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Depolymerization of lignin for biological conversion through sulfonation and a chelator-mediated Fenton reaction

Green Chemistry

Martinez, Daniella V.; Sale, Kenneth L.; Simmons, Blake A.; Sale, Kenneth L.; Simmons, Blake A.; Singer, Steven W.; Martinez, Daniella V.; Rodriguez Ruiz, Jose A.; Juarros, Miranda A.; Martinez, Estevan J.; Alam, Todd M.; Sale, Kenneth L.; Kent, Michael S.

Generating value from lignin through depolymerization and biological conversion to valuable fuels, chemicals, or intermediates has great promise but is limited by several factors including lack of cost-effective depolymerization methods, toxicity within the breakdown products, and low bioconversion of the breakdown products. High yield depolymerization of natural lignins requires cleaving carbon-carbon bonds in addition to ether bonds. To address that need, we report that a chelator-mediated Fenton reaction can efficiently cleave C-C bonds in sulfonated polymers at or near room temperature, and that unwanted repolymerization can be minimized through optimizing reaction conditions. This method was used to depolymerize lignosulfonate from Mw = 28 000 g mol−1 to Mw = 800 g mol−1. The breakdown products were characterized by SEC, FTIR and NMR and evaluated for bioavailability. The breakdown products are rich in acid, aldehyde, and alcohol functionalities but are largely devoid of aromatics and aliphatic dienes. A panel of nine organisms were tested for the ability to grow on the breakdown products. Growth at a low level was observed for several monocultures on the depolymerized lignosulfonate in the absence of glucose. Much stronger growth was observed in the presence of 0.2% glucose and for one organism we demonstrate doubling of melanin production in the presence of depolymerized lignosulfonate. The results suggest that this chelator-mediated Fenton method is a promising new approach for biological conversion of lignin into higher value chemicals or intermediates.

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Method for measuring the unbinding energy of strongly-bound membrane-associated proteins

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes

La Bauve, Elisa; Vernon, Briana C.; Ye, Dongmei Y.; Rogers, David M.; Siegrist, Cathryn M.; Carson, Bryan C.; Rempe, Susan R.; Zheng, Aihua; Kielian, Margaret; Shreve, Andrew P.; Kent, Michael S.

We describe a new method to measure the activation energy for unbinding (enthalpy ΔH*u and free energy ΔG*u) of a strongly-bound membrane-associated protein from a lipid membrane. It is based on measuring the rate of release of a liposome-bound protein during centrifugation on a sucrose gradient as a function of time and temperature. The method is used to determine ΔH*u and ΔG*u for the soluble dengue virus envelope protein (sE) strongly bound to 80:20 POPC:POPG liposomes at pH 5.5. ΔH*u is determined from the Arrhenius equation whereas ΔG*u is determined by fitting the data to a model based on mean first passage time for escape from a potential well. The binding free energy ΔGb of sE was also measured at the same pH for the initial, predominantly reversible, phase of binding to a 70:30 PC:PG lipid bilayer. The unbinding free energy (20 ± 3 kcal/mol, 20% PG) was found to be roughly three times the binding energy per monomer, (7.8 ± 0.3 kcal/mol for 30% PG, or est. 7.0 kcal/mol for 20% PG). This is consistent with data showing that free sE is a monomer at pH 5.5, but assembles into trimers after associating with membranes. This new method to determine unbinding energies should be useful to understand better the complex interactions of integral monotopic proteins and strongly-bound peripheral membrane proteins with lipid membranes.

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New Method for Measuring the Anchoring Energy of Strongly-Bound Membrane-Associated Proteins [Method for measuring the anchoring energy of strongly-bound membrane-associated proteins]

Biophysical Journal

Kent, Michael S.; La Bauve, Elisa L.; Vernon, Briana C.; Ye, Dongmei Y.; Rogers, David M.; Mayes, Cathryn M.; Carson, Bryan C.; Rempe, Susan R.; Zheng, Aihua Z.; Kielian, Margaret K.; Shreve, Andrew S.; Kent, Michael S.

Here, we describe a new method to measure the activation energy required to remove a strongly-bound membrane-associated protein from a lipid membrane (anchoring energy). It is based on measuring the rate of release of a liposome-bound protein during centrifugation on a sucrose gradient as a function of time and temperature. The method was used to determine anchoring energy for the soluble dengue virus envelope protein (sE) strongly bound to 80:20 POPC:POPG liposomes at pH 5.5. We also measured the binding energy of sE at the same pH for the initial, predominantly reversible, phase of binding to a 70:30 PC:PG lipid bilayer. The anchoring energy (37 +/- 1.7 kcal/mol, 20% PG) was found to be much larger than the binding energy (7.8 +/- 0.3 kcal/mol for 30% PG, or est. 7.0 kcal/mol for 20% PG). This is consistent with data showing that free sE is a monomer at pH 5.5, but assembles into trimers after associating with membranes. But, trimerization alone is insufficient to account for the observed difference in energies, and we conclude that some energy dissipation occurs during the release process. This new method to determine anchoring energy should be useful to understand the complex interactions of integral monotopic proteins and strongly-bound peripheral membrane proteins with lipid membranes.

