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Autonomous dynamic soaring

IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings

Boslough, Mark B.

This project makes use of "biomimetic behavioral engineering" in which adaptive strategies used by animals in the real world are applied to the development of autonomous robots. The key elements of the biomimetic approach are to observe and understand a survival behavior exhibited in nature, to create a mathematical model and simulation capability for that behavior, to modify and optimize the behavior for a desired robotics application, and to implement it. The application described in this report is dynamic soaring, a behavior that certain sea birds use to extract flight energy from laminar wind velocity gradients in the shallow atmospheric boundary layer directly above the ocean surface. Theoretical calculations, computational proof-of-principle demonstrations, and the first instrumented experimental flight test data for dynamic soaring are presented to address the feasibility of developing dynamic soaring flight control algorithms to sustain the flight of unmanned airborne vehicles (UAVs). Both hardware and software were developed for this application. Eight-foot custom foam sailplanes were built and flown in a steep shear gradient. A logging device was designed and constructed with custom software to record flight data during dynamic soaring maneuvers. A computational toolkit was developed to simulate dynamic soaring in special cases and with a full 6-degree of freedom flight dynamics model in a generalized time-dependent wind field. Several 3-dimensional visualization tools were built to replay the flight simulations. A realistic aerodynamics model of an eight-foot sailplane was developed using measured aerodynamic derivatives. Genetic programming methods were developed and linked to the simulations and visualization tools. These tools can now be generalized for other biomimetic behavior applications. This work was carried out in 2000 and 2001, and until now its results have only been available in an internal Sandia report.

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Photoacoustic Sounds from Meteors

Scientific Reports

Spalding, Richard E.; Tencer, John T.; Sweatt, W.C.; Conley, Benjamin; Hogan, Roy E.; Boslough, Mark B.; Gonzales, Gi G.; Spurný, Pavel

Concurrent sound associated with very bright meteors manifests as popping, hissing, and faint rustling sounds occurring simultaneously with the arrival of light from meteors. Numerous instances have been documented with â '11 to â '13 brightness. These sounds cannot be attributed to direct acoustic propagation from the upper atmosphere for which travel time would be several minutes. Concurrent sounds must be associated with some form of electromagnetic energy generated by the meteor, propagated to the vicinity of the observer, and transduced into acoustic waves. Previously, energy propagated from meteors was assumed to be RF emissions. This has not been well validated experimentally. Herein we describe experimental results and numerical models in support of photoacoustic coupling as the mechanism. Recent photometric measurements of fireballs reveal strong millisecond flares and significant brightness oscillations at frequencies ≥40 Hz. Strongly modulated light at these frequencies with sufficient intensity can create concurrent sounds through radiative heating of common dielectric materials like hair, clothing, and leaves. This heating produces small pressure oscillations in the air contacting the absorbers. Calculations show that â '12 brightness meteors can generate audible sound at ∼25 dB SPL. The photoacoustic hypothesis provides an alternative explanation for this longstanding mystery about generation of concurrent sounds by fireballs.

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Physical and infrastructure modeling for the 2015 PDC asteroid threat exercise

IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings

Boslough, Mark B.; Chodas, Paul; Ezzedine, Souheil; Jennings, Barbara J.; Fogleman, Bill

The 2015 Planetary Defense Conference (2015 PDC) was held in Frascati, Italy on April 13-17 by the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA). In addition to customary technical sessions, we performed the first week-long threat exercise designed to simulate and examine the process of decision making that would accompany the discovery and response to an asteroid on a collision course with Earth. Our role in the exercise was to develop and present a plausible scenario that would be of interest to as many participants as possible while considering the broad diversity in technical expertise, approach, values, missions, and national affiliations of the conference attendees. Moreover, we strove to present a reasonable sequence of events spanning several years that would provide many opportunities for collective decision making under uncertainty by parties likely to have conflicting interests. In order to hold the attention of the participants throughout the week we tried to create a scenario that would be as dramatic as possible - including cliffhangers and unexpected turns of events - but without sacrificing realism. This allowed us to discuss a wide range of potential responses, including kinetic and nuclear deflection, and potential outcomes, including tsunami-forming ocean impacts, crater-forming land impacts, and airbursts by objects over a large size range. In addition to creating the scenario, members of our team served on an expert panel in a role-playing exercise that included participants acting as world leaders of nations, both directly and indirectly affected members of the public in at-risk areas, and the media. This paper summarizes the exercise, focusing on physical and infrastructure modeling. The exercise spanned the entire week, with daily injects (or updates) of new observed data about what was currently known on the imaginary date. We presented models of potential physical effects and resulting infrastructure damage, with emphasis on the uncertainties. Seven updates spanned most of the time between when the asteroid (dubbed 2015 PDC) was discovered on April 13, 2015, and its impact date of September 3, 2022. Information about the orbit and technical response options were presented as a set of faux press releases that were made available to participants prior to each briefing. The scenario was based on an actual calculated orbit to provide as much realism as possible. The physical effects at each stage were predicted by using simulations for airburst and tsunami generation, and a shallow water model for tsunami propagation. Maps were generated using tools developed for the National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center (NISAC), and were presented by expert panelists as part of a mock press briefing at each inject. We present the contents of those press briefings and put them into context with the threat exercise.

