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New mechanism for upset of electronics

Salazar, Robert S.; Molina, Luis L.; Bacon, Larry D.; Loubriel, Guillermo M.

For many decades, engineers and scientists have studied the effects of high power microwaves (HPM) on electronics. These studies usually focus on means of delivering energy to upset electronic equipment and ways to protect equipment from HPM. The motivation for these studies is to develop the knowledge necessary either to cause disruption or to protect electronics from disruption. Since electronic circuits must absorb sufficient energy to fail and the source used to deliver this energy is far away from the electronic circuit, the source must emit a large quantity of energy. In free space, for example, as the distance between the source and the target increases, the source energy must increase by the square of distance. The HPM community has dedicated substantial resources to the development of higher energy sources as a result. Recently, members of the HPM community suggested a new disruption mechanism that could potentially cause system disruptions at much lower energy levels. The new mechanism, based on nonlinear dynamics, requires an expanded theory of circuit operation. This report summarizes an investigation of electronic circuit nonlinear behavior as it applies to inductor-resistor-diode circuits (known as the Linsay circuit) and phased-locked-loops. With the improvement in computing power and the need to model circuit behavior with greater precision, the nonlinear effects of circuit has become very important. In addition, every integrated circuit has as part of its design a protective circuit. These protective circuits use some variation of semiconductor junctions that can interact with parasitic components, present in every real system. Hence, the protective circuit can behave as a Linsay circuit. Although the nonlinear behavior is understandable, it is difficult to model accurately. Many researchers have used classical diode models successfully to show nonlinear effects within predicted regions of operation. However, these models do not accurately predict measured results. This study shows that models based on SPICE, although they exhibit chaotic behavior, do not properly reproduce circuit behavior without modifying diode parameters. This report describes the models and considerations used to model circuit behavior in the nonlinear range of operation. Further, it describes how a modified SPICE diode model improves the simulation results. We also studied the nonlinear behavior of a phased-locked-loop. Phased-locked loops are fundamental building block to many major systems (aileron, seeker heads, etc). We showed that an injected RF signal could drive the phased-locked-loop into chaos. During these chaotic episodes, the frequency of the phased-locked-loop takes excursion outside its normal range of operation. In addition to these excursions, the phased-locked-loop and the system it is controlling requires some time to get back into normal operation. The phased-locked-loop only needs to be upset enough long enough to keep it off balance.

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Measurement of the dielectric properties of dispersive materials over a wide frequency range

Bacon, Larry D.; Bacon, Larry D.; Lehr, J.M.; Molina, Luis L.; Salazar, Robert S.

The propagation of electromagnetic waves through dispersive media forms the basis for a wide variety of applications. Rapid advances in materials have produced new products with tailored responses across frequency bands. Many of these new materials, such as radar absorbing material and photonic crystals, are dispersive in nature. This, in turn, has opened up the possibility for the exploitation of these dispersive dielectric properties for a variety of applications. Thus, it is desirable to know the electromagnetic properties of both man-made and natural materials across a wide frequency range. With the advent of transient pulsers with sub-nanosecond risetimes and rates of voltage rise approaching 10**16 V/s, the frequencies of interest in the transient response extend to approximately the 2 GHz range. Although a network analyzer can provide either frequency- or time-domain data (by inverse transform), common TEM cells are only rated to 0.5 to 1.5 GHz--significantly below the maximum frequency of interest. To extend the frequency range to include 2 GHz, a TEM cell was characterized and a deembedding algorithm was applied to account, in part, for the limitations of the cell. The de-embedding technique is described along with such measurement issues such as clear time and sneak around. Measurements of complex permittivity of common drinking water are shown. This frequency extension will lead to more expansive testing of dielectric materials of interest.

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