
133 Results
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Melting and density of MgSiO3 determined by shock compression of bridgmanite to 1254GPa

Nature Communications

Fei, Yingwei; Seagle, Christopher T.; Townsend, Joshua P.; McCoy, C.A.; Boujibar, Asmaa; Driscoll, Peter; Shulenburger, Luke N.; Furnish, Michael D.

The essential data for interior and thermal evolution models of the Earth and super-Earths are the density and melting of mantle silicate under extreme conditions. Here, we report an unprecedently high melting temperature of MgSiO3 at 500 GPa by direct shockwave loading of pre-synthesized dense MgSiO3 (bridgmanite) using the Z Pulsed Power Facility. We also present the first high-precision density data of crystalline MgSiO3 to 422 GPa and 7200 K and of silicate melt to 1254 GPa. The experimental density measurements support our density functional theory based molecular dynamics calculations, providing benchmarks for theoretical calculations under extreme conditions. The excellent agreement between experiment and theory provides a reliable reference density profile for super-Earth mantles. Furthermore, the observed upper bound of melting temperature, 9430 K at 500 GPa, provides a critical constraint on the accretion energy required to melt the mantle and the prospect of driving a dynamo in massive rocky planets.

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Starting-point-independent quantum Monte Carlo calculations of iron oxide

Physical Review B

Townsend, Joshua P.; Pineda Flores, Sergio D.; Clay III, Raymond C.; Mattsson, Thomas M.; Neuscamman, Eric; Zhao, Luning; Cohen, R.E.; Shulenburger, Luke N.

Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods are useful for studies of strongly correlated materials because they are many body in nature and use the physical Hamiltonian. Typical calculations assume as a starting point a wave function constructed from single-particle orbitals obtained from one-body methods, e.g., density functional theory. However, mean-field-derived wave functions can sometimes lead to systematic QMC biases if the mean-field result poorly describes the true ground state. Here, we study the accuracy and flexibility of QMC trial wave functions using variational and fixed-node diffusion QMC estimates of the total spin density and lattice distortion of antiferromagnetic iron oxide (FeO) in the ground state B1 crystal structure. We found that for relatively simple wave functions the predicted lattice distortion was controlled by the choice of single-particle orbitals used to construct the wave function, rather than by subsequent wave function optimization techniques within QMC. By optimizing the orbitals with QMC, we then demonstrate starting-point independence of the trial wave function with respect to the method by which the orbitals were constructed by demonstrating convergence of the energy, spin density, and predicted lattice distortion for two qualitatively different sets of orbitals. The results suggest that orbital optimization is a promising method for accurate many-body calculations of strongly correlated condensed phases.

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A new generation of effective core potentials from correlated calculations: 4s and 4p main group elements and first row additions

Journal of Chemical Physics

Wang, Guangming; Annaberdiyev, Abdulgani; Melton, Cody A.; Bennett, M.C.; Shulenburger, Luke N.; Mitas, Lubos

Recently, we developed a new method for generating effective core potentials (ECPs) using valence energy isospectrality with explicitly correlated all-electron (AE) excitations and norm-conservation criteria. We apply this methodology to the 3rd-row main group elements, creating new correlation consistent ECPs (ccECPs) and also deriving additional ECPs to complete the ccECP table for H-Kr. For K and Ca, we develop Ne-core ECPs, and for the 4p main group elements, we construct [Ar]3d10-core potentials. Scalar relativistic effects are included in their construction. Our ccECPs reproduce AE spectra with significantly better accuracy than many existing pseudopotentials and show better overall consistency across multiple properties. The transferability of ccECPs is tested on monohydride and monoxide molecules over a range of molecular geometries. For the constructed ccECPs, we also provide optimized DZ-6Z valence Gaussian basis sets.

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Deuterium Hugoniot: Pitfalls of thermodynamic sampling beyond density functional theory

Physical Review B

Clay III, Raymond C.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Shulenburger, Luke N.