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Can Asteroid Airbursts Cause Dangerous Tsunami?

Boslough, Mark B.

I have performed a series of high-resolution hydrocode simulations to generate “source functions” for tsunami simulations as part of a proof-of-principle effort to determine whether or not the downward momentum from an asteroid airburst can couple energy into a dangerous tsunami in deep water. My new CTH simulations show enhanced momentum multiplication relative to a nuclear explosion of the same yield. Extensive sensitivity and convergence analyses demonstrate that results are robust and repeatable for simulations with sufficiently high resolution using adaptive mesh refinement. I have provided surface overpressure and wind velocity fields to tsunami modelers to use as time-dependent boundary conditions and to test the hypothesis that this mechanism can enhance the strength of the resulting shallow-water wave. The enhanced momentum result suggests that coupling from an over-water plume-forming airburst could be a more efficient tsunami source mechanism than a collapsing impact cavity or direct air blast alone, but not necessarily due to the originally-proposed mechanism. This result has significant implications for asteroid impact risk assessment and airburst-generated tsunami will be the focus of a NASA-sponsored workshop at the Ames Research Center next summer, with follow-on funding expected.

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Updated population and risk assessment for airbursts from near-earth objects (NEOs)

IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings

Boslough, Mark B.; Brown, Peter; Harris, Alan

We present a new analysis of airburst risk based on updated estimates for the population of undiscovered NEOs, taking into account the enhanced damage potential of directed airbursts. We define airbursts as events in which small (meters to tens-of-meters in diameter) asteroids deposit most of their energy in the atmosphere as large bolides and where the total energy is comparable to or greater than small nuclear explosions (>0.1 kilotons of TNT). Our tens-of-meter population estimate from optical surveys is now much closer to bolide frequency estimates, resolving most of an earlier discrepancy. Our Tunguska-class (∼40 meters) population estimate has doubled, and Chelyabinsk-class (∼20 meters) has increased by a factor of 2.6. Uncertainty in this population remains quite large, and can only be unambiguously reduced by expanded surveys focused on objects in the tens-of-meters size range. The assessed risk from this population is also increasing for two reasons. First, airbursts are significantly more damaging than assumed in the original risk assessments, because for typical impact geometries they more efficiently couple energy to the surface than nuclear explosions of the same energy. Second, the greater numbers mean that they are more frequent than previously thought. We review the evidence that asteroid airbursts are more damaging than nuclear explosions, and provide arguments that such events are more frequent.

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Photoacoustic Sounds from Meteors

Sandia journal manuscript; Not yet accepted for publication

Spalding, Richard E.; Tencer, John T.; Sweatt, W.C.; Hogan, Roy E.; Boslough, Mark B.; Gonzales, Gi G.

High-speed photometric observations of meteor fireballs have shown that they often produce high-amplitude light oscillations with frequency components in the kHz range, and in some cases exhibit strong millisecond flares. We built a light source with similar characteristics and illuminated various materials in the laboratory, generating audible sounds. Models suggest that light oscillations and pulses can radiatively heat dielectric materials, which in turn conductively heats the surrounding air on millisecond timescales. The sound waves can be heard if the illuminated material is sufficiently close to the observer’s ears. The mechanism described herein may explain many reports of meteors that appear to be audible while they are concurrently visible in the sky and too far away for sound to have propagated to the observer. This photoacoustic (PA) explanation provides an alternative to electrophonic (EP) sounds hypothesized to arise from electromagnetic coupling of plasma oscillation in the meteor wake to natural antennas in the vicinity of an observer.

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Arctic Climate Systems Analysis

Ivey, Mark D.; Robinson, David G.; Boslough, Mark B.; Backus, George A.; Peterson, Kara J.; van Bloemen Waanders, Bart G.; Swiler, Laura P.; Desilets, Darin M.; Reinert, Rhonda K.

This study began with a challenge from program area managers at Sandia National Laboratories to technical staff in the energy, climate, and infrastructure security areas: apply a systems-level perspective to existing science and technology program areas in order to determine technology gaps, identify new technical capabilities at Sandia that could be applied to these areas, and identify opportunities for innovation. The Arctic was selected as one of these areas for systems level analyses, and this report documents the results. In this study, an emphasis was placed on the arctic atmosphere since Sandia has been active in atmospheric research in the Arctic since 1997. This study begins with a discussion of the challenges and benefits of analyzing the Arctic as a system. It goes on to discuss current and future needs of the defense, scientific, energy, and intelligence communities for more comprehensive data products related to the Arctic; assess the current state of atmospheric measurement resources available for the Arctic; and explain how the capabilities at Sandia National Laboratories can be used to address the identified technological, data, and modeling needs of the defense, scientific, energy, and intelligence communities for Arctic support.

