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Attaining regularization length insensitivity in phase-field models of ductile failure

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

Talamini, Brandon T.; Tupek, Michael R.; Stershic, Andrew J.; Hu, Tianchen; Foulk, James W.; Ostien, Jakob O.; Dolbow, John E.

A cohesive phase-field model of ductile fracture in a finite-deformation setting is presented. The model is based on a free-energy function in which both elastic and plastic work contributions are coupled to damage. Using a strictly variational framework, the field evolution equations, damage kinetics, and flow rule are jointly derived from a scalar least-action principle. Particular emphasis is placed on the use of a rational function for the stress degradation that maintains a fixed effective strength with decreasing regularization length. The model is employed to examine crack growth in pure mode-I problems through the generation of crack growth resistance (J-R) curves. In contrast to alternative models, the current formulation gives rise to J-R curves that are insensitive to the regularization length. Numerical evidence suggests convergence of local fields with respect to diminishing regularization length as well.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 5.2 User's Guide: Addendum for Shock Capabilities

Bergel, Guy L.; Beckwith, Frank B.; Belcourt, Kenneth N.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Manktelow, Kevin M.; Merewether, Mark T.; Miller, Scott T.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Plews, Julia A.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse T.; Treweek, Benjamin T.; Tupek, Michael R.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Wagman, Ellen B.

This is an addendum to the Sierra/SolidMechanics 5.2 User's Guide that documents additional capabilities available only in alternate versions of the Sierra/SolidMechanics (Sierra/SM) code. These alternate versions are enhanced to provide capabilities that are regulated under the U.S. Department of State's International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) export control rules. The ITAR regulated codes are only distributed to entities that comply with the ITAR export control requirements. The ITAR enhancements to Sierra/SM include material models with an energy-dependent pressure response (appropriate for very large deformations and strain rates) and capabilities for blast modeling. This document is an addendum only; the standard Sierra/SolidMechanics 5.2 User's Guide should be referenced for most general descriptions of code capability and use.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 5.2 User's Guide

Bergel, Guy L.; Beckwith, Frank B.; Belcourt, Kenneth N.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Manktelow, Kevin M.; Merewether, Mark T.; Miller, Scott T.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Plews, Julia A.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse T.; Treweek, Benjamin T.; Tupek, Michael R.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Wagman, Ellen B.

Sierra/SolidMechanics (Sierra/SM) is a Lagrangian, three-dimensional code for finite element analysis of solids and structures. It provides capabilities for explicit dynamic, implicit quasistatic and dynamic analyses. The explicit dynamics capabilities allow for the efficient and robust solution of models with extensive contact subjected to large, suddenly applied loads. For implicit problems, Sierra/SM uses a multi-level iterative solver, which enables it to effectively solve problems with large deformations, nonlinear material behavior, and contact. Sierra/SM has a versatile library of continuum and structural elements, and a large library of material models. The code is written for parallel computing environments enabling scalable solutions of extremely large problems for both implicit and explicit analyses. It is built on the SIERRA Framework, which facilitates coupling with other SIERRA mechanics codes. This document describes the functionality and input syntax for Sierra/SM.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 5.2 Verification Tests Manual

Merewether, Mark T.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Beckwith, Frank B.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Tupek, Michael R.; Gampert, Scott G.; Manktelow, Kevin M.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Plews, Julia A.; Wagman, Ellen B.; Bergel, Guy L.; Treweek, Benjamin T.; Miller, Scott T.; Thomas, Jesse D.

Presented in this document is a small portion of the tests that exist in the Sierra/SolidMechanics (Sierra / SM) verification test suite. Most of these tests are run nightly with the Sierra/SM code suite, and the results of the test are checked versus the correct analytical result. For each of the tests presented in this document, the test setup, a description of the analytic solution, and comparison of the Sierra/SM code results to the analytic solution is provided. Mesh convergence is also checked on a nightly basis for several of these tests. This document can be used to confirm that a given code capability is verified or referenced as a compilation of example problems. Additional example problems are provided in the Sierra/SM Example Problems Manual. Note, many other verification tests exist in the Sierra/SM test suite, but have not yet been included in this manual.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 5.2 Example Problems Manual

Merewether, Mark T.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Beckwith, Frank B.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Tupek, Michael R.; Gampert, Scott G.; Manktelow, Kevin M.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Plews, Julia A.; Wagman, Ellen B.; Bergel, Guy L.; Treweek, Benjamin T.; Miller, Scott T.; Thomas, Jesse D.

Presented in this document are tests that exist in the Sierra/SolidMechanics example problem suite, which is a subset of the Sierra/SM regression and performance test suite. These examples showcase common and advanced code capabilities. A wide variety of other regression and verification tests exist in the Sierra/SM test suite that are not included in this manual.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 5.2 Theory Manual

Beckwith, Frank B.; Guy, Donald W.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Merewether, Mark T.; Miller, Scott T.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Parmar, Krishen J.; Plews, Julia A.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse T.; Treweek, Benjamin T.; Tupek, Michael R.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Wagman, Ellen B.; Manktelow, Kevin M.

Presented in this document are the theoretical aspects of capabilities contained in the Sierra/SM code. This manuscript serves as an ideal starting point for understanding the theoretical foundations of the code. For a comprehensive study of these capabilities, the reader is encouraged to explore the many references to scientific articles and textbooks contained in this manual. It is important to point out that some capabilities are still in development and may not be presented in this document. Further updates to this manuscript will be made as these capabilities come closer to production level.

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A simple levelset contact algorithm for large overlap removal and robust preloads

Mosby, Matthew D.; Tupek, Michael R.; Vo, Johnathan V.

