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Diffuse back-illumination temperature imaging (DBI-TI), a novel soot thermometry technique

Combustion and Flame

Lind, Ted; Li, Zheming; Rajasegar, Rajavasanth R.; Roberts, Gregory; Andersson, Öivind; Musculus, Mark P.

To meet stringent emissions regulations on soot emissions, it is critical to further advance the fundamental understanding of in-cylinder soot formation and oxidation processes. Among several optical techniques for soot quantification, diffuse back-illumination extinction imaging (DBI-EI) has recently gained traction mainly due to its ability to compensate for beam steering, which if not addressed, can cause unacceptably high measurement uncertainty. Until now, DBI-EI has only been used to measure the amount of soot along the line of sight, and in this work, we extend the capabilities of a DBI-EI setup to also measure in-cylinder soot temperature. This proof of concept of diffuse back-illumination temperature imaging (DBI-TI) as a soot thermometry technique is presented by implementing DBI-TI in a single cylinder, heavy-duty, optical diesel engine to provide 2-D line-of-sight integrated soot temperature maps. The potential of DBI-TI to be an accurate thermometry technique for use in optical engines is analyzed. The achievable accuracy is due in part to simultaneous measurement of the soot extinction, which circumvents the uncertainty in dispersion coefficients that depend on the optical properties of soot and the wavelength of light utilized. Analysis shows that DBI-TI provides temperature estimates that are closer to the mass-averaged soot temperature when compared to other thermometry techniques that are more sensitive to soot temperature closer to the detector. Furthermore, uncertainty analysis and Monte Carlo (MC) simulations provide estimates of the temperature measurement errors associated with this technique. The MC simulations reveal that for the light intensities and optical densities encountered in these experiments, the accuracy of the DBI-TI technique is comparable or even better than other established optical thermometry techniques. Thus, DBI-TI promises to be an easily implementable extension to the existing DBI-EI technique, thereby extending its ability to provide comprehensive line-of-sight integrated information on soot.

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Verification of diesel spray ignition phenomenon in dual-fuel diesel-piloted premixed natural gas engine

International Journal of Engine Research

Niki, Yoichi; Rajasegar, Rajavasanth R.; Li, Zheming L.; Musculus, Mark P.; Garcia Oliver, Jose M.; Takasaki, Koji

Dual-fuel (DF) engines, in which premixed natural gas and air in an open-type combustion chamber is ignited by diesel-fuel pilot sprays, have been more popular for marine use than pre-chamber spark ignition (PCSI) engines because of their superior durability. However, control of ignition and combustion in DF engines is more difficult than in PCSI engines. In this context, this study focuses on the ignition stability of n-heptane pilot-fuel jets injected into a compressed premixed charge of natural gas and air at low-load conditions. To aid understanding of the experimental data, chemical-kinetics simulations were carried out in a simplified engine-environment that provided insight into the chemical effects of methane (CH4) on pilot-fuel ignition. The simulations reveal that CH4 has an effect on both stages of n-heptane autoignition: the small, first-stage, cool-flame-type, low-temperature ignition (LTI) and the larger, second-stage, high-temperature ignition (HTI). As the ratio of pilot-fuel to CH4 entrained into the spray decreases, the initial oxidization of CH4 consumes the OH radicals produced by pilot-fuel decomposition during LTI, thereby inhibiting its progression to HTI. Using imaging diagnostics, the spatial and temporal progression of LTI and HTI in DF combustion are measured in a heavy-duty optical engine, and the imaging data are analyzed to understand the cause of severe fluctuations in ignition timing and combustion completeness at low-load conditions. Images of cool-flame and hydroxyl radical (OH*) chemiluminescence serve as indicators of LTI and HTI, respectively. The cycle-to-cycle and spatial variation in ignition extracted from the imaging data are used as key metrics of comparison. The imaging data indicate that the local concentration of the pilot-fuel and the richness of the surrounding natural-gas air mixture are important for LTI and HTI, but in different ways. In particular, higher injection pressures and shorter injection durations increase the mixing rate, leading to lower concentrations of pilot-fuel more quickly, which can inhibit HTI even as LTI remains relatively robust. Decreasing the injection pressure from 80 MPa to 40 MPa and increasing the injection duration from 500 µs to 760 µs maintained constant pilot-fuel mass, while promoting robust transition from LTI to HTI by effectively slowing the mixing rate. This allows enough residence time for the OH radicals, produced by the two-stage ignition chemistry of the pilot-fuel, to accelerate the transition from LTI to HTI before being consumed by CH4 oxidation. Thus from a practical perspective, for a premixed natural gas fuel–air equivalence-ratio, it is possible to improve the “stability” of the combustion process by solely manipulating the pilot-fuel injection parameters while maintaining constant mass of injected pilot-fuel. This allows for tailoring mixing trajectories to offset changes in fuel ignition chemistry, so as to promote a robust transition from LTI to HTI by changing the balance between the local concentration of the pilot-fuel and richness of the premixed natural gas and air. This could prove to be a valuable tool for combustion design to improve fuel efficiency or reduce noise or perhaps even reduce heat-transfer losses by locating early combustion away from in-cylinder walls.

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Fundamental insights on ignition and combustion of natural gas in an active fueled pre-chamber spark-ignition system

Combustion and Flame

Rajasegar, Rajavasanth R.; Niki, Yoichi; García-Oliver, Jose M.; Li, Zheming; Musculus, Mark P.

