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Quantum-Accurate Multiscale Modeling of Shock Hugoniots, Ramp Compression Paths, Structural and Magnetic Phase Transitions, and Transport Properties in Highly Compressed Metals

Wood, Mitchell A.; Nikolov, Svetoslav V.; Rohskopf, Andrew D.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Cangi, Attila C.; Tranchida, Julien T.

Fully characterizing high energy density (HED) phenomena using pulsed power facilities (Z machine) and coherent light sources is possible only with complementary numerical modeling for design, diagnostic development, and data interpretation. The exercise of creating numerical tests, that match experimental conditions, builds critical insight that is crucial for the development of a strong fundamental understanding of the physics behind HED phenomena and for the design of next generation pulsed power facilities. The persistence of electron correlation in HED ma- terials arising from Coulomb interactions and the Pauli exclusion principle is one of the greatest challenges for accurate numerical modeling and has hitherto impeded our ability to model HED phenomena across multiple length and time scales at sufficient accuracy. An exemplar is a fer- romagnetic material like iron, while familiar and widely used, we lack a simulation capability to characterize the interplay of structure and magnetic effects that govern material strength, ki- netics of phase transitions and other transport properties. Herein we construct and demonstrate the Molecular-Spin Dynamics (MSD) simulation capability for iron from ambient to earth core conditions, all software advances are open source and presently available for broad usage. These methods are multi-scale in nature, direct comparisons between high fidelity density functional the- ory (DFT) and linear-scaling MSD simulations is done throughout this work, with advancements made to MSD allowing for electronic structure changes being reflected in classical dynamics. Main takeaways for the project include insight into the role of magnetic spins on mechanical properties and thermal conductivity, development of accurate interatomic potentials paired with spin Hamil- tonians, and characterization of the high pressure melt boundary that is of critical importance to planetary modeling efforts.

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Data-driven magneto-elastic predictions with scalable classical spin-lattice dynamics

npj Computational Materials

Nikolov, Svetoslav V.; Wood, Mitchell A.; Cangi, Attila; Maillet, Jean B.; Marinica, Mihai C.; Thompson, Aidan P.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Tranchida, Julien G.

A data-driven framework is presented for building magneto-elastic machine-learning interatomic potentials (ML-IAPs) for large-scale spin-lattice dynamics simulations. The magneto-elastic ML-IAPs are constructed by coupling a collective atomic spin model with an ML-IAP. Together they represent a potential energy surface from which the mechanical forces on the atoms and the precession dynamics of the atomic spins are computed. Both the atomic spin model and the ML-IAP are parametrized on data from first-principles calculations. We demonstrate the efficacy of our data-driven framework across magneto-structural phase transitions by generating a magneto-elastic ML-IAP for α-iron. The combined potential energy surface yields excellent agreement with first-principles magneto-elastic calculations and quantitative predictions of diverse materials properties including bulk modulus, magnetization, and specific heat across the ferromagnetic–paramagnetic phase transition.

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Thermodynamics of the insulator-metal transition in dense liquid deuterium

Physical Review B

Desjarlais, Michael P.; Knudson, Marcus D.; Redmer, R.

Recent dynamic compression experiments [M. D. Knudson, Science 348, 1455 (2015)10.1126/science.aaa7471; P. M. Celliers, Science 361, 677 (2018)10.1126/science.aat0970] have observed the insulator-metal transition in dense liquid deuterium, but with an approximately 95-GPa difference in the quoted pressures for the transition at comparable estimated temperatures. It was claimed in the latter of these two papers that a very large latent heat effect on the temperature was overlooked in the first, requiring correction of those temperatures downward by a factor of 2, thereby putting both experiments on the same theoretical phase boundary and reconciling the pressure discrepancy. We have performed extensive path-integral molecular dynamics calculations with density functional theory to directly calculate the isentropic temperature drop due to latent heat in the insulator-metal transition for dense liquid deuterium and show that this large temperature drop is not consistent with the underlying thermodynamics.

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Sound velocity, shear modulus, and shock melting of beryllium along the Hugoniot

Physical Review B

McCoy, C.A.; Knudson, Marcus D.; Desjarlais, Michael P.

Magnetically launched flyer plates were used to investigate the shock response of beryllium between 90 and 300 GPa. Solid aluminum flyer plates drove steady shocks into polycrystalline beryllium to constrain the Hugoniot from 90 to 190 GPa. Multilayered copper/aluminum flyer plates generated a shock followed by an overtaking rarefaction which was used to determine the sound velocity in both solid and liquid beryllium between 130 and 300 GPa. Disappearance of the longitudinal wave was used to identify the onset of melt along the Hugoniot and measurements were compared to density functional theory calculations to explore the proposed hcp-bcc transition at high pressure. The onset of melt along the Hugoniot was identified at ∼205GPa, which is in good agreement with theoretical predictions. These results show no clear indication of an hcp-bcc transition prior to melt along the beryllium Hugoniot. Rather, the shear stress, determined from the release wave profiles, was found to gradually decrease with stress and eventually vanish at the onset of melt.

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Deuterium Hugoniot: Pitfalls of thermodynamic sampling beyond density functional theory

Physical Review B

Clay III, Raymond C.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Shulenburger, Luke N.

