to an alternate ventilation strategy to further reduce potential hazardous conditions. Modeling shows that position, direction, and velocity of ventilation have a significant impact on the amount of instantaneous flammable mass in the domain.

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Validation of the HyRAM+ physics models for use with propane

Blaylock, Myra L.; Hecht, Ethan S.; Shum, Jessica G.

The Hydrogen Risk Assessment Model Plus (HyRAM+) toolkit combines quantitative risk assessment with simulations of unignited dispersion, ignited turbulent diffusion flames, and indoor accumulation with delayed ignition of fuels. HyRAM+ is differentiated from HyRAM in that it includes models and leak data for other alternate fuels. The models of the physical phenomena need to be validated for each of the fuels in the toolkit. This report shows the validation for propane which is being used as a surrogate for autogas, which is a mixture of propane and butane and used in internal combustion engines in vehicles. For flame length comparisons, five previously published experiments from peer reviewed journals were used to validate our models. The validation looked at flame lengths and flame widths with respect to different leak diameters, mass flow rates, and source pressures. Most of the sources included more than one set of experimental data, which were collected using different methods (CCD cameras, IR visualization etc.). In general, HyRAM+ overpredicts the flame lengths by around 65%. For heat and radiation models, we compared the heat flux and radiation data reported from two different sources to the values calculated by HyRAM+. For higher mass flow rates, the HyRAM+ calculated flame length results gave a better estimate of what is found in the experiments (65% error), but a higher error (85%) is observed between the HyRAM+ calculated lengths and the experimental flame lengthsfor lower mass flows. Some differences can be attributed to outdoor environmental effects (i.e. wind speed) and uncertainties in jet flame shapes. The propane flame trajectory is predicted for a high Reynolds number case with Re = 12,500 and a low Reynolds number case where Re = 2,000. The Re=12,500 case which is momentum dominated matches well with the experimental flame trajectory, but the agreement for the bouancy driven low Reynolds number case is not as good. Dispersion modeling for unignited propane was also analyzed. We compared the mole fraction, mixture fraction, mean velocity, concentration half width, and inverse mass concentration over an axial distance from different credible journals to the values calculated by HyRAM+. The results display good agreement but generally, HyRAM+ predicts a wider profile for mole fraction and mixture fraction experiments. Overall, HyRAM+’s results are reasonable for predicting the flame length, heat flux, flame trajectory, and dispersion for propane and can be used in risk analyses

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Multilevel uncertainty quantification of a wind turbine large eddy simulation model

Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics: Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems, ECCM 2018 and 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECFD 2018

Maniaci, David C.; Frankel, Ari L.; Geraci, Gianluca G.; Blaylock, Myra L.; Eldred, Michael S.

Wind energy is stochastic in nature; the prediction of aerodynamic quantities and loads relevant to wind energy applications involves modeling the interaction of a range of physics over many scales for many different cases. These predictions require a range of model fidelity, as predictive models that include the interaction of atmospheric and wind turbine wake physics can take weeks to solve on institutional high performance computing systems. In order to quantify the uncertainty in predictions of wind energy quantities with multiple models, researchers at Sandia National Laboratories have applied Multilevel-Multifidelity methods. A demonstration study was completed using simulations of a NREL 5MW rotor in an atmospheric boundary layer with wake interaction. The flow was simulated with two models of disparate fidelity; an actuator line wind plant large-eddy scale model, Nalu, using several mesh resolutions in combination with a lower fidelity model, OpenFAST. Uncertainties in the flow conditions and actuator forces were propagated through the model using Monte Carlo sampling to estimate the velocity defect in the wake and forces on the rotor. Coarse-mesh simulations were leveraged along with the lower-fidelity flow model to reduce the variance of the estimator, and the resulting Multilevel-Multifidelity strategy demonstrated a substantial improvement in estimator efficiency compared to the standard Monte Carlo method.

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Comparison of field measurements and large eddy simulations of the scaled wind farm technology (SWIFT) site

ASME-JSME-KSME 2019 8th Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, AJKFluids 2019

Blaylock, Myra L.; Houchens, Brent C.; Maniaci, David C.; Herges, Thomas H.; Hsieh, Alan H.; Knaus, Robert C.; Sakievich, Philip S.

