Investigation of the Structural Implications of Hydrogen in Natural Gas Infrastructure
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Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series
Historically the qualification process for vehicles carrying vulnerable components has centered around the Shock Response Spectrum (SRS) and qualification consisted of devising a collection of tests whose collective SRS enveloped the qualification SRS. This involves selecting whatever tests are convenient that will envelope the qualification SRS over at least part of its spectrum; this selection is without any consideration of the details of structural response or the nature of anticipated failure of its components. It is asserted that this approach often leads to over-testing, however, as has been pointed out several times in the literature, this approach may not even be conservative. Given the advances in computational and experimental technology in the last several decades, it would be appropriate to seek some strategy of test selection that does account for structural response and failure mechanism and that pushes against the vulnerabilities of that specific structure. A strategy for such a zemblanic (zemblanity is the opposite of serendipity, the faculty of making unhappy, unlucky and expected discoveries by design) approach is presented.
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Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series
Differences in impedance are usually observed when components are tested in fixtures at lower levels of assembly from those in which they are fielded. In this work, the Kansas City National Security Campus (KCNSC) test bed hardware geometry is used to explore the sensitivity of the form of the objective function on the adequate reproduction of relevant response characteristics at the next level of assembly. Inverse methods within Sandia National Laboratories’ Sierra/SD code suite along with the Rapid Optimization Library (ROL) are used for identifying an unknown material (variable shear and bulk modulus) distributed across a predefined fixture volume. Comparisons of the results between time-domain based objective functions are presented. The development of the objective functions, solution sensitivity, and solution convergence will be discussed in the context of the practical considerations required for creating a realizable set of test hardware based on the variable-modulus optimized solutions.
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One of the more severe environments for a store on an aircraft is during the ejection of the store. During this environment it is not possible to instrument all component responses, and it is also likely that some instruments may fail during the environment testing. This work provides a method for developing these responses from failed gages and uninstrumented locations. First, the forces observed by the store during the environment are reconstructed. A simple sampling method is used to reconstruct these forces given various parameters. Then, these forces are applied to a model to generate the component responses. Validation is performed on this methodology.
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Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME
Measurements are presented from a two-beam structure with several bolted interfaces in order to characterize the nonlinear damping introduced by the joints. The measurements (all at force levels below macroslip) reveal that each underlying mode of the structure is well approximated by a single degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system with a nonlinear mechanical joint. At low enough force levels, the measurements show dissipation that scales as the second power of the applied force, agreeing with theory for a linear viscously damped system. This is attributed to linear viscous behavior of the material and/or damping provided by the support structure. At larger force levels, the damping is observed to behave nonlinearly, suggesting that damping from the mechanical joints is dominant. A model is presented that captures these effects, consisting of a spring and viscous damping element in parallel with a four-parameter Iwan model. The parameters of this model are identified for each mode of the structure and comparisons suggest that the model captures the stiffness and damping accurately over a range of forcing levels.
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The Third International Workshop on Jointed Structures was held from August 16th to 17th, 2012, in Chicago Illinois, following the ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Thirty two researchers from both the United States and international locations convened to discuss the recent progress of mechanical joints related research and associated efforts in addition to developing a roadmap for the challenges to be addressed over the next five to ten years. These proceedings from the workshop include the minutes of the discussions and follow up from the 2009 workshop [1], presentations, and outcomes of the workshop. Specifically, twelve challenges were formulated from the discussions at the workshop, which focus on developing a better understanding of uncertainty and variability in jointed structures, incorporating high fidelity models of joints in simulations that are tractable/efficient, motivating a new generation of researchers and funding agents as to the importance of joint mechanics research, and developing new insights into the physical phenomena that give rise to energy dissipation in jointed structures. The ultimate goal of these research efforts is to develop a predictive model of joint mechanics.