A simple approach to simulate contact between deformable objects is presented which relies on levelset descriptions of the Lagrangian geometry and an optimization-based solver. Modeling contact between objects remains a significant challenge for computational mechanics simulations. Common approaches are either plagued by lack of robustness or are exceedingly complex and require a significant number of heuristics. In contrast, the levelset contact approach presented herein is essentially heuristic free. Furthermore, the presented algorithm enables resolving and enforcing contact between objects with a significant amount of initial overlap. Examples demonstrating the feasibility of this approach are shown, including the standard Hertz contact problem, the robust removal of overlap between two overlapping blocks, and overlap-removal and pre-load for a bolted configuration.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 5.2 Capabilities in Development

Bergel, Guy L.; Beckwith, Frank B.; Belcourt, Kenneth N.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Manktelow, Kevin M.; Merewether, Mark T.; Miller, Scott T.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Plews, Julia A.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse T.; Treweek, Benjamin T.; Tupek, Michael R.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Wagman, Ellen B.

This user’s guide documents capabilities in Sierra/SolidMechanics which remain “in-development” and thus are not tested and hardened to the standards of capabilities listed in Sierra/SM 5.2 User’s Guide. Capabilities documented herein are available in Sierra/SM for experimental use only until their official release. These capabilities include, but are not limited to, novel discretization approaches such as the conforming reproducing kernel (CRK) method, numerical fracture and failure modeling aids such as the extended finite element method (XFEM) and J-integral, explicit time step control techniques, dynamic mesh rebalancing, as well as a variety of new material models and finite element formulations.

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ASCEND: Asymptotically compatible strong form foundations for nonlocal discretization

Trask, Nathaniel A.; D'Elia, Marta D.; Littlewood, David J.; Silling, Stewart A.; Trageser, Jeremy T.; Tupek, Michael R.

Nonlocal models naturally handle a range of physics of interest to SNL, but discretization of their underlying integral operators poses mathematical challenges to realize the accuracy and robustness commonplace in discretization of local counterparts. This project focuses on the concept of asymptotic compatibility, namely preservation of the limit of the discrete nonlocal model to a corresponding well-understood local solution. We address challenges that have traditionally troubled nonlocal mechanics models primarily related to consistency guarantees and boundary conditions. For simple problems such as diffusion and linear elasticity we have developed complete error analysis theory providing consistency guarantees. We then take these foundational tools to develop new state-of-the-art capabilities for: lithiation-induced failure in batteries, ductile failure of problems driven by contact, blast-on-structure induced failure, brittle/ductile failure of thin structures. We also summarize ongoing efforts using these frameworks in data-driven modeling contexts. This report provides a high-level summary of all publications which followed from these efforts.

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Optimization-based algorithms for nonlinear mechanics and frictional contact

Tupek, Michael R.; Talamini, Brandon T.

An optimization-based strategy for solving nonlinear mechanics problems is proposed. In contrast to typical nonlinear equation solver algorithms that aim to find zeros in the residual force function, we minimize an energy (or energy-like) function to encourage solutions which are locally stable equilibria. These smooth and potentially non-convex objective functions are minimized using a preconditioned conjugate-gradient trust-region algorithm. Contact is formulated as an inequality constrained minimization problem, and is solved with an augmented Lagrangian algorithm. Friction is included in the approach via a regularized quasi-potential energy, and other dissipative behavior is included through the use of variational constitutive updates. Finally, to accelerate convergence rates for the Lagrange multipliers, we propose a novel multiplier update algorithm utilizing the Fischer-Burmeister function, and demonstrate super-linear solver convergence for some applications.

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A variational phase-field model For ductile fracture with coalescence dissipation

Computational Mechanics

Hu, Tianchen; Talamini, Brandon T.; Stershic, Andrew J.; Tupek, Michael R.; Dolbow, John E.

A novel phase-field model for ductile fracture is presented. The model is developed within a consistent variational framework in the context of finite-deformation kinematics. A novel coalescence dissipation introduces a new coupling mechanism between plasticity and fracture by degrading the fracture toughness as the equivalent plastic strain increases. The proposed model is compared with a recent alternative where plasticity and fracture are strongly coupled. Several representative numerical examples motivate specific modeling choices. In particular, a linear crack geometric function provides an “unperturbed” ductile response prior to crack initiation, and Lorentz-type degradation functions ensure that the critical fracture strength remains independent of the phase-field regularization length. In addition, the response of the model is demonstrated to converge with a vanishing phase-field regularization length. The model is then applied to calibrate and simulate a three-point bending experiment of an aluminum alloy specimen with a complex geometry. The effect of the proposed coalescence dissipation coupling on simulations of the experiment is first investigated in a two-dimensional plane strain setting. The calibrated model is then applied to a three-dimensional calculation, where the calculated load-deflection curves and the crack trajectory show excellent agreement with experimental observations. Finally, the model is applied to simulate crack nucleation and growth in a specimen from a recent Sandia Fracture Challenge.

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A variational multiscale immersed meshfree method for heterogeneous materials

Computational Mechanics

Huang, Tsung H.; Chen, Jiun S.; Tupek, Michael R.; Beckwith, Frank B.; Koester, Jacob K.; Fang, H.E.

We introduce an immersed meshfree formulation for modeling heterogeneous materials with flexible non-body-fitted discretizations, approximations, and quadrature rules. The interfacial compatibility condition is imposed by a volumetric constraint, which avoids a tedious contour integral for complex material geometry. The proposed immersed approach is formulated under a variational multiscale based formulation, termed the variational multiscale immersed method (VMIM). Under this framework, the solution approximation on either the foreground or the background can be decoupled into coarse-scale and fine-scale in the variational equations, where the fine-scale approximation represents a correction to the residual of the coarse-scale equations. The resulting fine-scale solution leads to a residual-based stabilization in the VMIM discrete equations. The employment of reproducing kernel (RK) approximation for the coarse- and fine-scale variables allows arbitrary order of continuity in the approximation, which is particularly advantageous for modeling heterogeneous materials. The effectiveness of VMIM is demonstrated with several numerical examples, showing accuracy, stability, and discretization efficiency of the proposed method.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 5.0 User's Guide

Beckwith, Frank B.; Bergel, Guy L.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Manktelow, Kevin M.; Merewether, Mark T.; Miller, Scott T.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Plews, Julia A.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Treweek, Benjamin T.; Tupek, Michael R.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Wagman, Ellen B.

