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Interaction of a planar shock with a dense field of particles in a multiphase shock tube

Beresh, Steven J.; Kearney, S.P.; Trott, Wayne T.; Castaneda, Jaime N.; Pruett, Brian O.; Baer, Melvin B.

A novel multiphase shock tube has been constructed to test the interaction of a planar shock wave with a dense gas-solid field of particles. The particle field is generated by a gravity-fed method that results in a spanwise curtain of 100-micron particles producing a volume fraction of about 15%. Interactions with incident shock Mach numbers of 1.67 and 1.95 are reported. High-speed schlieren imaging is used to reveal the complex wave structure associated with the interaction. After the impingement of the incident shock, transmitted and reflected shocks are observed, which lead to differences in flow properties across the streamwise dimension of the curtain. Tens of microseconds after the onset of the interaction, the particle field begins to propagate downstream, and disperse. The spread of the particle field, as a function of its position, is seen to be nearly identical for both Mach numbers. Immediately downstream of the curtain, the peak pressures associated with the Mach 1.67 and 1.95 interactions are about 35% and 45% greater than tests without particles, respectively. For both Mach numbers tested, the energy and momentum fluxes in the induced flow far downstream are reduced by about 30-40% by the presence of the particle field.

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Impingement of a planar shock on a dense-field of particles

Beresh, Steven J.; Kearney, S.P.; Trott, Wayne T.; Baer, Melvin B.; Pruett, Brian O.

A novel multiphase shock tube has recently been developed to study particle dynamics in gas-solid flows having particle volume fractions that reside between the dilute and granular regimes. The method for introducing particles into the tube involves the use of a gravity-fed contoured particle seeder, which is capable of producing dense fields of spatially isotropic particles. The facility is capable of producing planar shocks having a maximum shock Mach number of about 2.1 that propagate into air at initially ambient conditions. The primary purpose of this new facility is to provide high fidelity data of shock-particle interactions in flows having particle volume fractions of about 1 to 50%. To achieve this goal, the facility drives a planar shock into a spatially isotropic field, or curtain, of particles. Experiments are conducted for two configurations where the particle curtain is either parallel to the spanwise, or the streamwise direction. Arrays of high-frequency-response pressure transducers are placed near the particle curtain to measure the attenuation and shape change of the shock owing to its interaction with the dense gas particle field. In addition, simultaneous high-speed imaging is used to visualize the impact of the shock on the particle curtain and to measure the particle motion induced downstream of the shock.

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Development of a multiphase shock tube for energetic materials characterization

Baer, Melvin B.; Cooper, Marcia A.; Castaneda, Jaime N.; Beresh, Steven J.; Pruett, Brian O.; Kearney, S.P.; Trott, Wayne T.

A novel multiphase shock tube to study particle dynamics in gas-solid flows has been constructed and tested. Currently, there is a gap in data for flows having particle volume fractions between the dusty and granular regimes. The primary purpose of this new facility is to fill that gap by providing high quality data of shock-particle interactions in flows having dense gas particle volume fractions. Towards this end, the facility aims to drive a shock into a spatially isotropic field, or curtain, of particles. Through bench-top experimentation, a method emerged for achieving this challenging task that involves the use of a gravity-fed contoured particle seeder. The seeding method is capable of producing fields of spatially isotropic particles having volume fractions of about 1 to 35%. The use of the seeder in combination with the shock tube allows for the testing of the impingement of a planar shock on a dense field of particles. The first experiments in the multiphase shock tube have been conducted and the facility is now operational.

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The VELOCE pulsed power generator for isentropic compression experiments

Ao, Tommy A.; Hickman, Randy J.; Hall, Clint A.; Baer, Melvin B.

Veloce is a medium-voltage, high-current, compact pulsed power generator developed for isentropic and shock compression experiments. Because of its increased availability and ease of operation, Veloce is well suited for studying isentropic compression experiments (ICE) in much greater detail than previously allowed with larger pulsed power machines such as the Z accelerator. Since the compact pulsed power technology used for dynamic material experiments has not been previously used, it is necessary to examine several key issues to ensure that accurate results are obtained. In the present experiments, issues such as panel and sample preparation, uniformity of loading, and edge effects were extensively examined. In addition, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations using the ALEGRA code were performed to interpret the experimental results and to design improved sample/panel configurations. Examples of recent ICE studies on aluminum are presented.