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Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME
Correctly incorporating the influence of mechanical joints in built-up mechanical systems is a critical element for model development for structural dynamics predictions. Quality experimental data are often difficult to obtain and is rarely sufficient to determine fully parameters for relevant mathematical models. On the other hand, fine-mesh finite element (FMFE) modeling facilitates innumerable numerical experiments at modest cost. Detailed FMFE analysis of built-up structures with frictional interfaces reproduces trends among problem parameters found experimentally, but there are qualitative differences. Those differences are currently ascribed to the very approximate nature of the friction model available in most finite element codes. Though numerical simulations are insufficient to produce qualitatively correct behavior of joints, some relations, developed here through observations of a multitude of numerical experiments, suggest interesting relationships among joint properties measured under different loading conditions. These relationships can be generalized into forms consistent with data from physical experiments. One such relationship, developed here, expresses the rate of energy dissipation per cycle within the joint under various combinations of extensional and clamping load in terms of dissipation under other load conditions. The use of this relationship - though not exact - is demonstrated for the purpose of extrapolating a representative set of experimental data to span the range of variability observed from real data. © 2011 American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
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The problem of understanding and modeling the complicated physics underlying the action and response of the interfaces in typical structures under dynamic loading conditions has occupied researchers for many decades. This handbook presents an integrated approach to the goal of dynamic modeling of typical jointed structures, beginning with a mathematical assessment of experimental or simulation data, development of constitutive models to account for load histories to deformation, establishment of kinematic models coupling to the continuum models, and application of finite element analysis leading to dynamic structural simulation. In addition, formulations are discussed to mitigate the very short simulation time steps that appear to be required in numerical simulation for problems such as this. This handbook satisfies the commitment to DOE that Sandia will develop the technical content and write a Joints Handbook. The content will include: (1) Methods for characterizing the nonlinear stiffness and energy dissipation for typical joints used in mechanical systems and components. (2) The methodology will include practical guidance on experiments, and reduced order models that can be used to characterize joint behavior. (3) Examples for typical bolted and screw joints will be provided.
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Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME
Using fine material meshes in structural dynamics analysis is often impractical due to time step considerations. Unfortunately, fine meshes are typically required to capture the inherent physics in jointed connections. This is especially true in threaded connections which feature numerous contact interfaces and stress singularities. A systematic method is presented here for representing the threaded volume by a continuous, homogeneous, linear elastic, anisotropic equivalent material. The parameters of that equivalent material depend on thread geometry and the assumed contact condition between adjacent threads and are derived from detailed finite element simulations of a characteristic thread-pair unit cell. Numerical simulations using the equivalent material closely match the local stiffness through the load path calculated from the finely meshed thread models and also reproduce classical theoretical and experimental results from the literature. Copyright © 2007 by ASME.
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Proposed for publication in the Journal of Engineering Mechanics.
It is shown that for any material or structural model expressible as a Masing model, there exists a unique parallel-series (displacement-based) Iwan system that characterizes that model as a function of displacement history. This poses advantages both in terms of more convenient force evaluation in arbitrary deformation histories as well as in terms of model inversion. Characterization as an Iwan system is demonstrated through the inversion of the Ramberg-Osgood model, a force(stress)-based material model that is not explicitly invertible. An implication of the inversion process is that direct, rigorous comparisons of different Masing models, regardless of the ability to invert their constitutive relationship, can be achieved through the comparison of their associated Iwan distribution densities.
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Proposed for publication in Tribology Letters.
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A classical mechanistic model was developed to capture the existence of pre-sliding tangential deflection (PSTD) in contacting polysilicon and coated polysilicon surfaces. For the purposes of modeling asperity friction, experiments have shown, and been supported through detailed finite element analyses, that frictional forces developed through tangential sliding scale linearly through a material parameter known as the junction strength. A junction strength model coupled with a discrete quasi-static contact mechanics analysis, using contacting surface descriptions sampled by AFM from actual polysilicon surfaces, predicts inelastic tangential displacements that are qualitatively consistent with observed PSTD response. The simulations imply that the existence of PSTD depends not only on the spatial characteristics of contacting surfaces, but also on the local loading characteristics.
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Proposed for publication in the ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics.
The generalized momentum balance (GMB) methods, explored chiefly by Shabana and his co-workers, treat slap or collision in linear structures as sequences of impulses, thereby maintaining the linearity of the structures throughout. Further, such linear analysis is facilitated by modal representation of the structures. These methods are discussed here and extended. Simulations on a simple two-rod problem demonstrate how this modal impulse approximation affects the system both directly after each impulse as well as over the entire collision. Furthermore, these simulations illustrate how the GMB results differ from the exact solution and how mitigation of these artifacts is achieved. Another modal method discussed in this paper is the idea of imposing piecewise constant forces over short, yet finite, time intervals during contact. The derivation of this method is substantially different than that of the GMB method, yet the numerical results show similar behavior, adding credence to both models. Finally, a novel method combining these two approaches is introduced. The new method produces physically reasonable results that are numerically very close to the exact solution of the collision of two rods. This approach avoids most of the non physical, numerical artifacts of interpenetration or chatter present in the first two methods.
