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Biologically inspired approaches for biosurveillance anomaly detection and data fusion

Finley, Patrick D.; Finley, Patrick D.; Finley, Patrick D.; Finley, Patrick D.; Levin, Drew L.; Levin, Drew L.; Levin, Drew L.; Levin, Drew L.; Flanagan, Tatiana P.; Flanagan, Tatiana P.; Flanagan, Tatiana P.; Flanagan, Tatiana P.; Beyeler, Walter E.; Beyeler, Walter E.; Beyeler, Walter E.; Beyeler, Walter E.; Mitchell, Michael D.; Mitchell, Michael D.; Mitchell, Michael D.; Mitchell, Michael D.; Ray, Jaideep R.; Ray, Jaideep R.; Ray, Jaideep R.; Ray, Jaideep R.; Moses, Melanie M.; Moses, Melanie M.; Moses, Melanie M.; Moses, Melanie M.; Forrest, Stephanie F.; Forrest, Stephanie F.; Forrest, Stephanie F.; Forrest, Stephanie F.

This study developed and tested biologically inspired computational methods to detect anomalous signals in data streams that could indicate a pending outbreak or bio-weapon attack. Current large- scale biosurveillance systems are plagued by two principal deficiencies: (1) timely detection of disease-indicating signals in noisy data and (2) anomaly detection across multiple channels. Anomaly detectors and data fusion components modeled after human immune system processes were tested against a variety of natural and synthetic surveillance datasets. A pilot scale immune-system-based biosurveillance system performed at least as well as traditional statistical anomaly detection data fusion approaches. Machine learning approaches leveraging Deep Learning recurrent neural networks were developed and applied to challenging unstructured and multimodal health surveillance data. Within the limits imposed of data availability, both immune systems and deep learning methods were found to improve anomaly detection and data fusion performance for particularly challenging data subsets. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors acknowledge the close collaboration of Scott Lee, Jason Thomas, and Chad Heilig from the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in this effort. De-identified biosurveillance data provided by Ken Jeter of the New Mexico Department of Health proved to be an important contribution to our work. Discussions with members of the International Society of Disease Surveillance helped the researchers focus on questions relevant to practicing public health professionals. Funding for this work was provided by Sandia National Laboratories' Laboratory Directed Research and Development program.

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Modeling the Internet

Kelic, Andjelka; Mitchell, Michael D.; Shirah, Donald N.

The National Infrastructure Simulations and Analysis Center (NISAC) has developed a nationwide model of the Internet to study the potential impact of the loss of physical facilities on the network and on other infrastructures that depend on the Internet for services. The model looks at the Internet from the perspective of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and their connectivity and can be used to determine how the network connectivity could be modified to assist in mitigating an event. In addition the model could be used to explore how portions of the network could be made more resilient to disruptive events.

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Biosecurity through Public Health System Design

Beyeler, Walter E.; Finley, Patrick D.; Arndt, William A.; Walser, Alex C.; Mitchell, Michael D.

We applied modeling and simulation to examine the real-world tradeoffs between developingcountry public-health improvement and the need to improve the identification, tracking, and security of agents with bio-weapons potential. Traditionally, the international community has applied facility-focused strategies for improving biosecurity and biosafety. This work examines how system-level assessments and improvements can foster biosecurity and biosafety. We modeled medical laboratory resources and capabilities to identify scenarios where biosurveillance goals are transparently aligned with public health needs, and resource are distributed in a way that maximizes their ability to serve patients while minimizing security a nd safety risks. Our modeling platform simulates key processes involved in healthcare system operation, such as sample collection, transport, and analysis at medical laboratories. The research reported here extends the prior art by provided two key compone nts for comparative performance assessment: a model of patient interaction dynamics, and the capability to perform uncertainty quantification. In addition, we have outlined a process for incorporating quantitative biosecurity and biosafety risk measures. Two test problems were used to exercise these research products examine (a) Systemic effects of technological innovation and (b) Right -sizing of laboratory networks.

