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Gamma Spectroscopy Detector Candidates and Radioisotope Identification Algorithms for Use in National Security Applications

Bencomo, Marlene B.

In 2006, the United States Congress mandated for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to screen all cargo containers to protect against terrorist acts and ensure the safety and security of the nation. Containers are screened by gamma and neutron detectors to ensure threat material is not smuggled into the country. However, because commerce is radioactive, detecting the presence of radioactive materials is not sufficient in ensuring the safety and security of the nation. Radioactive materials must also be identified in real time, thus distinguishing threat sources (Uranium-235 and Plutonium-230) from non-threat sources (kitty litter, pot ash, medical isotopes). Screening cargo containers can be considered a two-step process (1) alerting to the presence of radioactive material when gamma counts exceed a threshold setting, and (2) once alerted, identifying the type of radioactive material, which is done by collecting a gamma spectra and analyzing it with an analysis tool/algorithm. For this reason, it is important to evaluate not only emerging technology in neutron and gamma detection, but also investigate new advances in algorithm development for radioisotope identification (RIID). New candidates in detection and on-board algorithm analysis might offer opportunities to make the scanning, detection, and identification process more efficient while still ensuring the health and safety of the public. This research will investigate emerging technology in radiation detection focused on gamma spectroscopy capabilities and RIID algorithms for DHS applications.

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Characterization of pyromark 2500 for high-temperature solar receivers

ASME 2012 6th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2012, Collocated with the ASME 2012 10th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology

Ho, Clifford K.; Mahoney, A.R.; Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Bencomo, Marlene B.; Hall, Aaron C.; Lambert, Timothy N.

Pyromark 2500 is a silicone-based high-temperature paint that has been used on central receivers to increase solar absorptance. The cost, application, curing methods, radiative properties, and absorber efficiency of Pyromark 2500 are presented in this paper for use as a baseline for comparison to high-temperature solar selective absorber coatings currently being developed. The directional solar absorptance was calculated from directional spectral absorptance data, and values for pristine samples of Pyromark 2500 were as high as 0.96-0.97 at near normal incidence angles. At higher irradiance angles (>40° - 60°), the solar absorptance decreased. The total hemispherical emittance of Pyromark 2500 was calculated from spectral directional emittance data measured at room temperature and 600°C. The total hemispherical emittance values ranged from ∼0.80-0.89 at surface temperatures ranging from 100°C - 1,000°C. The aging and degradation of Pyromark 2500 with exposure at elevated temperatures were also examined. Previous tests showed that solar receiver panels had to be repainted after three years due to a decrease in solar absorptance to 0.88 at the Solar One central receiver pilot plant. Laboratory studies also showed that exposure of Pyromark 2500 at high temperatures (750°C and higher) resulted in significant decreases in solar absorptance within a few days. However, at 650°C and below, the solar absorptance did not decrease appreciably after several thousand hours of testing. Finally, the absorber efficiency of Pyromark 2500 was determined as a function of temperature and irradiance using the calculated solar absorptance and emittance values presented in this paper. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.

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Improved high temperature solar absorbers for use in Concentrating Solar Power central receiver applications

Staiger, Chad S.; Lambert, Timothy N.; Hall, Aaron C.; Bencomo, Marlene B.; Stechel-Speicher, Ellen B.

Concentrating solar power (CSP) systems use solar absorbers to convert the heat from sunlight to electric power. Increased operating temperatures are necessary to lower the cost of solar-generated electricity by improving efficiencies and reducing thermal energy storage costs. Durable new materials are needed to cope with operating temperatures >600 C. The current coating technology (Pyromark High Temperature paint) has a solar absorptance in excess of 0.95 but a thermal emittance greater than 0.8, which results in large thermal losses at high temperatures. In addition, because solar receivers operate in air, these coatings have long term stability issues that add to the operating costs of CSP facilities. Ideal absorbers must have high solar absorptance (>0.95) and low thermal emittance (<0.05) in the IR region, be stable in air, and be low-cost and readily manufacturable. We propose to utilize solution-based synthesis techniques to prepare intrinsic absorbers for use in central receiver applications.

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14 Results
14 Results