In this work we present a novel method for improving the high-temperature performance of silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) via focused ion beam (FIB) modification of individual microcells. The literature suggests that most of the dark count rate (DCR) in a SiPM is contributed by a small percentage (<5%) of microcells. By using a FIB to electrically deactivate this relatively small number of microcells, we believe we can greatly reduce the overall DCR of the SiPM at the expense of a small reduction in overall photodetection efficiency, thereby improving its high temperature performance. In this report we describe our methods for characterizing the SiPM to determine which individual microcells contribute the most to the DCR, preparing the SiPM for FIB, and modifying the SiPM using the FIB to deactivate the identified microcells.
We report the system response of a pixelated associated particle imaging (API) neutron radiography system. The detector readout currently consists of a 2x2 array of organic glass scintillator detectors, each with an 8x8 array of optically isolated pixels that match the size and pitch of the ARRAYJ-60035-64P-PCB Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM) array from SensL/onsemi with 6x6 mm2 SiPMs. The alpha screen of the API deuterium-tritium neutron generator is read out with the S13361-3050AE-08 from Hamamatsu, which is an 8x8 array of 3x3 mm2 SiPMs. Data from the 320 channel system is acquired with the TOFPET2-based readout system. We present the predicted imaging capability of an eventual 5x5 detector array, the waveform-based energy and pulse shape characterization of the individual detectors, and the timing and energy response from the TOFPET2 system.
The Optically Segmented Single Volume Scatter Camera (OS-SVSC) aims to image neutron sources for non-proliferation applications using the kinematic reconstruction of elastic double-scatter events. Our prototype system consists of 64 EJ-204 organic plastic scintillator bars, each measuring 5 mm × 5 mm × 200 mm and individually wrapped in Teflon tape. The scintillator array is optically coupled to two silicon photomultiplier ArrayJ-60035 64P-PCB arrays, each comprised of 64 individual 6 mm × 6 mm J-Series sensors arranged in an 8 × 8 array. We report on the design details, including component selections, mechanical design and assembly, and the electronics system. The described design leveraged existing off-the-shelf solutions to support the rapid development of a phase 1 prototype. Several valuable lessons were learned from component and system testing, including those related to the detector’s mechanical structure and electrical crosstalk that we conclude originates in the commercial photodetector arrays and the associated custom breakout cards. We detail our calibration efforts, beginning with calibrations for the electronics, based on the IRS3D application-specific integrated circuits, and their associated timing resolutions, ranging from 30 ps to 90 ps. With electronics calibrations applied, energy and position calibrations were performed for a set of edge bars using 22Na and 90Sr, respectively, reporting an average resolution of (12.07 ± 0.03) mm for energy depositions between 900 keVee and 1000 keVee. We further demonstrate a position calibration method for the internal bars of the matrix using cosmic-ray muons as an alternative to emission sources that cannot easily access these bars, with an average measured resolution of (14.86 ± 0.29) mm for depositions between 900 keVee and 1000 keVee. The coincident time resolution reported between pairs of bars measured up to 400 ps from muon acquisitions. Energy and position calibration values measured with muons are consistent with those obtained using particle emission sources.
Tellez-Galindo, A.; Brown, J.A.; Brubaker, Erik B.; Cabrera-Palmer, Belkis C.; Carlson, Joseph S.; Dorrill, R.; Druetzler, A.; Elam, J.; Febbraro, M.; Feng, P.; Folsom, M.; Galino-Tellez, A.; Goldblum, B.L.; Hausladen, P.; Kaneshige, N.; Keefe, K.; Laplace, T.A.; Learned, J.G.; Mane, A.; Manfredi, J.J.; Marleau, Peter M.; Mattingly, J.; Mishra, M.; Moustafa, A.; Nattress, J.; Nishimura, K.; Steele, J.; Sweany, Melinda; Weinfurther, K.; Ziock, K.
The Single-Volume Scatter Camera (SVSC) approach to kinematic neutron imaging, in which an incident neutron’s direction is reconstructed via multiple neutron-proton scattering events, potentially offers much greater efficiency and portability than current systems. In our first design of an Optically-Segmented (OS) SVSC, the detector consists of an 8×8 array of 5×5×200 mm3 bars of EJ-204 scintillator wrapped in Teflon tape, optically coupled with SensL J-series 6 x 6 mm Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM) arrays, all inside an aluminum frame that serves as a dark box. The SiPMs are read out using custom (multi-GSPS) waveform sampling electronics. In this work, construction, characterization, and electronics updates are reported. The position, time, and energy resolutions of individual bars were obtained by measuring different scintillators with different reflectors. This work was carried out in parallel at the University of Hawaii and at Sandia National Laboratories and resulted in the preliminary design of the camera. Monte-Carlo simulations using the Geant4 toolkit were carried out for individual scintillator bars, as well as the array setup. A custom analysis using ROOT libraries in C++ simulated the SiPM response from Geant4 photon hits. This analysis framework is under development and will allow for seamless comparisons between experimental and simulated data.