Outstanding problems in the high-pressure phase diagram of hydrogen have demonstrated the need for more accurate ab initio methods for thermodynamic sampling. One promising method that has been deployed extensively above 100 GPa is coupled electron-ion Monte Carlo (CEIMC), which treats the electronic structure with quantum Monte Carlo (QMC). However, CEIMC predictions of the deuterium principal Hugoniot disagree significantly with experiment, overshooting the experimentally determined peak compression density by 7% and lower temperature gas-gun data by well over 20%. By deriving an equation relating the predicted Hugoniot density to underlying equation of state errors, we show that QMC and many-body methods can easily spoil the error cancellation properties inherent in the Rankine-Hugoniot relation, and very likely suffer from error addition. By cross validating QMC based on systematically improvable trial functions against post-Hartree-Fock many-body methods, we find that these methods introduce errors of the right sign and magnitude to account for much of the observed discrepancy between CEIMC and experiment. We stress that this is not just a CEIMC problem, but that thermodynamic sampling based on other many-body methods is likely to experience similar difficulties.

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Ion current losses in the convolute and inner magnetically insulated transmission line of the Z machine

Physical Review Accelerators and Beams

Waisman, Eduardo M.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Cuneo, M.E.

We introduce a 1D planar static model to elucidate the underlying mechanism of large ion current losses in the vacuum convolute and the inner magnetically insulated transmission line (MITL) of the Z machine. We consider E × B electron flow, parallel to the electrodes, and ion motion across the vacuum gap, for given voltage V, gap distance d, anode magnetic field B a, and vacuum electron current Δ I. This model has been introduced and solved before by Desjarlais [Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 2295 (1987)] for the applied magnetic field ion diode. Here we apply it to convolute and inner MITL ion losses of Z, relaxing the fix magnetic flux condition of that reference. In the absence of ions we show that the electron vacuum flow must be close to the anode if its current exceeds the value given by the local flow impedance, implying high electric fields there. We then introduce space charge limited ion emission from the anode, neglecting the magnetic force on ions. We obtain the solution of the steady state equations for two special cases: (a) when both the electric potential and the electric field are zero inside the gap, and there is a layer of electrons not carrying current that neutralizes the ion charge between the virtual and the electrode cathode, making that region electric field free, and (b) when the electric field is zero inside the gap, but the potential is not, and zero electron charge between that point and the physical cathode. For case (a) we obtain an ion current density which we conjecture is the maximum attainable for any electron charge distribution in the electron current carrying layer, given V, d, Ba, Δ I an ion species. We obtain the enhancement factor for both cases with respect to the ion-only Child-Langmuir ion current density, and show that it can be significantly larger than that of the electron saturated flow case. Furthermore, imposing electron current conservation as the flow enters the inner MITL from the four outer MITLs, we recover the well-known dependence jion ~ V3/2 / d2, where voltage and gap are taken near the joining point of those outer MITLs. The implications and limitations of the proposed model are discussed.

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Electrical conductivity of SiO2 at extreme conditions and planetary dynamos

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Scipioni, Roberto; Stixrude, Lars; Desjarlais, Michael P.

Ab intio molecular dynamics simulations show that the electrical conductivity of liquid SiO2 is semimetallic at the conditions of the deep molten mantle of early Earth and super-Earths, raising the possibility of silicate dynamos in these bodies. Whereas the electrical conductivity increases uniformly with increasing temperature, it depends nonmonotonically on compression. At very high pressure, the electrical conductivity decreases on compression, opposite to the behavior of many materials. We show that this behavior is caused by a novel compression mechanism: the development of broken charge ordering, and its influence on the electronic band gap.

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Extension of the Hugoniot and analytical release model of α -quartz to 0.2-3 TPa

Journal of Applied Physics

Desjarlais, Michael P.; Knudson, Marcus D.; Cochrane, Kyle C.

In recent years, α-quartz has been used prolifically as an impedance matching standard in shock wave experiments in the multi-Mbar regime (1 Mbar = 100 GPa = 0.1 TPa). This is due to the fact that above ∼90-100 GPa along the principal Hugoniot α-quartz becomes reflective, and thus, shock velocities can be measured to high precision using velocity interferometry. The Hugoniot and release of α-quartz have been studied extensively, enabling the development of an analytical release model for use in impedance matching. However, this analytical release model has only been validated over a range of 300-1200 GPa (0.3-1.2 TPa). Here, we extend this analytical model to 200-3000 GPa (0.2-3 TPa) through additional α-quartz Hugoniot and release measurements, as well as first-principles molecular dynamics calculations.

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Sandia Dynamic Materials Program Strategic Plan

Flicker, Dawn G.; Benage, John F.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Knudson, Marcus D.; Leifeste, Gordon T.; Lemke, Raymond W.; Mattsson, Thomas M.; Wise, Jack L.

Materials in nuclear and conventional weapons can reach multi-megabar pressures and 1000s of degree temperatures on timescales ranging from microseconds to nanoseconds. Understanding the response of complex materials under these conditions is important for designing and assessing changes to nuclear weapons. In the next few decades, a major concern will be evaluating the behavior of aging materials and remanufactured components. The science to enable the program to underwrite decisions quickly and confidently on use, remanufacturing, and replacement of these materials will be critical to NNSA’s new Stockpile Responsiveness Program. Material response is also important for assessing the risks posed by adversaries or proliferants. Dynamic materials research, which refers to the use of high-speed experiments to produce extreme conditions in matter, is an important part of NNSA’s Stockpile Stewardship Program.