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Mechanism of fusion of pathogenic enveloped viruses with the endosomal membrane

Kent, Michael S.; Carson, Bryan C.; Rempe, Susan R.; La Bauve, Sadie L.; Vanegas, Juan M.; Rogers, David M.; Vernon, Briana C.; Ricken, Bryce R.; Ye, Dongmei Y.; Moczydlowski, Edward M.; Zheng, Aihua Z.; Kielian, Margaret K.

Dengue virus is a devastating human pathogen responsible for millions of infections each year. No antiviral therapies for Dengue currently exist, making effective treatment of the virus challenging. Dengue is taken into the cell through endocytosis. Low-pH mediated structural rearrangements of the envelope protein E leads to the formation of fusogenic E trimers that facilitate membrane fusion with late endosomes. The fusion mechanism is not fully understood, but is a key target for inhibiting the viral infection pathway. An important aspect of fusion is the dependence on endosomal membrane composition, and in particular, the requirement of anionic lipids. This study aims to characterize the biophysical reasons for this dependence. The work includes experimental studies and molecular simulations of the interactions of E with lipid membranes. These approaches revealed the structure of E bound to lipid membranes including the depth of its insertion into the membrane and the average angle with respect to the membrane, the fundamental interactions involved, the dependence of adsorption and anchoring energy on membrane composition, the membrane curvature induced upon insertion, and the correlation of the above with fusion efficiency of virus like particles (VLPs) with liposomes. As a part of this work we developed a new biophysical technique to measure the energy for pulling E out of a membrane, and distinguished anchoring (pull-out) and binding energies for this nonequilibrium system. We also developed a modeling approach combining molecular and continuum approaches to provide the first theoretical estimate of the binding energy. Taken together, this work lays the foundation for developing a systematic fundamental understanding of fusion in enveloped viruses that has been elusive to date.

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Programmed assembly of nanoscale structures using peptoids

Robinson, David R.; Buffleben, George M.; Kent, Michael S.

Sequence-specific polymers are the basis of the most promising approaches to bottom-up programmed assembly of nanoscale materials. Examples include artificial peptides and nucleic acids. Another class is oligo(N-functional glycine)s, also known as peptoids, which permit greater sidegroup diversity and conformational control, and can be easier to synthesize and purify. We have developed a set of peptoids that can be used to make inorganic nanoparticles more compatible with biological sequence-specific polymers so that they can be incorporated into nucleic acid or other biologically based nanostructures. Peptoids offer degrees of modularity, versatility, and predictability that equal or exceed other sequence-specific polymers, allowing for rational design of oligomers for a specific purpose. This degree of control will be essential to the development of arbitrarily designed nanoscale structures.

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Initiation of the TLR4 signal transduction network : deeper understanding for better therapeutics

Kent, Michael S.; Branda, Steven B.; Hayden, Carl C.; Sasaki, Darryl Y.; Sale, Kenneth L.

The innate immune system represents our first line of defense against microbial pathogens, and in many cases is activated by recognition of pathogen cellular components (dsRNA, flagella, LPS, etc.) by cell surface membrane proteins known as toll-like receptors (TLRs). As the initial trigger for innate immune response activation, TLRs also represent a means by which we can effectively control or modulate inflammatory responses. This proposal focused on TLR4, which is the cell-surface receptor primarily responsible for initiating the innate immune response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a major component of the outer membrane envelope of gram-negative bacteria. The goal was to better understand TLR4 activation and associated membrane proximal events, in order to enhance the design of small molecule therapeutics to modulate immune activation. Our approach was to reconstitute the receptor in biomimetic systems in-vitro to allow study of the structure and dynamics with biophysical methods. Structural studies were initiated in the first year but were halted after the crystal structure of the dimerized receptor was published early in the second year of the program. Methods were developed to determine the association constant for oligomerization of the soluble receptor. LPS-induced oligomerization was observed to be a strong function of buffer conditions. In 20 mM Tris pH 8.0 with 200 mM NaCl, the onset of receptor oligomerization occurred at 0.2 uM TLR4/MD2 with E coli LPS Ra mutant in excess. However, in the presence of 0.5 uM CD14 and 0.5 uM LBP, the onset of receptor oligomerization was observed to be less than 10 nM TLR4/MD2. Several methods were pursued to study LPS-induced oligomerization of the membrane-bound receptor, including CryoEM, FRET, colocalization and codiffusion followed by TIRF, and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. However, there approaches met with only limited success.

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Computational and experimental study of nanoporous membranes for water desalination and decontamination

Debusschere, Bert D.; Zendejas, Frank Z.; Adalsteinsson, Helgi A.; Tran, Huu T.; Najm, H.N.; Chinn, Douglas A.; Kent, Michael S.; Simmons, Blake S.