Power production of the turbines at the Department of Energy/Sandia National Laboratories Scaled Wind Farm Technology (SWiFT) facility located at the Texas Tech University’s National Wind Institute Research Center was measured experimentally and simulated for neutral atmospheric boundary layer operating conditions. Two V27 wind turbines were aligned in series with the dominant wind direction, and the upwind turbine was yawed to investigate the impact of wake steering on the downwind turbine. Two conditions were investigated, including that of the leading turbine operating alone and both turbines operating in series. The field measurements include meteorological evaluation tower (MET) data and light detection and ranging (lidar) data. Computations were performed by coupling large eddy simulations (LES) in the three-dimensional, transient code Nalu-Wind with engineering actuator line models of the turbines from OpenFAST. The simulations consist of a coarse precursor without the turbines to set up an atmospheric boundary layer inflow followed by a simulation with refinement near the turbines. Good agreement between simulations and field data are shown. These results demonstrate that Nalu-Wind holds the promise for the prediction of wind plant power and loads for a range of yaw conditions.

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Hydrogen Quantitative Risk Assessment

Muna, Alice B.; Ehrhart, Brian D.; Hecht, Ethan S.; Bran Anleu, Gabriela A.; Blaylock, Myra L.; LaFleur, Chris B.

DOE has identified consistent safety, codes, and standards as a critical need for the deployment of hydrogen technologies, with key barriers related to the availability and implementation of technical information in the development of regulations, codes, and standards. Advances in codes and standards have been enabled by risk-informed approaches to create and implement revisions to codes, such as National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 2, NFPA 55, and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Technical Specification (TS)-19880-1. This project provides the technical basis for these revisions, enabling the assessment of the safety of hydrogen fuel cell systems and infrastructure using QRA and physics-based models of hydrogen behavior. The risk and behavior tools that are developed in this project are motivated by, shared directly with, and used by the committees revising relevant codes and standards, thus forming the scientific basis to ensure that code requirements are consistent, logical, and defensible.

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Analyses in Support of Risk-Informed Natural Gas Vehicle Maintenance Facility Codes and Standards: Phase II

Blaylock, Myra L.; LaFleur, Chris B.; Muna, Alice B.; Ehrhart, Brian D.

Safety standards development for maintenance facilities of liquid and compressed natural gas fueled vehicles is required to ensure proper facility design and operating procedures. Standard development organizations are utilizing risk-informed concepts to develop natural gas vehicle (NGV) codes and standards so that maintenance facilities meet acceptable risk levels. The present report summarizes Phase II work for existing NGV repair facility code requirements and highlights inconsistencies that need quantitative analysis into their effectiveness. A Hazardous and Operability study was performed to identify key scenarios of interest using risk ranking. Detailed simulations and modeling were performed to estimate the location and behavior of natural gas releases based on these scenarios. Specific code conflicts were identified, and ineffective code requirements were highlighted and resolutions proposed. These include ventilation rate basis on area or volume, as well as a ceiling offset which seems ineffective at protecting against flammable gas concentrations. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge Bill Houf (SNL -- Retired) for his assistance with the set-up and post-processing of the numerical simulations. The authors also acknowledge Doug Horne (retired) for his helpful discussions. We would also like to acknowledge the support from the Clean Cities program of DOE's Vehicle Technology Office.

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Optimal Compressed Sensing and Reconstruction of Unstructured Mesh Datasets

Data Science and Engineering

Salloum, Maher S.; Fabian, Nathan D.; Hensinger, David M.; Lee, Jina L.; Allendorf, Elizabeth M.; Bhagatwala, Ankit; Blaylock, Myra L.; Chen, Jacqueline H.; Templeton, Jeremy A.; Tezaur, Irina

Exascale computing promises quantities of data too large to efficiently store and transfer across networks in order to be able to analyze and visualize the results. We investigate compressed sensing (CS) as an in situ method to reduce the size of the data as it is being generated during a large-scale simulation. CS works by sampling the data on the computational cluster within an alternative function space such as wavelet bases and then reconstructing back to the original space on visualization platforms. While much work has gone into exploring CS on structured datasets, such as image data, we investigate its usefulness for point clouds such as unstructured mesh datasets often found in finite element simulations. We sample using a technique that exhibits low coherence with tree wavelets found to be suitable for point clouds. We reconstruct using the stagewise orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm that we improved to facilitate automated use in batch jobs. We analyze the achievable compression ratios and the quality and accuracy of reconstructed results at each compression ratio. In the considered case studies, we are able to achieve compression ratios up to two orders of magnitude with reasonable reconstruction accuracy and minimal visual deterioration in the data. Our results suggest that, compared to other compression techniques, CS is attractive in cases where the compression overhead has to be minimized and where the reconstruction cost is not a significant concern.

