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An Optical Flow Approach to Tracking Ship Track Behavior Using GOES-R Satellite Imagery

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing

Shand, Lyndsay S.; Larson, Kelsie M.; Roesler, Erika L.; lyons, don l.; Gray, Skyler D.

Ship emissions can form linear cloud structures, or ship tracks, when atmospheric water vapor condenses on aerosols in the ship exhaust. These structures are of interest because they are observable and traceable examples of MCB, a mechanism that has been studied as a potential approach for solar climate intervention. Ship tracks can be observed throughout the diurnal cycle via space-borne assets like the advanced baseline imagers on the national oceanic and atmospheric administration geostationary operational environmental satellites, the GOES-R series. Due to complex atmospheric dynamics, it can be difficult to track these aerosol perturbations over space and time to precisely characterize how long a single emission source can significantly contribute to indirect radiative forcing. We propose an optical flow approach to estimate the trajectories of ship-emitted aerosols after they begin mixing with low boundary layer clouds using GOES-17 satellite imagery. Most optical flow estimation methods have only been used to estimate large scale atmospheric motion. We demonstrate the ability of our approach to precisely isolate the movement of ship tracks in low-lying clouds from the movement of large swaths of high clouds that often dominate the scene. This efficient approach shows that ship tracks persist as visible, linear features beyond 9 h and sometimes longer than 24 h.

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Multimodal Bayesian registration of noisy functions using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo

Computational Statistics and Data Analysis

Tucker, James D.; Shand, Lyndsay S.; Chowdhary, Kenny

Functional data registration is a necessary processing step for many applications. The observed data can be inherently noisy, often due to measurement error or natural process uncertainty; which most functional alignment methods cannot handle. A pair of functions can also have multiple optimal alignment solutions, which is not addressed in current literature. In this paper, a flexible Bayesian approach to functional alignment is presented, which appropriately accounts for noise in the data without any pre-smoothing required. Additionally, by running parallel MCMC chains, the method can account for multiple optimal alignments via the multi-modal posterior distribution of the warping functions. To most efficiently sample the warping functions, the approach relies on a modification of the standard Hamiltonian Monte Carlo to be well-defined on the infinite-dimensional Hilbert space. This flexible Bayesian alignment method is applied to both simulated data and real data sets to show its efficiency in handling noisy functions and successfully accounting for multiple optimal alignments in the posterior; characterizing the uncertainty surrounding the warping functions.

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Local limits of detection for anthropogenic aerosol-cloud interactions

Shand, Lyndsay S.; Larson, Kelsie M.; Staid, Andrea S.; Roesler, Erika L.; Lyons, Donald A.; Simonson, Katherine M.; Patel, Lekha P.; Hickey, James J.; Gray, Skyler D.

Ship tracks are quasi-linear cloud patterns produced from the interaction of ship emissions with low boundary layer clouds. They are visible throughout the diurnal cycle in satellite images from space-borne assets like the Advanced Baseline Imagers (ABI) aboard the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES-R). However, complex atmospheric dynamics often make it difficult to identify and characterize the formation and evolution of tracks. Ship tracks have the potential to increase a cloud's albedo and reduce the impact of global warming. Thus, it is important to study these patterns to better understand the complex atmospheric interactions between aerosols and clouds to improve our climate models, and examine the efficacy of climate interventions, such as marine cloud brightening. Over the course of this 3-year project, we have developed novel data-driven techniques that advance our ability to assess the effects of ship emissions on marine environments and the risks of future marine cloud brightening efforts. The three main innovative technical contributions we will document here are a method to track aerosol injections using optical flow, a stochastic simulation model for track formations and an automated detection algorithm for efficient identification of ship tracks in large datasets.

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Thermal-Mechanical Elastic-Plastic and Ductile Failure Model Calibrations for 304L Stainless Steel Alloy

Corona, Edmundo C.; Kramer, Sharlotte L.; Lester, Brian T.; Jones, Amanda; Sanborn, Brett S.; Shand, Lyndsay S.; Fietek, Carter J.

Numerical simulations of metallic structures undergoing rapid loading into the plastic range require material models that accurately represent the response. In general, the material response can be seen as having four interrelated parts: the baseline response under slow loading, the effect of strain rate, the conversion of plastic work into heat and the effect of temperature. In essence, the material behaves in a thermal-mechanical manner if the loading is fast enough so when heat is generated by plastic deformation it raises the temperature and therefore influences the mechanical response. In these cases, appropriate models that can capture the aspects listed above are necessary. The material of interest here is 304L stainless steel, and the objective of this work is to calibrate thermal-mechanical models: one for the constitutive behavior and another for failure. The work was accomplished by first designing and conducting a material test program to provide data for the calibration of the models. The test program included uniaxial tension tests conducted at room temperature, 150 and 300 C and at strain rates between 10–4 and 103 1/s. It also included notched tension and shear-dominated compression hat tests specifically designed to calibrate the failure model. All test specimens were extracted from a single piece of plate to maintain consistency. The constitutive model adopted was a modular $J_2$ plasticity model with isotropic hardening that included rate and temperature dependence. A criterion for failure initiation based on a critical value of equivalent plastic strain fitted the failure data appropriately and was adopted. Possible ranges of the values of the parameters of the models were determined partially on historical data from calibrations of the same alloy from other lots and are given here. The calibration of the parameters of the models were based on finite element simulations of the various material tests using relatively ne meshes and hexahedral elements. When using the model in structural finite element calculations, however, element formulations and sizes different from those in the calibration are likely to be used. A brief investigation demonstrated that the failure initiation predictions can be particularly sensitive to the element selection and provided an initial guide to compensate for the effect of element size in a specific example.

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29 Results
29 Results