
31 Results
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A Study of the Optical Properties of Ice Crystals with Black Carbon Inclusions

Arienti, Marco A.; Yang, Xiaoyuan Y.; Kopacz, Adrian M.; Geier, M.

The report focu ses on the modification of the optical properties of ice crystals due to atmospheric black car bon (BC) contamination : the objective is to advance the predictive capabilities of climate models through an improved understanding of the radiative properties of compound particles . The shape of the ice crystal (as commonly found in cirrus clouds and cont rails) , the volume fraction of the BC inclusion , and its location inside the crystal are the three factors examined in this study. In the multiscale description of this problem, where a small absorbing inclusion modifies the optical properties of a much la rger non - absorbing particle, state - of - the - art discretization techniques are combined to provide the best compromise of flexibility and accuracy over a broad range of sizes .

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Hybrid-renewable processes for biofuels production: concentrated solar pyrolysis of biomass residues

George, Anthe G.; Geier, M.; Dedrick, Daniel E.

The viability of thermochemically-derived biofuels can be greatly enhanced by reducing the process parasitic energy loads. Integrating renewable power into biofuels production is one method by which these efficiency drains can be eliminated. There are a variety of such potentially viable "hybrid-renewable" approaches; one is to integrate concentrated solar power (CSP) to power biomass-to-liquid fuels (BTL) processes. Barriers to CSP integration into BTL processes are predominantly the lack of fundamental kinetic and mass transport data to enable appropriate systems analysis and reactor design. A novel design for the reactor has been created that can allow biomass particles to be suspended in a flow gas, and be irradiated with a simulated solar flux. Pyrolysis conditions were investigated and a comparison between solar and non-solar biomass pyrolysis was conducted in terms of product distributions and pyrolysis oil quality. A novel method was developed to analyse pyrolysis products, and investigate their stability.

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Detection of preferential particle orientation in the atmosphere: Development of an alternative polarization lidar system

Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer

Geier, M.; Arienti, Marco A.

Increasing interest in polarimetric characterization of atmospheric aerosols has led to the development of complete sample-measuring (Mueller) polarimeters that are capable of measuring the entire backscattering phase matrix of a probed volume. These Mueller polarimeters consist of several moving parts, which limit measurement rates and complicate data analysis. In this paper, we present the concept of a less complex polarization lidar setup for detection of preferential orientation of atmospheric particulates. On the basis of theoretical considerations of data inversion stability and propagation of measurement uncertainties, an optimum optical configuration is established for two modes of operation (with either a linear or a circular polarized incident laser beam). The conceptualized setup falls in the category of incomplete sample-measuring polarimeters and uses four detection channels for simultaneous measurement of the backscattered light. The expected performance characteristics are discussed through an example of a typical aerosol with a small fraction of particles oriented in a preferred direction. The theoretical analysis suggests that achievable accuracies in backscatter cross-sections and depolarization ratios are similar to those with conventional two-channel configurations, while in addition preferential orientation can be detected with the proposed four-channel system for a wide range of conditions. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.

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A mechanistic char oxidation model consistent with observed CO 2/CO production ratios

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute

Geier, M.; Shaddix, Christopher R.; Holzleithner, F.

Reliable prediction of char conversion, heat release, and particle temperature during heterogeneous char oxidation relies upon quantitative calculation of the CO2/CO production ratio. This ratio depends strongly on the surface temperature, but also on the local partial pressure of oxygen and thus becomes more important in simulations of oxy-fuel or pressurized combustion systems. Existing semi-empirical intrinsic kinetic models of char combustion have been calibrated against the temperature-dependence of the CO2/CO production ratio, but have neglected the effect of the local oxygen concentration. In this study we employ steady-state analysis to demonstrate the limitations of the existing 3-step semi-global kinetics models and to show the necessity of using a 5-step model to adequately capture the temperature- and oxygen-dependence of the CO2/CO production ratio. A suitable 5-step heterogeneous reaction mechanism is developed and its rate parameters fit to match CO2/CO production data, global reaction orders, and activation energies reported in the literature. The model predictions are interrogated for a broad range of conditions characteristic of pressurized, oxy-fuel, and conventional high-temperature char combustion, for which essentially no experimental information on the CO2/CO production ratio is available. The results suggest that the CO2/CO production ratio may be considerably lower than that estimated with existing power-law correlations for oxygen partial pressures less than 10 kPa and surface temperatures higher than 1600 K. To assist with implementation of the mechanistic CO2/CO production ratio results, an analytical procedure for calculating the CO2/CO production ratio is presented. © 2012 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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Oxy-combustion of pulverized coal : modeling of char-combustion kinetics

Geier, M.; Shaddix, Christopher R.