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Shock compression experiments on Lithium Deuteride (LiD) single crystals

Journal of Applied Physics

Knudson, Marcus D.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Lemke, Raymond W.

Shock compression experiments in the few hundred GPa (multi-Mbar) regime were performed on Lithium Deuteride single crystals. This study utilized the high velocity flyer plate capability of the Sandia Z Machine to perform impact experiments at flyer plate velocities in the range of 17-32 km/s. Measurements included pressure, density, and temperature between ∼190 and 570 GPa along the Principal Hugoniot - the locus of end states achievable through compression by large amplitude shock waves - as well as pressure and density of reshock states up to ∼920 GPa. The experimental measurements are compared with density functional theory calculations, tabular equation of state models, and legacy nuclear driven results that have been reanalyzed using modern equations of state for the shock wave standards used in the experiments.

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Shock formation in Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe on deuterium gas puff implosions

Physics of Plasmas

Narkis, J.; Rahman, H.U.; Ney, P.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Wessel, F.J.; Conti, F.; Valenzuela, J.C.; Beg, F.N.

1- and 2-D simulations of 1-cm radius, gas-puff liners of Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe imploding onto a deuterium target are conducted using the discharge parameters for the Zebra (1 MA, 130 ns) driver using the resistive MHD code MACH2. This is an implementation of the Staged Z-pinch concept, in which the target is driven to high-energy-density first by shock compression launched by a diffused azimuthal magnetic field ( J×B force), and then by the adiabatic compression as the liner converges on axis. During the run-in phase, the initial shock heating preheats the deuterium plasma, with a subsequent stable, adiabatic compression heating the target to high energy density. Shock compression of the target coincides with the development of a J×B force at the target/liner interface. Stronger B-field transport and earlier shock compression increases with higher-Z liners, which results in an earlier shock arrival on axis. Delayed shock formation in lower-Z liners yields a relative increase in shock heating, however, the 2-D simulations show an increased target isolation from magneto-Rayleigh-Taylor instability penetration, suggesting that an optimal balance between these two effects is reached in an Ar or Kr liner, rather than with Xe.

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Nonlinear elastic response of strong solids: First-principles calculations of the third-order elastic constants of diamond

Physical Review B

Hmiel, A.; Winey, J.M.; Gupta, Y.M.; Desjarlais, Michael P.

Accurate theoretical calculations of the nonlinear elastic response of strong solids (e.g., diamond) constitute a fundamental and important scientific need for understanding the response of such materials and for exploring the potential synthesis and design of novel solids. However, without corresponding experimental data, it is difficult to select between predictions from different theoretical methods. Recently the complete set of third-order elastic constants (TOECs) for diamond was determined experimentally, and the validity of various theoretical approaches to calculate the same may now be assessed. We report on the use of density functional theory (DFT) methods to calculate the six third-order elastic constants of diamond. Two different approaches based on homogeneous deformations were used: (1) an energy-strain fitting approach using a prescribed set of deformations, and (2) a longitudinal stress-strain fitting approach using uniaxial compressive strains along the [100], [110], and [111] directions, together with calculated pressure derivatives of the second-order elastic constants. The latter approach provides a direct comparison to the experimental results. The TOECs calculated using the energy-strain approach differ significantly from the measured TOECs. In contrast, calculations using the longitudinal stress-uniaxial strain approach show good agreement with the measured TOECs and match the experimental values significantly better than the TOECs reported in previous theoretical studies. Our results on diamond have demonstrated that, with proper analysis procedures, first-principles calculations can indeed be used to accurately calculate the TOECs of strong solids.

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Demonstration of space-resolved x-ray Thomson scattering capability for warm dense matter experiments on the Z accelerator

High Energy Density Physics

Ao, Tommy A.; Harding, Eric H.; Bailey, James E.; Lemke, Raymond W.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Hansen, Stephanie B.; Smith, Ian C.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Maurer, A.; Reneker, Joseph R.; Romero, D.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Rochau, G.A.; Benage, John F.

Experiments on the Sandia Z pulsed-power accelerator have demonstrated the ability to produce warm dense matter (WDM) states with unprecedented uniformity, duration, and size, which are ideal for investigations of fundamental WDM properties. For the first time, space-resolved x-ray Thomson scattering (XRTS) spectra from shocked carbon foams were recorded on Z. The large (>20 MA) electrical current produced by Z was used to launch Al flyer plates up to 25 km/s. The impact of the flyer plate on a CH2 foam target produced a shocked state with an estimated pressure of 0.75 Mbar, density of 0.52 g/cm3, and temperature of 4.3 eV. Both unshocked and shocked portions of the foam target were probed with 6.2 keV x-rays produced by focusing the Z-Beamlet laser onto a nearby Mn foil. The data are composed of three spatially distinct spectra that were simultaneously captured with a single spectrometer with high spectral (4.8 eV) and spatial (190 μm) resolutions. Detailed spectral information from three target locations is provided simultaneously: the incident x-ray source, the scattered signal from unshocked foam, and the scattered signal from shocked foam.

