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Pit Stability Predictions of Additively Manufactured SS316 Surfaces Using Finite Element Analysis

Journal of the Electrochemical Society

Marshall, Rebecca S.; Katona, Ryan M.; Melia, Michael A.; Kelly, Robert G.

Stainless steels are susceptible to localized forms of corrosion attack, such as pitting. The size and lifetime of a nucleated pit can vary, depending on a critical potential or current density criterion, which determines if the pit repassivates or continues growing. This work uses finite element method (FEM) modeling to compare the critical pit radii predicted by thermodynamic and kinetic repassivation criteria. Experimental electrochemical boundary conditions are used to capture the active pit kinetics. Geometric and environmental parameters, such as the pit shape and size (analogous to additively manufactured lack-of-fusion pores), solution concentration, and water layer thickness were considered to assess their impact on the pit repassivation criterion. The critical pit radius (the transition point from stable growth to repassivation) predicted for a hemispherical pit was larger when using the repassivation potential (Erp) criteria, as opposed to the current density criteria (pit stability product). Including both the pit stability product and Erp into its calculations, the analytical maximum pit model predicted a critical radius two times more conservative than the FEA approach, under the conditions studied herein. The complex pits representing lack-of-fusion pores were shown to have minimal impact on the critical radius in atmospheric conditions.

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Measuring the Residual Stress and Stress Corrosion Cracking Susceptibility of Additively Manufactured 316L by ASTM G36-94


Karasz, Erin K.; Taylor, Jason M.; Autenrieth, David M.; Reu, Phillip L.; Johnson, Kyle J.; Melia, Michael A.; Noell, Philip N.

Residual stress is a contributor to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) and a common byproduct of additive manufacturing (AM). Here the relationship between residual stress and SCC susceptibility in laser powder bed fusion AM 316L stainless steel was studied through immersion in saturated boiling magnesium chloride per ASTM G36-94. The residual stress was varied by changing the sample height for the as-built condition and additionally by heat treatments at 600°C, 800°C, and 1,200°C to control, and in some cases reduce, residual stress. In general, all samples in the as-built condition showed susceptibility to SCC with the thinner, lower residual stress samples showing shallower cracks and crack propagation occurring perpendicular to melt tracks due to local residual stress fields. The heat-treated samples showed a reduction in residual stress for the 800°C and 1,200°C samples. Both were free of cracks after >300 h of immersion in MgCl2, while the 600°C sample showed similar cracking to their as-built counterpart. Geometrically necessary dislocation (GND) density analysis indicates that the dislocation density may play a major role in the SCC susceptibility.

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In situ synchrotron X-ray imaging and mechanical properties characterization of additively manufactured high-entropy alloy composites

Journal of Alloys and Compounds

Pegues, Jonathan W.; Melia, Michael A.; Rodriguez, Mark A.; Babuska, Tomas F.; Gould, Benjamin; Argibay, Nicolas A.; Greco, Aaron; Kustas, Andrew K.

Laser beam directed energy deposition has become an increasingly popular advanced manufacturing technique for materials discovery as a result of the in situ alloying capability. In this study, we leverage an additive manufacturing enabled high throughput materials discovery approach to explore the composition space of a graded Wx(CoCrFeMnNi)100−x sample spanning 0 ≤ x ≤ 21 at%. In addition to microstructural and mechanical characterization, synchrotron high speed x-ray computer aided tomography was conducted on a W20(CoCrFeMnNi)80 composition to visualize melting dynamics, powder-laser interactions, and remelting effects of previously consolidated material. Results reveal the formation of the Fe7W6 intermetallic phase at W concentrations> 6 at%, despite the high configurational entropy. Unincorporated W particles also occurred at W concentrations> 10 at% accompanied by a dissolution band of Fe7W6 at the W/matrix interface and hardness values greater than 400 HV. The primary strengthening mechanism is attributed to the reinforcement of the Fe7W6 and W phases as a metal matrix composite. The in situ high speed x-ray imaging during remelting showed that an additional laser pass did not promote further mixing of the Fe7W6 or W phases suggesting that, despite the dissolution of the W into the Fe7W6 phase being thermodynamically favored, it is kinetically limited by the thickness/diffusivity of the intermetallic phase, and the rapid solidification of the laser-based process.