Outstanding problems in the high-pressure phase diagram of hydrogen have demonstrated the need for more accurate ab initio methods for thermodynamic sampling. One promising method that has been deployed extensively above 100 GPa is coupled electron-ion Monte Carlo (CEIMC), which treats the electronic structure with quantum Monte Carlo (QMC). However, CEIMC predictions of the deuterium principal Hugoniot disagree significantly with experiment, overshooting the experimentally determined peak compression density by 7% and lower temperature gas-gun data by well over 20%. By deriving an equation relating the predicted Hugoniot density to underlying equation of state errors, we show that QMC and many-body methods can easily spoil the error cancellation properties inherent in the Rankine-Hugoniot relation, and very likely suffer from error addition. By cross validating QMC based on systematically improvable trial functions against post-Hartree-Fock many-body methods, we find that these methods introduce errors of the right sign and magnitude to account for much of the observed discrepancy between CEIMC and experiment. We stress that this is not just a CEIMC problem, but that thermodynamic sampling based on other many-body methods is likely to experience similar difficulties.

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A new generation of effective core potentials from correlated calculations: 3d transition metal series

Journal of Chemical Physics

Annaberdiyev, Abdulgani; Wang, Guangming; Melton, Cody A.; Bennett, Michael B.; Shulenburger, Luke N.; Mitas, Lubos

Recently, we have introduced a new generation of effective core potentials (ECPs) designed for accurate correlated calculations but equally useful for a broad variety of approaches. The guiding principle has been the isospectrality of all-electron and ECP Hamiltonians for a subset of valence many-body states using correlated, nearly-exact calculations. Here we present such ECPs for the 3d transition series Sc to Zn with Ne-core, i.e., with semi-core 3s and 3p electrons in the valence space. Besides genuine many-body accuracy, the operators are simple, being represented by a few gaussians per symmetry channel with resulting potentials that are bounded everywhere. The transferability is checked on selected molecular systems over a range of geometries. The ECPs show a high overall accuracy with valence spectral discrepancies typically ≈0.01-0.02 eV or better. They also reproduce binding curves of hydride and oxide molecules typically within 0.02-0.03 eV deviations over the full non-dissociation range of interatomic distances.

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An efficient hybrid orbital representation for quantum Monte Carlo calculations

Journal of Chemical Physics

Luo, Ye; Esler, Kenneth P.; Kent, Paul R.C.; Shulenburger, Luke N.

The scale and complexity of the quantum system to which real-space quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) can be applied in part depends on the representation and memory usage of the trial wavefunction. B-splines, the computationally most efficient basis set, can have memory requirements exceeding the capacity of a single computational node. This situation has traditionally forced a difficult choice of either using slow internode communication or a potentially less accurate but smaller basis set such as Gaussians. Here, we introduce a hybrid representation of the single particle orbitals that combine a localized atomic basis set around atomic cores and B-splines in the interstitial regions to reduce the memory usage while retaining the high speed of evaluation and either retaining or increasing overall accuracy. We present a benchmark calculation for NiO demonstrating a superior accuracy while using only one eighth of the memory required for conventional B-splines. The hybrid orbital representation therefore expands the overall range of systems that can be practically studied with QMC.

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Phase stability and interlayer interaction of blue phosphorene

Physical Review B

Ahn, Jeonghwan; Hong, Iuegyun; Kwon, Yongkyung; Clay III, Raymond C.; Shulenburger, Luke N.; Shin, Hyeondeok; Benali, Anouar

In this work, we study the interlayer interactions between sheets of blue phosphorus with quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods. We find that as previously observed in black phosphorus, interlayer binding of blue phosphorus cannot be described by van der Waals (vdW) interactions alone within the density functional theory framework. Specifically, while some vdW density functionals produced reasonable binding curves, none of them could provide a correct, even qualitatively, description of charge redistribution due to interlayer binding. We also show that small systematic errors in common practice QMC calculations, such as the choice of optimized geometry and finite-size corrections, are non-negligible given the energy and length scales of this problem. We mitigate some of the major sources of error and report QMC-optimized lattice constant, stacking, and interlayer binding energy for blue phosphorus. It is strongly suggested that these considerations are important and quite general in the modeling of two-dimensional phosphorus allotropes.

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Shock compression of strongly correlated oxides: A liquid-regime equation of state for cerium(IV) oxide

Physical Review B

Weck, Philippe F.; Cochrane, Kyle C.; Root, Seth R.; Lane, J.M.; Shulenburger, Luke N.; Carpenter, John H.; Sjostrom, Travis; Mattsson, Thomas M.; Vogler, Tracy V.