Fundamentals of ion transport in nanopores were studied through a joint experimental and computational effort. The study evaluated both nanoporous polymer membranes and track-etched nanoporous polycarbonate membranes. The track-etched membranes provide a geometrically well characterized platform, while the polymer membranes are more closely related to ion exchange systems currently deployed in RO and ED applications. The experimental effort explored transport properties of the different membrane materials. Poly(aniline) membranes showed that flux could be controlled by templating with molecules of defined size. Track-etched polycarbonate membranes were modified using oxygen plasma treatments, UV-ozone exposure, and UV-ozone with thermal grafting, providing an avenue to functionalized membranes, increased wettability, and improved surface characteristic lifetimes. The modeling effort resulted in a novel multiphysics multiscale simulation model for field-driven transport in nanopores. This model was applied to a parametric study of the effects of pore charge and field strength on ion transport and charge exclusion in a nanopore representative of a track-etched polycarbonate membrane. The goal of this research was to uncover the factors that control the flux of ions through a nanoporous material and to develop tools and capabilities for further studies. Continuation studies will build toward more specific applications, such as polymers with attached sulfonate groups, and complex modeling methods and geometries.

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Biological research survey for the efficient conversion of biomass to biofuels

Kent, Michael S.; Andrews, Katherine M.

The purpose of this four-week late start LDRD was to assess the current status of science and technology with regard to the production of biofuels. The main focus was on production of biodiesel from nonpetroleum sources, mainly vegetable oils and algae, and production of bioethanol from lignocellulosic biomass. One goal was to assess the major technological hurdles for economic production of biofuels for these two approaches. Another goal was to compare the challenges and potential benefits of the two approaches. A third goal was to determine areas of research where Sandia's unique technical capabilities can have a particularly strong impact in these technologies.

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Adsorption of myoglobin to Cu(II)-IDA and Ni(II)-IDA functionalized langmuir monolayers: Study of the protein layer structure during the adsorption process by neutron and X-ray reflectivity


Kent, Michael S.; Yim, Hyun Y.; Sasaki, Darryl Y.; Satija, Sushil; Seo, Young S.; Majewski, J.

The structure and orientation of adsorbed myoglobin as directed by metal-histidine complexation at the liquid-film interface was studied as a function of time using neutron and X-ray reflectivity (NR and XR, respectively). In this system, adsorption is due to the interaction between iminodiacetate (IDA)-chelated divalent metal ions Ni(II) and Cu(II) and histidine moieties at the outer surface of the protein. Adsorption was examined under conditions of constant area per lipid molecule at an initial pressure of 40 mN/m. Adsorption occurred over a time period of about 15 h, allowing detailed characterization of the layer structure throughout the process. The layer thickness and the in-plane averaged segment volume fraction were obtained at roughly 40 min intervals by NR. The binding constant of histidine with Cu(II)-IDA is known to be about four times greater than that of histidine with Ni(II)-IDA. The difference in interaction energy led to significant differences in the structure of the adsorbed layer. For Cu(II)-IDA, the thickness of the adsorbed layer at low protein coverage was ≤20 Å and the thickness increased almost linearly with increasing coverage to 42 Å. For Ni(II)-IDA, the thickness at low coverage was ∼38 Å and increased gradually with coverage to 47 Å. The in-plane averaged segment volume fraction of the adsorbed layer independently confirmed a thinner layer at low coverage for Cu(II)-IDA. These structural differences at the early stages are discussed in terms of either different preferred orientations for isolated chains in the two cases or more extensive conformational changes upon adsorption in the case of Cu(II)-IDA. Subphase dilution experiments provided additional insight, indicating that the adsorbed layer was not in equilibrium with the bulk solution even at low coverages for both IDA-chelated metal ions. We conclude that the weight of the evidence favors the interpretation based on more extensive conformational changes upon adsorption to Cu(II)-IDA. © 2005 American Chemical Society.

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Hygrothermal degradation of (3-glycidoxypropyl)trimethoxysilane films studied by neutron and X-ray reflectivity and attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy


Yim, Hyun Y.; Kent, Michael S.; Tallant, David T.; Garcia, Manuel J.; Majewski, J.

The chemical and structural changes within thin films of (3-glycidoxypropyl)trimethoxysilane (GPS) after exposure for various periods of time to air saturated with either D 2O or H 2O at 80°C were studied. The X-ray and neutron reflectivity (XR and NR), combined wuth attenuated total reflection infrared (ATR-IR) spectroscopy were used. The chemical degradation mechanism was identified by IR as hydrolysis of siloxane bonds. GPS films were prepared by dip-coating, which resulted in a greater and more variable thickness than for the spin-coated samples, for ATR-IR. The little changes in the reflectivity data was observed for films conditioned with D 2O at 80°C for one month.

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Combined surface analytical methods to characterize degradative processes in anti-stiction films in MEMS devices

Zavadil, Kevin R.; Ohlhausen, J.A.; Hankins, M.G.; Kent, Michael S.; Tallant, David T.