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FEMA asteroid impact tabletop exercise simulations

Procedia Engineering

Boslough, Mark B.; Jennings, Barbara J.; Carvey, Brad; Fogleman, William

We describe the computational simulations and damage assessments that we provided in support of a tabletop exercise (TTX) at the request of NASA's Near-Earth Objects Program Office. The overall purpose of the exercise was to assess leadership reactions, information requirements, and emergency management responses to a hypothetical asteroid impact with Earth. The scripted exercise consisted of discovery, tracking, and characterization of a hypothetical asteroid; inclusive of mission planning, mitigation, response, impact to population, infrastructure and GDP, and explicit quantification of uncertainty. Participants at the meeting included representatives of NASA, Department of Defense, Department of State, Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and the White House. The exercise took place at FEMA headquarters. Sandia's role was to assist the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in developing the impact scenario, to predict the physical effects of the impact, and to forecast the infrastructure and economic losses. We ran simulations using Sandia's CTH hydrocode to estimate physical effects on the ground, and to produce contour maps indicating damage assessments that could be used as input for the infrastructure and economic models. We used the FASTMap tool to provide estimates of infrastructure damage over the affected area, and the REAcct tool to estimate the potential economic severity expressed as changes to GDP (by nation, region, or sector) due to damage and short-term business interruptions.

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The Younger Dryas impact hypothesis: A cosmic catastrophe

Journal of Quaternary Science

Holliday, Vance T.; Surovell, Todd; Meltzer, David J.; Grayson, Donald K.; Boslough, Mark B.

In this paper we review the evidence for the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis (YDIH), which proposes that at ∼12.9k cal a BP North America, South America, Europe and the Middle East were subjected to some sort of extraterrestrial event. This purported event is proposed as a catastrophic process responsible for: terminal Pleistocene environmental changes (onset of YD cooling, continent-scale wildfires); extinction of late Pleistocene mammals; and demise of the Clovis 'culture' in North America, the earliest well-documented, continent-scale settlement of the region. The basic physics in the YDIH is not in accord with the physics of impacts nor the basic laws of physics. No YD boundary (YDB) crater, craters or other direct indicators of an impact are known. Age control is weak to non-existent at 26 of the 29 localities claimed to have evidence for the YDIH. Attempts to reproduce the results of physical and geochemical analyses used to support the YDIH have failed or show that many indicators are not unique to an impact nor to ∼12.9k cal a BP. The depositional environments of purported indicators at most sites tend to concentrate particulate matter and probably created many 'YDB zones'. Geomorphic, stratigraphic and fire records show no evidence of any sort of catastrophic changes in the environment at or immediately following the YDB. Late Pleistocene extinctions varied in time and across space. Archeological data provide no indication of population decline, demographic collapse or major adaptive shifts at or just after ∼12.9 ka. The data and the hypotheses generated by YDIH proponents are contradictory, inconsistent and incoherent. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Risk assessment of climate systems for national security

Brown, Theresa J.; Villa, Daniel V.; Tidwell, Vincent C.; Parks, Mancel J.; Boslough, Mark B.

Climate change, through drought, flooding, storms, heat waves, and melting Arctic ice, affects the production and flow of resource within and among geographical regions. The interactions among governments, populations, and sectors of the economy require integrated assessment based on risk, through uncertainty quantification (UQ). This project evaluated the capabilities with Sandia National Laboratories to perform such integrated analyses, as they relate to (inter)national security. The combining of the UQ results from climate models with hydrological and economic/infrastructure impact modeling appears to offer the best capability for national security risk assessments.

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Statistical surrogate models for prediction of high-consequence climate change

Field, Richard V.; Constantine, Paul C.; Boslough, Mark B.

In safety engineering, performance metrics are defined using probabilistic risk assessments focused on the low-probability, high-consequence tail of the distribution of possible events, as opposed to best estimates based on central tendencies. We frame the climate change problem and its associated risks in a similar manner. To properly explore the tails of the distribution requires extensive sampling, which is not possible with existing coupled atmospheric models due to the high computational cost of each simulation. We therefore propose the use of specialized statistical surrogate models (SSMs) for the purpose of exploring the probability law of various climate variables of interest. A SSM is different than a deterministic surrogate model in that it represents each climate variable of interest as a space/time random field. The SSM can be calibrated to available spatial and temporal data from existing climate databases, e.g., the Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison (PCMDI), or to a collection of outputs from a General Circulation Model (GCM), e.g., the Community Earth System Model (CESM) and its predecessors. Because of its reduced size and complexity, the realization of a large number of independent model outputs from a SSM becomes computationally straightforward, so that quantifying the risk associated with low-probability, high-consequence climate events becomes feasible. A Bayesian framework is developed to provide quantitative measures of confidence, via Bayesian credible intervals, in the use of the proposed approach to assess these risks.

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Results 1–50 of 83
Results 1–50 of 83