
36 Results
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RF/microwave properties of nanotubes and nanowires : LDRD Project 105876 final report

Lee, Mark L.; Highstrete, Clark H.; Hsu, Julia W.; Scrymgeour, David S.

LDRD Project 105876 was a research project whose primary goal was to discover the currently unknown science underlying the basic linear and nonlinear electrodynamic response of nanotubes and nanowires in a manner that will support future efforts aimed at converting forefront nanoscience into innovative new high-frequency nanodevices. The project involved experimental and theoretical efforts to discover and understand high frequency (MHz through tens of GHz) electrodynamic response properties of nanomaterials, emphasizing nanowires of silicon, zinc oxide, and carbon nanotubes. While there is much research on DC electrical properties of nanowires, electrodynamic characteristics still represent a major new frontier in nanotechnology. We generated world-leading insight into how the low dimensionality of these nanomaterials yields sometimes desirable and sometimes problematic high-frequency properties that are outside standard model electron dynamics. In the cases of silicon nanowires and carbon nanotubes, evidence of strong disorder or glass-like charge dynamics was measured, indicating that these materials still suffer from serious inhomogeneities that limit there high frequency performance. Zinc oxide nanowires were found to obey conventional Drude dynamics. In all cases, a significant practical problem involving large impedance mismatch between the high intrinsic impedance of all nanowires and nanotubes and high-frequency test equipment had to be overcome.

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THz transceiver characterization : LDRD project 139363 final report

Lee, Mark L.; Wanke, Michael W.; Nordquist, Christopher N.; Cich, Michael C.; Wendt, J.R.; Fuller, Charles T.; Reno, J.L.

LDRD Project 139363 supported experiments to quantify the performance characteristics of monolithically integrated Schottky diode + quantum cascade laser (QCL) heterodyne mixers at terahertz (THz) frequencies. These integrated mixers are the first all-semiconductor THz devices to successfully incorporate a rectifying diode directly into the optical waveguide of a QCL, obviating the conventional optical coupling between a THz local oscillator and rectifier in a heterodyne mixer system. This integrated mixer was shown to function as a true heterodyne receiver of an externally received THz signal, a breakthrough which may lead to more widespread acceptance of this new THz technology paradigm. In addition, questions about QCL mode shifting in response to temperature, bias, and external feedback, and to what extent internal frequency locking can improve stability have been answered under this project.

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Design, fabrication, and characterization of metal micromachined rectangular waveguides at 3 THz

2008 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, APSURSI

Nordquist, Christopher D.; Wanke, Michael W.; Rowen, Adam M.; Arrington, Christian L.; Lee, Mark L.; Grine, Albert D.

Single-mode 75 μm × 37 μm rectangular waveguide components, including horn antennas, couplers, and bends, for operation at 3 THz have been designed and fabricated using thick gold micromachining. THz transmission through these waveguides has been quasi-optically measured at 2.92 THz. This technology offers the potential for realizing miniature integrated systems operating in the 3 THz frequency range. © 2008 IEEE.

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Millimeter- and submillimeter-wave nanoscience : LDRD project 122359 final report

Lee, Mark L.

LDRD Project 122359 was a nine-month, late-start effort that pursued initial experiments studying the fundamental electrodynamic response properties of various nanomaterials from millimeter-wave (above roughly 30 GHz) up to submillimeter-wave (above roughly 0.1 THz) frequencies. The nine months of this project's duration produced two main empirical findings. First, Fourier transform reflectance spectroscopy on SrTiO{sub 3} nanocrystals from 0.2 to 10 THz frequency showed signatures of two optical phonons that correspond to known optical modes in bulk crystal SrTiO{sub 3}. However, quantitative differences between the nanoparticle and bulk spectra suggest that one or both of these phonons may shift frequency and weaken in nanoparticles relative to bulk crystal. Second, heavily doped n-type GaAs nanowires were synthesized for the purpose of creating high frequency diodes to study non-linear frequency conversion properties of compound semiconductor nanowires. It was found that incorporation of a heavy concentration of dopants interferes with the growth of these nanowires. While DC measurements showed reasonable diode-like current-voltage properties, the current state-of-the-art material properties of these nanowires are still unsuitable for millimeter-wave testing and applications.