The performance and reliability of microelectromechanical (MEMS) devices can be highly dependent on the control of the surface energetics in these structures. Examples of this sensitivity include the use of surface modifying chemistries to control stiction, to minimize friction and wear, and to preserve favorable electrical characteristics in surface micromachined structures. Silane modification of surfaces is one classic approach to controlling stiction in Si-based devices. The time-dependent efficacy of this modifying treatment has traditionally been evaluated by studying the impact of accelerated aging on device performance and conducting subsequent failure analysis. Our interest has been in identifying aging related chemical signatures that represent the early stages of processes like silane displacement or chemical modification that eventually lead to device performance changes. We employ a series of classic surface characterization techniques along with multivariate statistical methods to study subtle changes in the silanized silicon surface and relate these to degradation mechanisms. Examples include the use of spatially resolved time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometric, photoelectron spectroscopic, photoluminescence imaging, and scanning probe microscopic techniques to explore the penetration of water through a silane monolayer, the incorporation of contaminant species into a silane monolayer, and local displacement of silane molecules from the Si surface. We have applied this analytical methodology at the Si coupon level up to MEMS devices. This approach can be generalized to other chemical systems to address issues of new materials integration into micro- and nano-scale systems.

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Temperature-dependent conformational changes of PNIPAM grafted chains in water : effects of molecular weight and grafting density

Kent, Michael S.; Yim, Hyun Y.

Poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide) (PNIPAM) is perhaps the most well known member of the class of responsive polymers. Free PNIPAM chains have a lower critical solution temperature in water at {approx}31 C. This very sharp transition ({approx}5 C) is attributed to alterations in the hydrogen bonding interactions of the amide group. Grafted chains of PNIPAM have shown promise for creating responsive surfaces. Examples include controlling the adsorption of proteins or bacteria, regulating the flow of liquids in narrow filaments or mesoporous materials, control of enzymatic activity, and releasing the contents of liposomes. Conformational changes of the polymer are likely to play a role in some of these applications, in addition to changes in local interactions. In this work we investigated the T-dependent conformational changes of grafted PNIPAM chains in D2O using neutron reflection and AFM. The molecular weight (M) and surface density of the PNIPAM brushes were controlled using atom-transfer radical polymerization. We discovered a strong effect of surface density. At lower surface densities, in the range typically achieved with grafting-to methods, we observed very little conformational change. At higher surface densities, significant changes with T were observed. The results will be compared with numerical SCF calculations employing an effective (conc.-dependent) Flory-Huggins chi parameter extracted from the solution phase diagram. For the case of high M and high surface density, a non-monotonic change in profile shape with T was observed. This will be discussed in the context of vertical phase separation predicted for brushes of water-soluble polymers within two-state models.

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Using self-assembling monolayers to study crack initiation in epoxy/silicon joints

Journal of Materials Research

Kent, Michael S.; Reedy, Earl D.; Yim, Hyun Y.; Matheson, A.; Sorenson, J.; Hall, J.; Schubert, K.; Tallant, David T.; Garcia, Manuel J.; Ohlhausen, T.; Assink, R.

The effect of the density and in-plane distribution of interfacial interactions on crack initiation in an epoxy-silicon joint was studied in nominally pure shear loading. Well-defined combinations of strong (specific) and weak (nonspecific) interactions were created using self-assembling monolayers. The in-plane distribution of strong and weak interactions was varied by employing two deposition methods: depositing mixtures of molecules with different terminal groups resulting in a nominally random distribution, and depositing methyl-terminated molecules in domains defined lithographically with the remaining area interacting through strong acid-base interactions. The two distributions lead to very different fracture behavior. For the case of the methyl-terminated domains (50 μm on a side) fabricated lithographically, the joint shear strength varies almost linearly with the area fraction of strongly interacting sites. From this we infer that cracks nucleate on or near the interface over nearly the entire range of bonded area fraction and do so at nearly the same value of local stress (load/bonded area). We postulate that the imposed heterogeneity in interfacial interactions results in heterogeneous stress and strain fields within the epoxy in close proximity to the interface. Simply, the bonded areas carry load while the methyl terminated domains carry negligible load. Stress is amplified adjacent to the well-bonded regions (and reduced adjacent to the poorly bonded regions), and this leads to crack initiation by plastic deformation and chain scission within the epoxy near the interface. For the case of mixed monolayers, the dependence is entirely different. At low areal density of strongly interacting sites, the joint shear strength is below the detection limit of our transducer for a significant range of mixed monolayer composition. With increasing density of strongly interacting sites, a sharp increase in joint shear strength occurs at a methyl terminated area fraction of roughly 0.90. We postulate that this coincides with the onset of yielding in the epoxy. For methyl-terminated area fractions less than 0.85, the joint shear strength becomes independent of the interfacial interactions. This indicates that fracture no longer initiates on the interface but away from the interface by a competing mechanism, likely plastic deformation and chain scission within the bulk epoxy. The data demonstrate that the in-plane distribution of interaction sites alone can affect the location of crack nucleation and the far-field stress required.