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Ab initio calculation of thermodynamic potentials and entropies for superionic water

Physical Review E

French, Martin; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Redmer, Ronald

We construct thermodynamic potentials for two superionic phases of water [with body-centered cubic (bcc) and face-centered cubic (fcc) oxygen lattice] using a combination of density functional theory (DFT) and molecular dynamics simulations (MD). For this purpose, a generic expression for the free energy of warm dense matter is developed and parametrized with equation of state data from the DFT-MD simulations. A second central aspect is the accurate determination of the entropy, which is done using an approximate two-phase method based on the frequency spectra of the nuclear motion. The boundary between the bcc superionic phase and the ices VII and X calculated with thermodynamic potentials from DFT-MD is consistent with that directly derived from the simulations. Differences in the physical properties of the bcc and fcc superionic phases and their impact on interior modeling of water-rich giant planets are discussed.

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Direct observation of an abrupt insulator-to-metal transition in dense liquid deuterium


Knudson, Marcus D.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Becker, A.; Lemke, Raymond W.; Cochrane, Kyle C.; Savage, Mark E.; Bliss, David E.; Mattsson, Thomas M.; Redmer, R.

Eighty years ago, it was proposed that solid hydrogen would become metallic at sufficiently high density. Despite numerous investigations, this transition has not yet been experimentally observed. More recently, there has been much interest in the analog of this predicted metallic transition in the dense liquid, due to its relevance to planetary science. Here, we show direct observation of an abrupt insulator-to-metal transition in dense liquid deuterium. Experimental determination of the location of this transition provides a much-needed benchmark for theory and may constrain the region of hydrogen-helium immiscibility and the boundary-layer pressure in standard models of the internal structure of gas-giant planets.

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Adiabatic release measurements in aluminum between 400 and 1200 GPa: Characterization of aluminum as a shock standard in the multimegabar regime

Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics

Knudson, Marcus D.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Pribram-Jones, Aurora P.

Aluminum has been used prolifically as an impedance matching standard in the multimegabar regime (1 Mbar = 100 GPa), particularly in nuclear driven, early laser driven, and early magnetically driven flyer plate experiments. The accuracy of these impedance matching measurements depends upon the knowledge of both the Hugoniot and release or reshock response of aluminum. Here, we present the results of several adiabatic release measurements of aluminum from ∼400-1200 GPa states along the principal Hugoniot using full density polymethylpentene (commonly known as TPX), and both ∼190 and ∼110 mg/cc silica aerogel standards. These data were analyzed within the framework of a simple, analytical model that was motivated by a first-principles molecular dynamics investigation into the release response of aluminum, as well as by a survey of the release response determined from several tabular equations of state for aluminum. Combined, this theoretical and experimental study provides a method to perform impedance matching calculations without the need to appeal to any tabular equation of state for aluminum. As an analytical model, this method allows for propagation of all uncertainty, including the random measurement uncertainties and the systematic uncertainties of the Hugoniot and release response of aluminum. This work establishes aluminum for use as a high-precision standard for impedance matching in the multimegabar regime.

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Theory of melting at high pressures: Amending density functional theory with quantum Monte Carlo

Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics

Shulenburger, Luke N.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Mattsson, Thomas M.

We present an improved first-principles description of melting under pressure based on thermodynamic integration comparing density functional theory (DFT) and quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) treatments. The method is applied to address the longstanding discrepancy between DFT calculations and diamond anvil cell (DAC) experiments on the melting curve of xenon, a noble gas solid where van der Waals binding is challenging for traditional DFT methods. The calculations show agreement with data below 20 GPa and that the high-pressure melt curve is well described by a Lindemann behavior up to at least 80 GPa, in contrast to DAC data.

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Shock compression experiments on Lithium Deuteride single crystals

Knudson, Marcus D.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Lemke, Raymond W.

S hock compression exper iments in the few hundred GPa (multi - Mabr) regime were performed on Lithium Deuteride (LiD) single crystals . This study utilized the high velocity flyer plate capability of the Sandia Z Machine to perform impact experiments at flyer plate velocities in the range of 17 - 32 km/s. Measurements included pressure, density, and temperature between %7E200 - 600 GPa along the Principal Hugoniot - the locus of end states achievable through compression by large amplitude shock waves - as well as pressure and density of re - shock states up to %7E900 GPa . The experimental measurements are compared with recent density functional theory calculations as well as a new tabular equation of state developed at Los Alamos National Labs.

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Numerical implementation of time-dependent density functional theory for extended systems in extreme environments

Baczewski, Andrew D.; Shulenburger, Luke N.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Magyar, Rudolph J.

