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Microfabricated Devices and Ion Trapping Capabilities

Revelle, Melissa R.

Next generation ion traps will likely need to support tens if not hundreds of ions in order to achieve several logical qubits. As we scale to those sizes, the same problems we face now – rf dissipation, control I/O, and optical access – will only grow and become more complicated. While many of these challenges can potentially be solved with technology integration, independently researching the feasibility of that integration and other solutions may help reduce the time and risk in scaling up to larger traps, by testing on smaller less complex devices. We should also consider other fabrication techniques that may help scale to larger devices, such as: through-substrate-vias (TSVs), different metal coatings, exotic rf routing, on chip laser sources, or even a secondary macroscopic trap to reload ions from. To have these technologies ready for full scale integration when we need them, ion traps with some of these capabilities need to be produced now. Developing the rigorous fabrication methods for producing reliable traps takes time and experimentation. We propose developing larger ion traps and reliable integrated technology in conjunction to make both available faster.

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QSCOUT Progress Report, June 2022 [Quantum Scientific Computing Open User Testbed]

Clark, Susan M.; Norris, Haley R.; Landahl, Andrew J.; Yale, Christopher G.; Lobser, Daniel L.; Van Der Wall, Jay W.; Revelle, Melissa R.

Quantum information processing has reached an inflection point, transitioning from proof-of-principle scientific experiments to small, noisy quantum processors. To accelerate this process and eventually move to fault-tolerant quantum computing, it is necessary to provide the scientific community with access to whitebox testbed systems. The Quantum Scientific Computing Open User Testbed (QSCOUT) provides scientists unique access to an innovative system to help advance quantum computing science.

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In situ detection of RF breakdown on microfabricated surface ion traps

Journal of Applied Physics

Wilson, Joshua M.; Tilles, Julia N.; Haltli, Raymond A.; Ou, Eric; Blain, Matthew G.; Clark, Susan M.; Revelle, Melissa R.

Microfabricated surface ion traps are a principal component of many ion-based quantum information science platforms. The operational parameters of these devices are pushed to the edge of their physical capabilities as the experiments strive for increasing performance. When the applied radio-frequency (RF) voltage is increased excessively, the devices can experience damaging electric discharge events known as RF breakdown. We introduce two novel techniques for in situ detection of RF breakdown, which we implemented while characterizing the breakdown threshold of surface ion traps produced at Sandia National Laboratories. In these traps, breakdown did not always occur immediately after increasing the RF voltage, but often minutes or even hours later. This result is surprising in the context of the suggested mechanisms for RF breakdown in vacuum. Additionally, the extent of visible damage caused by breakdown events increased with the applied voltage. To minimize the probability for damage when RF power is first applied to a device, our results strongly suggest that the voltage should be ramped up over the course of several hours and monitored for breakdown.

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Hybrid MEMS-CMOS ion traps for NISQ computing

Quantum Science and Technology

Blain, Matthew G.; Haltli, Raymond A.; Maunz, P.; Nordquist, C.D.; Revelle, Melissa R.; Stick, D.

Surging interest in engineering quantum computers has stimulated significant and focused research on technologies needed to make them manufacturable and scalable. In the ion trap realm this has led to a transition from bulk three-dimensional macro-scale traps to chip-based ion traps and included important demonstrations of passive and active electronics, waveguides, detectors, and other integrated components. At the same time as these technologies are being developed the system sizes are demanding more ions to run noisy intermediate scale quantum (NISQ) algorithms, growing from around ten ions today to potentially a hundred or more in the near future. To realize the size and features needed for this growth, the geometric and material design space of microfabricated ion traps must expand. In this paper we describe present limitations and the approaches needed to overcome them, including how geometric complexity drives the number of metal levels, why routing congestion affects the size and location of shunting capacitors, and how RF power dissipation can limit the size of the trap array. We also give recommendations for future research needed to accommodate the demands of NISQ scale ion traps that are integrated with additional technologies.

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Engineering the Quantum Scientific Computing Open User Testbed

IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering

Clark, Susan M.; Lobser, Daniel L.; Revelle, Melissa R.; Yale, Christopher G.; Bossert, David B.; Burch, Ashlyn D.; Chow, Matthew N.; Hogle, Craig W.; Ivory, Megan K.; Pehr, Jessica; Salzbrenner, Bradley S.; Stick, Daniel L.; Sweatt, W.C.; Wilson, Joshua M.; Winrow, Edward G.; Maunz, Peter

The Quantum Scientific Computing Open User Testbed (QSCOUT) at Sandia National Laboratories is a trapped-ion qubit system designed to evaluate the potential of near-term quantum hardware in scientific computing applications for the U.S. Department of Energy and its Advanced Scientific Computing Research program. Similar to commercially available platforms, it offers quantum hardware that researchers can use to perform quantum algorithms, investigate noise properties unique to quantum systems, and test novel ideas that will be useful for larger and more powerful systems in the future. However, unlike most other quantum computing testbeds, the QSCOUT allows both quantum circuit and low-level pulse control access to study new modes of programming and optimization. The purpose of this article is to provide users and the general community with details of the QSCOUT hardware and its interface, enabling them to take maximum advantage of its capabilities.

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Detecting and tracking drift in quantum information processors

Nature Communications

Proctor, Timothy J.; Revelle, Melissa R.; Nielsen, Erik N.; Rudinger, Kenneth M.; Lobser, Daniel L.; Maunz, Peter; Blume-Kohout, Robin J.; Young, Kevin

If quantum information processors are to fulfill their potential, the diverse errors that affect them must be understood and suppressed. But errors typically fluctuate over time, and the most widely used tools for characterizing them assume static error modes and rates. This mismatch can cause unheralded failures, misidentified error modes, and wasted experimental effort. Here, we demonstrate a spectral analysis technique for resolving time dependence in quantum processors. Our method is fast, simple, and statistically sound. It can be applied to time-series data from any quantum processor experiment. We use data from simulations and trapped-ion qubit experiments to show how our method can resolve time dependence when applied to popular characterization protocols, including randomized benchmarking, gate set tomography, and Ramsey spectroscopy. In the experiments, we detect instability and localize its source, implement drift control techniques to compensate for this instability, and then demonstrate that the instability has been suppressed.

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A platform for quantum information and large-scale entanglement with Rydberg atoms in programmable optical potentials

Revelle, Melissa R.; Martin, Michael J.; Biedermann, Grant B.

Large-scale quantum systems with controllable interactions are important for understanding complex phenomena in nature, and are the basis for advanced quantum technologies. Realizing a controllable platform for controlling, understanding, and ultimately harnessing the entanglement is an outstanding challenge in quantum science. This project demonstrated reconfigurable arrays of individually-trapped ultracold atoms, thus realizing a platform that could demonstrate large-scale quantum entanglement with the addition of strong inter-atomic interactions. Arrays of more than 50 trap sites were formed via digital holography and a high- numerical aperture imaging system that featured in-situ trap diagnostics and single-atom imaging resolution. We further discovered a new implementation of a controlled-phase gate that utilized coherent excitation to Rydberg states. This method will enable robust entanglement protocols in many-atom systems such as the one developed here. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to acknowledge support from the Sandia National Laboratories LDRD program.

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43 Results
43 Results