Sierra/SolidMechanics (Sierra/SM) is a Lagrangian, three-dimensional code for finite element analysis of solids and structures. It provides capabilities for explicit dynamic, implicit quasistatic and dynamic analyses. The explicit dynamics capabilities allow for the efficient and robust solution of models with extensive contact subjected to large, suddenly applied loads. For implicit problems, Sierra/SM uses a multi-level iterative solver, which enables it to effectively solve problems with large deformations, nonlinear material behavior, and contact. Sierra/SM has a versatile library of continuum and structural elements, and a large library of material models. The code is written for parallel computing environments enabling scalable solutions of extremely large problems for both implicit and explicit analyses. It is built on the SIERRA Framework, which facilitates coupling with other SIERRA mechanics codes. This document describes the functionality and input syntax for Sierra/SM.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 5.0 Capabilities in Development

Beckwith, Frank B.; Bergel, Guy L.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Manktelow, Kevin M.; Merewether, Mark T.; Miller, Scott T.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Plews, Julia A.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Treweek, Benjamin T.; Tupek, Michael R.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Wagman, Ellen B.

This user’s guide documents capabilities in Sierra/SolidMechanics which remain “in-development” and thus are not tested and hardened to the standards of capabilities listed in Sierra/SM 5.0 User’s Guide. Capabilities documented herein are available in Sierra/SM for experimental use only until their official release. These capabilities include, but are not limited to, novel discretization approaches such as peridynamics and the conforming reproducing kernel (CRK) method, numerical fracture and failure modeling aids such as the extended finite element method (XFEM) and $\textit{J}$-integral, explicit time step control techniques, dynamic mesh rebalancing, as well as a variety of new material models and finite element formulations.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 5.0 User's Guide Addendum for Shock Capabilities

Beckwith, Frank B.; Bergel, Guy L.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Manktelow, Kevin M.; Merewether, Mark T.; Miller, Scott T.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Plews, Julia A.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Treweek, Benjamin T.; Tupek, Michael R.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Wagman, Ellen B.

This is an addendum to the Sierra/SolidMechanics 5.0 User’s Guide that documents additional capabilities available only in alternate versions of the Sierra/SolidMechanics (Sierra/SM) code. These alternate versions are enhanced to provide capabilities that are regulated under the U.S. Department of State’s International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) export control rules. The ITAR regulated codes are only distributed to entities that comply with the ITAR export control requirements. The ITAR enhancements to Sierra/SM include material models with an energy-dependent pressure response (appropriate for very large deformations and strain rates) and capabilities for blast modeling. This document is an addendum only; the standard Sierra/SolidMechanics 5.0 User’s Guide should be referenced for most general descriptions of code capability and use.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 5.0 Theory Manual

Beckwith, Frank B.; Bergel, Guy L.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Manktelow, Kevin M.; Merewether, Mark T.; Miller, Scott T.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Plews, Julia A.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Treweek, Benjamin T.; Tupek, Michael R.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Wagman, Ellen B.

Presented in this document are the theoretical aspects of capabilities contained in the Sierra/SM code. This manuscript serves as an ideal starting point for understanding the theoretical foundations of the code. For a comprehensive study of these capabilities, the reader is encouraged to explore the many references to scientific articles and textbooks contained in this manual. It is important to point out that some capabilities are still in development and may not be presented in this document. Further updates to this manuscript will be made as these capabilities come closer to production level.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 5.0 Example Problems Manual

Beckwith, Frank B.; Bergel, Guy L.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Manktelow, Kevin M.; Merewether, Mark T.; Miller, Scott T.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Plews, Julia A.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Treweek, Benjamin T.; Tupek, Michael R.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Wagman, Ellen B.

Presented in this document are tests that exist in the Sierra/SolidMechanics example problem suite, which is a subset of the Sierra / SM regression and performance test suite. These examples showcase common and advanced code capabilities. A wide variety of other regression and verification tests exist in the Sierra / SM test suite that are not included in this manual.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 5.0 Verification Tests Manual

Beckwith, Frank B.; Bergel, Guy L.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Manktelow, Kevin M.; Merewether, Mark T.; Miller, Scott T.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Plews, Julia A.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Treweek, Benjamin T.; Tupek, Michael R.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Wagman, Ellen B.

Presented in this document is a small portion of the tests that exist in the Sierra/SolidMechanics (Sierra/SM) verification test suite. Most of these tests are run nightly with the Sierra / SM code suite, and the results of the test are checked versus the correct analytical result. For each of the tests presented in this document, the test setup, a description of the analytic solution, and comparison of the Sierra / SM code results to the analytic solution is provided. Mesh convergence is also checked on a nightly basis for several of these tests. This document can be used to confirm that a given code capability is verified or referenced as a compilation of example problems. Additional example problems are provided in the Sierra/SM Example Problems Manual. Note, many other verification tests exist in the Sierra/SM test suite, but have not yet been included in this manual.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 5.0 Goodyear Specific

Beckwith, Frank B.; Bergel, Guy L.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Manktelow, Kevin M.; Merewether, Mark T.; Miller, Scott T.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Plews, Julia A.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Treweek, Benjamin T.; Tupek, Michael R.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Wagman, Ellen B.

