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Development of a hydrogen catalytic heater for heating metal hydride hydrogen storage systems

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

Johnson, Terry A.; Kanouff, Michael P.

This paper describes the design, fabrication and performance evaluation of a high efficiency, compact heater that uses the catalytic oxidation of hydrogen to provide heat to a hydrogen storage system. The heater was designed to transfer up to 30 kW of heat from the catalytic reaction to the hydrogen storage system via a recirculating heat transfer fluid. The catalytic heater consists of three main parts: 1) the reactor, 2) the gas heat recuperator, and 3) oil and gas flow distribution manifolds. The reactor and recuperator are integrated, compact, finned-plate heat exchangers to maximize heat transfer efficiency and minimize mass and volume. Detailed, three-dimensional, multi-physics computational models were used to design and optimize the system. At full power the heater was able to catalytically combust a 10% hydrogen/air mixture flowing at over 80 cubic feet per minute and transfer 30 kW of heat to a 30 gallon per minute flow of oil over a temperature range from 100 °C to 220 °C. The total efficiency of the catalytic heater, defined as the heat transferred to the oil divided by the inlet hydrogen chemical energy, was determined to exceed the design goal of 80% for oil temperatures from 60 °C to 165 °C. © 2011, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Model-based design of an automotive-scale, metal hydride hydrogen storage system

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

Johnson, Terry A.; Kanouff, Michael P.; Dedrick, Daniel E.; Evans, Gregory H.; Jorgensen, Scott W.

Sandia and General Motors have successfully designed, fabricated, and experimentally operated a vehicle-scale hydrogen storage demonstration system using sodium alanates. The demonstration system module design and the system control strategies were enabled by experiment-based, computational simulations that included heat and mass transfer coupled with chemical kinetics. Module heat exchange systems were optimized using multi-dimensional models of coupled fluid dynamics and heat transfer. Chemical kinetics models were coupled with both heat and mass transfer calculations to design the sodium alanate vessels. Fluid flow distribution was a key aspect of the design for the hydrogen storage modules and computational simulations were used to balance heat transfer with fluid pressure requirements. An overview of the hydrogen storage system will be given, and examples of these models and simulation results will be described and related to component design. In addition, comparisons of demonstration system experimental results to model predictions will be reported. © 2011, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Rapid hydrogen gas generation using reactive thermal decomposition of uranium hydride

Shugard, Andrew D.; Buffleben, George M.; Kanouff, Michael P.; Robinson, David R.; Mills, Bernice E.; Gharagozloo, Patricia E.; Van Blarigan, Peter V.

Oxygen gas injection has been studied as one method for rapidly generating hydrogen gas from a uranium hydride storage system. Small scale reactors, 2.9 g UH{sub 3}, were used to study the process experimentally. Complimentary numerical simulations were used to better characterize and understand the strongly coupled chemical and thermal transport processes controlling hydrogen gas liberation. The results indicate that UH{sub 3} and O{sub 2} are sufficiently reactive to enable a well designed system to release gram quantities of hydrogen in {approx} 2 seconds over a broad temperature range. The major system-design challenge appears to be heat management. In addition to the oxidation tests, H/D isotope exchange experiments were performed. The rate limiting step in the overall gas-to-particle exchange process was found to be hydrogen diffusion in the {approx}0.5 {mu}m hydride particles. The experiments generated a set of high quality experimental data; from which effective intra-particle diffusion coefficients can be inferred.

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Mitigation technologies for hydrogen storage systems based on reactive solids

Dedrick, Daniel E.; Cordaro, Joseph G.; Kanouff, Michael P.; Reeder, Craig R.; Pratt, Joseph W.