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Analysis of myoglobin adsorption to Cu(II)-IDA and Ni(II)-IDA functionalized langmuir monolayers by neutron and x-ray grazing incidence techniques

Kent, Michael S.; Yim, Hyun Y.; Sasaki, Darryl Y.

The adsorption of myoglobin to Langmuir monolayers of a metal-chelating lipid in crystalline phase was studied using neutron and X-ray reflectivity (NR and XR) and grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXD). In this system, adsorption is due to the interaction between chelated divalent copper or nickel ions and the histidine moieties at the outer surface of the protein. The binding interaction of histidine with the Ni-IDA complex is known to be much weaker than that with Cu-IDA. Adsorption was examined under conditions of constant surface area with an initial pressure of 40 mN/m. After {approx}12 h little further change in reflectivity was detected, although the surface pressure continued to slowly increase. For chelated Cu{sup 2+} ions, the adsorbed layer structure in the final state was examined for bulk myoglobin concentrations of 0.10 and 10 {micro}M. For the case of 10 {micro}M, the final layer thickness was 43 {angstrom}. This corresponds well to the two thicker dimensions of myoglobin in the native state (44 {angstrom} x 44 {angstrom} x 25 {angstrom}) and so is consistent with an end-on orientation for this disk-shaped protein at high packing density. However, the final average volume fraction of amino acid segments in the layer was 0.55, which is substantially greater than the value of 0.44 calculated for a completed monolayer from the crystal structure. This suggests an alternative interpretation based on denaturation. GIXD was used to follow the effect of protein binding on the crystalline packing of the lipids and to check for crystallinity within the layer of adsorbed myoglobin. Despite the strong adsorption of myoglobin, very little change was observed in the structure of the DSIDA film. There was no direct evidence in the XR or GIXD for peptide insertion into the lipid tail region. Also, no evidence for in-plane crystallinity within the adsorbed layer of myoglobin was observed. For 0.1 {micro}M bulk myoglobin concentration, the average segment volume fraction was only 0.13 and the layer thickness was {le}25 {angstrom}. Adsorption of myoglobin to DSIDA-loaded with Ni{sup 2+} was examined at bulk concentrations of 10 and 50 {micro}M. At 10 {micro}M myoglobin, the adsorbed amount was comparable to that obtained for adsorption to Cu{sup 2+}-loaded DSIDA monolayers at 0.1 {micro}M. But interestingly, the adsorbed layer thickness was 38 {angstrom}, substantially greater than that obtained at low coverage with Cu-IDA. This indicates that either there are different preferred orientations for isolated myoglobin molecules adsorbed to Cu-IDA and Ni-IDA monolayer films or else myoglobin denatures to a different extent in the two cases. Either interpretation can be explained by the very different binding energies for individual interactions in the two cases. At 50 {micro}M myoglobin, the thickness and segement volume fraction in the adsorbed layer for Ni-IDA were comparable to the values obtained with Cu-IDA at 10 {micro}M myoglobin.

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Resolving fundamental limits of adhesive bonding in microfabrication

Giunta, Rachel K.; Frischknecht, Amalie F.; Galloway, Stacie G.; Giunta, Rachel K.; Emerson, John A.; Lamppa, Kerry P.; Kent, Michael S.; Weems, Jessica S.; Read, Douglas R.; Adkins, Douglas R.

As electronic and optical components reach the micro- and nanoscales, efficient assembly and packaging require the use of adhesive bonds. This work focuses on resolving several fundamental issues in the transition from macro- to micro- to nanobonding. A primary issue is that, as bondline thicknesses decrease, knowledge of the stability and dewetting dynamics of thin adhesive films is important to obtain robust, void-free adhesive bonds. While researchers have studied dewetting dynamics of thin films of model, non-polar polymers, little experimental work has been done regarding dewetting dynamics of thin adhesive films, which exhibit much more complex behaviors. In this work, the areas of dispensing small volumes of viscous materials, capillary fluid flow, surface energetics, and wetting have all been investigated. By resolving these adhesive-bonding issues, we are allowing significantly smaller devices to be designed and fabricated. Simultaneously, we are increasing the manufacturability and reliability of these devices.

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The effects of silane network structure on their resistance to water-assisted crack growth

Proposed for publication in Langmuir.

Kent, Michael S.; Yim, Hyun Y.; Kent, Michael S.; Weems, Jessica S.