In recent years, DFT-MD has been shown to be a useful computational tool for exploring the properties of WDM. These calculations achieve excellent agreement with shock compression experiments, which probe the thermodynamic parameters of the Hugoniot state. New X-ray Thomson Scattering diagnostics promise to deliver independent measurements of electronic density and temperature, as well as structural information in shocked systems. However, they require the development of new levels of theory for computing the associated observables within a DFT framework. The experimentally observable x-ray scattering cross section is related to the electronic density-density response function, which is obtainable using TDDFT - a formally exact extension of conventional DFT that describes electron dynamics and excited states. In order to develop a capability for modeling XRTS data and, more generally, to establish a predictive capability for rst principles simulations of matter in extreme conditions, real-time TDDFT with Ehrenfest dynamics has been implemented in an existing PAW code for DFT-MD calculations. The purpose of this report is to record implementation details and benchmarks as the project advances from software development to delivering novel scienti c results. Results range from tests that establish the accuracy, e ciency, and scalability of our implementation, to calculations that are veri ed against accepted results in the literature. Aside from the primary XRTS goal, we identify other more general areas where this new capability will be useful, including stopping power calculations and electron-ion equilibration.

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Density Functional Theory (DFT) simulations of porous tantalum pentoxide

Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Cochrane, K.R.; Vogler, Tracy V.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Mattsson, Thomas M.

Density Functional Theory (DFT) based molecular dynamics has been established as a method capable of yielding high fidelity results for many materials at a wide range of pressures and temperatures and has recently been applied to complex polymers such as polyethylene, compounds such as ethane or CO2, and oxides such as MgO. We use this method to obtain a Grïneisen Γ and thereby build a Mie-Grüneisen equation of state (EOS) and a Rice-Walsh EOS for tantalum pentoxide (Ta2O5 or tantala) and compare to experimental data. The experimental data have initial densities (ρ00) of approximately 1.13, 3, and 7.4 g/cm 3 reduced from a crystalline of 8.36 g/cm3. We found that r becomes constant at higher temperatures and pressure, but is a function of both density and temperature at lower densities and temperatures. Finally, the Mie-Gruneisen EOS is adequate for modeling the slightly distended Hugoniot with an initial density of 7.4 g/cm3 however it is inadequate for the more porous Hugoniot, while the Rice-Walsh EOS combined with a P-λ crush model approximates the experimental data quite well. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.

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On the scaling of the magnetically accelerated flyer plate technique to currents greater than 20 MA

Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Lemke, Raymond W.; Knudson, Marcus D.; Cochrane, Kyle C.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Asay, J.R.

In this article we discuss scaling the magnetically accelerated flyer plate technique to currents greater than is available on the Z accelerator. Peak flyer plate speeds in the range 7-46 km/s are achieved in pulsed power driven, hyper-velocity impact experiments on Z for peak currents in the range 8-20 MA. The highest (lowest) speeds are produced using aluminum (aluminum-copper) flyer plates. In either case, the ≈1 mm thick flyer plate is shocklessly accelerated by magnetic pressure to ballistic speed in ≈400 ns; it arrives at the target with a fraction of material at standard density. During acceleration a melt front, due to resistive heating, moves from the drive-side toward the target-side of the flyer plate; the speed of the melt front increases with increasing current. Peak flyer speeds on Z scale quadratically (linearly) with current at the low (high) end of the range. Magnetohydrodynamic simulation shows that the change in scaling is due to geometric deformation, and that linear scaling continues as current increases. However, the combined effects of shockless acceleration and resistive heating lead to an upper bound on the magnetic field feasible for pulsed power driven flyer plate experiments, which limits the maximum possible speed of a useful flyer plate to < 100 km/s. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.

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Electrical conductivity in oxygen-deficient phases of transition metal oxides from first-principles calculations

Desjarlais, Michael P.; Thompson, Aidan P.; Brennecka, Geoffrey L.; Marinella, Matthew J.

Density-functional theory calculations, ab-initio molecular dynamics, and the Kubo-Greenwood formula are applied to predict electrical conductivity in Ta2Ox (0 x 5) as a function of composition, phase, and temperature, where additional focus is given to various oxidation states of the O monovacancy (VOn; n=0,1+,2+). Our calculations of DC conductivity at 300K agree well with experimental measurements taken on Ta2Ox thin films and bulk Ta2O5 powder-sintered pellets, although simulation accuracy can be improved for the most insulating, stoichiometric compositions. Our conductivity calculations and further interrogation of the O-deficient Ta2O5 electronic structure provide further theoretical basis to substantiate VO0 as a donor dopant in Ta2O5 and other metal oxides. Furthermore, this dopant-like behavior appears specific to neutral VO cases in both Ta2O5 and TiO2 and was not observed in other oxidation states. This suggests that reduction and oxidation reactions may effectively act as donor activation and deactivation mechanisms, respectively, for VO0 in transition metal oxides.

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ALEGRA Update: Modernization and Resilience Progress

Robinson, Allen C.; Petney, Sharon P.; Drake, Richard R.; Weirs, Vincent G.; Adams, Brian M.; Vigil, Dena V.; Carpenter, John H.; Garasi, Christopher J.; Wong, Michael K.; Robbins, Joshua R.; Siefert, Christopher S.; Strack, Otto E.; Wills, Ann E.; Trucano, Timothy G.; Bochev, Pavel B.; Summers, Randall M.; Stewart, James R.; Ober, Curtis C.; Rider, William J.; Haill, Thomas A.; Lemke, Raymond W.; Cochrane, Kyle C.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Love, Edward L.; Voth, Thomas E.; Mosso, Stewart J.; Niederhaus, John H.

Abstract not provided.