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Operation of a monolithic planar schottky receiver using a THz quantum cascade laser

IRMMW-THz2007 - Conference Digest of the Joint 32nd International Conference on Infrared and Millimetre Waves, and 15th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics

Wanke, Michael W.; Lee, Mark L.; Grine, Albert D.; Reno, J.L.; Siegel, Peter H.; Dengler, Robert J.

This paper presents heterodyne mixer measurements at 2.9 THz using quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) as sources. The linewidth of the laser was explored by biasing it to run in dual mode operation and observing the linewidth of the beat note. In addition the frequency of the QCL is determined by beating it against a deuterated methanol line from a molecular gas laser.

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RF/Microwave properties and applications of directly assembled nanotubes and nanowires: LDRD project 102662 final report

Lee, Mark L.; Shaner, Eric A.; Highstrete, Clark H.; Talin, A.A.; Jones, Frank E.

LDRD Project 102662 provided support to pursue experiments aimed at measuring the basic electrodynamic response and possible applications of carbon nanotubes and silicon nanowires at radiofrequency to microwave frequencies, approximately 0.01 to 50 GHz. Under this project, a method was developed to integrate these nanomaterials onto high-frequency compatible co-planar waveguides. The complex reflection and transmission coefficients of the nanomaterials was studied as a function of frequency. From these data, the high-frequency loss characteristics of the nanomaterials were deduced. These data are useful to predict frequency dependence and power dissipation characteristics in new rf/microwave devices incorporating new nanomaterials.

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Tunable THz detector based on a grating gated field-effect transistor

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Shaner, Eric A.; Lee, Mark L.; Wanke, M.C.; Grine, A.D.; Reno, J.L.; Allen, S.J.

A split-grating-gate detector design has been implemented in an effort to combine the tunabiliry of the basic gratinggate detector with the high responsivity observed in these detectors when approaching the pinchoff regime. The redesign of the gates by itself offers several orders of magnitude improvement in resonant responsivity. Further improvements are gained by placing the detector element on a thermally isolating membrane in order to increase the effects of lattice heating on the device response.

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Terahertz spectral signatures :measurement and detection LDRD project 86361 final report

Lee, Mark L.; Brener, Igal B.; Wanke, Michael W.

LDRD Project 86361 provided support to upgrade the chemical and material spectral signature measurement and detection capabilities of Sandia National Laboratories using the terahertz (THz) portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, which includes frequencies between 0.1 to 10 THz. Under this project, a THz time-domain spectrometer was completed. This instrument measures sample absorption spectra coherently, obtaining both magnitude and phase of the absorption signal, and has shown an operating signal-to-noise ratio of 10{sub 4}. Additionally, various gas cells and a reflectometer were added to an existing high-resolution THz Fourier transform spectrometer, which greatly extend the functionality of this spectrometer. Finally, preliminary efforts to design an integrated THz transceiver based on a quantum cascade laser were begun.

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Single-quantum-well grating-gated terahertz plasmon detectors

Proposed for publication in Applied Physics Letters.

Shaner, Eric A.; Lee, Mark L.; Wanke, Michael W.; Grine, Albert D.; Reno, J.L.

A grating-gated field-effect transistor fabricated from a single-quantum well in a high-mobility GaAs-AlGaAs heterostructure is shown to function as a continuously electrically tunable photodetector of terahertz radiation via excitation of resonant plasmon modes in the well. Different harmonics of the plasmon wave vector are mapped, showing different branches of the dispersion relation. As a function of temperature, the resonant response magnitude peaks at around 30 K. Both photovoltaic and photoconductive responses have been observed under different incident power and bias conditions.

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Phase diagram of Coulomb interactions across the metal-insulator transition in Si:B

Proposed for publication in Physical Review Letters.

Lee, Mark L.

Measurements of the single-particle density of states (DOS) near T=0 ?K in Si:B are used to construct an energy-density phase diagram of Coulomb interactions across the critical density n{sub c} of the metal-insulator transition. Insulators and metals are found to be distinguishable only below a phase boundary (|n/n{sub c}-1|) determined by the Coulomb energy. Above ? is a mixed state where metals and insulators equidistant from n{sub c} cannot be distinguished from their DOS structure. The data imply a diverging screening radius at n{sub c}, which may signal an interaction-driven thermodynamic state change.

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36 Results
36 Results