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Microenergetic research involving a coupled experimental and computational approach to evaluate microstructural effects on detonation and combustion at sub-millimeter geometries

Proceedings of the 13th International Detonation Symposium, IDS 2006

Tappan, Alexander S.; Brundage, Aaron B.; Long, Gregory L.; Renlund, Anita M.; Kravitz, Stanley H.; Nogan, John J.; Wroblewski, Brian; Palmer, Jeremy A.; Baer, Melvin B.

A new approach to explosive sample preparation is described in which microelectronics-related processing techniques are utilized. Fused silica and alumina substrates were prepared utilizing laser machining. Films of PETN were deposited into channels within the substrates by physical vapor deposition. Four distinct explosive behaviors were observed with high-speed framing photography by driving the films with a donor explosive. Initiation at hot spots was directly observed, followed by either energy dissipation leading to failure, or growth to a detonation. Unsteady behavior in velocity and structure was observed as reactive waves failed due to decreasing channel width. Mesoscale simulations were performed to assist in experiment development and understanding. We have demonstrated the ability to pattern these films of explosives and preliminary mesoscale simulations of arrays of voids showed effects dependent on void size and that detonation would not develop with voids below a certain size. Future work involves experimentation on deposited films with regular patterned porosity to elucidate mesoscale explosive behavior.

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Shock-induced explosive chemistry in a deterministic sample configuration

Trott, Wayne T.; Baer, Melvin B.; Castaneda, Jaime N.; Tappan, Alexander S.

Explosive initiation and energy release have been studied in two sample geometries designed to minimize stochastic behavior in shock-loading experiments. These sample concepts include a design with explosive material occupying the hole locations of a close-packed bed of inert spheres and a design that utilizes infiltration of a liquid explosive into a well-defined inert matrix. Wave profiles transmitted by these samples in gas-gun impact experiments have been characterized by both velocity interferometry diagnostics and three-dimensional numerical simulations. Highly organized wave structures associated with the characteristic length scales of the deterministic samples have been observed. Initiation and reaction growth in an inert matrix filled with sensitized nitromethane (a homogeneous explosive material) result in wave profiles similar to those observed with heterogeneous explosives. Comparison of experimental and numerical results indicates that energetic material studies in deterministic sample geometries can provide an important new tool for validation of models of energy release in numerical simulations of explosive initiation and performance.

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A study of binder materials subjected to isentropic compression loading

Baer, Melvin B.; Hall, Clint A.

Binders such as Estane, Teflon, Kel F and HTPB are typically used in heterogeneous explosives to bond polycrystalline constituents together as an energetic composite. Combined theoretical and experimental studies are underway to unravel the mechanical response of these materials when subjected to isentropic compression loading. Key to this effort is the determination of appropriate constitutive and EOS property data at extremely high stress-strain states as required for detailed mesoscale modeling. The Sandia Z accelerator and associated diagnostics provides new insights into mechanical response of these nonreactive constituents via isentropic ramp-wave compression loading. Several thicknesses of samples, varied from 0.3 to 1.2 mm, were subjected to a ramp load of {approx}42 Kbar over 500 ns duration using the Sandia Z-machine. Profiles of transmitted ramp waves were measured at window interfaces using conventional VISAR. Shock physics analysis is then used to determine the nonlinear material response of the binder materials. In this presentation we discuss experimental and modeling details of the ramp wave loading ICE experiments designed specifically for binder materials.

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Isentropic compressions experiments for mesoscale studies of energetic composites

Baer, Melvin B.

New experimental diagnostics and computational modeling provide an unprecedented means for improving the understanding of energetic material behavior at the mesoscale (grain or crystal ensemble levels). This study focuses on the determination of appropriate constitutive and EOS property data of the constituents of an energetic composite at high stress and moderate strain-rate states. The Sandia Z accelerator is used to determine the mechanical response of energetic composites via isentropic ramp wave compression loading. In this paper we describe an energy source method in CTH that models ramp loading for the analysis of ICE experiments. This approach is applied to design experimental configurations to probe the constituent response of PBX 9501 subjected to {approx}40 Kbar ramp load over 300 ns duration. Multiple VISAR are used to determine the averaged response of the composite material in comparison to the individual constituents including the effects of anisotropy of HMX crystals and the interactions of fine crystallites with binder material.