We report on the energy, timing, and pulse-shape discrimination performance of cylindrical 5.08 cm diameter × 5.08 cm thick and 7.62 cm diameter × 7.62 cm thick trans-stilbene crystals read out with the passively summed output of three different commercial silicon photo-multiplier arrays. Our results indicate that using the summed output of an 8 × 8 array of SiPMs provides performance competitive with photo-multiplier tubes for many neutron imaging and correlated particle measurements. For a 5.08 cm diameter × 5.08 cm thick crystal read out with SensL's ArrayJ-60035_64P-PCB, which had the best overall properties, we measure the energy resolution as 17.8 ± 0.8% at 341 keVee (σ/E), the timing resolution in the 180–400 keVee range as 236 ± 61 ps (σ), and the pulse-shape discrimination figure-of-merit as 2.21 ± 0.03 in the 230–260 keVee energy range. For a 7.62 cm diameter × 7.62 cm thick crystal read out with SensL's ArrayJ-60035_64P-PCB, we measure the energy resolution as 21.9 ± 2.3% at 341 keVee, the timing resolution in the 180–400 keVee range as 518 ± 42 ps, and the pulse-shape discrimination figure-of-merit as 1.49 ± 0.01 in the 230–260 keVee energy range. These results enable many scintillator-based instruments to enjoy the size, robustness, and power benefits of silicon photo-multiplier arrays as replacement for the photo-multiplier tubes that are predominantly used today.
An optically-segmented single-volume scatter camera is being developed to image MeV-energy neutron sources. The design employs long, thin, optically isolated organic scintillator pillars with 5 mm × 5 mm × 200 mm dimensions (i.e., an aspect-ratio of 1:1:40). Teflon reflector is used to achieve optical isolation and improve light collection. The effect of Teflon on the ability to resolve the radiation interaction locations along such high aspect-ratio pillars is investigated. It was found that reconstruction based on the amplitude of signals collected on both ends of a bare pillar is less precise than reconstruction based on their arrival times. However, this observation is reversed after wrapping in Teflon, such that there is little to no improvement in reconstruction resolution calculated by combining both methods. It may be possible to use another means of optical isolation that does not require wrapping each individual pillar of the camera.
The multi-institution Single-Volume Scatter Camera (SVSC) collaboration led by Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) is developing a compact, high-efficiency double-scatter neutron imaging system. Kinematic emission imaging of fission-energy neutrons can be used to detect, locate, and spatially characterize special nuclear material. Neutron-scatter cameras, analogous to Compton imagers for gamma ray detection, have a wide field of view, good event-by-event angular resolution, and spectral sensitivity. Existing systems, however, suffer from large size and/or poor efficiency. We are developing high-efficiency scatter cameras with small form factors by detecting both neutron scatters in a compact active volume. This effort requires development and characterization of individual system components, namely fast organic scintillators, photodetectors, electronics, and reconstruction algorithms. In this presentation, we will focus on characterization measurements of several SVSC candidate scintillators. The SVSC collaboration is investigating two system concepts: the monolithic design in which isotropically emitted photons are detected on the sides of the volume, and the optically segmented design in which scintillation light is channeled along scintillator bars to segmented photodetector readout. For each of these approaches, we will describe the construction and performance of prototype systems. We will conclude by summarizing lessons learned, comparing and contrasting the two system designs, and outlining plans for the next iteration of prototype design and construction.
Brown, J.AB.; Brubaker, Erik B.; Dorril, R D.; Druetzler, A D.; Elam, J E.; Febbraro, M F.; Feng, Patrick L.; Folsom, Michael W.; Galino-Tellez, A G.; Goldblum, B.LG.; Hausladen, P H.; Kaneshige, N K.; Keffe, K K.; Laplace, T, A.; Learned, J.G.L.; Mane, A M.; Manfredi, J M.; Marleau, Peter M.; Mattingly, J M.; Mishra, Mishra; Almanza-Madrid, Rene A.; Moustafa, A M.; Nattress, J N.; Steele, John T.; Sweany, Melinda; Weinfurther, K W.; Ziock, K.Z.
We present the detector response comparison between a 10x10 pixellated array of scintillator read out with Anger logic using four 2" Hamamatsu R7724-100 super bialkali photomulti- plier tubes (PMT) and a custom Silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) board consisting of 100 C-series 6x6 mm SiPMs from SensL. An array of these pixellated detectors are currently used in the Neutron Coded Aperture (NCA) imaging system. The energy, timing and pulse shape discrimination response using both readout schemes are presented, along with an anal- ysis of multiple scatter events occurring within the block. An evaluation of the impact of photodetector readout on the overall detection efficiency and imaging accuracy is presented.