Sierra/SolidMechanics (Sierra/SM) is a Lagrangian, three-dimensional finite element analysis code for solids and structures subjected to extensive contact and large deformations, encompassing explicit and implicit dynamic as well as quasistatic loading regimes. This document supplements the primary Sierra/SM 5.0 User’s Guide, describing capabilities specific to Goodyear analysis use cases, including additional implicit solver options, material models, finite element formulations, and contact settings.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.58 User's Guide Addendum for Shock Capabilities

Merewether, Mark T.; Treweek, Benjamin T.; Wagman, Ellen B.; Beckwith, Frank B.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Koester, Jacob K.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Plews, Julia A.; Belcourt, Kenneth N.; Manktelow, Kevin M.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Tupek, Michael R.; Miller, Scott T.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Porter, V.L.; Gampert, Scott G.

This is an addendum to the Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.58 User's Guide that documents additional capabilities available only in alternate versions of the Sierra/SolidMechanics (Sierra/SM) code. These alternate versions are enhanced to provide capabilities that are regulated under the U.S. Department of State's International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) export control rules. The ITAR regulated codes are only distributed to entities that comply with the ITAR export control requirements. The ITAR enhancements to Sierra/SM include material models with an energy-dependent pressure response (appropriate for very large deformations and strain rates) and capabilities for blast modeling. This document is an addendum only; the standard Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.58 User's Guide should be referenced for most general descriptions of code capability and use.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.58. Capabilities In Development

Merewether, Mark T.; Treweek, Benjamin T.; Wagman, Ellen B.; Beckwith, Frank B.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Koester, Jacob K.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Plews, Julia A.; Belcourt, Kenneth N.; Manktelow, Kevin M.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Tupek, Michael R.; Miller, Scott T.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Porter, V.L.; Gampert, Scott G.

This user’s guide documents capabilities in Sierra/SolidMechanics which remain “in-development” and thus are not tested and hardened to the standards of capabilities listed in Sierra/SM 4.58 User’s Guide. Capabilities documented herein are available in Sierra/SM for experimental use only until their official release. These capabilities include, but are not limited to, novel discretization approaches such as peridynamics and the reproducing kernel particle method (RKPM), numerical fracture and failure modeling aids such as the extended finite element method (XFEM) and /-integral, explicit time step control techniques, dynamic mesh rebalancing, as well as a variety of new material models and finite element formulations

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.56 User's Guide: Addendum for Shock Capabilities

Merewether, Mark T.; Plews, Julia A.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Tupek, Michael R.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Manktelow, Kevin M.; Beckwith, Frank B.; Belcourt, Kenneth N.; Miller, Scott T.; Treweek, Benjamin T.; Wagman, Ellen B.; Koester, Jacob K.

This is an addendum to the Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.56 User's Guide that documents additional capabilities available only in alternate versions of the Sierra/SolidMechanics (Sierra/SM) code. These alternate versions are enhanced to provide capabilities that are regulated under the U.S. Department of State's International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) export control rules. The ITAR regulated codes are only distributed to entities that comply with the ITAR export control requirements. The ITAR enhancements to Sierra/SM include material models with an energy-dependent pressure response (appropriate for very large deformations and strain rates) and capabilities for blast modeling. This document is an addendum only; the standard Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.56 User's Guide should be referenced for most general descriptions of code capability and use.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.56 Capabilities In Development

Merewether, Mark T.; Plews, Julia A.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Tupek, Michael R.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Manktelow, Kevin M.; Beckwith, Frank B.; Belcourt, Kenneth N.; Miller, Scott T.; Treweek, Benjamin T.; Wagman, Ellen B.; Koester, Jacob K.

This user's guide documents capabilities in Sierra/SolidMechanics which remain "in-development" and thus are not tested and hardened to the standards of capabilities listed in Sierra/SM 4.56 User's Guide. Capabilities documented herein are available in Sierra/SM for experimental use only until their official release. These capabilities include, but are not limited to, novel discretization approaches such as peridynamics and the reproducing kernel particle method (RKPM), numerical fracture and failure modeling aids such as the extended finite element method (XFEM) and J-integral, explicit time step control techniques, dynamic mesh rebalancing, as well as a variety of new material models and finite element formulations.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.56 Theory Manual

Beckwith, Frank B.; Belcourt, Kenneth N.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Koester, Jacob K.; Manktelow, Kevin M.; Merewether, Mark T.; Miller, Scott T.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Plews, Julia A.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse T.; Treweek, Benjamin T.; Tupek, Michael R.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Wagman, Ellen B.

Presented in this document are the theoretical aspects of capabilities contained in the Sierra/SM code. This manuscript serves as an ideal starting point for understanding the theoretical foundations of the code. For a comprehensive study of these capabilities, the reader is encouraged to explore the many references to scientific articles and textbooks contained in this manual. It is important to point out that some capabilities are still in development and may not be presented in this document. Further updates to this manuscript will be made as these capabilities come closer to production level.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.56 Goodyear User's Guide

Merewether, Mark T.; Plews, Julia A.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Tupek, Michael R.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Manktelow, Kevin M.; Beckwith, Frank B.; Belcourt, Kenneth N.; Miller, Scott T.; Treweek, Benjamin T.; Wagman, Ellen B.; Koester, Jacob K.

Sierra/SolidMechanics (Sierra/SM) is a Lagrangian, three-dimensional finite element analysis code for solids and structures subjected to extensive contact and large deformations, encompassing explicit and implicit dynamic as well as quasistatic loading regimes. This document supplements the primary Sierra/SM 4.56 User’s Guide, describing capabilities specific to Goodyear analysis use cases, including additional implicit solver options, material models, finite element formulations, and contact settings.

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A MUSCL-SCNI approach for meshfree modeling of shock waves in fluids

Computational Particle Mechanics

Huang, Tsung H.; Chen, Jiun S.; Wei, Haoyan; Roth, Michael J.; Sherburn, Jesse A.; Bishop, Joseph E.; Tupek, Michael R.; Fang, H.E.

