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The economic value of photovoltaic performance loss mitigation in electricity spot markets

Renewable Energy

Micheli, Leonardo M.; Theristis, Marios; Talavera, Diego L.; Nofuentes, Gustavo N.; Stein, Joshua S.; Fernandez, Eduardo F.

Photovoltaic (PV) performance is affected by reversible and irreversible losses. These can typically be mitigated through responsive and proactive operations and maintenance (O&M) activities. However, to generate profit, the cost of O&M must be lower than the value of the recovered electricity. This value depends both on the amount of recovered energy and on the electricity prices, which can vary significantly over time in spot markets. The present work investigates the impact of the electricity price variability on the PV profitability and on the related O&M activities in Italy, Portugal, and Spain. Here, it is found that the PV revenues varied by 1.6 × to 1.8 × within the investigated countries in the last 5 years. Moreover, forecasts predict higher average prices in the current decade compared to the previous one. These will increase the future PV revenues by up to 60% by 2030 compared to their 2015–2020 mean values. These higher revenues will make more funds available for better maintenance and for higher quality components, potentially leading to even higher energy yield and profits. Linearly growing or constant price assumptions cannot fully reproduce these expected price trends. Furthermore, significant price fluctuations can lead to unexpected scenarios and alter the predictions.

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Failure diagnosis and trend-based performance losses routines for the detection and classification of incidents in large-scale photovoltaic systems

Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications

Livera, Andreas; Theristis, Marios; Micheli, Leonardo; Stein, Joshua S.; Georghiou, George E.

Fault detection and classification in photovoltaic (PV) systems through real-time monitoring is a fundamental task that ensures quality of operation and significantly improves the performance and reliability of operating systems. Different statistical and comparative approaches have already been proposed in the literature for fault detection; however, accurate classification of fault and loss incidents based on PV performance time series remains a key challenge. Failure diagnosis and trend-based performance loss routines were developed in this work for detecting PV underperformance and accurately identifying the different fault types and loss mechanisms. The proposed routines focus mainly on the differentiation of failures (e.g., inverter faults) from irreversible (e.g., degradation) and reversible (e.g., snow and soiling) performance loss factors based on statistical analysis. The proposed routines were benchmarked using historical inverter data obtained from a 1.8 MWp PV power plant. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of the routines for detecting failures and loss mechanisms and the capability of the pipeline for distinguishing underperformance issues using anomaly detection and change-point (CP) models. Finally, a CP model was used to extract significant changes in time series data, to detect soiling and cleaning events and to estimate both the performance loss and degradation rates of fielded PV systems.

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Improving Common PV Module Temperature Models by Incorporating Radiative Losses to the Sky

Driesse, Anton D.; Stein, Joshua S.; Theristis, Marios

PV module operating temperature is the second-most important factor influencing PV system yield–after irradiance–and a substantial contributor to uncertainty in energy system yield predictions. Models commonly used to predict operating temperature in system simulations are based on a simplified energy balance that lumps together different heat loss mechanisms–including radiation–and assumes an overall linear behavior. Radiative heat loss to the sky is usually substantial, but modeling it accurately requires additional information about down-welling long-wave radiation or sky temperature and increases the complexity of temperature model equations. In this work we show how radiative losses to the sky can be separated into two parts to improve the accuracy of modeling without additional complexity. We also predict and demonstrate the variation of these losses at different tilt angles and show that the effective view factor is reduced by the non- isotropic distribution of down-welling long-wave radiation. Finally, we demonstrate substantial reduction in bias (MBE) and scatter (RMSE) when the new radiative loss term is added to the Faiman model using one year of measurements at Sandia National Labs.