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Mesoscale studies of shock loaded tin sphere lattices

Baer, Melvin B.; Baer, Melvin B.; Trott, Wayne T.

The shock response of heterogeneous materials involves highly fluctuating states and localization effects that are produced by mesostructure. Prior studies have examined this shock behavior in randomized inert and reactive media. In this work, we investigate the shock behavior in a porous lattice consisting of hexagonally packed layers of 500 {micro}m tin spheres impacted at 0.5 km/s. This ordered geometry provides a well-defined configuration to validate mesoscale material modeling based on three-dimensional CTH calculations. Detailed wave fields are experimentally probed using a line-imaging interferometer and transmitted particle velocities are compared to numerical mesoscale calculations. Multiple shock fronts traverse the porous layers whereby particle-to-particle interactions cause stress bridging effects and the evolution of organized wave structures.

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Towards Numerical Simulation of Shock Induced Combustion Using Probability Density Function Approaches

DesJardin, Paul E.; Baer, Melvin B.; Bell, Raymond L.; Hertel, Eugene S.

The specific problem to be addressed in this work is the secondary combustion that arises from shock-induced mixing in volumetric explosives. It has been recognized that the effects of combustion due to secondary mixing can greatly alter the expansion of gases and dispersal of high-energy explosive. Furthermore, this enhanced effect may be a tailored feature for the new energetic material systems. One approach for studying this problem is based on the use of Large Eddy Simulation (LES) techniques. In this approach, the large turbulent length scales of motion are simulated directly while the small scales of turbulent motion are explicitly treated using a subgrid scale (SGS) model. The focus of this effort is to develop a SGS model for combustion that is applicable to shock-induced combustion events using probability density function (PDF) approaches. A simplified presumed PDF combustion model is formulated and implemented in the CTH shock physics code. Two classes of problems are studied using this model. The first is an isolated piece of reactive material burning with the surrounding air. The second problem is the dispersal of highly reactive material due to a shock driven explosion event. The results from these studies show the importance of incorporating a secondary combustion modeling capability and the utility of using a PDF-based description to simulate these events.

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Dispersive Velocity Measurements in Heterogeneous Materials

Trott, Wayne T.; Castaneda, Jaime N.; Baer, Melvin B.; Chhabildas, Lalit C.; Knudson, Marcus D.; Davis, Jean-Paul D.; Asay, James R.

In order to provide real-time data for validation of three dimensional numerical simulations of heterogeneous materials subjected to impact loading, an optically recording velocity interferometer system (ORVIS) has been adapted to a line-imaging instrument capable of generating precise mesoscopic scale measurements of spatially resolved velocity variations during dynamic deformation. Combining independently variable target magnification and interferometer fringe spacing, this instrument can probe a velocity field along line segments up to 15 mm in length. In high magnification operation, spatial resolution better than 10 {micro}m can be achieved. For events appropriate to short recording times, streak camera recording can provide temporal resolution better than 0.2 ns. A robust method for extracting spatially resolved velocity-time profiles from streak camera image data has been developed and incorporated into a computer program that utilizes a standard VISAR analysis platform. The use of line-imaging ORVIS to obtain measurements of the mesoscopic scale dynamic response of shocked samples has been demonstrated on several different classes of heterogeneous materials. Studies have focused on pressed, granular sugar as a simulant material for the widely used explosive HMX. For low-density (65% theoretical maximum density) pressings of sugar, material response has been investigated as a function of both impact velocity and changes in particle size distribution. The experimental results provide a consistent picture of the dispersive nature of the wave transmitted through these samples and reveal both transverse and longitudinal wave structures on mesoscopic scales. This observed behavior is consistent with the highly structured mesoscopic response predicted by 3-D simulations. Preliminary line-imaging ORVIS measurements on HMX as well as other heterogeneous materials such as foam and glass-reinforced polyester are also discussed.

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31 Results
31 Results