A stable and nodally integrated meshfree formulation for modeling shock waves in fluids is developed. The reproducing kernel approximation is employed to discretize the conservation equations for compressible flow, and a flux vector splitting approach is applied to allow proper numerical treatments for the advection and pressure parts, respectively, based on the characteristics of each flux term. To capture the essential shock physics in fluids, including the Rankine–Hugoniot jump conditions and the entropy condition, local Riemann enrichment is introduced under the stabilized conforming nodal integration (SCNI) framework. Meanwhile, numerical instabilities associated with the advection flux are eliminated by adopting a modified upwind scheme. To further enhance accuracy, a MUSCL-type method is introduced in conjunction with an oscillation limiter to avoid Gibbs phenomenon and ensure monotonic piecewise linear reconstruction in the smooth region. The present meshfree formulation is free from tunable artificial parameters and is capable of capturing shock and rarefaction waves without over/undershoots. Several numerical examples are analyzed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed MUSCL-SCNI approach in meshfree modeling of complex shock phenomena, including shock diffraction, shock–vortex interaction, and high energy explosion processes.

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Treatment of near-incompressibility in meshfree and immersed-particle methods

Computational Particle Mechanics

Moutsanidis, Georgios; Koester, Jacob K.; Tupek, Michael R.; Chen, Jiun S.; Bazilevs, Yuri

We propose new projection methods for treating near-incompressibility in small and large deformation elasticity and plasticity within the framework of particle and meshfree methods. Using the B¯ and F¯ techniques as our point of departure, we develop projection methods for the conforming reproducing kernel method and the immersed-particle or material point-like methods. The methods are based on the projection of the dilatational part of the appropriate measure of deformation onto lower-dimensional approximation spaces, according to the traditional B¯ and F¯ approaches, but tailored to meshfree and particle methods. The presented numerical examples exhibit reduced stress oscillations and are free of volumetric locking and hourglassing phenomena.

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An Agile Design-to-Simulation Workflow Using a New Conforming Moving Least Squares Method

Koester, Jacob K.; Tupek, Michael R.; Mitchell, Scott A.

This report summarizes the accomplishments and challenges of a two year LDRD effort focused on improving design-to-simulation agility. The central bottleneck in most solid mechanics simulations is the process of taking CAD geometry and creating a discretization of suitable quality, i.e., the "meshine effort. This report revisits meshfree methods and documents some key advancements that allow their use on problems with complex geometries, low quality meshes, nearly incompressible materials or that involve fracture. The resulting capability was demonstrated to be an effective part of an agile simulation process by enabling rapid discretization techniques without increasing the time to obtain a solution of a given accuracy. The first enhancement addressed boundary-related challenges associated with meshfree methods. When using point clouds and Euclidean metrics to construct approximation spaces, the boundary information is lost, which results in low accuracy solutions for non-convex geometries and mate rial interfaces. This also complicates the application of essential boundary conditions. The solution involved the development of conforming window functions which use graph and boundary information to directly incorporate boundaries into the approximation space. The next enhancement was a procedure for producing a quality approximation with a low quality mesh. Unlike, the finite element method, meshfree approximation spaces do not require a mesh. However, meshes can be useful in providing domain boundary information and performing domain integration. A process was developed which aggregates low quality elements to create polyhedra of agreeable quality for domain integration. Stable time increments for transient dynamic simulations were observed to be up to 1000x larger than finite element simulations and solution quality and robustness were vastly superior. Obtaining a solution which is free of nonphysical displacement or pressure oscillations is a challenge for many methods when simulating nearly incompressible materials. Existing nodally integrated meshfree methods suffer from this limitation as well. New techniques were developed that combine B / F methods and the strain smoothing technique used in nodal integration to provide agreeable solutions for problems with nearly incompressible materials. The last major contribution enabled efficient simulations of material fracture with mass conservation. An inter-particle connectivity degradation approach was developed using ideas from peridynamics and cohesive zone modeling to disassociate nodes when fracture conditions are met. The method can, in principal, be applied to any material model with a specified failure criterion. For a mode-I ductile crack propagation problem, the method demonstrates mesh-size independent behavior without the particle instabilities near the fracture surface that are common to other particle methods. Addressing the aforementioned challenges of meshfree methods opens the approach to a broader class of problems and enables an agile simulation development process for problems of interest to Sandia.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.54 Example Problems Manual

Veilleux, Michael V.; Beckwith, Frank B.; Belcourt, Kenneth N.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Manktelow, Kevin M.; Merewether, Mark T.; Miller, Scott T.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Plews, Julia A.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Tupek, Michael R.

Presented in this document are tests that exist in the Sierra/SolidMechanics example problem suite, which is a subset of the Sierra/SM regression and performance test suite. These examples showcase common and advanced code capabilities. A wide variety of other regression and verification tests exist in the Sierra/SM test suite that are not included in this manual.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.54 Theory Manual

Veilleux, Michael V.; Beckwith, Frank B.; Belcourt, Kenneth N.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Manktelow, Kevin M.; Merewether, Mark T.; Miller, Scott T.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Plews, Julia A.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Tupek, Michael R.

Presented in this document are the theoretical aspects of capabilities contained in the Sierra/SM code. This manuscript serves as an ideal starting point for understanding the theoretical foundations of the code. For a comprehensive study of these capabilities, the reader is encouraged to explore the many references to scientific articles and textbooks contained in this manual. It is important to point out that some capabilities are still in development and may not be presented in this document. Further updates to this manuscript will be made as these capabilities come closer to production level.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.54 Goodyear Specific

Veilleux, Michael V.; Beckwith, Frank B.; Belcourt, Kenneth N.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Manktelow, Kevin M.; Merewether, Mark T.; Miller, Scott T.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Plews, Julia A.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Tupek, Michael R.