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Impact of measured spectrum variation on solar photovoltaic efficiencies worldwide

Renewable Energy

Kinsey, Geoffrey S.; Rieder-Lyngskaer, Nicholas C.; Alonso-Abella, Miguel A.; Boyd, Matthew B.; Braga, Marília B.; Chunhui, Shou C.; Cordero, R.; Duck, Benjamin C.; Fellh, Christopher J.; Ferong, Sarah F.; Georghio, George G.; Habryl, Nicholas H.; John, Jim J.; Ketjoy, N.; López, Gabriel L.; Louwen, Atse L.; Maweza, Loyiso M.; Mittal, Ankit M.; Molto, Cécile M.; Garrido, Gustavo N.; Norton, Matthew N.; Paudyal, Basant R.; Pereira, Enio B.; Poissant, Yves P.; Pratt, Lawrence R.; Qu, Shen Q.; Reindl, Thomas R.; Rennhofer, Marcus R.; Rodríguez-Gallegos, Carlos D.; Rüther, R.; Sark, Wilfried v.; Sevillano-Bendezú, Miguel A.; Seigneurj, Hubert S.; Tejeros, Jorge A.; Theristis, Marios; Töfflinger, J.; Vilela, Waldeir A.; Xia, Xiangao X.; Yamaso, Márcia A.

In photovoltaic power ratings, a single solar spectrum, AM1.5, is the de facto standard for record laboratory efficiencies, commercial module specifications, and performance ratios of solar power plants. More detailed energy analysis that accounts for local spectral irradiance, along with temperature and broadband irradiance, reduces forecast errors to expand the grid utility of solar energy. In this work, ground-level measurements of spectral irradiance collected worldwide have been pooled to provide a sampling of geographic, seasonal, and diurnal variation. Applied to nine solar cell types, the resulting divergence in solar cell efficiencies illustrates that a single spectrum is insufficient for comparisons of cells with different spectral responses. Cells with two or more junctions tend to have efficiencies below that under the standard spectrum. Silicon exhibits the least spectral sensitivity: relative weekly site variation ranges from 1% in Lima, Peru to 14% in Edmonton, Canada.

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Best practices for photovoltaic performance loss rate calculations

Progress in Energy

Lindig, Sascha; Theristis, Marios; Moser, David

The performance loss rate (PLR) is a vital parameter for the time-dependent assessment of photovoltaic (PV) system performance and health state. Although this metric can be calculated in a relatively straightforward manner, it is challenging to achieve accurate and reproducible results with low uncertainty. Furthermore, the temporal evolution of PV system performance is usually nonlinear, but in many cases a linear evaluation is preferred as it simplifies the assessment and it is easier to evaluate. As such, the search for a robust and reproducible calculation methodology providing reliable linear PLR values across different types of systems and conditions has been the focus of many research activities in recent years. In this paper, the determination of PV system PLR using different pipelines and approaches is critically evaluated and recommendations for best practices are given. As nonlinear PLR assessments are fairly new, there is no consent on how to calculate reliable values. Several promising nonlinear approaches have been developed recently and are presented as tools to evaluate the PV system performance in great detail. Furthermore, challenges are discussed with respect to the PLR calculation but also opportunities for differentiating individual performance losses from a generic PLR value having the potential of enabling actionable insights for maintenance.

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PyPVRPM: Photovoltaic Reliability and Performance Model in Python

Journal of Open Source Software

Silva, Brandon S.; Lunis, Paul L.; Theristis, Marios; Seigneur, Hubert S.

The ability to perform accurate techno-economic analysis of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems is essential for bankability and investment purposes. Most energy yield models assume an almost flawless operation (i.e., no failures); however, realistically, components fail and get repaired stochastically. This package, PyPVRPM, is a Python translation and improvement of the Language Kit (LK) based PhotoVoltaic Reliability Performance Model (PVRPM), which was first developed at Sandia National Laboratories in Goldsim software (Granata et al., 2011) (Miller et al., 2012). PyPVRPM allows the user to define a PV system at a specific location and incorporate failure, repair, and detection rates and distributions to calculate energy yield and other financial metrics such as the levelized cost of energy and net present value (Klise, Lavrova, et al., 2017). Our package is a simulation tool that uses NREL’s Python interface for System Advisor Model (SAM) (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2020b) (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2020a) to evaluate the performance of a PV plant throughout its lifetime by considering component reliability metrics. Besides the numerous benefits from migrating to Python (e.g., speed, libraries, batch analyses), it also expands on the failure and repair processes from the LK version by including the ability to vary monitoring strategies. These failures, repairs, and monitoring processes are based on user-defined distributions and values, enabling a more accurate and realistic representation of cost and availability throughout a PV system’s lifetime.