Pre-chamber spark-ignition (PCSI), either fueled or non-fueled, is a leading concept with the potential to enable diesel-like efficiency in medium-duty (MD) and heavy-duty (HD) natural gas (NG) engines. However, the inadequate scientific base and simulation tools to describe/predict the underlying processes governing PCSI systems is one of the key barriers to market penetration of PCSI for MD/HD NG engines. To this end, experiments were performed in a heavy-duty, optical, single-cylinder engine fitted with an active fueled PCSI module. The spatial and temporal progress of ignition and subsequent combustion of lean-burn natural gas using PCSI system were studied using optical diagnostic imaging and heat release analysis based on main-chamber and pre-chamber pressure measurements. Optical diagnostics involving simultaneous infrared (IR) and high-speed (30 kfps) broadband and filtered OH* chemiluminescence imaging are used to probe the combustion process. Following the early pressure rise in the pre-chamber, IR imaging reveals initial ejection of unburnt fuel-air mixture from the pre-chamber into the main-chamber. Following this, the pre-chamber gas jets exhibit chemical activity in the vicinity of the pre-chamber region followed by a delayed spread in OH* chemiluminescence, as they continue to penetrate further into the main-chamber. The OH* signal progress radially until the pre-chamber jets merge, which sets up the limit to a first stage, jet-momentum driven, mixing-controlled (temperature field) premixed combustion. This is then followed by the subsequent deceleration of the pre-chamber jets, caused by the decrease in the driving pressure difference (ΔP) as well as charge entrainment, resulting in a flame front evolution, where mixing is not the only driver. Chemical-kinetic calculations probe the possibility of flame propagation or sequential auto-ignition in the second stage of combustion. Finally, key phenomenological features are then summarized so as to provide fundamental insights on the complex underlying fluid-mechanical and chemical-kinetic processes that govern the ignition and subsequent combustion of natural gas near lean-limits in high-efficiency lean-burn natural gas engines employing PCSI system.

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An experimental and one-dimensional modeling analysis of turbulent gas ejection in pre-chamber engines


García-Oliver, J.M.; Niki, Y.; Rajasegar, R.; Novella, R.; Gomez-Soriano, J.; Martínez-Hernándiz, P.J.; Li, Z.; Musculus, Mark P.

Experimental results from a study on the evolution of gas jets ejected through the orifices of a pre-chamber in a heavy-duty optical engine are presented. The work examines conditions without fuel inside the main-chamber, which helps to describe the dynamics of the ejected gas jets without the interference of subsequent combustion in the main-chamber. Experimental diagnostics consist of high-speed visible intensified imaging and low-speed infrared imaging. Additionally a one-dimensional gas jet model is used to characterize the spatial distribution of the ejected flow, including parameters such as tip penetration, which are then validated based on experimental results. Different stages in the ejection of pre-chamber jets are identified, with chemical activity restricted to a maximum distance of 5 to 10 orifice diameters downstream of the orifice as indicated by the recorded visible radiation. Sensitivity of cycle-to-cycle variations in pre-chamber jet development to the air-to-fuel ratio in the pre-chamber observed in the experiments is in most part attributed to the variations in the timing of combustion initiation in the pre-chamber. The influence of the ejection flow on the penetration of the gas jet on a cycle-to-cycle basis is presented using the one-dimensional model. The one-dimensional model also indicates that the local flow exhibits highest sensitivity to operating conditions during the start of ejection until the timing when maximum flow is attained. Differences that exist during the decreasing mass-flow ejection time-period tend to smear out in part due to the transient slowdown of the ejection process.

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Heavy-Duty Low-Temperature and Diesel Combustion & Heavy-Duty Combustion Modeling (FY 2018 Annual Progress Report)

Musculus, Mark P.

Regulatory drivers and market demands for lower pollutant emissions, lower carbon dioxide emissions, and lower fuel consumption motivate the development of clean and fuel-efficient engine operating strategies. Most current production engines use a combination of both in-cylinder and exhaust emission control strategies to achieve these goals. The emissions and efficiency performance of in-cylinder strategies depend strongly on flow and mixing processes associated with fuel injection. Both heavy- and light-duty engine/vehicle manufacturers use multiple-injection strategies to reduce noise, emissions, and fuel consumption. For both conventional and low-temperature diesel combustion, the state of knowledge and modeling tools for multiple injections are far less advanced than for single-injection strategies. Engine efficiency is limited to some degree by tradeoffs that must be accepted to meet particulate matter (including soot) emissions limits. Recent work on this project has filled some knowledge gaps on soot oxidation with multiple injections, and the current work for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 addresses knowledge gaps on soot formation for multiple injections. While total in-cylinder soot is readily measured, discerning formation from oxidation is difficult. The FY 2018 experiments are designed to create in-cylinder conditions at the threshold of soot formation, where processes that affect soot formation can be more readily discerned. Soot formation pathways under such conditions are fraught with uncertainties, and soot models significantly overpredict polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and soot, so experimental data at these conditions will provide much needed data for improvements to PAH and soot models.

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Spatio-Temporal Progression of Two-Stage Autoignition for Diesel Sprays in a Low-Reactivity Ambient: N-Heptane Pilot-Ignited Premixed Natural Gas

SAE Technical Papers

Rajasegar, Rajavasanth R.; Niki, Yoichi; Garcia-Oliver, Jose M.; Li, Zheming; Musculus, Mark P.

The spatial and temporal locations of autoignition depend on fuel chemistry and the temperature, pressure, and mixing trajectories in the fuel jets. Dual-fuel systems can provide insight into fuel-chemistry aspects through variation of the proportions of fuels with different reactivities, and engine operating condition variations can provide information on physical effects. In this context, the spatial and temporal progression of two-stage autoignition of a diesel-fuel surrogate, n-heptane, in a lean-premixed charge of synthetic natural gas (NG) and air is imaged in an optically accessible heavy-duty diesel engine. The lean-premixed charge of NG is prepared by fumigation upstream of the engine intake manifold. Optical diagnostics include: infrared (IR) imaging for quantifying both the in-cylinder NG concentration and the pilot-jet penetration rate and spreading angle, high-speed cool-flame chemiluminescence imaging as an indicator of low-temperature heat release (LTHR), and high-speed OH* chemiluminescence imaging as an indicator high-temperature heat release (HTHR). To aid interpretation of the experimental observations, zero-dimensional chemical kinetics simulations provide further understanding of the underlying interplay between the physical and chemical processes of mixing (pilot fuel-jet entrainment) and autoignition (two-stage ignition chemistry). Increasing the premixed NG concentration prolongs the ignition delay of the pilot fuel and increases the combustion duration. Due to the relatively short pilot-fuel injections utilized, the transient increase in entrainment near the end of injection (entrainment wave) plays an important role in mixing. To achieve desired combustion characteristics, i.e., ignition and combustion timing (e.g., for combustion phasing) and location (e.g., for reducing wall heat-transfer or tailoring charge stratification), injection parameters can be suitably selected to yield the necessary mixing trajectories that potentially help offset changes in fuel ignition chemistry, which could be a valuable tool for combustion design.