Sierra/SolidMechanics (Sierra/SM) is a Lagrangian, three-dimensional finite element analysis code for solids and structures subjected to extensive contact and large deformations, encompassing explicit and implicit dynamic as well as quasistatic loading regimes. This document supplements the primary Sierra/SM 4.54 User's Guide, describing capabilities specific to Goodyear analysis use cases, including additional implicit solver options, material models, finite element formulations, and contact settings.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.54 Verification Tests Manual

Veilleux, Michael V.; Beckwith, Frank B.; Belcourt, Kenneth N.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Manktelow, Kevin M.; Merewether, Mark T.; Miller, Scott T.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Plews, Julia A.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Tupek, Michael R.

Presented in this document is a small portion of the tests that exist in the Sierra/SolidMechanics (Sierra/SM) verification test suite. Most of these tests are run nightly with the Sierra/SM code suite, and the results of the test are checked versus the correct analytical result. For each of the tests presented in this document, the test setup, a description of the analytic solution, and comparison of the Sierra/SM code results to the analytic solution is provided. Mesh convergence is also checked on a nightly basis for several of these tests. This document can be used to confirm that a given code capability is verified or referenced as a compilation of example problems. Additional example problems are provided in the Sierra/SM Example Problems Manual. Note, many other verification tests exist in the Sierra/SM test suite, but have not yet been included in this manual.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.54. Capabilities in Development

Veilleux, Michael V.; Beckwith, Frank B.; Belcourt, Kenneth N.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Manktelow, Kevin M.; Merewether, Mark T.; Miller, Scott T.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Plews, Julia A.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Tupek, Michael R.

This user’s guide documents capabilities in Sierra/SolidMechanics which remain “in-development” and thus are not tested and hardened to the standards of capabilities listed in Sierra/SM 4.54 User’s Guide. Capabilities documented herein are available in Sierra/SM for experimental use only until their official release. These capabilities include, but are not limited to, novel discretization approaches such as peridynamics and the reproducing kernel particle method (RKPM), numerical fracture and failure modeling aids such as the extended finite element method (XFEM) and /-integral, explicit time step control techniques, dynamic mesh rebalancing, as well as a variety of new material models and finite element formulations.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.54 User's Guide: Addendum for Shock Capabilities

Veilleux, Michael V.; Beckwith, Frank B.; Belcourt, Kenneth N.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Manktelow, Kevin M.; Merewether, Mark T.; Miller, Scott T.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Plews, Julia A.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Tupek, Michael R.

This is an addendum to the Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.54 User's Guide that documents additional capabilities available only in alternate versions of the Sierra/SolidMechanics (Sierra/SM) code. These alternate versions are enhanced to provide capabilities that are regulated under the U.S. Department of State's International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) export control rules. The ITAR regulated codes are only distributed to entities that comply with the ITAR export control requirements. The ITAR enhancements to Sierra/SM include material models with an energy-dependent pressure response (appropriate for very large deformations and strain rates) and capabilities for blast modeling. This document is an addendum only; the standard Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.54 User's Guide should be referenced for most general descriptions of code capability and use.

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A phase-field formulation for dynamic cohesive fracture

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

Geelen, Rudy J.M.; Liu, Yingjie; Hu, Tianchen; Tupek, Michael R.; Dolbow, John E.

We extend a phase-field/gradient damage formulation for cohesive fracture to the dynamic case. The model is characterized by a regularized fracture energy that is linear in the damage field, as well as non-polynomial degradation functions. Two categories of degradation functions are examined, and a process to derive a given degradation function based on a local stress–strain response in the cohesive zone is presented. The resulting model is characterized by a linear elastic regime prior to the onset of damage, and controlled strain-softening thereafter. The governing equations are derived according to macro- and microforce balance theories, naturally accounting for the irreversible nature of the fracture process by introducing suitable constraints for the kinetics of the underlying microstructural changes. The model is complemented by an efficient staggered solution scheme based on an augmented Lagrangian method. Numerical examples demonstrate that the proposed model is a robust and effective method for simulating cohesive crack propagation, with particular emphasis on dynamic fracture.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.52 Capabilities in Development

Plews, Julia A.; Belcourt, Kenneth N.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Le, San L.; Manktelow, Kevin M.; Merewether, Mark T.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Tupek, Michael R.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Xavier, Patrick G.

This user's guide documents capabilities in Sierra/SolidMechanics which remain "in-development" and thus are not tested and hardened to the standards of capabilities listed in Sierra/SM 4.52 User's Guide. Capabilities documented herein are available in Sierra/SM for experimental use only until their official release. These capabilities include, but are not limited to, novel discretization approaches such as peridynamics and the reproducing kernel particle method (RKPM), numerical fracture and failure modeling aids such as the extended finite element method (XFEM) and J-integral, explicit time step control techniques, dynamic mesh rebalancing, as well as a variety of new material models and finite element formulations.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.52 User's Guide: Addendum for Shock Capabilities

Beckwith, Frank B.; Belcourt, Kenneth N.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Le, San L.; Manktelow, Kevin M.; Merewether, Mark T.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Plews, Julia A.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Tupek, Michael R.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Xavier, Patrick G.

This is an addendum to the Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.52 User's Guide that documents additional capabilities available only in alternate versions of the Sierra/SolidMechanics (Sierra/SM) code. These alternate versions are enhanced to provide capabilities that are regulated under the U.S. Department of State's International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) export control rules. The ITAR regulated codes are only distributed to entities that comply with the ITAR export control requirements. The ITAR enhancements to Sierra/SM include material models with an energy-dependent pressure response (appropriate for very large deformations and strain rates) and capabilities for blast modeling. This document is an addendum only; the standard Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.52 User's Guide should be referenced for most general descriptions of code capability and use.

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Library of Advanced Materials for Engineering (LAME) 4.50

Merewether, Mark T.; Crane, Nathan K.; Plews, Julia A.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Le, San L.; Littlewood, David J.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Pierson, Kendall H.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Tupek, Michael R.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Xavier, Patrick G.; Scherzinger, William M.; Lester, Brian T.