We report on the position, timing, and energy resolution of a range of plastic scintillator bars and reflector treatments using dual-ended silicon photomultiplier readout. These measurements are motivated by the upcoming construction of an optically segmented single-volume neutron scatter camera, in which neutron elastic scattering off of hydrogen is used to kinematically reconstruct the location and energy of a neutron-emitting source. For this application, interaction position resolutions of about 10 mm and timing resolutions of about 1 ns are necessary to achieve the desired efficiency for fission-energy neutrons. The results presented here indicate that this is achievable with an array of 5×5×190mm 3 bars of EJ-204 scintillator wrapped in Teflon tape, read out with SensL's J-series 6×6mm 2 silicon photomultipliers. With two independent setups, we also explore the systematic variability of the position resolution, and show that, in general, using the difference in the pulse arrival time at the two ends is less susceptible to systematic variation than using the log ratio of the charge amplitude of the two ends. Finally, we measure a bias in the absolute time of interactions as a function of position along the bar: the measured interaction time for events at the center of the bar is ∼100 ps later than interactions near the SiPM.
Dorrill, Ryan D.; Druetzler, Andrew D.; Kaneshige, Nate K.; Learned, John L.; Whitworth, A W.; Galindo-Tellez, Aline G.; Keffe, Kevin K.; Shoen, D S.; Diamond, D.D.; Tom, R T.; Sweany, Melinda; Brubaker, Erik B.
We present the relative timing and pulse-shape discrimination performance of a H1949-50 photomultiplier tube to SensL ArrayX-B0B6_64S coupled to a SensL ArrayC-60035-64P- PCB Silicon Photomultiplier array. The goal of this work is to enable the replacement of photomultiplier readout of scintillators with Silicon Photomultiplier devices, which are more robust and have higher particle detection efficiency. The report quantifies the degradation of these performance parameters using commercial off the shelf summing circuits, and motivates the development of an improved summing circuit: the pulse-shape descrimination figure-of- merit drops from 1.7 at 500 keVee to 1.4, and the timing resolution (a) is 288 ps for the photomultiplier readout and approximately 1 ns for the Silicon Photomultiplier readout. A degradation of this size will have a large negative impact on any device that relies on timing coincidence or pulse-shape discrimination to detect neutron interactions, such as neutron kinematic imaging or multiplicity measurements.
We present single-sided 3D image reconstruction and neutron spectrum of non-nuclear material interrogated with a deuterium-tritium neutron generator. The results presented here are a proof-of-principle of an existing technique previously used for nuclear material, applied to non-nuclear material. While we do see excess signatures over background, they do not have the expected form and are currently un-identified.
We present the design, characterization, and testing of a laboratory prototype radiological search and localization system. The system, based on time-encoded imaging, uses the attenuation signature of neutrons in time, induced by the geometrical layout and motion of the system. We have demonstrated the ability to detect a ∼1mCi252Cf radiological source at 100m standoff with 90% detection efficiency and 10% false positives against background in 12min. This same detection efficiency is met at 15s for a 40m standoff, and 1.2s for a 20m standoff.
This is a high-risk effort to leverage knowledge gained from previous work, which focused on detector development leading to better energy resolution and reconstruction errors. This work seeks to enable applications that require precise elemental characterization of materials, such as chemical munitions remediation, offering the potential to close current detection gaps.
We present the design and performance of a proof-of-concept 32 channel material identification system. Our system is based on the energy-dependent attenuation of fast neutrons for four elements: hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen. We describe a new approach to obtaining a broad range of neutron energies to probe a sample, as well as our technique for reconstructing the molar densities within a sample. The system's performance as a function of time-of-flight energy resolution is explored using a Geant4-based Monte Carlo. Our results indicate that, with the expected detector response of our system, we will be able to determine the molar density of all four elements to within a 20-30% accuracy in a two hour scan time. In many cases this error is systematically low, thus the ratio between elements is more accurate. This degree of accuracy is enough to distinguish, for example, a sample of water from a sample of pure hydrogen peroxide: the ratio of oxygen to hydrogen is reconstructed to within 8 0.5% of the true value. Finally, with future algorithm development that accounts for backgrounds caused by scattering within the sample itself, the accuracy of molar densities, not ratios, may improve to the 5-10% level for a two hour scan time. Experimental performance was evaluated with various thicknesses of polyethylene. The detector response in terms of energy, particle identification, and timing are presented as well.