Silane adhesion promoters are commonly used to improve the adhesion, durability, and corrosion resistance of polymer-oxide interfaces. The current study investigates a model interface consisting of the natural oxide of 100 Si and an epoxy cured from diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA) and triethylenetetraamine (TETA). The thickness of (3-glycidoxypropyl)trimethoxysilane (GPS) films placed between the two materials provided the structural variable. Five surface treatments were investigated: a bare interface, a rough monolayer film, a smooth monolayer film, a 5 nm thick film, and a 10 nm thick film. Previous neutron reflection experiments revealed large extension ratios (>2) when the 5 and 10 nm thick GPS films were exposed to deuterated nitrobenzene vapor. Despite the larger extension ratio for the 5 nm thick film, the epoxy/Si fracture energy (G{sub c}) was equal to that of the 10 nm thick film under ambient conditions. Even the smooth monolayer exhibited the same G{sub c}. Only when the monolayer included a significant number of agglomerates did the G{sub c} drop to levels closer to that of the bare interface. When immersed in water at room temperature for 1 week, the threshold energy release rate (G{sub th}) was nearly equal to G{sub c} for the smooth monolayer, 5 nm thick film, and 10 nm thick film. While the G{sub th} for all three films decreased with increasing water temperature, the G{sub th} of the smooth monolayer decreased more rapidly. The bare interface was similarly sensitive to temperature; however, the G{sub th} of the rough monolayer did not change significantly as the temperature was raised. Despite the influence of pH on hydrolysis, the G{sub th} was insensitive to the pH of the water for all surface treatments.

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Temperature-dependent conformational change of PNIPAM grafted chains at high surface density in water

Proposed for publication in Macromolecules.

Kent, Michael S.; Yim, Hyun Y.; Kent, Michael S.; Mendez, Sergio M.

Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) exhibits a lower critical solution temperature (LCST) of {approx}30 C in water that is attributed to alterations in the hydrogen-bonding interactions of the amide group. PNIPAM in various forms has been explored for a variety of applications including controlled drug delivery, solute separation, tissue culture substrates, and controlling the adsorption of proteins, blood cells, and bacteria. Grafting PNIPAM onto surfaces is a promising strategy for creating responsive surfaces, since the physical properties of PNIPAM are readily controlled by changing the temperature. Considerable effort has been devoted to studying variations in chain conformations with temperature (T) in PNIPAM-based materials. Kubota et al. studied conformational changes of PNIPAM free chains with temperature for molecular weights ranging from 1.63 x 10{sup 6} to 2.52 x 10{sup 7} g/mol (M{sub w}/M{sub n} > 1.3) in water using laser light scattering. They reported a decrease in the radius of gyration (R{sub g}) as the solution temperature increased above the LCST. The magnitude of the effect was more pronounced with increasing molecular weight, ranging up to a factor of two for the highest molecular weight sample. In a similar study, Wu et al. observed a decrease in R{sub g} of a factor of seven for a high molecular weight PNIPAM sample with very low polydispersity (M{sub w} = 1.3 x 10{sup 7} g/mol, M{sub w}/M{sub n} < 1.05). Regarding grafted PNIPAM chains, Kidoaki et al. recently employed an iniferter-based graft polymerization method to generate a dense, high molecular weight brush and reported changes in the thickness measured by AFM. The thickness of the grafted layer was obtained from AFM images of the boundary between grafted and nongrafted (ablated by laser light) regions. They found that the swollen film thickness decreased by a factor of {approx}2 with increasing temperature from 25 to 40 C for samples with a range of dry film thickness from 250 to 1500 {angstrom}. More recently, Balamurugan et al. used surface plasmon resonance (SPR) to probe conformational changes in a PNIPAM brush grafted onto a gold layer by atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP). For a sample with a dry film thickness of 517 {angstrom}, the SPR measurements indicated a significant contraction (extension of the layer with increasing/decreasing) temperature through the transition. Quantification of the change in profile characteristics was not reported, but it was noted that the change in the SPR signal occurred over a much broader range of temperature (15-35 C) than is typical of the transition for free chains in bulk solution. No systematic study of detailed PNIPAM chain conformations has yet been reported as a function of the two critical brush parameters, the surface density and molecular weight. A recent theoretical analysis by Baulin and Halperin has identified the surface density as a critical parameter demarcating different regimes of behavior. This arises from the concentration dependence of the Flory {chi} parameter as obtained from a recent phase behavior study of free chains in solution. Little attention has been paid to the surface density in previous experimental studies of grafted PNIPAM chains. We have begun a systematic study of the temperature-dependent conformational changes of PNIPAM grafted chains in water as a function of surface density and molecular weight using neutron reflection (NR). In previous work, we investigated the conformational changes of PNIPAM chains tethered to silicon oxide using two methods. The first was the 'grafting from' method in which N-isopropylacrylamide monomers were polymerized from the silicon surface with a chain transfer, free-radical technique. In the second method, preformed PNIPAM chains with carboxylic acid end groups associated with terminal hydroxyl groups of a mixed self-assembling monolayer. Detailed concentration profiles of the PNIPAM brushes were determined in D{sub 2}O as a function of temperature and also in d-acetone at room temperature. Profiles were obtained in the two solvents in order to investigate the role of the solvent in mediating interactions. The profiles in D{sub 2}O were bilayers, composed of a very thin layer with higher concentration at the surface and a low concentration layer extending well into the subphase. The very thin, higher concentration surface layer was attributed to attractive segment-surface interactions. The profiles in acetone were smoothly decaying single-layer profiles. The low segment concentration at the surface in acetone indicated that the surface density of these brushes was rather low. The dry film thicknesses were less than 40 {angstrom}, much lower than in the study of Kidoaki et al. On the basis of the molecular weights and dry film thicknesses, the surface density ({sigma}, chains/{angstrom}{sup 2}) ranged from 1 x 10{sup -4} to 2 x 10{sup -4} for those samples.