Density functional theory (DFT) simulations of polyethylene: Principal hugoniot, specific heats, compression and release isentropes

AIP Conference Proceedings

Cochrane, Kyle R.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Mattsson, Thomas M.

An accurate equation of state (EOS) for polyethylene is required in order to model high energy density experiments for CH2 densities above 1 g/cc, temperatures above 1 eV, and pressures above 1 Mbar. Density Functional Theory (DFT) based molecular dynamics has been established as a method capable of yielding high fidelity results for many materials at a wide range of pressures and temperatures and has recently been applied to complex polymers such as polyethylene [1]. Using high density polyethylene as the reference state, we compute the principal Hugoniot to 350 GPa, compression isentrope, and several release isentropes from states on the principal Hugoniot. We also calculate the specific heat and the dissociation along the Hugoniot. Our simulation results are validated by comparing to experimental data [2, 3] and then used to construct a wide range EOS. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.

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Equation of state and transport property measurements of warm dense matter

Knudson, Marcus D.; Desjarlais, Michael P.

Location of the liquid-vapor critical point (c.p.) is one of the key features of equation of state models used in simulating high energy density physics and pulsed power experiments. For example, material behavior in the location of the vapor dome is critical in determining how and when coronal plasmas form in expanding wires. Transport properties, such as conductivity and opacity, can vary an order of magnitude depending on whether the state of the material is inside or outside of the vapor dome. Due to the difficulty in experimentally producing states near the vapor dome, for all but a few materials, such as Cesium and Mercury, the uncertainty in the location of the c.p. is of order 100%. These states of interest can be produced on Z through high-velocity shock and release experiments. For example, it is estimated that release adiabats from {approx}1000 GPa in aluminum would skirt the vapor dome allowing estimates of the c.p. to be made. This is within the reach of Z experiments (flyer plate velocity of {approx}30 km/s). Recent high-fidelity EOS models and hydrocode simulations suggest that the dynamic two-phase flow behavior observed in initial scoping experiments can be reproduced, providing a link between theory and experiment. Experimental identification of the c.p. in aluminum would represent the first measurement of its kind in a dynamic experiment. Furthermore, once the c.p. has been experimentally determined it should be possible to probe the electrical conductivity, opacity, reflectivity, etc. of the material near the vapor dome, using a variety of diagnostics. We propose a combined experimental and theoretical investigation with the initial emphasis on aluminum.

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Effects of mass ablation on the scaling of X-ray power with current in wire-array Z pinches

Physical Review Letters

Lemke, R.W.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Waisman, E.M.; Cuneo, M.E.; Yu, E.P.; Haill, Thomas A.; Hanshaw, Heath L.; Brunner, Thomas A.; Jennings, C.A.; Stygar, William A.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Mehlhorn, Thomas A.; Porter, J.L.

X-ray production by imploding wire-array Z pinches is studied using radiation magnetohydrodynamics simulation. It is found that the density distribution created by ablating wire material influences both x-ray power production, and how the peak power scales with applied current. For a given array there is an optimum ablation rate that maximizes the peak x-ray power, and produces the strongest scaling of peak power with peak current. This work is consistent with trends in wire-array Z pinch x-ray power scaling experiments on the Z accelerator. © 2009 The American Physical Society.

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Three-dimensional effects in trailing mass in the wire-array Z pinch

Physics of Plasmas

Yu, Edmund Y.; Cuneo, M.E.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Lemke, Raymond W.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Haill, Thomas A.; Waisman, E.M.; Bennett, G.R.; Jennings, C.A.; Mehlhorn, T.A.; Brunner, T.A.; Hanshaw, H.L.; Porter, J.L.; Stygar, W.A.; Rudakov, L.I.

The implosion phase of a wire-array Z pinch is investigated using three-dimensional (3D) simulations, which model the mass ablation phase and its associated axial instability using a mass injection boundary condition. The physical mechanisms driving the trailing mass network are explored, and it is found that in 3D the current paths though the trailing mass can reduce bubble growth on the imploding plasma sheath, relative to the 2D (r,z) equivalent. Comparison between the simulations and a high quality set of experimental radiographs is presented. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.

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Towards a predictive MHD simulation capability for designing hypervelocity magnetically-driven flyer plates and PWclass z-pinch x-ray sources on Z and ZR

Mehlhorn, Thomas A.; Yu, Edmund Y.; Vesey, Roger A.; Cuneo, M.E.; Jones, Brent M.; Knudson, Marcus D.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Robinson, Allen C.; Trucano, Timothy G.; Brunner, Thomas A.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Garasi, Christopher J.; Haill, Thomas A.; Hanshaw, Heath L.; Lemke, Raymond W.; Oliver, Bryan V.; Peterson, Kyle J.

Abstract not provided.

Beyond the local density approximation : improving density functional theory for high energy density physics applications

Modine, N.A.; Wright, Alan F.; Muller, Richard P.; Sears, Mark P.; Wills, Ann E.; Desjarlais, Michael P.