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Integrated Human Futures Modeling in Egypt

Passell, Howard D.; Passell, Howard D.; Aamir, Munaf S.; Aamir, Munaf S.; Bernard, Michael L.; Bernard, Michael L.; Beyeler, Walter E.; Beyeler, Walter E.; Fellner, Karen M.; Fellner, Karen M.; Hayden, Nancy K.; Hayden, Nancy K.; Jeffers, Robert F.; Jeffers, Robert F.; Keller, Elizabeth J.; Keller, Elizabeth J.; Malczynski, Leonard A.; Malczynski, Leonard A.; Mitchell, Michael D.; Mitchell, Michael D.; Silver, Emily S.; Silver, Emily S.; Tidwell, Vincent C.; Tidwell, Vincent C.; Villa, Daniel V.; Villa, Daniel V.; Vugrin, Eric D.; Vugrin, Eric D.; Engelke, Peter E.; Engelke, Peter E.; Burrow, Mat B.; Burrow, Mat B.; Keith, Bruce K.; Keith, Bruce K.

The Integrated Human Futures Project provides a set of analytical and quantitative modeling and simulation tools that help explore the links among human social, economic, and ecological conditions, human resilience, conflict, and peace, and allows users to simulate tradeoffs and consequences associated with different future development and mitigation scenarios. In the current study, we integrate five distinct modeling platforms to simulate the potential risk of social unrest in Egypt resulting from the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) on the Blue Nile in Ethiopia. The five platforms simulate hydrology, agriculture, economy, human ecology, and human psychology/behavior, and show how impacts derived from development initiatives in one sector (e.g., hydrology) might ripple through to affect other sectors and how development and security concerns may be triggered across the region. This approach evaluates potential consequences, intended and unintended, associated with strategic policy actions that span the development-security nexus at the national, regional, and international levels. Model results are not intended to provide explicit predictions, but rather to provide system-level insight for policy makers into the dynamics among these interacting sectors, and to demonstrate an approach to evaluating short- and long-term policy trade-offs across different policy domains and stakeholders. The GERD project is critical to government-planned development efforts in Ethiopia but is expected to reduce downstream freshwater availability in the Nile Basin, fueling fears of negative social and economic impacts that could threaten stability and security in Egypt. We tested these hypotheses and came to the following preliminary conclusions. First, the GERD will have an important short-term impact on water availability, food production, and hydropower production in Egypt, depending on the short- term reservoir fill rate. Second, the GERD will have a very small impact on water availability in the Nile Basin over the longer term. Depending on the GERD fill rate, short-term (e.g., within its first 5 years of operation) annual losses in Egyptian food production may peak briefly at 25 percent. Long-term (e.g., 15 to 30 year) cumulative losses in Egypt's food production may be less than 3 percent regardless of the fill rate, with the GERD having essentially no impact on projected annual food production in Egypt about 25 years after opening. For the quick fill rates, the short-term losses may be sufficient to create an important decrease in overall household health among the general population, which, along with other economic stressors and different strategies employed by the government, could lead to social unrest. Third, and perhaps most importantly, our modeling suggests that the GERD's effect on Egypt's food and water resources is small when compared to the effect of projected Egyptian population and economic growth (and the concomitant increase in water consumption). The latter dominating factors are exacerbated in the modeling by natural climate variability and may be further exacerbated by climate change. Our modeling suggests that these growth dynamics combine to create long-term water scarcity in Egypt, regardless of the Ethiopian project. All else being equal, filling strategies that employ slow fill rates for the GERD (e.g., 8 to 13 years) may mitigate the risks in future scenarios for Egypt somewhat, but no policy or action regarding the GERD is likely to significantly alleviate the projected water scarcity in Egypt's Nile Basin. However, general beliefs among the Egyptian populace regarding the GERD as a major contributing factor for scarcities in Egypt could make Ethiopia a scapegoat for Egyptian grievances -- contributing to social unrest in Egypt and generating undesirable (and unnecessary) tension between these two countries. Such tension could threaten the constructive relationships between Egypt and Ethiopia that are vital to maintaining stability and security within and between their respective regional spheres of influence, Middle East and North Africa, and the Horn of Africa.

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6 Results
6 Results