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Analysis of myoglobin adsorption to Cu(II)-IDA functionalized Langmuir monolayers by grazing incidence neutron and x-ray techniques

Proposed for publication in Biophysical Journal.

Kent, Michael S.; Kent, Michael S.; Yim, Hyun Y.; Sasaki, Darryl Y.

The adsorption of myoglobin to Langmuir monolayers of a metal-chelating lipid in crystalline phase was studied using neutron and X-ray reflectivity (NR and XR) and grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXD). In this system, adsorption is due to the interaction between chelated divalent copper or nickel ions and the histidine moieties at the outer surface of the protein. The binding interaction of histidine with the Ni-IDA complex is known to be much weaker than that with Cu-IDA. Adsorption was examined under conditions of constant surface area with an initial pressure of 40 mN/m. After {approx}12 h little further change in reflectivity was detected, although the surface pressure continued to slowly increase. For chelated Cu{sup 2+} ions, the adsorbed layer structure in the final state was examined for bulk myoglobin concentrations of 0.10 and 10 {micro}M. For the case of 10 {micro}M, the final layer thickness was {approx}43 {angstrom}. This corresponds well to the two thicker dimensions of myoglobin in the native state (44 {angstrom} x 44 {angstrom} x 25 {angstrom}) and so is consistent with an end-on orientation for this disk-shaped protein at high packing density. However, the final average volume fraction of amino acid segments in the layer was 0.55, which is substantially greater than the value of 0.44 calculated for a completed monolayer from the crystal structure. This suggests an alternative interpretation based on denaturation. GIXD was used to follow the effect of protein binding on the crystalline packing of the lipids and to check for crystallinity within the layer of adsorbed myoglobin. Despite the strong adsorption of myoglobin, very little change was observed in the structure of the DSIDA film. There was no direct evidence in the XR or GIXD for peptide insertion into the lipid tail region. Also, no evidence for in-plane crystallinity within the adsorbed layer of myoglobin was observed. For 0.1 {micro}M bulk myoglobin concentration, the average segment volume fraction was only 0.13 and the layer thickness was {le} 25 {angstrom}. Adsorption of myoglobin to DSIDA-loaded with Ni{sup 2+} was examined at bulk concentrations of 10 and 50 {micro}M. At 10 {micro}M myoglobin, the adsorbed amount was comparable to that obtained for adsorption to Cu{sup 2+}-loaded DSIDA monolayers at 0.1 {micro}M. But interestingly, the adsorbed layer thickness was 38 {angstrom}, substantially greater than that obtained at low coverage with Cu-IDA. This indicates that either there are different preferred orientations for isolated myoglobin molecules adsorbed to Cu-IDA and Ni-IDA monolayer films or else myoglobin denatures to a different extent in the two cases. Either interpretation can be explained by the very different binding energies for individual interactions in the two cases. At 50 {micro}M myoglobin, the thickness and segement volume fraction in the adsorbed layer for Ni-IDA were comparable to the values obtained with Cu-IDA at 10 {micro}M myoglobin.

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Switchable Hydrophobic-Hydrophilic Surfaces

Bunker, B.C.; Huber, Dale L.; Kent, Michael S.; Yim, Hyun Y.; Curro, John G.; Manginell, Ronald P.; Mendez, Sergio M.

Tethered films of poly n-isopropylacrylamide (PNIPAM) films have been developed as materials that can be used to switch the chemistry of a surface in response to thermal activation. In water, PNIPAM exhibits a thermally-activated phase transition that is accompanied by significant changes in polymer volume, water contact angle, and protein adsorption characteristics. New synthesis routes have been developed to prepare PNIPAM films via in-situ polymerization on self-assembled monolayers. Swelling transitions in tethered films have been characterized using a wide range of techniques including surface plasmon resonance, attenuated total reflectance infrared spectroscopy, interfacial force microscopy, neutron reflectivity, and theoretical modeling. PNIPAM films have been deployed in integrated microfluidic systems. Switchable PNIPAM films have been investigated for a range of fluidic applications including fluid pumping via surface energy switching and switchable protein traps for pre-concentrating and separating proteins on microfluidic chips.

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Use of self assembled monolayers at variable coverage to control interface bonding in a model study of interfacial fracture: Pure shear loading

Journal of Adhesion

Kent, Michael S.; Yim, Hyun Y.; Reedy, Earl D.