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Informing hazardous zones for on-board maritime hydrogen liquid and gas systems

Blaylock, Myra L.; Pratt, Joseph W.; Bran Anleu, Gabriela A.; Proctor, Camron P.

The significantly higher buoyancy of hydrogen compared to natural gas means that hazardous zones defined in the IGF code may be inaccurate if applied to hydrogen. This could place undue burden on ship design or could lead to situations that are unknowingly unsafe. We present dispersion analyses to examine three vessel case studies: (1) abnormal external vents of full blowdown of a liquid hydrogen tank due to a failed relief device in still air and with crosswind; (2) vents due to naturally-occurring boil-off of liquid within the tank; and (3) a leak from the pipes leading into the fuel cell room. The size of the hydrogen plumes resulting from a blowdown of the tank depend greatly on the wind conditions. It was also found that for normal operations releasing a small amount of "boil- off" gas to regulate the pressure in the tank does not create flammable concentrations.

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Aero-MINE (Motionless INtegrated Energy) for Distributed Scalable Wind Power

Houchens, Brent C.; Blaylock, Myra L.

The proposed Aero-MINE technology will extract energy from wind without any exterior moving parts. Aero-MINEs can be integrated into buildings or function stand-alone, and are scalable. This gives them advantages similar to solar panels, but with the added benefit of operation in cloudy or dark conditions. Furthermore, compared to solar panels, Aero-MINEs can be manufactured at lower cost and with less environmental impact. Power generation is isolated internally by the pneumatic transmission of air and the outlet air-jet nozzles amplify the effectiveness. Multiple units can be connected to one centrally located electric generator. Aero-MINEs are ideal for the built-environment, with numerous possible configurations ranging from architectural integration to modular bolt-on products. Traditional wind turbines suffer from many fundamental challenges. The fast-moving blades produce significant aero-acoustic noise, visual disturbances, light-induced flickering and impose wildlife mortality risks. The conversion of massive mechanical torque to electricity is a challenge for gears, generators and power conversion electronics. In addition, the installation, operation and maintenance of wind turbines is required at significant height. Furthermore, wind farms are often in remote locations far from dense regions of electricity customers. These technical and logistical challenges add significantly to the cost of the electricity produced by utility-scale wind farms. In contrast, distributed wind energy eliminates many of the logistical challenges. However, solutions such as micro-turbines produce relatively small amounts of energy due to the reduction in swept area and still suffer from the motion-related disadvantages of utility-scale turbines. Aero-MINEs combine the best features of distributed generation, while eliminating the disadvantages.

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Methodology for assessing the safety of Hydrogen Systems: HyRAM 1.1 technical reference manual

Groth, Katrina G.; Hecht, Ethan S.; Reynolds, John T.; Blaylock, Myra L.; Carrier, Erin E.

The HyRAM software toolkit provides a basis for conducting quantitative risk assessment and consequence modeling for hydrogen infrastructure and transportation systems. HyRAM is designed to facilitate the use of state-of-the-art science and engineering models to conduct robust, repeatable assessments of hydrogen safety, hazards, and risk. HyRAM is envisioned as a unifying platform combining validated, analytical models of hydrogen behavior, a stan- dardized, transparent QRA approach, and engineering models and generic data for hydrogen installations. HyRAM is being developed at Sandia National Laboratories for the U. S. De- partment of Energy to increase access to technical data about hydrogen safety and to enable the use of that data to support development and revision of national and international codes and standards. This document provides a description of the methodology and models contained in the HyRAM version 1.1. HyRAM 1.1 includes generic probabilities for hydrogen equipment fail- ures, probabilistic models for the impact of heat flux on humans and structures, and computa- tionally and experimentally validated analytical and first order models of hydrogen release and flame physics. HyRAM 1.1 integrates deterministic and probabilistic models for quantifying accident scenarios, predicting physical effects, and characterizing hydrogen hazards (thermal effects from jet fires, overpressure effects from deflagrations), and assessing impact on people and structures. HyRAM is a prototype software in active development and thus the models and data may change. This report will be updated at appropriate developmental intervals.