Accurate and efficient constitutive modeling remains a cornerstone issue for solid mechanics analysis. Over the years, the LAME advanced material model library has grown to address this challenge by implement- ing models capable of describing material systems spanning soft polymers to stiff ceramics including both isotropic and anisotropic responses. Inelastic behaviors including (visco)plasticity, damage, and fracture have all incorporated for use in various analyses. This multitude of options and flexibility, however, comes at the cost of many capabilities, features, and responses and the ensuing complexity in the resulting imple- mentation. Therefore, to enhance confidence and enable the utilization of the LAME library in application, this effort seeks to document and verify the various models in the LAME library. Specifically, the broader strategy, organization, and interface of the library itself is first presented. The physical theory, numerical implementation, and user guide for a large set of models is then discussed. Importantly, a number of verifi- cation tests are performed with each model to not only have confidence in the model itself but also highlight some important response characteristics and features that may be of interest to end-users. Finally, in looking ahead to the future, approaches to add material models to this library and further expand the capabilities are presented.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.50 Verification Tests Manual

Merewether, Mark T.; Plews, Julia A.; Crane, Nathan K.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Le, San L.; Littlewood, David J.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Pierson, Kendall H.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Tupek, Michael R.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Xavier, Patrick G.; Clutz, Christopher J.R.; Manktelow, Kevin M.

Presented in this document is a small portion of the tests that exist in the Sierra/SolidMechanics (Sierra/SM) verification test suite. Most of these tests are run nightly with the Sierra/SM code suite, and the results of the test are checked versus the correct analytical result. For each of the tests presented in this document, the test setup, a description of the analytic solution, and comparison of the Sierra/SM code results to the analytic solution is provided. Mesh convergence is also checked on a nightly basis for several of these tests. This document can be used to confirm that a given code capability is verified or referenced as a compilation of example problems. Additional example problems are provided in the Sierra/SM Example Problems Manual. Note, many other verification tests exist in the Sierra/SM test suite, but have not yet been included in this manual.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.50 Theory Manual

Merewether, Mark T.; Plews, Julia A.; Crane, Nathan K.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Le, San L.; Littlewood, David J.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Pierson, Kendall H.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Tupek, Michael R.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Xavier, Patrick G.; Manktelow, Kevin M.; Clutz, Christopher J.R.

Presented in this document are the theoretical aspects of capabilities contained in the Sierra / SM code. This manuscript serves as an ideal starting point for understanding the theoretical foundations of the code. For a comprehensive study of these capabilities, the reader is encouraged to explore the many references to scientific articles and textbooks contained in this manual. It is important to point out that some capabilities are still in development and may not be presented in this document. Further updates to this manuscript will be made as these capabilities come closer to production level.

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Sierra/Solid Mechanics 4.48 User's Guide

Merewether, Mark T.; Crane, Nathan K.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Le, San L.; Littlewood, David J.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Pierson, Kendall H.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Tupek, Michael R.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Gampert, Scott G.; Xavier, Patrick G.; Plews, Julia A.

Sierra/SolidMechanics (Sierra/SM) is a Lagrangian, three-dimensional code for finite element analysis of solids and structures. It provides capabilities for explicit dynamic, implicit quasistatic and dynamic analyses. The explicit dynamics capabilities allow for the efficient and robust solution of models with extensive contact subjected to large, suddenly applied loads. For implicit problems, Sierra/SM uses a multi-level iterative solver, which enables it to effectively solve problems with large deformations, nonlinear material behavior, and contact. Sierra/SM has a versatile library of continuum and structural elements, and a large library of material models. The code is written for parallel computing environments enabling scalable solutions of extremely large problems for both implicit and explicit analyses. It is built on the SIERRA Framework, which facilitates coupling with other SIERRA mechanics codes. This document describes the functionality and input syntax for Sierra/SM.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.48 Verification Tests Manual

Plews, Julia A.; Crane, Nathan K.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Le, San L.; Littlewood, David J.; Merewether, Mark T.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Pierson, Kendall H.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Tupek, Michael R.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Xavier, Patrick G.

Presented in this document is a small portion of the tests that exist in the Sierra / SolidMechanics (Sierra / SM) verification test suite. Most of these tests are run nightly with the Sierra / SM code suite, and the results of the test are checked versus the correct analytical result. For each of the tests presented in this document, the test setup, a description of the analytic solution, and comparison of the Sierra / SM code results to the analytic solution is provided. Mesh convergence is also checked on a nightly basis for several of these tests. This document can be used to confirm that a given code capability is verified or referenced as a compilation of example problems. Additional example problems are provided in the Sierra / SM Example Problems Manual. Note, many other verification tests exist in the Sierra / SM test suite, but have not yet been included in this manual.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.46 Example Problems Manual

Plews, Julia A.; Crane, Nathan K.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Le, San L.; Littlewood, David J.; Merewether, Mark T.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Pierson, Kendall H.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Tupek, Michael R.; Veilleux, Michael V.

Presented in this document are tests that exist in the Sierra/SolidMechanics example problem suite, which is a subset of the Sierra/SM regression and performance test suite. These examples showcase common and advanced code capabilities. A wide variety of other regression and verification tests exist in the Sierra/SM test suite that are not included in this manual.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.48 Capabilities in Development

Plews, Julia A.; Crane, Nathan K.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Le, San L.; Littlewood, David J.; Merewether, Mark T.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Pierson, Kendall H.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Tupek, Michael R.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Xavier, Patrick G.

This document is a user's guide for capabilities that are not considered mature but are available in Sierra/SolidMechanics (Sierra/SM) for early adopters. The determination of maturity of a capability is determined by many aspects: having regression and verification level testing, documentation of functionality and syntax, and usability are such considerations. Capabilities in this document are lacking in one or many of these aspects.