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Fundamental Advancements in Pre-Chamber Spark-Ignition and Emissions Control for Lean-Burn Natural-Gas Engines

Musculus, Mark P.; Li, Zheming L.; Rajasegar, Rajavasanth R.; Carpenter, Dalton C.; Niki, Yoichi N.; Garcia-Oliver, Jose M.; Rousselle, Christine R.; Longman, Doug L.; Biruduganti, Munidhar B.; Shah, Ashish S.; Scarcelli, Riccardo S.; Kim, Joohan K.; Som, Sibendu S.; Zigler, Brad Z.; Ratcliff, Matthew A.; Yellapantula, Shashank Y.; Rahimi, Mohammad R.; Grout, Ray W.; Luecke, Jon L.; Collins, Whitney C.; Curran, Scott J.; Pihl, Josh A.; Szybist, Jim S.; Debusk, Melanie D.; Lerin, Chloé L.

Abstract not provided.

Fundamental Advancements in Pre-Chamber Spark-Ignition and Emissions Control for Lean-Burn Natural-Gas Engines

Musculus, Mark P.; Li, Zheming L.; Rajasegar, Rajavasanth R.; Carpenter, Dalton C.; Niki, Yoichi N.; Garcia-Oliver, Jose M.; Rousselle, Christine R.; Longman, Doug L.; Biruduganti, Munidhar B.; Shah, Ashish S.; Scarcelli, Riccardo S.; Kim, Joohan K.; Som, Sibendu S.; Zigler, Brad Z.; Ratcliff, Matthew A.; Yellapantula, Shashank Y.; Rahimi, Mohammad R.; Grout, Ray W.; Luecke, Jon L.; Collins, Whitney C.; Curran, Scott J.; Pihl, Josh A.; Szybist, Jim S.; Debusk, Melanie D.; Lerin, Chloé L.

Abstract not provided.

Dilution and injection pressure effects on ignition and onset of soot at threshold-sooting conditions by simultaneous PAH-PLIF and soot-PLII imaging in a heavy duty optical diesel engine

SAE Technical Papers

Li, Zheming L.; Roberts, Gregory; Musculus, Mark P.

Although accumulated in-cylinder soot can be measured by various optical techniques, discerning soot formation rates from oxidation rates is more difficult. Various optical measurements have pointed toward ways to affect in-cylinder soot oxidation, but evidence of effects of operational variables on soot formation is less plentiful. The formation of soot and its precursors, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), are strongly dependent on temperature, so factors affecting soot formation may be more evident at low-temperature combustion conditions. Here, in-cylinder PAHs are imaged by planar laser-induced fluorescence (PAH-PLIF) using three different excitation wavelengths of 355, 532, and 633 nm, to probe three different size-classes of PAH from 2-3 to 10+ rings. Simultaneous planar laser-induced incandescence of soot (soot-PLII) using 1064-nm excitation provides complementary imaging of soot formation near inception. To achieve low combustion temperatures at the threshold of PAH and soot formation, the engine operating conditions are highly diluted, with intake-O2 mole-fractions as low as 7.5%. The optical diagnostics show that increasing dilution delays the inception of PAH by over 2.5 ms as the intake-O2 mole-fraction decreases from 15.0% to 9.0%. At 7.5% intake-O2, no large PAH or soot are formed, while the 9.0% intake-O2 condition forms PAH but virtually no detectable soot. Conditions with 10.0% or more intake-O2 form both PAH and soot. For the threshold-sooting condition with 10.0% intake-O2, large PAH typically forms broadly throughout the cross-section of the downstream jets and along the bowl-wall. Soot appears after PAH, and in narrower ribbons in the jet-jet interaction region. These soot ribbons are on the periphery of the PAH, near the diffusion flame, where the highest temperatures are expected. With increasing intake-O2, the delay time between soot and PAH shortens, and soot tends to shift upstream to the jet region prior to wall impingement, though still on the periphery of the PAH. The spatial distributions of PAH and soot overlap slightly under these threshold-sooting conditions, with soot typically surrounding the PAH. This may indicate that temperatures are only high enough for soot formation on the jet periphery, near the diffusion flame. The minimal overlap also suggests that PAHs are rapidly consumed and/or adsorbed when soot is formed. Additionally, increasing the fuel-injection pressure from 533 to 800 and then to 1200 bar increases soot and large PAH formation, which is opposite to the trend for conventional diesel combustion.

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A visual investigation of CFD-predicted in-cylinder mechanisms that control first- and second-stage ignition in diesel jets

SAE Technical Papers

Hessel, Randy; Reitz, Rolf; Musculus, Mark P.

The long-term goal of this work is to develop a conceptual model for multiple injections of diesel jets. The current work contributes to that effort by performing a detailed modeling investigation into mechanisms that are predicted to control 1st and 2nd stage ignition in single-pulse diesel (n-dodecane) jets under different conditions. One condition produces a jet with negative ignition dwell that is dominated by mixing-controlled heat release, and the other, a jet with positive ignition dwell and dominated by premixed heat release. During 1st stage ignition, fuel is predicted to burn similarly under both conditions; far upstream, gases at the radial-edge of the jet, where gas temperatures are hotter, partially react and reactions continue as gases flow downstream. Once beyond the point of complete fuel evaporation, near-axis gases are no longer cooled by the evaporation process and 1st stage ignition transitions to 2nd stage ignition. At this point, for the positive ignition dwell case, all of the fuel has already been injected and the 2nd stage ignition zone is surrounded by a relatively large mass of premixed gas, which results in the premixed-dominated heat release mentioned above. Conversely, relatively little premixed gas surrounds the 2nd stage ignition zone of the negative ignition dwell case, its small premix charge burns rapidly and the remaining charge is supplied via injection during the heat release process yielding a mixing-controlled dominated heat release. After end-of-injection, both cases leave a distinct residual jet. Gaining a deep understanding of the aforementioned processes is the purpose of this paper. Understanding how a second pulse of fuel burns when injected into residual jets of different character is the subject of future work.