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Uncertainty quantification in LES of channel flow

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids

Safta, Cosmin S.; Blaylock, Myra L.; Templeton, Jeremy A.; Domino, Stefan P.; Sargsyan, Khachik S.; Najm, H.N.

In this paper, we present a Bayesian framework for estimating joint densities for large eddy simulation (LES) sub-grid scale model parameters based on canonical forced isotropic turbulence direct numerical simulation (DNS) data. The framework accounts for noise in the independent variables, and we present alternative formulations for accounting for discrepancies between model and data. To generate probability densities for flow characteristics, posterior densities for sub-grid scale model parameters are propagated forward through LES of channel flow and compared with DNS data. Synthesis of the calibration and prediction results demonstrates that model parameters have an explicit filter width dependence and are highly correlated. Discrepancies between DNS and calibrated LES results point to additional model form inadequacies that need to be accounted for. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Analysis of a Full Scale Blowdown Due to a Mechanical Failure of a Pressure Relief Device in a Natural Gas Vehicle Maintenance Facility

Blaylock, Myra L.; Bozinoski, Radoslav B.; Ekoto, Isaac W.

A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis of a natural gas vehicle experie ncing a mechanical failure of a pressure relief device on a full CNG cylinder was completed to determine the resulting amount and location of flammable gas. The resulting overpressure if it were to ignite was also calculated. This study completes what is d iscussed in Ekoto et al. [1] which covers other related leak scenarios. We are not determining whether or not this is a credible release, rather just showing the result of a possible worst case scenario. The Sandia National Laboratories computational tool Netflow was used to calculate the leak velocity and temperature. The in - house CFD code Fuego was used to determine the flow of the leak into the maintenance garage. A maximum flammable mass of 35 kg collected along the roof of the garage. This would result in an overpressure that could do considerable damage if it were to ignite at the time of this maximum volume. It is up to the code committees to decide whet her this would be a credible leak, but if it were, there should be preventions to keep the flammable mass from igniting. Keywords: Natural Gas Vehicle Maintenance Facility, Pressure Relief Device Failure, CFD

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Calibration and Forward Uncertainty Propagation for Large-eddy Simulations of Engineering Flows

Templeton, Jeremy A.; Blaylock, Myra L.; Domino, Stefan P.; Hewson, John C.; Kumar, Pritvi R.; Ling, Julia L.; Najm, H.N.; Ruiz, Anthony R.; Safta, Cosmin S.; Sargsyan, Khachik S.; Stewart, Alessia S.; Wagner, Gregory L.

The objective of this work is to investigate the efficacy of using calibration strategies from Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) to determine model coefficients for LES. As the target methods are for engineering LES, uncertainty from numerical aspects of the model must also be quantified. 15 The ultimate goal of this research thread is to generate a cost versus accuracy curve for LES such that the cost could be minimized given an accuracy prescribed by an engineering need. Realization of this goal would enable LES to serve as a predictive simulation tool within the engineering design process.

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Analyses in support of risk-informed natural gas vehicle maintenance facility codes and standards :

LaFleur, Chris B.; Blaylock, Myra L.

Safety standards development for maintenance facilities of liquid and compressed gas fueled large-scale vehicles is required to ensure proper facility design and operation envelopes. Standard development organizations are utilizing risk-informed concepts to develop natural gas vehicle (NGV) codes and standards so that maintenance facilities meet acceptable risk levels. The present report summarizes Phase I work for existing NGV repair facility code requirements and highlights inconsistencies that need quantitative analysis into their effectiveness. A Hazardous and Operability study was performed to identify key scenarios of interest. Finally, scenario analyses were performed using detailed simulations and modeling to estimate the overpressure hazards from HAZOP defined scenarios. The results from Phase I will be used to identify significant risk contributors at NGV maintenance facilities, and are expected to form the basis for follow-on quantitative risk analysis work to address specific code requirements and identify effective accident prevention and mitigation strategies.

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79 Results
79 Results