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Library of Advanced Materials for Engineering (LAME) 4.48

Plews, Julia A.; Crane, Nathan K.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Le, San L.; Littlewood, David J.; Merewether, Mark T.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Pierson, Kendall H.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Tupek, Michael R.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Xavier, Patrick G.

Accurate and efficient constitutive modeling remains a cornerstone issues for solid mechanics analysis. Over the years, the LAME advanced material model library has grown to address this challenge by implement- ing models capable of describing material systems spanning soft polymers to stiff ceramics including both isotropic and anisotropic responses. Inelastic behaviors including (visco)plasticity, damage, and fracture have all incorporated for use in various analyses. This multitude of options and flexibility, however, comes at the cost of many capabilities, features, and responses and the ensuing complexity in the resulting imple- mentation. Therefore, to enhance confidence and enable the utilization of the LAME library in application, this effort seeks to document and verify the various models in the LAME library. Specifically, the broader strategy, organization, and interface of the library itself is first presented. The physical theory, numerical implementation, and user guide for a large set of models is then discussed. Importantly, a number of verifi- cation tests are performed with each model to not only have confidence in the model itself but also highlight some important response characteristics and features that may be of interest to end-users. Finally, in looking ahead to the future, approaches to add material models to this library and further expand the capabilities are presented.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.48 Goodyear Specific

Plews, Julia A.; Crane, Nathan K.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Le, San L.; Littlewood, David J.; Merewether, Mark T.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Pierson, Kendall H.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Tupek, Michael R.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Xavier, Patrick G.

This document covers Sierra/SolidMechanics capabilities specific to Goodyear use cases. Some information may be duplicated directly from the Sierra/SolidMechanics User's Guide but is reproduced here to provide context for Goodyear-specific options.

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Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.48 User's Guide: Addendum for Shock Capabilities

Plews, Julia A.; Crane, Nathan K.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Le, San L.; Littlewood, David J.; Merewether, Mark T.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Pierson, Kendall H.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Tupek, Michael R.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Xavier, Patrick G.

This is an addendum to the Sierra/SolidMechanics 4.48 User's Guide that documents additional capabilities available only in alternate versions of the Sierra/SolidMechanics (Sierra/SM) code. These alternate versions are enhanced to provide capabilities that are regulated under the U.S. Department of State's International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) export-control rules. The ITAR regulated codes are only distributed to entities that comply with the ITAR export-control requirements. The ITAR enhancements to Sierra/SM in- clude material models with an energy-dependent pressure response (appropriate for very large deformations and strain rates) and capabilities for blast modeling. Since this is an addendum to the standard Sierra/SM user's guide, please refer to that document first for general descriptions of code capability and use.

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Library of Advanced Materials for Engineering (LAME) 4.44

Plews, Julia A.; Crane, Nathan K.; de Frias, Gabriel J.; Le, San L.; Littlewood, David J.; Merewether, Mark T.; Mosby, Matthew D.; Pierson, Kendall H.; Porter, V.L.; Shelton, Timothy S.; Thomas, Jesse D.; Tupek, Michael R.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Xavier, Patrick G.

Accurate and efficient constitutive modeling remains a cornerstone issues for solid mechanics analysis. Over the years, the LAME advanced material model library has grown to address this challenge by implementing models capable of describing material systems spanning soft polymers to s ti ff ceramics including both isotropic and anisotropic responses. Inelastic behaviors including (visco) plasticity, damage, and fracture have all incorporated for use in various analyses. This multitude of options and flexibility, however, comes at the cost of many capabilities, features, and responses and the ensuing complexity in the resulting implementation. Therefore, to enhance confidence and enable the utilization of the LAME library in application, this effort seeks to document and verify the various models in the LAME library. Specifically, the broader strategy, organization, and interface of the library itself is first presented. The physical theory, numerical implementation, and user guide for a large set of models is then discussed. Importantly, a number of verification tests are performed with each model to not only have confidence in the model itself but also highlight some important response characteristics and features that may be of interest to end-users. Finally, in looking ahead to the future, approaches to add material models to this library and further expand the capabilities are presented.

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Cohesive phase-field fracture and a PDE constrained optimization approach to fracture inverse problems

Tupek, Michael R.

In recent years there has been a proliferation of modeling techniques for forward predictions of crack propagation in brittle materials, including: phase-field/gradient damage models, peridynamics, cohesive-zone models, and G/XFEM enrichment techniques. However, progress on the corresponding inverse problems has been relatively lacking. Taking advantage of key features of existing modeling approaches, we propose a parabolic regularization of Barenblatt cohesive models which borrows extensively from previous phase-field and gradient damage formulations. An efficient explicit time integration strategy for this type of nonlocal fracture model is then proposed and justified. In addition, we present a C++ computational framework for computing in- put parameter sensitivities efficiently for explicit dynamic problems using the adjoint method. This capability allows for solving inverse problems involving crack propagation to answer interesting engineering questions such as: 1) what is the optimal design topology and material placement for a heterogeneous structure to maximize fracture resistance, 2) what loads must have been applied to a structure for it to have failed in an observed way, 3) what are the existing cracks in a structure given various experimental observations, etc. In this work, we focus on the first of these engineering questions and demonstrate a capability to automatically and efficiently compute optimal designs intended to minimize crack propagation in structures.

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Brittle fracture phase-field modeling of a short-rod specimen

Escobar, Ivana E.; Tupek, Michael R.; Bishop, Joseph E.

Predictive simulation capabilities for modeling fracture evolution provide further insight into quantities of interest in comparison to experimental testing. Based on the variational approach to fracture, the advent of phase-field modeling achieves the goal to robustly model fracture for brittle materials and captures complex crack topologies in three dimensions.

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94 Results
94 Results