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Photovoltaic System Health-State Architecture for Data-Driven Failure Detection


Livera, Andreas L.; Paphitis, George P.; Theristis, Marios; Lopez-Lorente, Javier L.; Makrides, George M.; E. Georghiou, George E.

The timely detection of photovoltaic (PV) system failures is important for maintaining optimal performance and lifetime reliability. A main challenge remains the lack of a unified health-state architecture for the uninterrupted monitoring and predictive performance of PV systems. To this end, existing failure detection models are strongly dependent on the availability and quality of site-specific historic data. The scope of this work is to address these fundamental challenges by presenting a health-state architecture for advanced PV system monitoring. The proposed architecture comprises of a machine learning model for PV performance modeling and accurate failure diagnosis. The predictive model is optimally trained on low amounts of on-site data using minimal features and coupled to functional routines for data quality verification, whereas the classifier is trained under an enhanced supervised learning regime. The results demonstrated high accuracies for the implemented predictive model, exhibiting normalized root mean square errors lower than 3.40% even when trained with low data shares. The classification results provided evidence that fault conditions can be detected with a sensitivity of 83.91% for synthetic power-loss events (power reduction of 5%) and of 97.99% for field-emulated failures in the test-bench PV system. Finally, this work provides insights on how to construct an accurate PV system with predictive and classification models for the timely detection of faults and uninterrupted monitoring of PV systems, regardless of historic data availability and quality. Such guidelines and insights on the development of accurate health-state architectures for PV plants can have positive implications in operation and maintenance and monitoring strategies, thus improving the system’s performance.

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Impact of duration and missing data on the long-term photovoltaic degradation rate estimation

Renewable Energy

Romero-Fiances, Irene; Livera, Andreas; Theristis, Marios; Makrides, George; Stein, Joshua S.; Nofuentes, Gustavo; de la Casa, Juan; Georghiou, George E.

Accurate quantification of photovoltaic (PV) system degradation rate (RD) is essential for lifetime yield predictions. Although RD is a critical parameter, its estimation lacks a standardized methodology that can be applied on outdoor field data. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of time period duration and missing data on RD by analyzing the performance of different techniques applied to synthetic PV system data at different linear RD patterns and known noise conditions. The analysis includes the application of different techniques to a 10-year synthetic dataset of a crystalline Silicon PV system, with emulated degradation levels and imputed missing data. The analysis demonstrated that the accuracy of ordinary least squares (OLS), year-on-year (YOY), autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) and robust principal component analysis (RPCA) techniques is affected by the evaluation duration with all techniques converging to lower RD deviations over the 10-year evaluation, apart from RPCA at high degradation levels. Moreover, the estimated RD is strongly affected by the amount of missing data. Filtering out the corrupted data yielded more accurate RD results for all techniques. It is proven that the application of a change-point detection stage is necessary and guidelines for accurate RD estimation are provided.

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Switch Location Identification for Integrating a Distant Photovoltaic Array Into a Microgrid

IEEE Access

Jones, Christian B.; Theristis, Marios; Darbali-Zamora, Rachid; Ropp, Michael E.; Reno, Matthew J.

