Coupled poroelastic stressing and pore-pressure accumulation along pre-existing faults in deep basement contribute to recent occurrence of seismic events at subsurface energy exploration sites. Our coupled fluid-flow and geomechanical model describes the physical processes inducing seismicity corresponding to the sequential stimulation operations in Pohang, South Korea. Simulation results show that prolonged accumulation of poroelastic energy and pore pressure along a fault can nucleate seismic events larger than Mw3 even after terminating well operations. In particular the possibility of large seismic events can be increased by multiple-well operations with alternate injection and extraction that can enhance the degree of pore-pressure diffusion and subsequent stress transfer through a rigid and low-permeability rock to the fault. This study demonstrates that the proper mechanistic model and optimal well operations need to be accounted for to mitigate unexpected seismic hazards in the presence of the site-specific uncertainty such as hidden/undetected faults and stress regime.
Measuring the size and orientation of borehole breakouts is one of the primary methods for determining the orientation and magnitudes of the in situ stresses in the subsurface. To better understand the effects of anisotropy on borehole breakouts, experiments were conducted on Mancos Shale, a finely laminated mudrock. A novel testing configuration was developed to conduct borehole breakout experiments in a standard triaxial vessel and load frame. Samples were prepared at three different orientations and deformed under 6.9 to 20.7 MPa confining pressure. The results show a variation of peak strength and breakout geometry depending on the lamination orientation. Samples deformed parallel to laminations failed at a higher maximum compressive stress than samples deformed perpendicular to laminations, which were stronger than inclined samples. These relationships are quantified by a cosine-based failure envelope. Observed breakout shapes in perpendicular samples are V-shaped and symmetric around the borehole, which advance as a series of fractures of increasing size into the sidewalls. In inclined samples, fractures form along weaker laminations planes and grow in an en echelon pattern towards the axial stress direction. In parallel samples, long fractures grow from the wellbore towards the axial stress direction. The observed geometries highlight potential sources of error in calculating in situ stresses from borehole breakouts.
The study described in this report involves heated and unheated pressurized slot testing to determine thermo-mechanical properties of the Tptpll (Tertiary, Paintbrush, Topopah Spring Tuff Formation, crystal poor, lower lithophysal) and Tptpul (upper lithophysal) lithostratigraphic units at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. A large volume fraction of the proposed repository at Yucca Mountain may reside in the Tptpll lithostratigraphic unit. This unit is characterized by voids, or lithophysae, which range in size from centimeters to meters, making a field program an effective method of measuring bulk thermal-mechanical rock properties (thermal expansion, rock mass modulus, compressive strength, time-dependent deformation) over a range of temperature and rock conditions. The field tests outlined in this report provide data for the determination of thermo-mechanical properties of this unit. Rock-mass response data collected during this field test will reduce the uncertainty in key thermal-mechanical modeling parameters (rock-mass modulus, strength and thermal expansion) for the Tptpll lithostratigraphic unit, and provide a basis for understanding thermal-mechanical behavior of this unit. The measurements will be used to evaluate numerical models of the thermal-mechanical response of the repository. These numerical models are then used to predict pre- and post-closure repository response. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank David Bronowski, Ronnie Taylor, Ray E. Finley, Cliff Howard, Michael Schuhen (all SNL) and Fred Homuth (LANL) for their work in the planning and implementation of the tests described in this report. This is a reprint of SAND2004-2703, which was originally printed in July 2004. At that time, it was printed for a restricted audience. It has now been approved for unlimited release.
A novel experimental geometry is combined with acoustic emission monitoring capability to measure crack growth and damage accumulation during laboratory simulations of borehole breakout. Three different experiments are conducted in this study using Sierra White Granite. In the first experiment, the sample is deformed at a constant 17.2 MPa confining pressure without pore fluids; in the second experiment, the sample is held at a constant effective pressure of 17.2 MPa with a constant pore pressure; and in the third experiment, pore pressure is modified to induce failure at otherwise constant stress. The results demonstrate that effective pressure and stress path have controlling influence on breakout initiation and damage accumulation in laboratory simulations of wellbore behavior. Excellent agreement between the dry test and constant pore pressure test verify the application of the effective pressure law to borehole deformation. Located AE events coincide with post-test observations of damage and fracture locations. Comparison of AE behavior between the experiments with pore pressure show that breakouts develop prior to peak stress, and continued loading drives damage further into the formation and generates shear fractures.