The relationships between fundamental interfacial interactions, energy dissipation mechanisms, and fracture stress or fracture toughness in a glassy thermoset/inorganic solid joint are not well understood. This subject is addressed with a model system involving an epoxy adhesive on a polished silicon wafer containing its native oxide. The proportions of physical and chemical interactions at the interface, and the in-plane distribution, are varied using self-assembling monolayers of octadecyltrichlorosilane (ODTS). The epoxy interacts strongly with the bare silicon oxide surface, but forms only a very weak interface with the methylated tails of the ODTS monolayer. The fracture stress is examined as a function of ODTS coverage in the napkin-ring (pure shear) loading geometry. The relationship between fracture stress and ODTS coverage is catastrophic, with a large change in fracture stress occurring over a narrow range of ODTS coverage. This transition in fracture stress does not correspond to a wetting transition of the epoxy. Rather, the transition in fracture stress corresponds to the onset of deformation in the epoxy, or the transition from brittle to ductile fracture. The authors postulate that the transition in fracture stress occurs when the local stress that the interface can support becomes comparable to the yield stress of the epoxy. The fracture results are independent of whether the ODTS deposition occurs by island growth (T{sub dep} = 10 C) or by homogeneous growth (T{sub dep} = 24 C).

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Use of self-assembled monolayers to control interface bonding in a model study of interfacial fracture

Kent, Michael S.; Yim, Hyun Y.; Reedy, Earl D.

The relationship between the nature and spatial distribution of fundamental interfacial interactions and fracture stress/fracture toughness of a glassy adhesive-inorganic solid joint is not understood. This relationship is important from the standpoint of designing interfacial chemistry sufficient to provide the level of mechanical strength required for a particular application. In addition, it is also important for understanding the effects of surface contamination. Different types of contamination, or different levels of contamination, likely impact joint strength in different ways. Furthermore, the relationship is also important from the standpoint of aging. If interfacial chemical bonds scission over time due to the presence of a contaminant such as water, or exposure to UV, etc, the relationship between joint strength/fracture toughness and interface strength is important for predicting reliability with time. A fundamental understanding of the relationship between joint strength and fundamental interfacial interactions will give insight into these issues.

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Structure within thin epoxy films revealed by solvent swelling: A neutron reflectivity study

Kent, Michael S.; Yim, Hyun Y.; McNamara, William F.

The focus of this work is the structure within highly crosslinked, two component epoxy films. The authors examine variations in crosslink density within thin epoxy films on silicon substrates by solvent swelling. The method is based on the fact that the equilibrium volume fraction of a swelling solvent is strongly dependent upon the local crosslink density. The authors examine the volume fraction profile of the good solvent nitrobenzene through the epoxy films by neutron reflection. Isotopic substitution is used to provide contrast between the epoxy matrix and the swelling solvent.

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Molecular-To-Continuum Fracture Analysis of Thermosetting Polymer/Solid Interfaces

Kent, Michael S.; Reedy, Earl D.; Stevens, Mark J.

This report focuses on the relationship between the fundamental interactions acting across an interface and macroscopic engineering observable such as fracture toughness or fracture stress. The work encompasses experiment, theory, and simulation. The model experimental system is epoxy on polished silicon. The interfacial interactions between the substrate and the adhesive are varied continuously using self-assembling monolayer. Fracture is studied in two specimen geometries: a napkin-ring torsion geometry and a double cantilevered beam specimen. Analysis and modeling involves molecular dynamics simulations and continuum mechanics calculations. Further insight is gained from analysis of measurements in the literature of direct force measurements for various fundamental interactions. In the napkin-ring test, the data indicate a nonlinear relationship between interface strength and fracture stress. In particular, there is an abrupt transition in fracture stress which corresponds to an adhesive-to-cohesive transition. Such nonlinearity is not present in the MD simulations on the tens-of-nanometer scale, which suggests that the nonlinearity comes from bulk material deformation occurring on much larger length scales. We postulate that the transition occurs when the interface strength becomes comparable to the yield stress of the material. This postulate is supported by variation observed in the fracture stress curve with test temperature. Detailed modeling of the stress within the sample has not yet been attempted. In the DCB test, the relationship between interface strength and fracture toughness is also nonlinear, but the fracture mechanisms are quite different. The fracture does not transition from adhesive to cohesive, but remains adhesive over the entire range of interface strength. This specimen is modeled quantitatively by combining (i) continuum calculations relating fracture toughness to the stress at 90 {angstrom} from the crack tip, and (ii) a relationship from molecular simulations between fracture stress on a {approx} 90 {angstrom} scale and the fraction of surface sites which chemically bond. The resulting relationship between G{sub c} and fraction of bonding sites is then compared to the experimental data. This first order model captures the nonlinearity in the experimentally-determined relationship. A much more extensive comparison is needed (calculations extending to higher G{sub c} values, experimental data extending to lower G{sub c} values) to guide further model development.

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60 Results
60 Results