Many Electric Power Systems (EPS) already include geographically dispersed photovoltaic (PV) systems. These PV systems may not be co-located with highest-priority loads and, thus, easily integrated into a microgrid; rather PV systems and priority loads may be far away from one another. Furthermore, because of the existing EPS configuration, non-critical loads between the distant PV and critical load(s) cannot be selectively disconnected. To achieve this, the proposed approach finds ideal switch locations by first defining the path between the critical load and a large PV system, then identifies all potential new switch locations along this path, and finally discovers switch locations for a particular budget by finding the ones the produce the lowest Loss of Load Probability (LOLP), which is when load exceed generation. Discovery of the switches with the lowest LOLP involves a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) implementation. The objective of the PSO is to minimize the microgird’s LOLP. The approach assumes dynamic microgrid operations, where both the critical and non-critical loads are powered during the day and only the critical load at night. To evaluate the approach, this paper includes a case study that uses the topology and Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) data from an actual EPS. For this example, the assessment found new switch locations that reduced the LOLP by up to 50% for two distant PV location scenarios.

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Operation and Maintenance Decision Support System for Photovoltaic Systems

IEEE Access

Livera, Andreas; Theristis, Marios; Micheli, Leonardo; Fernandez, Eduardo F.; Stein, Joshua S.; Georghiou, George E.

Operation and maintenance (OM) and monitoring strategies are important for safeguarding optimum photovoltaic (PV) performance while also minimizing downtimes due to faults. An OM decision support system (DSS) was developed in this work for providing recommendations of actionable decisions to resolve fault and performance loss events. The proposed DSS operates entirely on raw field measurements and incorporates technical asset and financial management features. Historical measurements from a large-scale PV system installed in Greece were used for the benchmarking procedure. The results demonstrated the financial benefits of performing mitigation actions in case of near zero power production incidents. Stochastic simulations that consider component malfunctions and failures exhibited a net economic gain of approximately 4.17 €/kW/year when performing OM actions. For an electricity price of 59.98 €/MWh, a minimum of 8.4% energy loss per year is required for offsetting the annualized OM cost value of 7.45 €/kW/year calculated by the SunSpec/National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) PV OM Cost Model.

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Comparative Analysis of Change-Point Techniques for Nonlinear Photovoltaic Performance Degradation Rate Estimations

IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics

Theristis, Marios; Livera, Andreas; Micheli, Leonardo; Ascencio-Vasquez, Julian; Makrides, George; Georghiou, George E.; Stein, Joshua S.

A linear performance drop is generally assumed during the photovoltaic (PV) lifetime. However, operational data demonstrate that the PV module degradation rate (Rd) is often nonlinear, which, if neglected, may increase the financial uncertainty. Although nonlinear behavior has been the subject of numerous publications, it was only recently that statistical models able to detect change-points and extract multiple Rd values from PV performance time-series were introduced. A comparative analysis of six open-source libraries, which can detect change-points and calculate nonlinear Rd, is presented in this article. Since the real Rd and change-point locations are unknown in field data, 960 synthetic datasets from six locations and two PV module technologies have been generated using different aggregation and normalization decisions and nonlinear degradation rate patterns. The results demonstrated that coarser temporal aggregation (i.e., monthly vs. weekly), temperature correction, and both PV module technologies and climates with lower seasonality can benefit the change-point detection and Rd extraction. This also raises a concern that statistical models typically deployed for Rd analysis may be highly climatic-and technology-dependent. The comparative analysis of the six approaches demonstrated median mean absolute errors (MAE) ranging from 0.06 to 0.26%/year, given a maximum absolute Rd of 2.9%/year. The median MAE in change-point position detection varied from 3.5 months to 6 years.

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Decision support system for corrective maintenance in large-scale photovoltaic systems

Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference

Livera, Andreas; Theristis, Marios; Charalambous, Alexios; Stein, Joshua S.; Georghiou, George E.

Corrective maintenance strategies are important for safeguarding optimum photovoltaic (PV) performance while also minimizing downtimes due to failures. In this work, a complete operation and maintenance (OM) decision support system (DSS) was developed for corrective maintenance. The DSS operates entirely on field measurements and incorporates technical asset and financial management features. It was validated experimentally on a large-scale PV system installed in Greece and the results demonstrated the financial benefits of performing corrective actions in case of failures and reversible loss mechanisms. Reduced response and resolution times of corrective actions could improve the PV power production of the test PV plant by up to 2.41%. Even for 1% energy yield improvement by performing corrective actions, a DSS is recommended for large-scale PV plants (with a peak capacity of at least 250 kWp).