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Investigation of fuel condensation processes under non-reacting conditions in an optically-accessible engine

SAE Technical Papers

Qiu, Lu; Reitz, Rolf; Eagle, Ethan; Musculus, Mark P.

Engine experiments have revealed the importance of fuel condensation on the emission characteristics of low temperature combustion. However, direct in-cylinder experimental evidence has not been reported in the literature. In this paper, the in-cylinder condensation processes observed in optically accessible engine experiments are first illustrated. The observed condensation processes are then simulated using state-of-the-art multidimensional engine CFD simulations with a phase transition model that incorporates a well-validated phase equilibrium numerical solver, in which a thermodynamically consistent phase equilibrium analysis is applied to determine when mixtures become unstable and a new phase is formed. The model utilizes fundamental thermodynamics principles to judge the occurrence of phase separation or combination by minimizing the system Gibbs free energy. It is shown that thermodynamically unstable mixtures are formed during the late expansion stroke for the conditions of the experiments. Close agreement on the beginning of condensation is also observed between the simulations and available experiments.

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Isolating the effects of reactivity stratification in reactivity-controlled compression ignition with iso-octane and n-heptane on a light-duty multi-cylinder engine*

International Journal of Engine Research

Wissink, Martin L.; Curran, Scott J.; Roberts, Greg R.; Musculus, Mark P.; Mounaïm-Rousselle, Christine

Reactivity-controlled compression ignition (RCCI) is a dual-fuel variant of low-temperature combustion that uses in-cylinder fuel stratification to control the rate of reactions occurring during combustion. Using fuels of varying reactivity (autoignition propensity), gradients of reactivity can be established within the charge, allowing for control over combustion phasing and duration for high efficiency while achieving low NOx and soot emissions. In practice, this is typically accomplished by premixing a low-reactivity fuel, such as gasoline, with early port or direct injection, and by direct injecting a high-reactivity fuel, such as diesel, at an intermediate timing before top dead center. Both the relative quantity and the timing of the injection(s) of high-reactivity fuel can be used to tailor the combustion process and thereby the efficiency and emissions under RCCI. While many combinations of high- and low-reactivity fuels have been successfully demonstrated to enable RCCI, there is a lack of fundamental understanding of what properties, chemical or physical, are most important or desirable for extending operation to both lower and higher loads and reducing emissions of unreacted fuel and CO. This is partly due to the fact that important variables such as temperature, equivalence ratio, and reactivity change simultaneously in both a local and a global sense with changes in the injection of the high-reactivity fuel. This study uses primary reference fuels iso-octane and n-heptane, which have similar physical properties but much different autoignition properties, to create both external and in-cylinder fuel blends that allow for the effects of reactivity stratification to be isolated and quantified. This study is part of a collaborative effort with researchers at Sandia National Laboratories who are investigating the same fuels and conditions of interest in an optical engine. This collaboration aims to improve our fundamental understanding of what fuel properties are required to further develop advanced combustion modes.

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LDRD 200166: In-Cylinder Diagnostics to Overcome Efficiency Barriers in Natural Gas Engines

Musculus, Mark P.; Zador, Judit Z.; Stewart, Kenneth D.; Li, Zheming L.; Cicone, Dave J.; Roberts, Greg R.

The high-level objective of this project is to solve national-s ecurity problems associated with petroleum use, cost, and environmental impacts by enabling more efficient use of natural-gas-fueled internal co mbustion engines. An improved sci ence-base on end-gas autoignition, or "knock," is re quired to support engineering of more efficient engine designs through predictive modeling. An existing optical diesel engine facility is retrofitted for natural gas fueling with laser-spark-ignition c ombustion to provide in- cylinder imaging and pressure data under knocking combustion. Z ero-dimensional chemical-kinetic modeling of aut oignition, adiabatically constr ained by the measured cylinder pressure, isolates the role of autoignition chemistry. OH* chemiluminescence imaging reveals six different c ategories of knock onset that de pend on proximity to engine surfaces and the in-cylinder deflagration. Modeling resu lts show excellent prediction regardless of the knoc k category, thereby validating state-of-the-art kinetic mechanisms. The results also provide guidance for future work t o build a science base on the factors that affect the deflagration rate.

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Heavy-Duty Low-Temperature and Diesel Combustion & Heavy-Duty Combustion Modeling

Musculus, Mark P.

Regulatory drivers and market demands for lower pollutant emissions, lower carbon dioxide emissions, and lower fuel consumption motivate the development of clean and fuel-efficient engine operating strategies. Most current production engines use a combination of both in-cylinder and exhaust emissions-control strategies to achieve these goals. The emissions and efficiency performance of in-cylinder strategies depend strongly on flow and mixing processes associated with fuel injection. Various diesel engine manufacturers have adopted close-coupled post-injection combustion strategies to both reduce pollutant emissions and to increase engine efficiency for heavy-duty applications, as well as for light- and medium-duty applications. Close-coupled post-injections are typically short injections that follow a larger main injection in the same cycle after a short dwell, such that the energy conversion efficiency of the post-injection is typical of diesel combustion. Of the various post-injection schedules that have been reported in the literature, effects on exhaust soot vary by roughly an order of magnitude in either direction of increasing or decreasing emissions relative to single injections (O’Connor et al., 2015). While several hypotheses have been offered in the literature to help explain these observations, no clear consensus has been established. For new engines to take full advantage of the benefits that post-injections can offer, the in-cylinder mechanisms that affect emissions and efficiency must be identified and described to provide guidance for engine design.

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Co-Optima Project E2.2.2: Accelerate Development of ACI/LTC Fuel Effects on RCCI Combustion

Musculus, Mark P.

Many advanced combustion approaches have demonstrated potential for achieving diesel-like thermal efficiency but with much lower pollutant emissions of particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). RCCI is one advanced combustion concept, which makes use of in-cylinder blending of two fuels with differing reactivity for improved control of the combustion phasing and rate (Reitz et al., 2015). Previous research and development at ORNL has demonstrated successful implementation of RCCI on a light-duty multi-cylinder engine over a wide range of operating conditions (Curran et al., 2015). Several challenges were encountered when extending the research to practical applications, including limits to the operating range, both for high and low loads. Co-optimizing the engine and fuel aspects of the RCCI approach might allow these operating limits to be overcome. The in-cylinder mechanisms by which fuel properties interact with engine operating condition variables is not well understood, however, in part because RCCI is a new combustion concept that is still being developed, and limited data have been acquired to date, especially using in-cylinder optical/imaging diagnostics. The objective of this work is to use in-cylinder diagnostics in a heavy-duty single-cylinder optical engine at SNL to understand the interplay between fuel properties and engine hardware and operating conditions for RCCI in general, and in particular for the light-duty multi-cylinder all-metal RCCI engine experiments at ORNL.