This paper describes mitigation technologies that are intended to enable the deployment of advanced hydrogen storage technologies for early market and automotive fuel cell applications. Solid State hydrogen storage materials provide an opportunity for a dramatic increase in gravimetric and volumetric energy storage density. Systems and technologies based on the advanced materials have been developed and demonstrated within the laboratory [1,2], and in some cases, integrated with fuel cell systems. The R&D community will continue to develop these technologies for an ever increasing market of fuel cell technologies, including, forklift, light-cart, APU, and automotive systems. Solid state hydrogen storage materials are designed and developed to readily release, and in some cases, react with diatomic hydrogen. This favorable behavior is often accomplished with morphology design (high surface area), catalytic additives (titanium for example), and high purity metals (such as aluminum, Lanthanum, or alkali metals). These favorable hydrogen reaction characteristics often have a related, yet less-desirable effect: sensitivity and reactivity during exposure to ambient contamination and out-of-design environmental conditions. Accident scenarios resulting in this less-favorable reaction behavior must also be managed by the system developer to enable technology deployment and market acceptance. Two important accident scenarios are identified through hazards and risk analysis methods. The first involves a breach in plumbing or tank resulting from a collision. The possible consequence of this scenario is analyzed though experimentally based chemical kinetic and transport modeling of metal hydride beds. An advancing reaction front between the metal hydride and ambient air is observed to proceed throughout the bed. This exothermic reaction front can result in loss of structural integrity of the containing vessel and lead to un-favorable overheating events. The second important accident scenario considered is a pool fire or impinging fire resulting from a collision between a hydrocarbon or hydrogen fueled vehicle. The possible consequence of this scenario is analyzed with experimentally-based numerical simulation of a metal hydride system. During a fire scenario, the hydrogen storage material will rapidly decompose and release hydrogen at high pressure. Accident scenarios initiated by a vehicular collision leading a pipe break or catastrophic failure of the hydride vessel and by external pool fire with flame engulfing the storage vessel are developed using probabilistic modeling. The chronology of events occurring subsequent to each accident initiator is detailed in the probabilistic models. Technology developed to manage these scenarios includes: (1) the use of polymer supports to reduce the extent and rate of reaction with air and water, (2) thermal radiation shielding. The polymer supported materials are demonstrated to provide mitigation of unwanted reaction while not impacting the hydrogen storage performance of the material. To mitigate the consequence of fire engulfment or impingement, thermal radiation shielding is considered to slow the rate of decomposition and delay the potential for loss-of-containment. In this paper we explore the use of these important mitigation technologies for a variety of accident scenarios.

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Performance characterization of a hydrogen catalytic heater

Johnson, Terry A.; Kanouff, Michael P.

This report describes the performance of a high efficiency, compact heater that uses the catalytic oxidation of hydrogen to provide heat to the GM Hydrogen Storage Demonstration System. The heater was designed to transfer up to 30 kW of heat from the catalytic reaction to a circulating heat transfer fluid. The fluid then transfers the heat to one or more of the four hydrogen storage modules that make up the Demonstration System to drive off the chemically bound hydrogen. The heater consists of three main parts: (1) the reactor, (2) the gas heat recuperator, and (3) oil and gas flow distribution manifolds. The reactor and recuperator are integrated, compact, finned-plate heat exchangers to maximize heat transfer efficiency and minimize mass and volume. Detailed, three-dimensional, multi-physics computational models were used to design and optimize the system. At full power the heater was able to catalytically combust a 10% hydrogen/air mixture flowing at over 80 cubic feet per minute and transfer 30 kW of heat to a 30 gallon per minute flow of oil over a temperature range from 100 C to 220 C. The total efficiency of the catalytic heater, defined as the heat transferred to the oil divided by the inlet hydrogen chemical energy, was characterized and methods for improvement were investigated.

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Parameter study of a vehicle-scale hydrogen storage system

Johnson, Terry A.; Kanouff, Michael P.