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A New Photovoltaic Module Efficiency Model for Energy Prediction and Rating

IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics

Driesse, Anton; Theristis, Marios; Stein, Joshua S.

The IEC 61853 photovoltaic (PV) module energy rating standard requires measuring module power (and hence, efficiency) over a matrix of irradiance and temperature conditions. These matrix points represent nearly the full range of operating conditions encountered in the field in all but the most extreme locations and create an opportunity to develop alternative approaches for calculating system performance. In this article, a new PV module efficiency model is presented and compared with five published models using matrix data collected from four different PV module types. The results of the comparative analysis demonstrated that the new model improves on the existing ones exhibiting root-mean-square errors in normalized efficiency well below 0.01 for all cases and PV modules. The analysis also highlighted its ability to interpolate and extrapolate performance between and beyond measured matrix points of irradiance and temperature, establishing it as a robust yet relatively simple model for several applications that are detailed throughout this article.

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Comparative analysis of machine learning models for day-ahead photovoltaic power production forecasting†


Theocharides, Spyros; Theristis, Marios; Makrides, George; Kynigos, Marios; Spanias, Chrysovalantis; Georghiou, George E.

A main challenge for integrating the intermittent photovoltaic (PV) power generation remains the accuracy of day-ahead forecasts and the establishment of robust performing methods. The purpose of this work is to address these technological challenges by evaluating the day-ahead PV production forecasting performance of different machine learning models under different supervised learning regimes and minimal input features. Specifically, the day-ahead forecasting capability of Bayesian neural network (BNN), support vector regression (SVR), and regression tree (RT) models was investigated by employing the same dataset for training and performance verification, thus enabling a valid comparison. The training regime analysis demonstrated that the performance of the investigated models was strongly dependent on the timeframe of the train set, training data sequence, and application of irradiance condition filters. Furthermore, accurate results were obtained utilizing only the measured power output and other calculated parameters for training. Consequently, useful information is provided for establishing a robust day-ahead forecasting methodology that utilizes calculated input parameters and an optimal supervised learning approach. Finally, the obtained results demonstrated that the optimally constructed BNN outperformed all other machine learning models achieving forecasting accuracies lower than 5%.

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Data processing and quality verification for improved photovoltaic performance and reliability analytics

Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications

Livera, Andreas; Theristis, Marios; Koumpli, Elena; Theocharides, Spyros; Makrides, George; Sutterlueti, Juergen; Stein, Joshua S.; Georghiou, George E.

Data integrity is crucial for the performance and reliability analysis of photovoltaic (PV) systems, since actual in-field measurements commonly exhibit invalid data caused by outages and component failures. The scope of this paper is to present a complete methodology for PV data processing and quality verification in order to ensure improved PV performance and reliability analyses. Data quality routines (DQRs) were developed to ensure data fidelity by detecting and reconstructing invalid data through a sequence of filtering stages and inference techniques. The obtained results verified that PV performance and reliability analyses are sensitive to the fidelity of data and, therefore, time series reconstruction should be handled appropriately. To mitigate the bias effects of 10% or less invalid data, the listwise deletion technique provided accurate results for performance analytics (exhibited a maximum absolute percentage error of 0.92%). When missing data rates exceed 10%, data inference techniques yield more accurate results. The evaluation of missing power measurements demonstrated that time series reconstruction by applying the Sandia PV Array Performance Model yielded the lowest error among the investigated data inference techniques for PV performance analysis, with an absolute percentage error less than 0.71%, even at 40% missing data rate levels. The verification of the routines was performed on historical datasets from two different locations (desert and steppe climates). The proposed methodology provides a set of standardized analytical procedures to ensure the validity of performance and reliability evaluations that are performed over the lifetime of PV systems.