We present the design and expected performance of a proof-of-concept 32 channel material identification system. Our system is based on the energy-dependent attenuation of fast neutrons for four elements: hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen. We describe a new approach to obtaining a broad range of neutron energies to probe a sample, as well as our technique for reconstructing the molar densities within a sample. The system's performance as a function of time-of-flight energy resolution is explored using a Geant4-based Monte Carlo. Our results indicate that, with the expected detector response of our system, we will be able to determine the molar density of all four elements to within a 20–30% accuracy in a two hour scan time. In many cases this error is systematically low, thus the ratio between elements is more accurate. This degree of accuracy is enough to distinguish, for example, a sample of water from a sample of pure hydrogen peroxide: the ratio of oxygen to hydrogen is reconstructed to within 8±0.5% of the true value. Finally, with future algorithm development that accounts for backgrounds caused by scattering within the sample itself, the accuracy of molar densities, not ratios, may improve to the 5–10% level for a two hour scan time.
Dual plane neutron scatter cameras have shown promise for localizing fast neutron sources. The condition that a neutron must scatter in both planes of the camera produces low counting efficiencies. Counting efficiency can be improved using an alternative design that uses a single, optically segmented volume of scintillation material. Using Geant4, we simulated pulses from neutron elastic scatter events at different locations throughout an EJ-204 scintillator bar. We used nonlinear regression on low light pulses to determine the position along the bar where the scatter event occurred.
We present a neutron detector system based on time-encoded imaging, and demonstrate its applicability toward the spatial mapping of special nuclear material. We demonstrate that two-dimensional fast-neutron imaging with 2° resolution at 2 m stand-off is feasible with only two instrumented detectors.
Material Identification by Resonant Attenuation is a technique that measures the energy-dependent attenuation of 1-10 MeV neutrons as they pass through a sample. Elemental information is determined from the neutron absorption resonances unique to each element. With sufficient energy resolution, these resonances can be used to categorize a wide range of materials, serving as a powerful discrimination technique between explosives, contraband, and other materials. Our proposed system is unique in that it simultaneously down-scatters and time tags neutrons in scintillator detectors oriented between a d-T generator and sample. This allows not only for energy measurements without pulsed neutron beams, but for sample interrogation over a large range of relevant energies, vastly improving scan times. Our system’s core advantage is a potential breakthrough ability to provide detection discrimination of threat materials by their elemental composition (e.g. water vs. hydrogen peroxide) without opening the container. However, several technical and computational challenges associated with this technique have yet to be addressed. There are several open questions: what is the sensitivity to different materials, what scan times are necessary, what are the sources of background, how do each of these scale as the detector system is made larger, and how can the system be integrated into existing scanning technology to close current detection gaps? In order to prove the applicability of this technology, we will develop a validated model to optimize the design and characterize the uncertainties in the measurement, and then test the system in a real-world scenario. This project seeks to perform R&D and laboratory tests that demonstrate proof of concept (TRL 3) to establishing an integrated system and evaluating its performance (TRL 4) through both laboratory tests and a validated detector model. The validated model will allow us to explore our technology’s benefits to explosive detection in various applications.
This note summarizes an effort to characterize the effects of adding water-based liquid scintillator to the WATCHMAN detector. A detector model was built in the Geant4 Monte Carlo toolkit, and the position reconstruction of positrons within the detector was compared with and without scintillator. This study highlights the need for further modeling studies and small-scale experimental studies before inclusion into a large-scale detector, as the benefits compared to the associated costs are unclear.
Antineutrino monitoring of nuclear reactors has been demonstrated many times (Klimov et al., 1994 [1]; Bowden et al., 2009 [2]; Oguri et al., 2014 [3]), however the technique has not as of yet been developed into a useful capability for treaty verification purposes. The most notable drawback is the current requirement that detectors be deployed underground, with at least several meters-water-equivalent of shielding from cosmic radiation. In addition, the deployment of liquid-based detection media presents a challenge in reactor facilities. We are currently developing a detector system that has the potential to operate above ground and circumvent deployment problems associated with a liquid detection media: the system is composed of segments of plastic scintillator surrounded by 6LiF/ZnS:Ag. ZnS:Ag is a radio-luminescent phosphor used to detect the neutron capture products of 6Li. Because of its long decay time compared to standard plastic scintillators, pulse-shape discrimination can be used to distinguish positron and neutron interactions resulting from the inverse beta decay (IBD) of antineutrinos within the detector volume, reducing both accidental and correlated backgrounds. Segmentation further reduces backgrounds by identifying the positron's annihilation gammas, a signature that is absent for most correlated and uncorrelated backgrounds. This work explores different configurations in order to maximize the size of the detector segments without reducing the intrinsic neutron detection efficiency. We believe that this technology will ultimately be applicable to potential safeguards scenarios such as those recently described by Huber et al. (2014) [4,5].