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RCCI Combustion Regime Transitions in a Single-Cylinder Optical Engine and a Multi-Cylinder Metal Engine

SAE International Journal of Engines

Roberts, Greg R.; Rousselle, Christine M.; Musculus, Mark P.; Wissink, Martin; Curran, Scott; Eagle, Ethan

Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI) is an approach to increase engine efficiency and lower engine-out emissions by using in-cylinder stratification of fuels with differing reactivity (i.e., autoignition characteristics) to control combustion phasing. Stratification can be altered by varying the injection timing of the high-reactivity fuel, causing transitions across multiple regimes of combustion. When injection is sufficiently early, combustion approaches a highly-premixed autoignition regime, and when it is sufficiently late it approaches more mixing-controlled, diesel-like conditions. Engine performance, emissions, and control authority over combustion phasing with injection timing are most favorable in between, within the RCCI regime. To study charge preparation phenomena that dictate regime transitions, two different optical diagnostics are applied in a single-cylinder heavy-duty optical engine, and conventional engine diagnostics are applied in a multi-cylinder, light-duty all-metal engine. Both engines are operated with iso-octane and n-heptane as the low- and high-reactivity fuels, respectively. The iso-octane fuel fraction delivers 80% of the total fuel energy, the global equivalence ratio is 0.35, and no exhaust gas recirculation is used. In the optical engine, single-shot, band-pass infrared (IR) imaging of emission near 3.3 microns measures thermal C-H stretch-band emission of hot fuel vapor and intermediate combustion products, providing qualitative information about the fuel-vapor distribution and ignition locations during low-temperature heat release. Additionally, high-speed 7.2 kHz visible-light imaging of natural luminosity, optimized to detect chemiluminescence, indicates the spatial and temporal evolution of high-temperature heat release and combustion. Similar combustion regimes are observed for both engine platforms, allowing an opportunity for optical engine data to provide insight into fundamental phenomena affecting regime ranges and transitions in production engines. Key findings from imaging diagnostics indicate that at the late-injection limit of RCCI control authority, low-temperature ignition occurs when clearly identifiable jet structures are still intact, and during high-temperature combustion there is prevalent and persistent soot incandescence representative of locally mixing-limited (i.e., fuel-rich) combustion. At the early-injection limit of RCCI control, observed stratification during low-temperature ignition is subtle; however, high-temperature combustion still occurs sequentially from the bowl rim radially inwards.

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Guidelines for Interpreting Soot Luminosity Imaging

SAE International Journal of Engines

Hessel, Randy; Yue, Zongyu; Reitz, Rolf; Musculus, Mark P.; O'Connor, Jacqueline

One way to develop an understanding of soot formation and oxidation processes that occur during direct injection and combustion in an internal combustion engine is to image the natural luminosity from soot over time. Imaging is possible when there is optical access to the combustion chamber. After the images are acquired, the next challenge is to properly interpret the luminous distributions that have been captured on the images. A major focus of this paper is to provide guidance on interpretation of experimental images of soot luminosity by explaining how radiation from soot is predicted to change as it is transmitted through the combustion chamber and to the imaging. The interpretations are only limited by the scope of the models that have been developed for this purpose. The end-goal of imaging radiation from soot is to estimate the amount of soot that is present. The method selected for making such estimates is to model the combustion and sooting events with computational fluid dynamics (CFD), post-process the CFD results to generate 3D distributions of the soot-radiation field, model the transformation of the 3D distribution to a 2D distribution that is representative of luminosity captured by the camera, derive a relationship between the projected 2D luminosity and the amount of CFD-predicted in-cylinder soot, and finally, apply that relationship to experimental images thus giving an estimate of actual amount of in- cylinder soot that is present. Model descriptions, how the models are implemented and results of their application are included in this paper.

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Effect of post injections on mixture preparation and unburned hydrocarbon emissions in a heavy-duty diesel engine

Combustion and Flame

O'Connor, Jacqueline; Musculus, Mark P.; Pickett, Lyle M.

This work explores the mechanisms by which a post injection can reduce unburned hydrocarbon (UHC) emissions in heavy-duty diesel engines operating at low-temperature combustion conditions. Post injections, small, close-coupled injections of fuel after the main injection, have been shown to reduce UHC in the authors' previous work. In this work, we analyze optical data from laser-induced fluorescence of both CH2O and OH and use chemical reactor modeling to better understand the mechanism by which post injections reduce UHC emissions. The results indicate that post-injection efficacy, or the extent to which a post injection reduces UHC emissions, is a strong function of the cylinder pressure variation during the post injection. However, the data and analysis indicate that the pressure and temperature rise from the post injection combustion cannot solely explain the UHC reduction measured by both engine-out and optical diagnostics. The fluid-mechanic, thermal, and chemical interaction of the post injection with the main-injection mixture is a key part of UHC reduction; the starting action of the post jet and the subsequent entrainment of surrounding gases are likely both important processes in reducing UHC with a post injection.

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In-cylinder soot precursor growth in a low-temperature combustion diesel engine: Laser-induced fluorescence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute

Leermakers, C.A.J.; Musculus, Mark P.

The growth of poly-cyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) soot precursors are observed using a two-laser technique combining laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) of PAH with laser-induced incandescence (LII) of soot in a diesel engine under low-temperature combustion (LTC) conditions. The broad mixture distributions and slowed chemical kinetics of LTC "stretch out" soot-formation processes in both space and time, thereby facilitating their study. Imaging PAH-LIF from pulsed-laser excitation at three discrete wavelengths (266, 532, and 633 nm) reveals the temporal growth of PAH molecules, while soot-LII from a 1064-nm pulsed laser indicates inception to soot. The distribution of PAH-LIF also grows spatially within the combustion chamber before soot-LII is first detected. The PAH-LIF signals have broad spectra, much like LII, but typically with spectral profile that is inconsistent with laser-heated soot. Quantitative natural-emission spectroscopy also shows a broad emission spectrum, presumably from PAH chemiluminescence, temporally coinciding with of the PAH-LIF.