The shock Hugoniot for full-density and porous CeO2 was investigated in the liquid regime using ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations with Erpenbeck's approach based on the Rankine-Hugoniot jump conditions. The phase space was sampled by carrying out NVT simulations for isotherms between 6000 and 100 000 K and densities ranging from ρ=2.5 to 20g/cm3. The impact of on-site Coulomb interaction corrections +U on the equation of state (EOS) obtained from AIMD simulations was assessed by direct comparison with results from standard density functional theory simulations. Classical molecular dynamics (CMD) simulations were also performed to model atomic-scale shock compression of larger porous CeO2 models. Results from AIMD and CMD compression simulations compare favorably with Z-machine shock data to 525 GPa and gas-gun data to 109 GPa for porous CeO2 samples. Using results from AIMD simulations, an accurate liquid-regime Mie-Grüneisen EOS was built for CeO2. In addition, a revised multiphase SESAME-Type EOS was constrained using AIMD results and experimental data generated in this work. This study demonstrates the necessity of acquiring data in the porous regime to increase the reliability of existing analytical EOS models.

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A new generation of effective core potentials for correlated calculations

Journal of Chemical Physics

Bennett, Michael B.; Melton, Cody A.; Annaberdiyev, Abdulgani; Wang, Guangming; Shulenburger, Luke N.; Mitas, Lubos

We outline ideas on desired properties for a new generation of effective core potentials (ECPs) that will allow valence-only calculations to reach the full potential offered by recent advances in many-body wave function methods. The key improvements include consistent use of correlated methods throughout ECP constructions and improved transferability as required for an accurate description of molecular systems over a range of geometries. The guiding principle is the isospectrality of all-electron and ECP Hamiltonians for a subset of valence states. We illustrate these concepts on a few first- and second-row atoms (B, C, N, O, S), and we obtain higher accuracy in transferability than previous constructions while using semi-local ECPs with a small number of parameters. In addition, the constructed ECPs enable many-body calculations of valence properties with higher (or same) accuracy than their all-electron counterparts with uncorrelated cores. This implies that the ECPs include also some of the impacts of core-core and core-valence correlations on valence properties. The results open further prospects for ECP improvements and refinements.

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A new generation of effective core potentials for correlated calculations

Journal of Chemical Physics

Bennett, Michael B.; Melton, Cody A.; Shulenburger, Luke N.; Annaberdiyev, Abdulgani A.; Wang, Guangming W.; Mitas, Lubos M.

Here, we outline ideas on desired properties for a new generation of effective core potentials (ECPs) that will allow valence-only calculations to reach the full potential offered by recent advances in many-body wave function methods. The key improvements include consistent use of correlated methods throughout ECP constructions and improved transferability as required for an accurate description of molecular systems over a range of geometries. The guiding principle is the isospectrality of all-electron and ECP Hamiltonians for a subset of valence states. We illustrate these concepts on a few first- and second-row atoms (B, C, N, O, S), and we obtain higher accuracy in transferability than previous constructions while using semi-local ECPs with a small number of parameters. In addition, the constructed ECPs enable many-body calculations of valence properties with higher (or same) accuracy than their all-electron counterparts with uncorrelated cores. This implies that the ECPs include also some of the impacts of core-core and core-valence correlations on valence properties. The results open further prospects for ECP improvements and refinements.

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Embracing a new era of highly efficient and productive quantum monte carlo simulations

Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC 2017

Mathuriya, Amrita; Luo, Ye; Clay III, Raymond C.; Benali, Anouar; Shulenburger, Luke N.; Kim, Jeongnim

QMCPACK has enabled cutting-edge materials research on supercomputers for over a decade. It scales nearly ideally but has low single-node efficiency due to the physics-based abstractions using array-of-structures objects, causing in-efficient vectorization. We present a systematic approach to transform QMCPACK to better exploit the new hardware features of modern CPUs in portable and maintainable ways. We develop miniapps for fast prototyping and optimizations. We implement new containers in structure-of-arrays data layout to facilitate vectorizations by the compilers. Further speedup and smaller memory-footprints are obtained by computing data on the fly with the vectorized routines and expanding single-precision use. All these are seamlessly incorporated in production QMCPACK. We demonstrate upto 4.5x speedups on recent Intel® processors and IBM Blue Gene/Q for representative workloads. Energy consumption is reduced significantly commensurate to the speedup factor. Memory-footprints are reduced by up-to 3.8x, opening the possibility to solve much larger problems of future.