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Marine Atmospheric Corrosion of Additively Manufactured Stainless Steels


Melia, Michael A.; Duran, Jesse D.; Taylor, Jason M.; Presuel-Moreno, Francisco; Schaller, Rebecca S.; Schindelholz, Eric J.

Additively manufactured (AM) stainless steels (SSs) exhibit numerous microstructural differences compared to their wrought counterparts, such as Cr-enriched dislocation cell structures. The influence these unique features have on a SSs corrosion resistance are still under investigation with most current works limited to laboratory experiments. The work herein shows the first documented study of AM 304L and 316L exposed to a severe marine environment on the eastern coast of Florida with comparisons made to wrought counterparts. Coupons were exposed for 21 months and resulted in significant pitting corrosion to initiate after 1 month of exposure for all conditions. At all times, the AM coupons exhibited lower average and maximum pit depths than their wrought counterparts. After 21 months, pits on average were 4 μm deep for AM 316L specimen and 8 μm deep for wrought specimen. Pits on the wrought samples tended to be nearly hemispherical and polished with some pits showing crystallographic attack while pits on AM coupons exhibited preferential attack at melt pool boundaries and the cellular microstructure.

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Predicting Pit Stability On Additively Manufactured SS316 Via Finite Element Modeling [Slides]

Marshall, Rebecca S.; Katona, Ryan M.; Kelly, Robert G.; Melia, Michael A.

Pit growth and repassivation are complex, with many interconnecting geometric and environmental parameters to consider. Experimentally, it is difficult to isolate these individual parameters to study their effect on the stability of pits. To enable these studies, a finite element modeling approach has been developed to allow systematic testing of parameters that impact a pit’s stability. The specific parameters studied were the cathode diameter, the pit diameter and shape, and the water layer thickness. Hemispherical and rectangular-based pits were studied to determine the impact of the overall pit shape. Pit stability results were compared with mathematical calculations based on the Maximum Pit Model, for both 50% saturation and 100% saturated salt film coverage. Further studies expanded the range of pit geometry to those relevant to additively manufactured surfaces.

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Revealing the growth kinetics of atmospheric corrosion pitting in aluminum via in situ microtomography

npj Materials Degradation

Noell, Philip N.; Schindelholz, Eric J.; Melia, Michael A.

Understanding the mechanistic relationship between the environment, microstructure, and local kinetics of atmospheric corrosion damage remains a central challenge. To address this challenge, this study used laboratory-based X-ray tomography to directly observe attack in-operando over an extended period, enabling insights into the evolving growth kinetics and morphology of individual pits over months of exposure. Damage progression associated with nine pits in a 99.9% pure aluminum wire exposed to chloride salts in humid air was characterized. Most pits grew at a nominally linear rate up until pit death, which occurred within 12–24 h of nucleation. Exceptions to this were observed, with three pits exhibiting bimodal growth kinetics and growing for 40 or more hours. This was explained by secondary droplets that formed near the pits, increasing the cathode area. A corrosion-driven drying mechanism likely contributed to pit death in both cases. Pits first grew into the material followed by lateral expansion.

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High-throughput additive manufacturing and characterization of refractory high entropy alloys

Applied Materials Today

Melia, Michael A.; Whetten, Shaun R.; Puckett, Raymond V.; Jones, Morgan J.; Heiden, Michael J.; Argibay, Nicolas A.; Kustas, Andrew K.

Refractory High Entropy Alloys (RHEAs) and Refractory Complex Concentrated Alloys (RCCAs) are high-temperature structural alloys ideally suited for use in harsh environments. While these alloys have shown promising structural properties at high temperatures that exceed the practical limits of conventional alloys, such as Ni-based superalloys, exploration of the complex phase-space of these materials remains a significant challenge. We report on a high-throughput alloy processing and characterization methodology, leveraging laser-based metal additive manufacturing (AM) and mechanical testing techniques, to enable rapid exploration of RHEAs/RCCAs. We utilized in situ alloying and compositional grading, unique to AM processing, to rapidly-produce RHEAs/RCCAs using readily available and inexpensive commercial elemental powders. We demonstrate this approach with the MoNbTaW alloy system, as a model material known for having exceptionally high strength at elevated temperature when processed using conventional methods (e.g., casting). Microstructure analysis, chemical composition, and strain rate dependent hardness of AM-processed material are presented and discussed in the context of understanding the structure-properties relationships of RHEAs/RCCAs.

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47 Results
47 Results