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In-Cylinder Mechanisms of Soot Reduction by Close-Coupled Post-Injections as Revealed by Imaging of Soot Luminosity and Planar Laser-Induced Soot Incandescence in a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine

SAE International Journal of Engines

O'Connor, Jacqueline; Musculus, Mark P.

Post injections have been shown to reduce engine-out soot emissions in a variety of engine architectures and at a range of operating points. In this study, measurements of the engine-out soot from a heavy-duty optical diesel engine have conclusively shown that interaction between the post-injection jet and soot from the main injection must be, at least in part, responsible for the reduction in engine-out soot. Extensive measurements of the spatial and temporal evolution of soot using high-speed imaging of soot natural luminosity (soot-NL) and planar-laser induced incandescence of soot (soot-PLII) at four vertical elevations in the piston bowl at a range of crank angle timings provide definitive optical evidence of these interactions. The soot-PLII images provide some of the most conclusive evidence to date that the addition of a post injection dramatically changes the topology and quantity of in-cylinder soot. As the post jet penetrates toward the bowl wall, it carves out regions from the main-injection soot structures, either through displacement of the soot or through rapid and progressive oxidation of the soot. Later in the cycle, the regions of main-injection soot on either side of the jet centerline, clearly present in the main-injection-only case, have all but disappeared when the post-injection is added - only the soot in the post-injection pathway remains. Evidence of this apparent late-cycle oxidation of main-injection soot appears in both the soot-PLII and soot-NL images, providing substantial support for the mixing mechanism of soot reduction with post injections. Implications of these findings and future work are also discussed. © 2014 SAE International.

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Effect of load on close-coupled post-injection efficacy for soot reduction in an optical heavy-duty diesel research engine

Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power

O'Connor, Jacqueline O.; Musculus, Mark P.

The use of close-coupled post injections is an in-cylinder soot-reduction technique that has much promise for high efficiency heavy-duty diesel engines. Close-coupled post injections, short injections of fuel that occur soon after the end of the main fuel injection, have been known to reduce engine-out soot at a wide range of engine operating conditions, including variations in injection timing, exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) level, load, boost, and speed. While many studies have investigated the performance of post injections, the details of the mechanism by which soot is reduced remains unclear. In this study, we have measured the efficacy of post injections over a range of load conditions, at constant speed, boost, and rail pressure, in a heavy-duty optically-accessible research diesel engine. Here, the base load is varied by changing the main-injection duration. Measurements of engine-out soot indicate that not only does the efficacy of a post injection decrease at higher engine loads, but that the range of post-injection durations over which soot reduction is achievable is limited at higher loads. Optical measurements, including the natural luminescence of soot and planar laser-induced incandescence of soot, provide information about the spatiotemporal development of in-cylinder soot through the cycle in cases with and without post-injections. The optical results indicate that the post injection behaves similarly at different loads, but that its relative efficacy decreases due to the increase in soot resulting from longer main-injection durations. Copyright © 2014 by ASME.

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The influence of large-scale structures on entrainment in a decelerating transient turbulent jet revealed by large eddy simulation

Physics of Fluids

Hu, Bing; Musculus, Mark P.; Oefelein, Joseph C.

To provide a better understanding of the fluid mechanical mechanisms governing entrainment in decelerating jets, we performed a large eddy simulation (LES) of a transient air jet. The ensemble-averaged LES calculations agree well with the available measurements of centerline velocity, and they reveal a region of increased entrainment that grows as it propagates downstream during deceleration. Within the temporal and spatial domains of the simulation, entrainment during deceleration temporarily increases by roughly a factor of two over that of the quasi-steady jet, and thereafter decays to a level lower than the quasi-steady jet. The LES results also provide large-structure flow details that lend insight into the effects of deceleration on entrainment. The simulations show greater growth and separation of large vortical structures during deceleration. Ambient fluid is engulfed into the gaps between the large-scale structures, causing large-scale indentations in the scalar jet boundary. The changes in the growth and separation of large structures during deceleration are attributed to changes in the production and convection of vorticity. Both the absolute and normalized scalar dissipation rates decrease during deceleration, implying that changes in small-scale mixing during deceleration do not play an important role in the increased entrainment. Hence, the simulations predict that entrainment in combustion devices may be controlled by manipulating the fuel-jet boundary conditions, which affect structures at large scales much more than at small scales. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.

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Effects of Post-Injection Strategies on Near-Injector Over-Lean Mixtures and Unburned Hydrocarbon Emission in a Heavy-Duty Optical Diesel Engine

SAE International Journal of Engines

Chartier, Clément; Andersson, Oivind; Johansson, Bengt; Musculus, Mark P.; Bobba, Mohan

Post-injection strategies aimed at reducing engine-out emissions of unburned hydrocarbons (UHC) were investigated in an optical heavy-duty diesel engine operating at a low-load, low-temperature combustion (LTC) condition with high dilution (12.7% intake oxygen) where UHC emissions are problematic. Exhaust gas measurements showed that a carefully selected post injection reduced engine-out load-specific UHC emissions by 20% compared to operation with a single injection in the same load range. High-speed in-cylinder chemiluminescence imaging revealed that without a post injection, most of the chemiluminescence emission occurs close to the bowl wall, with no significant chemiluminescence signal within 27 mm of the injector. Previous studies have shown that over-leaning in this near-injector region after the end of injection causes the local equivalence ratio to fall below the ignitability limit. With a carefully selected post-injection, mixtures close to the injector show significant chemiluminescence emission, indicating more complete combustion of those regions, likely due to increased local equivalence ratios. Simultaneous planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) of OH with 284-nm excitation and PLIF of combined formaldehyde and poly aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) with 355-nm excitation were employed to identify the regions of first- and second-stage ignition, as well as providing some indication of local equivalence ratios. The laser diagnostics show that without a post injection, regions close to the injector show formaldehyde fluorescence late in the cycle without detectable OH fluorescence, indicating that these regions do not achieve second-stage ignition, and therefore likely contribute to UHC emissions. Persistence of formaldehyde fluorescence late in the cycle is also consistent with fuel-lean mixtures. With a carefully selected post injection, strong OH fluorescence appears in the near-injector regions, indicating that they are likely enriched by the post-injection such that they reach second-stage ignition and more complete oxidation. The reduction observed in the exhaust UHC emission is therefore attributed to the enrichment mechanism of the near-injector regions by the close-coupled post-injection. © 2011 SAE International.