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Stopping of Deuterium in Warm Dense Deuterium from Ehrenfest Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory

Contributions to Plasma Physics

Magyar, Rudolph J.; Shulenburger, Luke N.; Baczewski, Andrew D.

In these proceedings, we show that time-dependent density functional theory is capable of stopping calculations at the extreme conditions of temperature and pressure seen in warm dense matter. The accuracy of the stopping curves tends to be up to about 20% lower than empirical models that are in use. However, TDDFT calculations are free from fitting parameters and assumptions about the model form of the dielectric function. This work allows the simulation of ion stopping in many materials that are difficult to study experimentally. (© 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim).

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Benchmarking Adiabatic Quantum Optimization for Complex Network Analysis

Parekh, Ojas D.; Wendt, Jeremy D.; Shulenburger, Luke N.; Landahl, Andrew J.; Moussa, Jonathan E.; Aidun, John B.

We lay the foundation for a benchmarking methodology for assessing current and future quantum computers. We pose and begin addressing fundamental questions about how to fairly compare computational devices at vastly different stages of technological maturity. We critically evaluate and offer our own contributions to current quantum benchmarking efforts, in particular those involving adiabatic quantum computation and the Adiabatic Quantum Optimizers produced by D-Wave Systems, Inc. We find that the performance of D-Wave's Adiabatic Quantum Optimizers scales roughly on par with classical approaches for some hard combinatorial optimization problems; however, architectural limitations of D-Wave devices present a significant hurdle in evaluating real-world applications. In addition to identifying and isolating such limitations, we develop algorithmic tools for circumventing these limitations on future D-Wave devices, assuming they continue to grow and mature at an exponential rate for the next several years.

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Validating density-functional theory simulations at high energy-density conditions with liquid krypton shock experiments to 850 GPa on Sandia's Z machine

Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics

Mattsson, Thomas M.; Root, Seth R.; Mattsson, Ann E.; Shulenburger, Luke N.; Magyar, Rudolph J.; Flicker, Dawn G.

We use Sandia's Z machine and magnetically accelerated flyer plates to shock compress liquid krypton to 850 GPa and compare with results from density-functional theory (DFT) based simulations using the AM05 functional. We also employ quantum Monte Carlo calculations to motivate the choice of AM05. We conclude that the DFT results are sensitive to the quality of the pseudopotential in terms of scattering properties at high energy/temperature. A new Kr projector augmented wave potential was constructed with improved scattering properties which resulted in excellent agreement with the experimental results to 850 GPa and temperatures above 10 eV (110 kK). Finally, we present comparisons of our data from the Z experiments and DFT calculations to current equation of state models of krypton to determine the best model for high energy-density applications.

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Theory of melting at high pressures: Amending density functional theory with quantum Monte Carlo

Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics

Shulenburger, Luke N.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Mattsson, Thomas M.

We present an improved first-principles description of melting under pressure based on thermodynamic integration comparing density functional theory (DFT) and quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) treatments. The method is applied to address the longstanding discrepancy between DFT calculations and diamond anvil cell (DAC) experiments on the melting curve of xenon, a noble gas solid where van der Waals binding is challenging for traditional DFT methods. The calculations show agreement with data below 20 GPa and that the high-pressure melt curve is well described by a Lindemann behavior up to at least 80 GPa, in contrast to DAC data.

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Application of diffusion Monte Carlo to materials dominated by van der Waals interactions

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation

Benali, Anouar; Shulenburger, Luke N.; Romero, Nichols A.; Kim, Jeongnim; Von Lilienfeld, O.A.

van der Waals forces are notoriously difficult to account for from first principles. We have performed extensive calculations to assess the usefulness and validity of diffusion quantum Monte Carlo when predicting van der Waals forces. We present converged results for noble gas solids and clusters, archetypical van der Waals dominated systems, as well as the highly relevant π-π stacking supramolecular complex: DNA + intercalating anticancer drug ellipticine. Analysis of the calculated binding energies underscores the existence of significant interatomic many-body contributions. © 2014 American Chemical Society.