A finite temperature version of 'exact-exchange' density functional theory (EXX) has been implemented in Sandia's Socorro code. The method uses the optimized effective potential (OEP) formalism and an efficient gradient-based iterative minimization of the energy. The derivation of the gradient is based on the density matrix, simplifying the extension to finite temperatures. A stand-alone all-electron exact-exchange capability has been developed for testing exact exchange and compatible correlation functionals on small systems. Calculations of eigenvalues for the helium atom, beryllium atom, and the hydrogen molecule are reported, showing excellent agreement with highly converged quantumMonte Carlo calculations. Several approaches to the generation of pseudopotentials for use in EXX calculations have been examined and are discussed. The difficult problem of finding a correlation functional compatible with EXX has been studied and some initial findings are reported.

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Finite-temperature quasiparticle self-consistent GW approximation

Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics

Faleev, Sergey V.; Van Schilfgaarde, Mark; Kotani, Takao; Léonard, François; Desjarlais, Michael P.

We present an ab initio method for electronic structure calculations of materials at finite temperature (FT) based on the all-electron quasiparticle self-consistent GW (QPSCGW) approximation and Keldysh time-loop Green's function approach. We apply the method to Si, Ge, GaAs, InSb, and diamond and show that the band gaps of these materials universally decrease with increasing temperature in contrast with results of the local density approximation (LDA) of density functional theory where the band gaps universally increase. At temperatures of a few eV the difference between quasiparticle energies obtained in FT QPSCGW and FT LDA approaches is significantly reduced. This result suggests that existing simulations of very high-temperature materials based on the FT LDA are more justified than it might appear from the well-known LDA band gap errors at zero temperature. © 2006 The American Physical Society.

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Iterative optimized effective potential and exact exchange calculations at finite temperature

Modine, N.A.; Wright, Alan F.; Muller, Richard P.; Sears, Mark P.; Wills, Ann E.; Desjarlais, Michael P.

We report the implementation of an iterative scheme for calculating the Optimized Effective Potential (OEP). Given an energy functional that depends explicitly on the Kohn-Sham wave functions, and therefore, implicitly on the local effective potential appearing in the Kohn-Sham equations, a gradient-based minimization is used to find the potential that minimizes the energy. Previous work has shown how to find the gradient of such an energy with respect to the effective potential in the zero-temperature limit. We discuss a density-matrix-based derivation of the gradient that generalizes the previous results to the finite temperature regime, and we describe important optimizations used in our implementation. We have applied our OEP approach to the Hartree-Fock energy expression to perform Exact Exchange (EXX) calculations. We report our EXX results for common semiconductors and ordered phases of hydrogen at zero and finite electronic temperatures. We also discuss issues involved in the implementation of forces within the OEP/EXX approach.

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Exchange-only optimized effective potential calculation of excited state spectra for He and Be atoms

Muller, Richard P.; Desjarlais, Michael P.

The optimized effective potential (OEP) method allows orbital-dependent functionals to be used in density functional theory (DFT), which, in particular, allows exact exchange formulations of the exchange energy to be used in DFT calculations. Because the exact exchange is inherently self-interaction correcting, the resulting OEP calculations have been found to yield superior band-gaps for condensed-phase systems. Here we apply these methods to the isolated atoms He and Be, and compare to high quality experiments and calculations to demonstrate that the orbital energies accurately reproduce the excited state spectrum for these species. These results suggest that coupling the exchange-only OEP calculations with proper (orbital-dependent or other) correlation functions might allow quantitative accuracy from DFT calculations.

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Z-pinch requirements for achieving high yield fusion via a z-pinch driven, double ended hohlraum concept

2006 International Conference on Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation and Related Topics, including the International Workshop on High Energy Liners and High Energy Density Applications, MEGAGAUSS

Lemke, Raymond W.; Vesey, Roger A.; Cuneo, M.E.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Mehlhorn, Thomas A.

Using two-dimensional (2D), radiation magnetohydrodynamics (RMHD) numerical simulations, we have designed a feasible z-pinch radiation source that ignites a high yield fuel capsule in a z-pinch driven, double ended hohlraum concept. The z-pinch is composed of nested beryllium (Be) shells and a coaxial, cylindrical foam converter. The z-pinch is designed to produce a shaped radiation pulse that compresses a capsule by a sequence of three shocks without significant entropy increase. We present results of simulations pertaining to the z-pinch design, and discuss conditions that must be achieved in the z-pinch to ensure production of the required radiation pulse. © 2008 IEEE.

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Electrical conductivity of shocked water from density functional theory

Desjarlais, Michael P.

We present Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations of water in a region of phase space of interest in shock experiments. The onset of electrical conductivity in shocked water is determined by ionic conductivity, with the electron contribution dominating at higher pressures. The ionic contribution to the conduction is calculated from proton diffusion (Green-Kubo formula) and the electronic contribution is calculated using the Kubo-Greenwood formula [1]. The calculations are performed with VASP, a plane-wave pseudopotential code. At 2000K and a density of 2.3 g/cc, we find a significant dissociation of water into H, OH, and H3O, not only intermittent formation of OH - H3O pairs as suggested earlier for 2000 K and 1.95 g/cc [2]. The calculated conductivity is compared to experimental data [3]. Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy's National Nuclear Safety Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. This project was supported by the Sandia LDRD office. [1] M. P. Desjarlais, J. D. Kress, and L. A. Collins; Phys. Rev. B 66, 025401 (2002). [2] E. Schwegler, et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 265501 (2001). [3] P.M. Celliers, et. al. Physics of Plasmas 11, L41 (2004).