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LII spectra and simultaneous imaging with 532 & 1064 nm excitation at LTC diesel engine conditions

Fall Technical Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute 2009, WSS/CI 2009 Fall Meeting

Bobba, Mohan K.; Musculus, Mark P.

Laser-induced incandescence (LII) of soot has commonly been implemented using Nd:YAG harmonics at 532 or 1064 nm. Recent atmospheric-pressure flame studies have shown that significant C2 and C3 fluorescence interference can arise at fluences as low as 0.2 J/cm2 at 532 nm and 1064 nm. This paper explores LII fluorescence interference in a low-temperature combustion (LTC) diesel engine. Results show that the spectral and spatial distributions of LII for mature soot are similar at 532 and 1064 nm. Closer to the onset of soot formation, however, the 532-nm LII spectrum has strong blue-shifted broadband emission compared to 1064-nm LII, but without any clear evidence of C2 or C3 fluorescence, even at high fluences. The 532-nm laser-induced emission is initially distributed over most of the diesel jet, while the 1064-nm signal is negligible. We speculate that the broadband blue-shifted signal for 532-nm LII is most likely fluorescence from soot precursor species like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), whereas the 1064-nm signal is primarily true soot LII. These results suggest that for LTC diesel engines, the emission arising from 532-nm excitation close to the onset of soot formation will likely contain significant broadband fluorescence interference relative to the true LII signal.

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Effect of ignition delay on in-cylinder soot characteristics of a heavy duty diesel engine operating at low temperature conditions

SAE Technical Papers

Bobba, Mohan K.; Genzale, Caroline L.; Musculus, Mark P.

Low temperature combustion (LTC) strategies, which can mitigate emissions of particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) from diesel engines, typically have longer ignition delays compared to conventional diesel operation. With extended ignition delays, more time is available for premixing, which reduces PM formation. The effect of varying ignition delay on the spatial and temporal evolution of soot in LTC diesel jets is studied by imaging the natural soot luminosity, while the in-cylinder soot mass and temperature are measured using two-color soot thermometry. Ignition delay in the engine is controlled by adjusting the intake air temperature while keeping the same charge density at TDC. This allowed us to study sooting characteristics at various ignition delays while keeping the same diesel jet penetration for all the cases. Results show a 95% decrease in the total in-cylinder soot mass as ignition delay increases from 3 to 15 crank angle degrees (CAD) at an engine speed of 1200 RPM. Furthermore, the structure of the sooty regions in the jet is strongly affected by the ignition delay. For a short ignition delay of 3 CAD, soot formation originates downstream in the jet, 25 mm from the injector. After the end of injection, the sooty region first spreads back to the injector and then it is rapidly oxidized in the near-injector region within a few crank angle degrees. This suggests that rapid mixing occurs in the near injector mixtures just after the end of injection, which promotes soot oxidation. For a longer ignition delay of 15 CAD, soot first appears farther downstream in the jet, and it does not spread back to the injector. Indeed, soot never forms in the jet near the injector when the ignition delay is long, indicating that those regions do not promote soot formation, likely because they become too fuel-lean during the ignition delay.

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Influence of diesel injection parameters on end-of-injection liquid length recession

SAE Technical Papers

Kook, Sanghoon; Pickett, Lyle M.; Musculus, Mark P.

Diesel injection parameters effect on liquid-phase diesel spray penetration after the end-of-injection (EOI) is investigated in a constant-volume chamber over a range of ambient and injector conditions typical of a diesel engine. Our past work showed that the maximum liquid penetration length of a diesel spray may recede towards the injector after EOI at some conditions. Analysis employing a transient jet entrainment model showed that increased fuel-ambient mixing occurs during the fuel-injection-rate ramp-down as increased ambient-entrainment rates progress downstream (i.e. the entrainment wave), permitting complete fuel vaporization at distances closer to the injector than the quasi-steady liquid length. To clarify the liquid-length recession process, in this study we report Mie-scatter imaging results near EOI over a range of injection pressure, nozzle size, fuel type, and rate-of-injection shape. We then use a transient jet entrainment model for detailed analysis. Results show that an increased injection pressure correlates well with increasing liquid length recession due to an increased entrainment wave speed. Likewise, an increased nozzle size, with higher jet momentum and faster entrainment wave, enhances the liquid length recession. A low-density, high-volatility fuel does not decrease the strength of the entrainment wave; however, it decreases the steady liquid length causing the entrainment wave to reach the liquid spray tip earlier, which ultimately results in faster liquid length recession. A slow ramp down in injection rate causes a weaker entrainment wave so that the liquid length recession occurs even prior to injector close.

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Liquid-phase diesel spray penetration during end-of-injection transient

Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Modeling and Diagnostics for Advanced Engine Systems, COMODIA 2008

Kook, Sanghoon; Pickett, Lyle M.; Musculus, Mark P.; Kattke, Kyle; Gehmlich, Ryan K.