In this study, char combustion of pulverized coal under oxy-fuel combustion conditions was investigated on the basis of experimentally observed temperature-size characteristics and corresponding predictions of numerical simulations. Using a combustion-driven entrained flow reactor equipped with an optical particle-sizing pyrometer, combustion characteristics (particle temperatures and apparent size) of pulverized coal char particles was determined for combustion in both reduced oxygen and oxygen-enriched atmospheres with either a N{sub 2} or CO{sub 2} bath gas. The two coals investigated were a low-sulfur, high-volatile bituminous coal (Utah Skyline) and a low-sulfur subbituminous coal (North Antelope), both size-classified to 75-106 {micro}m. A particular focus of this study lies in the analysis of the predictive modeling capabilities of simplified models that capture char combustion characteristics but exhibit the lowest possible complexity and thus facilitate incorporation in existing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation codes. For this purpose, char consumption characteristics were calculated for char particles in the size range 10-200 {micro}m using (1) single-film, apparent kinetic models with a chemically 'frozen' boundary layer, and (2) a reacting porous particle model with detailed gas-phase kinetics and three separate heterogeneous reaction mechanisms of char-oxidation and gasification. A comparison of model results with experimental data suggests that single-film models with reaction orders between 0.5 and 1 with respect to the surface oxygen partial pressure may be capable of adequately predicting the temperature-size characteristics of char consumption, provided heterogeneous (steam and CO{sub 2}) gasification reactions are accounted for.

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Oxy-combustion of pulverized coal : modeling of char combustion kinetics

Geier, M.; Shaddix, Christopher R.

In this study, char combustion of pulverized coal under oxy-fuel combustion conditions was investigated on the basis of experimentally observed temperature-size characteristics and corresponding predictions of numerical simulations. Using a combustion-driven entrained flow reactor equipped with an optical particle-sizing pyrometer, combustion characteristics (particle temperatures and apparent size) of pulverized coal char particles was determined for combustion in both reduced oxygen and oxygen-enriched atmospheres with either a N{sub 2} or CO{sub 2} bath gas. The two coals investigated were a low-sulfur, high-volatile bituminous coal (Utah Skyline) and a low-sulfur subbituminous coal (North Antelope), both size-classified to 75-106 {micro}m. A particular focus of this study lies in the analysis of the predictive modeling capabilities of simplified models that capture char combustion characteristics but exhibit the lowest possible complexity and thus facilitate incorporation in existing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation codes. For this purpose, char consumption characteristics were calculated for char particles in the size range 10-200 {micro}m using (1) single-film, apparent kinetic models with a chemically 'frozen' boundary layer, and (2) a reacting porous particle model with detailed gas-phase kinetics and three separate heterogeneous reaction mechanisms of char-oxidation and gasification. A comparison of model results with experimental data suggests that single-film models with reaction orders between 0.5 and 1 with respect to the surface oxygen partial pressure may be capable of adequately predicting the temperature-size characteristics of char consumption, provided heterogeneous (steam and CO{sub 2}) gasification reactions are accounted for.

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Evaluation of effect of particle size on oxy-fuel combustion of pulverized coal

26th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2009, PCC 2009

Geier, M.; Hecht, E.S.; Shaddix, Christopher R.

Previous research has highlighted the important role of reduced oxygen diffusivity through the particle boundary layer during oxy-fuel combustion with flue gas recirculation (i.e. high CO2 environments). Single-particle modeling of this process also revealed that partial conversion of the carbon oxidation product CO in the particle boundary layer was important during oxygen-enhanced combustion for particles approximately 130 μm in diameter. In this study, the influence of oxy-fuel combustion conditions on char combustion rates is being investigated both experimentally and through detailed modeling, for several different characteristic pulverized coal particle sizes. Both a high-volatile bituminous coal (Utah Skyline) and a typical PRB low-sulfur subbituminous coal (North Antelope) are being investigated. A combustion-driven entrained flow reactor equipped with an optical particle-sizing pyrometer is being used to determine the combustion kinetics of pulverized coal chars when burning in both reduced oxygen and oxygen-enriched atmospheres with either a N2 or CO2 bath gas. Preliminary calculations using the particle combustion code SKIPPY have shown that boundary layer conversion of CO becomes important for oxy-fuel combustion of char particles larger than 60 μm in diameter and, for a char particle reactivity characteristic of high-volatile bituminous coals, the boundary layer reactions result in over a 20% enhancement in the char burning rate for particle sizes between 70-80 μm in diameter. Copyright © (2009) by the International Pittsburgh Coal Conference.

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31 Results
31 Results