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Nonlinear Photovoltaic Degradation Rates: Modeling and Comparison against Conventional Methods

IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics

Theristis, Marios; Livera, Andreas; Jones, C.B.; Makrides, George; Georghiou, George E.; Stein, Joshua S.

Although common practice for estimating photovoltaic (PV) degradation rate (RD) assumes a linear behavior, field data have shown that degradation rates are frequently nonlinear. This article presents a new methodology to detect and calculate nonlinear RD based on PV performance time-series from nine different systems over an eight-year period. Prior to performing the analysis and in order to adjust model parameters to reflect actual PV operation, synthetic datasets were utilized for calibration purposes. A change-point analysis is then applied to detect changes in the slopes of PV trends, which are extracted from constructed performance ratio (PR) time-series. Once the number and location of change points is found, the ordinary least squares method is applied to the different segments to compute the corresponding rates. The obtained results verified that the extracted trends from the PR time-series may not always be linear and therefore, 'nonconventional' models need to be applied. All thin-film technologies demonstrated nonlinear behavior whereas nonlinearity detected in the crystalline silicon systems is thought to be due to a maintenance event. A comparative analysis between the new methodology and other conventional methods demonstrated levelized cost of energy differences of up to 6.14%, highlighting the importance of considering nonlinear degradation behavior.

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Day-ahead photovoltaic power production forecasting methodology based on machine learning and statistical post-processing

Applied Energy

Theocharides, Spyros; Makrides, George; Livera, Andreas; Theristis, Marios; Kaimakis, Paris; Georghiou, George E.

A main challenge towards ensuring large-scale and seamless integration of photovoltaic systems is to improve the accuracy of energy yield forecasts, especially in grid areas of high photovoltaic shares. The scope of this paper is to address this issue by presenting a unified methodology for hourly-averaged day-ahead photovoltaic power forecasts with improved accuracy, based on data-driven machine learning techniques and statistical post-processing. More specifically, the proposed forecasting methodology framework comprised of a data quality stage, data-driven power output machine learning model development (artificial neural networks), weather clustering assessment (K-means clustering), post-processing output optimisation (linear regressive correction method) and the final performance accuracy evaluation. The results showed that the application of linear regression coefficients to the forecasted outputs of the developed day-ahead photovoltaic power production neural network improved the performance accuracy by further correcting solar irradiance forecasting biases. The resulting optimised model provided a mean absolute percentage error of 4.7% when applied to historical system datasets. Finally, the model was validated both, at a hot as well as a cold semi-arid climatic location, and the obtained results demonstrated close agreement by yielding forecasting accuracies of mean absolute percentage error of 4.7% and 6.3%, respectively. The validation analysis provides evidence that the proposed model exhibits high performance in both forecasting accuracy and stability.

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Photovoltaic cleaning frequency optimization under different degradation rate patterns

Renewable Energy

Micheli, Leonardo; Theristis, Marios; Talavera, Diego L.; Almonacid, Florencia; Stein, Joshua S.; Fernández, Eduardo F.

Dust accumulation significantly affects the performance of photovoltaic modules and its impact can be mitigated by various cleaning methods. Optimizing the cleaning frequency is essential to minimize the soiling losses and, at the same time, the costs. However, the effectiveness of cleaning lowers with time because of the reduced energy yield due to degradation. Additionally, economic factors such as the escalation in electricity price and inflation can compound or counterbalance the effect of degradation on the soiling mitigation profits. The present study analyzes the impact of degradation, escalation in electricity price and inflation on the revenues and costs of cleanings and proposes a methodology to maximize the profits of soiling mitigation of any system. The energy performance and soiling losses of a 1 MW system installed in southern Spain were analyzed and integrated with theoretical linear and nonlinear degradation rate patterns. The Levelized Cost of Energy and Net Present Value were used as criteria to identify the optimum cleaning strategies. The results showed that the two metrics convey distinct cleaning recommendations, as they are influenced by different factors. For the given site, despite the degradation effects, the optimum cleaning frequency is found to increase with time of operation.

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32 Results
32 Results