Unlike conventional diesel engines, which have a negative ignition dwell, many strategies for low-emissions diesel combustion operate with a positive ignition dwell mode, where the ignition delay exceeds the injection duration. Although nitrogen oxides and particulate matter emissions can be reduced by operating with a positive ignition dwell, unburned hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emissions typically increase. Sources of these emissions can stem from characteristics of the fuel spray after the end of injection, which may differ significantly from the main injection period where most spray models have been developed. To provide fundamental details of spray mixing during the end-of-injection transient, we have studied liquid-phase spray penetration and evaporation using simultaneous high-speed shadowgraph and Mie-scatter imaging for a single-hole, common-rail injector. Experiments were conducted over a wide range of ambient temperature and density in a constant-volume vessel. The experiments show that during the injection-rate ramp-down, the liquid penetration decreases (recedes towards the injector) from the quasi-steady-state distance for most diesel conditions. A transient jet entrainment model, coupled with the assumption of mixing-limited spray vaporization and direct measurement of the vaporized jet spreading angle, shows that this behavior is caused by a slower fuel delivery interacting with an increased rate of ambient entrainment during the injection-rate ramp-down. This increased mixing travels downstream as an "entrainment wave", permitting complete vaporization at distances closer to the injector than the quasi-steady liquid length. The position of the entrainment wave relative to the quasi-steady liquid length determines how far, and how quickly, the liquid recedes towards the injector. The tendency of recession increases with increasing ambient temperature and density because the transit time of the entrainment wave to the liquid length is shorter than the injection-rate ramp-down transient. Alternatively, the liquid-length recession is zero for conditions with low ambient temperature or density because the entrainment wave does not reach the quasi-steady liquid length until after the end of the injection-rate ramp-down. Copyright © 2008 by the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.

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Optical diagnostics of late-injection low-temperature combustion in a heavy-duty diesel engine

Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power

Lachaux, Thierry; Musculus, Mark P.; Singh, Satbir; Reitz, Roll D.

A late-injection, high exhaust-gas recirculation rate, low-temperature combustion strategy is investigated in a heavy-duty diesel engine using a suite of optical diagnostics: chemiluminescence for visualization of ignition and combustion, laser Mie scattering for liquid-fuel imaging, planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) for both OH and vaporfuel imagings, and laser-induced incandescence for soot imaging. Fuel is injected at top dead center when the in-cylinder gases are hot and dense. Consequently, the maximum liquid-fuel penetration is 27 mm, which is short enough to avoid wall impingement. The cool flame starts 4.5 crank angle degrees (CAD) after the start of injection (ASI), midway between the injector and bowl rim, and likely helps fuel to vaporize. Within a few CAD, the cool-flame combustion reaches the bowl rim. A large premixed combustion occurs near 9 CAD ASI, close to the bowl rim. Soot is visible shortly afterward, along the walls, typically between two adjacent jets. OH PLIF indicates that premixed combustion first occurs within the jet and then spreads along the bowl rim in a thin layer, surrounding soot pockets at the start of the mixing-controlled combustion phase near 17 CAD ASI. During the mixing-controlled phase, soot is not fully oxidized and is still present near the bowl rim late in the cycle. At the end of combustion near 27 CAD ASI, averaged PLIF images indicate two separate zones. OH PLIF appears near the bowl rim, while broad-band PLIF persists late in the cycle near the injector. The most likely source of broad-band PLIF is unburned fuel, which indicates that the near-injector region is a potential source of unburned hydrocarbons. Copyright © 2008 by ASME.

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Effects of diesel fuel combustion-modifier additives on In-cylinder soot formation in a heavy-duty Dl diesel engine

Musculus, Mark P.

Based on a phenomenological model of diesel combustion and pollutant-formation processes, a number of fuel additives that could potentially reduce in-cylinder soot formation by altering combustion chemistry have been identified. These fuel additives, or ''combustion modifiers'', included ethanol and ethylene glycol dimethyl ether, polyethylene glycol dinitrate (a cetane improver), succinimide (a dispersant), as well as nitromethane and another nitro-compound mixture. To better understand the chemical and physical mechanisms by which these combustion modifiers may affect soot formation in diesel engines, in-cylinder soot and diffusion flame lift-off were measured, using an optically-accessible, heavy-duty, direct-injection diesel engine. A line-of-sight laser extinction diagnostic was employed to measure the relative soot concentration within the diesel jets (''jetsoot'') as well as the rates of deposition of soot on the piston bowl-rim (''wall-soot''). An OH chemiluminescence imaging technique was utilized to measure the lift-off lengths of the diesel diffusion flames so that fresh oxygen entrainment rates could be compared among the fuels. Measurements were obtained at two operating conditions, using blends of a base commercial diesel fuel with various combinations of the fuel additives. The ethanol additive, at 10% by mass, reduced jet-soot by up to 15%, and reduced wall-soot by 30-40%. The other fuel additives also affected in-cylinder soot, but unlike the ethanol blends, changes in in-cylinder soot could be attributed solely to differences in the ignition delay. No statistically-significant differences in the diesel flame lift-off lengths were observed among any of the fuel additive formulations at the operating conditions examined in this study. Accordingly, the observed differences in in-cylinder soot among the fuel formulations cannot be attributed to differences in fresh oxygen entrainment upstream of the soot-formation zones after ignition.

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Diagnostic considerations for optical laser-extinction measurements of soot in high-pressure transient combustion environments

Proposed for publication in Combustion and Flame.

Musculus, Mark P.; Pickett, Lyle M.

Laser-extinction diagnostics can provide spatially and temporally resolved measurements of attenuation from combustion-generated soot within the path of the beam. When laser-extinction techniques are utilized in high-pressure combustion environments, however, a number of complications may be encountered that are not present in low-pressure environments. Several of these experimental difficulties were investigated in diesel engine environments, and solutions that facilitated acquisition of reliable laser-extinction data were demonstrated. Beam steering due to refractive index gradients within the combusting gases was observed, and a full-angle beam divergence of over 100 mrad was measured. A spatial-filtering scheme was employed to reduce the collection of forward-scattered light and background combustion luminosity while ensuring full collection of the steered beam. To further reject combustion luminosity, a narrow-bandpass laser-line filter was employed, after diffusing the transmitted light sufficiently to avoid the effects of significant spatial non-uniformities of the filter. As the windows were subjected to thermal and mechanical stresses, dynamic etaloning effects due to the photoelastic properties of synthetic fused silica were observed. Dynamic changes in the polarization of the exit beam were also observed, as stress-induced birefringence in the windows caused dynamic phase retardation of the transmitted beam. Although these photoelastic effects could not be eliminated, they were mitigated by introducing curvature to the wavefronts in the laser-extinction beam and using polarization-insensitive elements in the detection optics. Soot deposits on window surfaces were removed ablatively using a coaxial, high-energy, pulsed Nd:YAG laser beam.

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