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Numerical implementation of time-dependent density functional theory for extended systems in extreme environments

Baczewski, Andrew D.; Shulenburger, Luke N.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Magyar, Rudolph J.

In recent years, DFT-MD has been shown to be a useful computational tool for exploring the properties of WDM. These calculations achieve excellent agreement with shock compression experiments, which probe the thermodynamic parameters of the Hugoniot state. New X-ray Thomson Scattering diagnostics promise to deliver independent measurements of electronic density and temperature, as well as structural information in shocked systems. However, they require the development of new levels of theory for computing the associated observables within a DFT framework. The experimentally observable x-ray scattering cross section is related to the electronic density-density response function, which is obtainable using TDDFT - a formally exact extension of conventional DFT that describes electron dynamics and excited states. In order to develop a capability for modeling XRTS data and, more generally, to establish a predictive capability for rst principles simulations of matter in extreme conditions, real-time TDDFT with Ehrenfest dynamics has been implemented in an existing PAW code for DFT-MD calculations. The purpose of this report is to record implementation details and benchmarks as the project advances from software development to delivering novel scienti c results. Results range from tests that establish the accuracy, e ciency, and scalability of our implementation, to calculations that are veri ed against accepted results in the literature. Aside from the primary XRTS goal, we identify other more general areas where this new capability will be useful, including stopping power calculations and electron-ion equilibration.

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Quantum Monte Carlo applied to solids

Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics

Shulenburger, Luke N.; Mattsson, Thomas M.

We apply diffusion quantum Monte Carlo to a broad set of solids, benchmarking the method by comparing bulk structural properties (equilibrium volume and bulk modulus) to experiment and density functional theory (DFT) based theories. The test set includes materials with many different types of binding including ionic, metallic, covalent, and van der Waals. We show that, on average, the accuracy is comparable to or better than that of DFT when using the new generation of functionals, including one hybrid functional and two dispersion corrected functionals. The excellent performance of quantum Monte Carlo on solids is promising for its application to heterogeneous systems and high-pressure/high-density conditions. Important to the results here is the application of a consistent procedure with regards to the several approximations that are made, such as finite-size corrections and pseudopotential approximations. This test set allows for any improvements in these methods to be judged in a systematic way.

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Evaluating Near-Term Adiabatic Quantum Computing

Parekh, Ojas D.; Aidun, John B.; Dubicka, Irene D.; Landahl, Andrew J.; Shulenburger, Luke N.; Tigges, Chris P.; Wendt, Jeremy D.

This report summarizes the first year’s effort on the Enceladus project, under which Sandia was asked to evaluate the potential advantages of adiabatic quantum computing for analyzing large data sets in the near future, 5-to-10 years from now. We were not specifically evaluating the machine being sold by D-Wave Systems, Inc; we were asked to anticipate what future adiabatic quantum computers might be able to achieve. While realizing that the greatest potential anticipated from quantum computation is still far into the future, a special purpose quantum computing capability, Adiabatic Quantum Optimization (AQO), is under active development and is maturing relatively rapidly; indeed, D-Wave Systems Inc. already offers an AQO device based on superconducting flux qubits. The AQO architecture solves a particular class of problem, namely unconstrained quadratic Boolean optimization. Problems in this class include many interesting and important instances. Because of this, further investigation is warranted into the range of applicability of this class of problem for addressing challenges of analyzing big data sets and the effectiveness of AQO devices to perform specific analyses on big data. Further, it is of interest to also consider the potential effectiveness of anticipated special purpose adiabatic quantum computers (AQCs), in general, for accelerating the analysis of big data sets. The objective of the present investigation is an evaluation of the potential of AQC to benefit analysis of big data problems in the next five to ten years, with our main focus being on AQO because of its relative maturity. We are not specifically assessing the efficacy of the D-Wave computing systems, though we do hope to perform some experimental calculations on that device in the sequel to this project, at least to provide some data to compare with our theoretical estimates.

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133 Results
133 Results