Sandia National Laboratories has developed a vehicle-scale prototype hydrogen storage system as part of a Work For Others project funded by General Motors. This Demonstration System was developed using the complex metal hydride sodium alanate. For the current work, we have continued our evaluation of the GM Demonstration System to provide learning to DOE's hydrogen storage programs, specifically the new Hydrogen Storage Engineering Center of Excellence. Baseline refueling data during testing for GM was taken over a narrow range of optimized parameter values. Further testing was conducted over a broader range. Parameters considered included hydrogen pressure and coolant flow rate. This data confirmed the choice of design pressure of the Demonstration System, but indicated that the system was over-designed for cooling. Baseline hydrogen delivery data was insufficient to map out delivery rate as a function of temperature and capacity for the full-scale system. A more rigorous matrix of tests was performed to better define delivery capabilities. These studies were compared with 1-D and 2-D coupled multi-physics modeling results. The relative merits of these models are discussed along with opportunities for improved efficiency or reduced mass and volume.

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System level permeability modeling of porous hydrogen storage materials

Dedrick, Daniel E.; Kanouff, Michael P.

A permeability model for hydrogen transport in a porous material is successfully applied to both laboratory-scale and vehicle-scale sodium alanate hydrogen storage systems. The use of a Knudsen number dependent relationship for permeability of the material in conjunction with a constant area fraction channeling model is shown to accurately predict hydrogen flow through the reactors. Generally applicable model parameters were obtained by numerically fitting experimental measurements from reactors of different sizes and aspect ratios. The degree of channeling was experimentally determined from the measurements and found to be 2.08% of total cross-sectional area. Use of this constant area channeling model and the Knudsen dependent Young & Todd permeability model allows for accurate prediction of the hydrogen uptake performance of full-scale sodium alanate and similar metal hydride systems.

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High rate gas dosing for tip based nanofabrication processes

Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures

Kanouff, Michael P.; Randall, J.N.; Nadesalingham, M.; Kirk, W.P.; Wallace, R.M.

Tip based nanofabrication (TBN) processes promise unprecedented degrees of control and precision for the manufacture of nanostructured materials and devices. These processes use atomic force microscope or scanning tunneling microscope tips to create localized electric fields, electron beams, and other catalyzing conditions to control and detect the position, size, dimension, and orientation of nanostructures. Tip based approaches have deposited metals, oxides, and organic molecules to name a few. Often, a gas phase precursor is required to provide the material for the deposit. The TBN conditions for gas dosing are unique compared to other fabrication processes, e.g., chemical vapor deposition. The manufacture of precision nanostructures requires a contamination-free environment, and hence ultrahigh vacuum conditions must be maintained in the chamber. This can cause a gas jet from a doser to spread into a wide fan resulting in a small precursor flux with a broad distribution. This makes it difficult to meet the large fabrication rates desired for TBN. Ideally, gas dosing would promote rapid deposition rates while limiting the chamber pressure by creating a focused gas jet that is restricted to the intended fabrication area. Continuum gas dynamics and direct simulation Monte Carlo calculations were used to study the effect of design and operational parameters on gas doser performance. The source pressure, doser design, and operating conditions are shown to affect the flux distribution at the substrate. The calculated results are compared to experimental measurements. A novel gas doser design was identified and its performance predicted. © 2009 American Vacuum Society.

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Separation and concentration of water-borne contaminants utilizing insulator-based dielectrophoresis

Davalos, Rafael V.; Fiechtner, Gregory J.; Kanouff, Michael P.; Fintschenko, Yolanda F.; Salmi, Allen J.; Ceremuga, Joseph T.

This report focuses on and presents the capabilities of insulator-based dielectrophoresis (iDEP) microdevices for the concentration and removal of water-borne bacteria, spores and inert particles. The dielectrophoretic behavior exhibited by the different particles of interest (both biological and inert) in each of these systems was observed to be a function of both the applied electric field and the characteristics of the particle, such as size, shape, and conductivity. The results obtained illustrate the potential of glass and polymer-based iDEP devices to act as a concentrator for a front-end device with significant homeland security and industrial applications for the threat analysis of bacteria, spores, and viruses. We observed that the polymeric devices exhibit the same iDEP behavior and efficacy in the field of use as their glass counterparts, but with the added benefit of being easily mass fabricated and developed in a variety of multi-scale formats that will allow for the realization of a truly high-throughput device. These results also demonstrate that the operating characteristics of the device can be tailored through the device fabrication technique utilized and the magnitude of the electric field gradient created within the insulating structures. We have developed systems capable of handling numerous flow rates and sample volume requirements, and have produced a deployable system suitable for use in any laboratory, industrial, or clinical setting.