The primary goals of the present study are to: (1) determine how and why MEMS-scale friction differs from friction on the macro-scale, and (2) to begin to develop a capability to perform finite element simulations of MEMS materials and components that accurately predicts response in the presence of adhesion and friction. Regarding the first goal, a newly developed nanotractor actuator was used to measure friction between molecular monolayer-coated, polysilicon surfaces. Amontons law does indeed apply over a wide range of forces. However, at low loads, which are of relevance to MEMS, there is an important adhesive contribution to the normal load that cannot be neglected. More importantly, we found that at short sliding distances, the concept of a coefficient of friction is not relevant; rather, one must invoke the notion of 'pre-sliding tangential deflections' (PSTD). Results of a simple 2-D model suggests that PSTD is a cascade of small-scale slips with a roughly constant number of contacts equilibrating the applied normal load. Regarding the second goal, an Adhesion Model and a Junction Model have been implemented in PRESTO, Sandia's transient dynamics, finite element code to enable asperity-level simulations. The Junction Model includes a tangential shear traction that opposes the relative tangential motion of contacting surfaces. An atomic force microscope (AFM)-based method was used to measure nano-scale, single asperity friction forces as a function of normal force. This data is used to determine Junction Model parameters. An illustrative simulation demonstrates the use of the Junction Model in conjunction with a mesh generated directly from an atomic force microscope (AFM) image to directly predict frictional response of a sliding asperity. Also with regards to the second goal, grid-level, homogenized models were studied. One would like to perform a finite element analysis of a MEMS component assuming nominally flat surfaces and to include the effect of roughness in such an analysis by using a homogenized contact and friction models. AFM measurements were made to determine statistical information on polysilicon surfaces with different roughnesses, and this data was used as input to a homogenized, multi-asperity contact model (the classical Greenwood and Williamson model). Extensions of the Greenwood and Williamson model are also discussed: one incorporates the effect of adhesion while the other modifies the theory so that it applies to the case of relatively few contacting asperities.
In a recent paper, Starr and Segalman demonstrated that any Masing model can be represented as a parallel-series Iwan model. A preponderance of the constitutive models that have been suggested for simulating mechanical joints are Masing models, and the purpose of this discussion is to demonstrate how the Iwan representation of those models can yield insight into their character. In particular, this approach can facilitate a critical comparison among numerous plausible constitutive models. It is explicitly shown that three-parameter models such as Smallwood's (Ramberg-Osgood) calculate parameters in such a manner that macro-slip is not an independent parameter, yet the model admits macro-slip. The introduction of a fourth parameter is therefore required. It is shown that when a macro-slip force is specified for the Smallwood model the result is a special case of the Segalman four-parameter model. Both of these models admit a slope discontinuity at the inception of macro-slip. A five-parameter model that has the beneficial features of Segalman's four-parameter model is proposed. This model manifests a force-displacement curve having a continuous first derivative.
Proposed for publication in the Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics.
It is shown that for any material or structural model expressible as a Masing model, there exists a unique parallel-series (displacement-based) Iwan system that characterizes that model as a function of displacement history. This poses advantages both in terms of more convenient force evaluation in arbitrary deformation histories as well as in terms of model inversion. Characterization as an Iwan system is demonstrated through the inversion of the Ramberg-Osgood model, a force(stress)-based material model that is not explicitly invertible. An implication of the inversion process is that direct, rigorous comparisons of different Masing models, regardless of the ability to invert their constitutive relationship, can be achieved through the comparison of their associated Iwan distribution densities.
Proposed for publication in the Journal of Applied Mechanics.
The Lubkin solution for two spheres pressed together and then subjected to a monotonically increasing axial couple is examined numerically. The Deresiewicz asymptotic solution is compared to the full solution and its utility is evaluated. Alternative approximations for the Lubkin solution are suggested and compared. One approximation is a Pade rational function which matches the analytic solution over all rotations. The other is an exponential approximation that reproduces the asymptotic values of the analytic solution at infinitesimal and infinite rotations. Finally, finite element solutions for the Lubkin problem are compared with the exact and approximate solutions.
Proposed for publication in the International Journal of Plasticity.
Abstract not provided.