
21 Results
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Source detection at 100 meter standoff with a time-encoded imaging system

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment

Brennan, James S.; Brubaker, Erik B.; Gerling, Mark D.; Marleau, Peter M.; Monterial, Mateusz M.; Nowack, A.; Schuster, P.; Sturm, B.; Sweany, Melinda

We present the design, characterization, and testing of a laboratory prototype radiological search and localization system. The system, based on time-encoded imaging, uses the attenuation signature of neutrons in time, induced by the geometrical layout and motion of the system. We have demonstrated the ability to detect a ∼1mCi252Cf radiological source at 100m standoff with 90% detection efficiency and 10% false positives against background in 12min. This same detection efficiency is met at 15s for a 40m standoff, and 1.2s for a 20m standoff.

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Enabling Explosives and Contraband Detection

Sweany, Melinda; Marleau, Peter M.; Monterial, Mateusz M.

We present the design and performance of a proof-of-concept 32 channel material identification system. Our system is based on the energy-dependent attenuation of fast neutrons for four elements: hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen. We describe a new approach to obtaining a broad range of neutron energies to probe a sample, as well as our technique for reconstructing the molar densities within a sample. The system's performance as a function of time-of-flight energy resolution is explored using a Geant4-based Monte Carlo. Our results indicate that, with the expected detector response of our system, we will be able to determine the molar density of all four elements to within a 20-30% accuracy in a two hour scan time. In many cases this error is systematically low, thus the ratio between elements is more accurate. This degree of accuracy is enough to distinguish, for example, a sample of water from a sample of pure hydrogen peroxide: the ratio of oxygen to hydrogen is reconstructed to within 8 0.5% of the true value. Finally, with future algorithm development that accounts for backgrounds caused by scattering within the sample itself, the accuracy of molar densities, not ratios, may improve to the 5-10% level for a two hour scan time. Experimental performance was evaluated with various thicknesses of polyethylene. The detector response in terms of energy, particle identification, and timing are presented as well.

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Single-View 3-D Reconstruction of Correlated Gamma-Neutron Sources

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

Monterial, Mateusz M.; Marleau, Peter M.; Pozzi, Sara A.

We describe a new method of 3-D image reconstruction of neutron sources that emit correlated gammas (e.g., Cf-252, Am-Be). This category includes a vast majority of neutron sources important in nuclear threat search, safeguards and non-proliferation. Rather than requiring multiple views of the source this technique relies on the source's intrinsic property of coincidence gamma and neutron emission. As a result, only a single-view measurement of the source is required to perform the 3-D reconstruction. In principle, any scatter camera sensitive to gammas and neutrons with adequate timing and interaction location resolution can perform this reconstruction. Using a neutron double scatter technique, we can calculate a conical surface of possible source locations. By including the time to a correlated gamma we further constrain the source location in three-dimensions by solving for the source-to-detector distance along the surface of the cone. As a proof of concept we applied these reconstruction techniques on measurements taken with the Mobile Imager of Neutrons for Emergency Responders (MINER). Two Cf-252 sources measured at 50 and 60 cm from the center of the detector were resolved in their varying depth with average radial distance relative resolution of 26%. To demonstrate the technique's potential with an optimized system we simulated the measurement in MCNPX-PoliMi assuming timing resolution of 200 ps (from 2 ns in the current system) and source interaction location resolution of 5 mm (from 3 cm). These simulated improvements in scatter camera performance resulted in radial distance relative resolution decreasing to an average of 11%.

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Multiplication and Presence of Shielding Material from Time-Correlated Pulse-Height Measurements of Subcritical Plutonium Assemblies

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment

Monterial, Mateusz M.; Marleau, Peter M.; Paff, Marc; Clarke, Shaun; Pozzi, Sara

We present the results from the first measurements of the Time-Correlated Pulse-Height (TCPH) distributions from 4.5 kg sphere of α-phase weapons-grade plutonium metal in five configurations: bare, reflected by 1.27 cm and 2.54 cm of tungsten, and 2.54 cm and 7.62 cm of polyethylene. A new method for characterizing source multiplication and shielding configuration is also demonstrated. The method relies on solving for the underlying fission chain timing distribution that drives the spreading of the measured TCPH distribution. We found that a gamma distribution fits the fission chain timing distribution well and that the fit parameters correlate with both multiplication (rate parameter) and shielding material types (shape parameter). The source-to-detector distance was another free parameter that we were able to optimize, and proved to be the most well constrained parameter. MCNPX-PoliMi simulations were used to complement the measurements and help illustrate trends in these parameters and their relation to multiplication and the amount and type of material coupled to the subcritical assembly.

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Detection and characterization of shielded highly enriched uranium under active interrogation through time correlated fission events

2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, NSS/MIC 2015

Monterial, Mateusz M.; Marleau, Peter M.; Pozzi, Sara A.

The time-correlated pulse-height (TCPH) distribution can be used to differentiate between multiplying (e.g 235U, 239Pu) and non-multiplying (e.g Am-Li, 252Cf) sources. In the past, this approach proved effective at characterizing the multiplication of alpha phase plutonium metal through a passive measurement. Recently, Sandia National Laboratories has completed a measurement campaign with its new Correlated Radiation Signature (CoRS) system involving active interrogation of highly enriched uranium (HEU) with an Am-Li source. An additional obstacle was introduced to the measurement configuration by shielding the HEU with depleted uranium (DU). Simulation results have proven Am-Li source to be a suitable interrogating source because of its relatively low-energy neutron spectrum. The TCPH distribution was successfully used to determine the presence of a multiplying medium inside DU shells. The correlation between multiplication and an empirical parameters broke down for externally driven configurations, but in all cases the presence of a multiplying source was detected.

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Additional capabilities of a compact neutron scatter camera: Active interrogation, time-correlated pulse-height multiplication measurements, and gamma imaging

2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, NSS/MIC 2015

Goldsmith, John E.; Brennan, James S.; Gerling, Mark D.; Marleau, Peter M.; Monterial, Mateusz M.

Our previous conference report on this instrument emphasized its use for fast-neutron imaging spectroscopy. We describe here its additional measurement capabilities, namely active interrogation, time-correlated pulse-height multiplication measurements, and gamma imaging.

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21 Results
21 Results