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Bioaerosol collection and concentration for microseparations-based detectors

Wally, Karl W.; Rader, Daniel J.; Kanouff, Michael P.; Cummings, Eric B.

The ability to detect Weapons of Mass Destruction biological agents rapidly and sensitively is vital to homeland security, spurring development of compact detection systems at Sandia and elsewhere. One such system is Sandia's microseparations-based pChemLab. Many bio-agents are serious health threats even at extremely low concentrations. Therefore, a universal challenge for detection systems is the efficient collection and selective transport of highly diffuse bio-agents against the enormous background of benign particles and species ever present in the ambient environment. We have investigated development of a ''front end'' system for the collection, preconcentration, and selective transport of aerosolized biological agents from dilute (1-10 active particles per liter of air) atmospheric samples, to ultimate concentrations of {approx}20 active particles per microliter of liquid, for interface with microfluidic-based analyses and detection systems. Our approach employs a Sandia-developed aerosol particle-focusing microseparator array to focus size-selected particles into a mating microimpinger array of open microfluidic transport channels. Upon collection (i.e., impingement, submergence, and liquid suspension), microfluidic dielectrophoretic particle concentrators and sorters can be employed to further concentrate and selectively transport bio-agent particles to the sample preparation stages of microfluidic analyses and detection systems. This report documents results in experimental testing, modeling and analysis, component design, and materials fabrication critical to establishing proof-of-principle for this collection ''front end''. Outstanding results have been achieved for the aerodynamic microseparator, and for the post-collection dielectrophoretic concentrator and sorter. Results have been obtained for the microimpinger, too, but issues of particle-trapping by surface tension in liquid surfaces have proven difficult. Subsequent particle submergence into liquid suspension for microfluidic transport has been demonstrated only inefficiently despite significant and varied effort. Importantly, the separate technologies whose development is described, (inertial microseparator, dielectrophoretic corduroy concentrator/sorter) should each, independently, prove greatly useful in a variety of additional applications.

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A capillary valve for microfluidic systems

Kanouff, Michael P.; Rush, Brian M.; Cummings, Eric B.

Microfluidic systems are becoming increasingly complicated as the number of applications grows. The use of microfluidic systems for chemical and biological agent detection, for example, requires that a given sample be subjected to many process steps, which requires microvalves to control the position and transport of the sample. Each microfluidic application has its own specific valve requirements and this has precipitated the wide variety of valve designs reported in the literature. Each of these valve designs has its strengths and weaknesses. The strength of the valve design proposed here is its simplicity, which makes it easy to fabricate, easy to actuate, and easy to integrate with a microfluidic system. It can be applied to either gas phase or liquid phase systems. This novel design uses a secondary fluid to stop the flow of the primary fluid in the system. The secondary fluid must be chosen based on the type of flow that it must stop. A dielectric fluid must be used for a liquid phase flow driven by electroosmosis, and a liquid with a large surface tension should be used to stop a gas phase flow driven by a weak pressure differential. Experiments were carried out investigating certain critical functions of the design. These experiments verified that the secondary fluid can be reversibly moved between its 'valve opened' and 'valve closed' positions, where the secondary fluid remained as one contiguous piece during this transport process. The experiments also verified that when Fluorinert is used as the secondary fluid, the valve can break an electric circuit. It was found necessary to apply a hydrophobic coating to the microchannels to stop the primary fluid, an aqueous electrolyte, from wicking past the Fluorinert and short-circuiting the valve. A simple model was used to develop valve designs that could be closed using an electrokinetic pump, and re-opened by simply turning the pump off and allowing capillary forces to push the secondary fluid back into its stowed position.

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21 Results
21 Results