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Density functional calculations of the reflectivity of shocked xenon with ionization based gap corrections

Proposed for publication in Contributions to Plasma Physics.

Desjarlais, Michael P.

Experimental results [1] for the reflection coefficient of shock compressed xenon are compared with results from quantum molecular dynamics calculations with density functional theory (DFT). The real part of the optical conductivity is calculated within the Kubo-Greenwood formalism and the Kramers-Kroenig relations are used to generate the reflectivity and other optical properties. Improved agreement over non-ideal plasma theory [2] is found with the DFT calculations, but significant differences with the data remain. Since DFT in the various local density approximations tends to underestimate the band gap and overestimate the free electron population, we have used the ionizations from [2] to correct the DFT band gaps. This results in much improved agreement with the xenon reflectivity data and demonstrates a new approach to correcting DFT band gaps.

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Equation of state and electrical conductivity of stainless steel

Mattsson, Thomas M.; Desjarlais, Michael P.

Warm dense matter is the region in phase space of density and temperature where the thermal, Fermi, and Coulomb energies are approximately equal. The lack of a dominating scale and physical behavior makes it challenging to model the physics to high fidelity. For Sandia, a fundamental understanding of the region is of importance because of the needs of our experimental HEDP programs for high fidelity descriptive and predictive modeling. We show that multi-scale simulations of macroscopic physical phenomena now have predictive capability also for difficult but ubiquitous materials such as stainless steel, a transition metal alloy.

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Density-functional calculations of the liquid deuterium Hugoniot, reshock, and reverberation timing

Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics

Desjarlais, Michael P.

The principal Hugoniot of liquid deuterium is calculated with density-functional methods. Particular attention is paid to the convergence of thermodynamic quantities with respect to the plane-wave cutoff energy and other simulation constraints. In contrast to earlier density-functional calculations, it is found that the principal Hugoniot results are in very good agreement with gas-gun data at lower pressures and compression ratios. The results at higher pressures are in very good agreement with data from magnetically launched flyer plates and show slightly less compression than earlier density-functional calculations. In addition to the principal Hugoniot, reshock states from a sapphire anvil and third-shock reverberation timings are also calculated. The latter are found to be in very good agreement with recently published results from magnetically launched flyer-plate experiments. © 2003 The American Physical Society.

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Equation of state measurements in liquid deuterium to 100 GPa

Knudson, Marcus D.; Knudson, Marcus D.; Bailey, James E.; Lemke, Raymond W.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Hall, Clint A.; Deeney, Christopher D.; Asay, James R.

Using intense magnetic pressure, a method was developed to launch flyer plates to velocities in excess of 20 km s{sup -1}. This technique was used to perform plate-impact, shock wave experiments on cryogenic liquid deuterium (LD{sub 2}) to examine its high-pressure equation of state (EOS). Using an impedance matching method, Hugoniot measurements were obtained in the pressure range of 22--100 GPa. The results of these experiments disagree with the previously reported Hugoniot measurements of LD2 in the pressure range above {approx}40 GPa, but are in good agreement with first principles, ab initio models for hydrogen and its isotopes.

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MHD modeling of conductors at ultrahigh current density

IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science

Rosenthal, Stephen E.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Spielman, Rick B.; Stygar, William A.; Asay, J.R.; Douglas, Melissa R.; Hall, C.A.; Frese, M.H.; Morse, R.L.; Reisman, D.B.

In conjunction with ongoing high-current experiments on Sandia National Laboratories' Z accelerator (Albuquerque, NM) we have revisited a problem first described in detail by Heinz Knoepfel. Unlike the 1-Tesla MITL's of pulsed power accelerators used to produce intense particle beams, Z's disk, transmission line (downstream of the current addition) is in a 100-1200-Tesla regime; so its conductors cannot be modeled simply as static infinite conductivity boundaries. Using the MHD code [2], [3], [17] MACH2 we have been investigating the conductor hydrodynamics, characterizing the joule heating, magnetic field diffusion, and material deformation, pressure, and velocity over a range of current densities, current rise-times, and conductor materials. The three purposes of this work are 1) to quantify power flow losses owing to ultrahigh magnetic fields, 2) to model the response of VISAR [4], [18], [19] diagnostic samples in various configurations on Z, and 3) to incorporate the most appropriate equation of state and conductivity models into our magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) computations. Certain features are strongly dependent on the details of the conductivity model.

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Practical Improvements to the Lee-More Conductivity Near the Metal-Insulator Transition

Plasma Physics

Desjarlais, Michael P.

The wide-range conductivity model of Lee and More is modified to allow better agreement with recent experimental data and theories for dense plasmas in the metal-insulator transition regime. Modifications primarily include a new ionization equilibrium model, consisting of a smooth blend between single ionization Saha (with a pressure ionization correction) and the generic Thomas-Fermi ionization equilibrium, a more accurate treatment of electron-neutral collisions using a polarization potential, and an empirical modification to the minimum allowed collision time. These simple modifications to the Lee-More algorithm permit a more accurate modeling of the physics near the metal-insulator transition, while preserving the generic Lee-More results elsewhere.

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166 Results
166 Results