We conducted a series of in situ stress measurements in a 100-meter deep hole (kISMET 003) drilled vertically from the 4850-ft level (1478-meters depth) of the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) located in Lead, South Dakota. We used the method of hydraulic fracturing for in situ stress measurements (Haimson and Cornet, 2003) at total overburden depths between 1520 and 1550 meters The minimum horizontal stress magnitudes were taken to be the shut-in pressures obtained from dP/dt analysis (Lee and Haimson, 1989) of pressurization cycles 3 and 4 in each test. The values ranged between 20.0 and 24.1 MPa (2900 and 3494 psi), and averaged 21.7 MPa (3146 psi). The direction of maximum principal stress was obtained from analysis of an acoustic borehole televiewer log following the hydraulic fracturing. The fractures are striking at an average of N86°E with a dip of 78° to the southeast. The fact that the fractures are not following foliation but have a non-vertical, though very steep, dip indicates that one of the principal stresses may be inclined slightly off vertical.
The first experiment of the Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) Collab (a.k.a Stimulation Investigations for Geothermal Modeling Analysis and Validation (SIGMA-V)) project is designed to comprehensively monitor a series of hydraulic fracture stimulations and subsequent flow tests. This experiment is planned for the 4850 Level in the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF), located at the former Homestake Gold Mine, in Lead, South Dakota. The target host rock for these stimulations and flow tests is a phyllite schist known as the Poorman formation. This paper discusses at a high level the engineering design for the stimulation and fracture monitoring system, the considerations for the test bed construction, and the preliminary stimulation modeling. Furthermore, this paper will highlight the intricate ways that predictive modeling can be used for testbed and stimulation design. This project is funded by the United States Department of Energy, Geothermal Technologies Office (GTO).
As a part of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) SubTER (Subsurface Technology and Engineering Research, Development and Demonstration) initiative, University of Wisconsin- Madison, Sandia National Laboratories, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory conducted the Permeability (k) and Induced Seismicity Management for Energy Technologies (kISMET) project. The objectives of the project are to define the in situ status of stress in the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in Lead, South Dakota and to establish the relations between in situ stress and induced fracture through hydraulically stimulating the fracture. (SURF) in Lead, South Dakota. In situ tests are conducted in a 7.6 cm diameter and 100 long vertical borehole located in the 4850 Level West Access Drift near Davies Campus of SURF (Figure 1). The borehole is located in the zone of Precambrian Metamorphic Schist.
A helium leakage detection system was modified to measure gas permeability on extracted cores of nearly impermeable rock. Here we use a Helium - Mass - Spectrometry - Permeameter (HMSP) to conduct a constant pressure, steady state flow test through a sample using helium gas. Under triaxial stress conditions, the HMSP can measure flow and estimate permeability of rocks and geomaterials down to the nanodarcy scale (10-21 m2). In this study, measurements of flow through eight shale samples under hydrostatic conditions were in the range of 10-7 to 10-9 Darcy. We extend this flow measurement technology by dynamically monitoring the release of helium from a helium saturated shale sample during a triaxial deformation experiment. The helium flow, initially extremely low, consistent with the low permeability of shale, is observed to increase in advance of volume strain increase during deformation of the shale. This is perhaps the result of microfracture development and flow path linkage through the microfractures within the shale. Once microfracturing coalescence initiates, there is a large increase in helium release and flow. This flow rate increase is likely the result of development of a macrofracture in the sample, a flow conduit, later confirmed by post-test observations of the deformed sample. The release rate (flow) peaks and then diminishes slightly during subsequent deformation; however the post deformation flow rate is considerably greater than that of undeformed shale.